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About cymba22

  • Birthday 03/06/1967

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  1. Read other sources...you will find he has changed a lot there...hes shutting the place down /banned forced interrigations all sorts...I note ur using a british source...in that case balance it out with the the BBC says for an accurate reflection and Reuters youuu will find the date of the order was Jan this year and that it will be fully closed by no later than a year after the order was signed(as it has been signed as reported by both american canadian and british press. but of course it will only make people like you happy if it happens within 24 hours.... remeber yod going of on one because ur president had not kept his promise to his girls about the puppy they were promised....oh wait...he did...he just didn't do it in yods time frame...!!!!!
  2. Going by what the French prime minister said today about the G20 meeting...I wold put him in as a good option right there with Gorden brown!
  3. Condemend! what you think having a hubbie will somehow make it better? all that extra ironing and cleaning ...having to think about him b4 yourself...not doing what you want when you want...to me being married is like being condemned to utter drudgery. If you go around looking like you are condemned then your going to find no one...or are you simply just waiting and not doing anything active on your part...a man in your life is not just going to magically appear...you have to make half the effort.
  4. ok...you asked...can you swallow the truth...going by your response to one poster ...I doubt it. First of all how dare you presume to teach any parent about parenting when you are not one Second it sounds more like you have control issues not her mother...her mother is not falling all over you and you cannot seem to understand why not...this is why not... you have a bad attitude when things do not go the way you want...you have made that more than clear with your snide comments about her monther...yes they are snide...they show absolutly no respect for someone who might one day be her son in law...it is for you to show respect to her first not the other way around. There is nothing wrong with her not paying for her daughters education if her daughter marries you...as head of the house it would then fall to you to pay for it...its called taking responsiblity for your actioins...its a consiquence something her mom is trying to install...which btw is very very good parenting!!! not to mention very very good christian parenting. Saras mother does not have issues getting irritated and acting ungodly at all...that is just yoru view of an adult saying no to you or cautioning you or trying to show that you have to take responsiblity for your actions...and you dont like being told that...that has come across loud and clear. as for..The ultimate goal is to illuminate their way, and show them the big picture, and then panultimately, show Sara's mother that her actions are not godly illuminate their way? from someone whose been a christian for 5 months...oh please...you couldn't even work out that saras mom was showing you what consiquences of being head of household was! you have no hope of illuminating their way when yours isn't! as for showing saras mum her actions are not godly...look in the mirror sunshine! and as for marriage is more important than what she wants for her daughter. why? because you said so? I have a 17 year old daughter and based on your message her alone I would not come close to allowing her to marry you....until you saw the big picture...and this is you are not in charge and when and if you become in charge then you have to take responsiblity for things...e.g pay for your wifes education! There are a lot more things more important than marriage! There are a lot more things more important than you....and saras mother knows this....due to your young and inexperianced age...you don't. you say How should approach this...try meeting them in person...you would be in for a shock...e-mailing someone and having to face them are 2 different things. am I doing the right thing...not by a long shot. You need to learn ALL the ins and outs about marriage...not just the palatable ones first...I suggest a long hard chat with your pastor....an apology e-mail or two to your mothers for daring to presume to 'illuminate; them and one to saras mother for the insults! I would then strongly advise you to get to know saras father...who has probably kept out of this because he sees it for what it is...which has nothing to do with his spiritual maturity...its lot to do with being a parent! Perhaps when you can start showing respect for both sets of parents...that would be a good start...until then...don't bother.
  5. I'm not sure what this has to do with dead cats...but I do know I would question your prophecy...and your friend is being just that a friend...you may have a had a prophecy about someone you dont know being your hubbie to be....but until you talk to that person its never going to happen...it does not happen by waving a wand ok. Your friend rubbed his shoulder and you were jelous ...that is all it sounds like...rubbing/tapping a shoulder to get someones attention if they are engrossed elsewhere is normal. As for this dentist thing...why the deal about it? if he likes you and want to court you...then why not....they only sure why I believe a prophecy if the person having one has been 100% right 100% of the time before. Stop waiting round for hubbie to be to fall out the sky....speak to this person about your prophecy...see what they say.
  6. I am in absolute complete agreement with LadyCs post. Particularly the bit about demons...
  7. Or maybe she just looked in different places for them...or had a new delivery of them that you were not aware of...she might not have known where there was some the whole time just because she came back later with some....there are a myrid of reasons as to why.
  8. O f course...it woulnd't be him just doing his job...or does every meeting have to take place at camp david to be valid!!!! oh wait they dont use camp david any more...so uuummm...what's he supposed to do..duh!!!!! oh I know...go and talk to Iran... the same as other presidents have done!
  9. That is unprofessional misconduct ....pure and simple...you need ot make a formal complaint detailing everything ...keeping a copy for yourself...if all else fails sock the guy (just trying to cheer you up a little there ok)
  10. If life is that intollerable...get a differant job or train for one.
  11. Sounds like life with my brother...he can be a huge arrogant twit too. ignore him...he iwll go away...and end up getting annoyed as he will not ahve a target to fire on.
  12. I do not know what it is he did...but while you hate him so much satan will be able to turn even more screw in your life. No you should not accpt if he has been unprofessional or abused his or any power over you. You have the right to report this person to someone higher in your work place.
  13. and maccain is going to close all the abortion clinics and there will never be another abortion...right! dream on...why do you think they were legalised to begin with!!!
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