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Everything posted by SueZQ

  1. Praise God, for once I am in the majority!
  2. Right you don't have to serve if you have duties you are unable to get out of... they will just put your name back in the mix to be called on in the future.
  3. Wow RD - what an amazing story! God is so good! When we call on Him, He is faithful!
  4. I can stake my life on this statement as the truth: My husband will never wear these! lol I can't even get him to wear sweat pants!
  5. Our daughter asked where do babies come from when she watched kittens being born at the age of four. We told her that God made inside the daddy a special type of seed. Inside the mommy God made a special egg. God created love and when the mommy and daddy love each other in a special way, the seed goes into the mommy and it meets up with the egg and God starts growing the baby inside the mommy. This was ok for a little while, as she asked questions we added to the story. Some of her questions were: Where is the seed in daddy, can I see it? Does the egg in mommy look like this (pointing to the poached egg on her plate one morning) How does daddy give the seed to mommy? Just resist the urge to laugh you young parents My sister begame pregnant and was not married when our daughter was five, new questions arose, just be prepared in every circumstance to give just enough information that will satisfy them and not too much that will take their innocence away. We taught our daughter that we have very special parts of our body that are so special that they are to be covered at all times (we used the term the bikini area on a girl, swimming trunks on a boy) and that those parts are to be only touched by her, a doctor if mommy said it is ok, no one else. We told her she is never to afraid to tell us if someone asked her or touched her there, no matter what they said. Just a tip off the subject. In stores you see kids throwing tantrums all the time, even hitting their parents. I would tell my daughter if someone that she did not know grabbed her she was to scream, but I started thinking about all the kids I see doing that, so we told her if this ever happened she was scream really loud and clear "This is not my daddy, (or mommy) help me" And keep repeating it over and over again. We also told her that if she is lost to go up to a mommy with little kids or an old gramma and tell them she is lost and ask them to help her. Hope this gives you some ideas
  6. Is this story true? I mean, it sounds so... out there Yes Truster, a big Amen on your reply!
  7. Yes, they did a PSA on me when they thought I had Ovarian cancer. I was fine. The prostate also had cancer in it so we opted to have that removed too. If it's past 4 go to a specialist. Don't delay. Have it checked. Wow thanks, I had no clue!
  8. Praise God for the success He has given you! Thanks for the website!
  9. Rusty, I had no idea that a PSA test was for cancers other than prostate. My husband recently had that blood test, we are still awaiting the results.
  10. I do like my coke fat free, thank you
  11. Ok, everyone in Pa name their dogs Max and lets see if we can break this record!
  12. Oh now I get it - I knew what yellow snow was and have heard about blue snow, but never knew the origin! Slow but sure
  13. "His now-infamous reply: "Hezbollah. Uh, Hezbollah? ... Why do you ask me these questions at 5 o'clock? Can I answer in Spanish? Do you speak Spanish?"" Numero Uno Jerko
  14. Mike she's not kidding! You should have seen her in chat lol
  15. Awwww, you are really cool! Sorry no advice here, never heard of any of them
  16. Does Michigan have stones for stoning? Perhaps Pennsylvania should bring some up!
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