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Everything posted by shazza

  1. The Aussies are a unique bunch I think
  2. (((((((((((((((Billie))))))))))))))) I have been where you are sweetie!! Time after time. Hang in there. Biblicist is right, do it for God God wants the family to stay together and the easiest thing is for one spouse to walk away but I don't believe that is what God wants for any of us. Trust God in this and He will bless you for your faithfulness. Love ya lots, Shaz
  3. Shocking!!! Brainwashing to say the least, we live in a very confused world full of lies and deceit. Praying for their souls!!
  4. The Brits and their tea Its Cuppa time
  5. Northern Lass, in the last 3 months I have had another 3 job offers, one of which was only yesterday!! If it doesn't rain it pours. God blessings are just overflowing right now with my career.
  6. Trey, what a most moving and inspirational story thank you so much. A real heart wrencher
  7. Now why was I here again? Oh yeah something about my friend Methuselah....darn it I forgot his birthday again - Oh well send him a card next...........why am I here again I am here to remind you about ya walker Gene Now can someone show me how to get outta here???
  8. I was going through very high levels of stress last year at the place I was working, extremly unmanageable workloads, mental and physical exhaustion. The more work I did the more I was given, it was just expected that I do it. All my leave was cancelled and my last break from work was Jan 2006. (i am now on holidays) It was almost to a point that I couldn't go on, I could even feel depression coming over me. I saw another position advertised and I really wanted to apply for it but I just was not sure if it was what God wanted so I must have changed my mind a million times and one morning I heard God say "Follow through" and I applied but the nail biter was I would have to tell my boss and I was so worried he would think me ungrateful and I didn't want him think I wasn' thankful for all the opportunites he had given me in the last 2 years and so I kept putting it off. One afternoon I decided I would meet with him and just tell him but that morning I heard God say "You won't have to tell him" and my boss came up to me and said apply for the job and I will support you. It was so amazing. From that point on I felt as if this huge weight had lifted of and could sleep peacfully again and the inner turmoil i had been experiencing just stopped just like that. Anyway I had an interview and the day of the interview was really strange, prior to finding out I had an interview I had a arranged a day off for my sons sports day and I arranged to catch a train as it was in the city parking at the train station. When I got to the train station it was packed, and I prayed "Lord I only need one space" and right at the end there was one left. I was just so overwhelmed and I knew it was of God. The interview went really well and I go the job and I start it next week. It was like this huge weight had been lifted off me. This all happened in September and for the past three months I was called to do a temp job to help them set up new processes and train new staff so I left late September. God has taught me to trust HIM and to wait patiently as HIS timing is perfect. Listening to his still quiet voice. He has also taught me stop worrying as that is what the enemy feeds on, our anxieties. During that time I honestly could not feel God's presence and felt quite alone but HE had never left my side and during that time I just clung to HIM and drew on HIS strength as I had none of my own left. Scripture that encouraged me during that time is: Romans 8:28 (As Leonard mentioned) Philippians 4:6: Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for our answers. Philippians 4:13: For I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me strength and power.
  9. Praise and Worship is all about HIM. This is the time we take focus of ourselves and completely onto HIM.
  10. If a woman comes to church on a Sunday dressed sensually, she clearly is wanting to be noticed by others therefore her motives for coming to church are not right before God. That in itself would definitly have to be addressed. We are coming into the Holy presence of God and HE deserves all our honour and respect. Inj, the G-string definitly would have been a big distraction!
  11. Happy Birthday 22 years young Luke
  12. You people are sooooooo funny Where am I again??
  13. Inj, my boys go to a private Christian school now!! One of the important teaching of the school which is compulsory is "Christian Living". They have attended a public school, and can honestly say public schools will eventually deny God's very existence, scripture is no longer taught in public schools here in Perth. I heard recently that they stopped teaching scripture so as not to offend non-christians. Go figure that one???? I was very unhappy with the state school system, they failed one of my sons miserably. He was bullied and they did NOTHING. There was no alternative but to remove all my boys after that. The best decision ever made and they have thrived beyond what I ever thought. My son did not come away unscarred form the bullying but now he is thriving in the Christian environment with great supportive Christian teachers. As long as your boys have your teaching at home, teaching at church, you have already given them the foundations to build their faith from but if you are unhappy with the state school system yes remove them and homeschool, if you believe that is what God wants you to do. Homeschooling would be a very big commitment but I am certain God would equip you. In Christs Love, Shazza
  14. Cheeky aren't I? Your allowed to be, your an Aussie
  15. Loving that is mine too Great minds think alike! Thats us Loving, two peas in a pod Today at church the whole congregation made one new years resolution: To read the bible more
  16. This does not look good for us Aussies We have done a World First
  17. I am happy to be where God has placed me! I trust God knows exactly where I should be and I must admit not always happy to go along with HIS plans because of course I know best and then God reminds me HE knows best. Teaching me and guiding me along the way, boy am I glad He is taking the lead, good grief I would be well and truly on the beaten track by now. Struggling with contentment right now but God is working on that in me. Unhappy more of my friends and family are not saved, but prayer is an amazing tool!!! God has shown me how the word of God is a powerful tool to have in my hand and heart.
  18. Saddam Hussein's hanging was televised??? How tragic for this family.
  19. Wonderful Kitty The landscape scenery was amazing too!!
  20. shazza

    Ashley X

    That is so tragic Interfering with God's creations But now she is completely dependant on her parents for the rest of her life, what happens when the parents die??
  21. Welcome to Worthy We have all sinned Am. Romans 3:23 says: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Am, you say you deeply want Jesus, just tell Him so and He will come to you and tell Him your deepest thoughts and feelings, the devil has no hold on you only if you let him, with Jesus you have the power to resist him. James 4:7: says Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. You have friends here to talk to you if need be. Blessings to you
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