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Dotter of Eve

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About Dotter of Eve

  • Birthday 11/01/1991

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    Los Angelos, California U.S.A

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  1. Let me tell you this isn't easy to reply to. It's very difficult for me to say anything at this point because I am only hearing one side of the story. I CAN however tell you (NLT) Mathew 18:15, 16 & 17 instructs us this: "If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the fault. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccesful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If that person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church..." First talk to God before talking to the man. Please aproach this with honest intentions. Remember, other christians are our brothers and sisters. Even if you disagree, they are not the real enemy. Go about this gracefully, in fellowship mistakes aren't rubbed in, they're rubbed out. Attack the problem, not the person. (NCV) Ephesians 4:3 says "You are joined together with peace through the spirit, so make every effort to continue together this way." It isn't your place to judge this man. Only God knows what's in his heart. However I think it's reasonable to take him out of your life if he causes you destruction. If you read on in Matthew 18:17 it says "... If the church decides you are right. but the other person won't accept it, treast that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector" I hope this helps. Please voice any thoughts on anything I have or have not said here regarding this issue.
  2. A fair deal of you replied to what I said about my friend. I appreiciate your concern, but I didn't mean to make this about him or myself. Believe me I know the deal this is and I am not just letting it be. I assure you I minister to him, but it's become something that's bigger than I should have to be dealing with - I could really use your prayers. If you want to talk more about it than you may message me, but that's all I'm gonna say right here. On a different note; I believe Hell is a real place. Whether it's spiritual bodies or physical: I don't care. The Bible taks more about Hell than it does Heaven: Why that is escapes me. It seems to me that the determination of our after-life should not be based on making safe and sure that we go to the right place in the new begining, but that we have our hearts set on Christ. Got that? Christ - Not Heaven. I'm sure many of you know this. Yes, we are awarded for our works. No, works alone cannot save us for it is impossible to please HIM without faith. In the same way we are called to surrender our hearts/lives and because we have done that then we will inherit eternal life as a reward. You could say that someone would never do that if there was no Heaven or Hell, so your intentions are still selfish. I think that's a reasonable arguement, but if God had things any other way than HE does than HE wouldn't be the God that HE is, the God that we surrender to. Brothers and sisters, I pray that we don't get caught up in disecting the Word to figure out things that are irrelevant to us today, but instead focus on what God wants for us now. I'm a fan of theology. I know I get off topic alot and say unnessicary things. lol In my defense: I don't get the opportunity to speak my mind anywhere else but over the internet.
  3. I have no references right now but I'd really like to be a part of this conversation. So correct me if I am wrong. God can kill the devils and destroy the hell, but would that make men good? No. Men are corrupt and have evil hearts themselves. "Noone is good except through me" I recall HIM saying. God gave us the ability to make choices, HE made us free willed, HE made us human. When He created the heavens, earth, fish, animals etc. HE saw that it was good. When HE made people HE saw that it was very good. I once heard that hell is when God finally lets men go, yes, giving up. For all their life they said "I don't want you, God." so that's the choice they made, to go to the place where God's pressence is absent. If we did not have the ability to choose between right and wrong, are we not but soulless animals? um.. a friend of mine tells me he believes in an unconditional loving God, that all men will go to heaven despite how they live their lives. Because he thinks hell for eternity is too cruel of a punishment. I think God is my dad, treating me as if I am HIS daughter. When I decide if I am to accept HIM or reject HIM, will HE not respect my wishes? You see HE will always want you to come to HIM (with a pure an honest heart) but HE won't force you to love HIM, what HE wants is for you to want HIM. So.... like children knowing they disobeyed, once they are punished what happens? They want out of it, make up excuses and are not willing to accept the consequences of their actions when really all along they knew it was coming. A loving parent wouldn't let them squirm their way out of it. Because the naughty children would only learn that they can get away with it. Do you see where I'm getting at? If we will welcome HIM than we will recieve HIS blessings and spend eternity with HIM. If we shut HIM out then we are on our own. Make sense?
  4. I watched a movie/documentary called "The Search for the Real Mt. Sinai" and I was wondering if anyone here knew anything about it. I thought "If this is true than why isn't it more heard of?" I found it quite interesting how they.. I guess "proved" the story of Moses. Even though believing isn't seeing, or vice versa. You could say that it's all a fake or you can accept it as a truth. Either way the evidance of Christ is hidden inside of us.
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