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Everything posted by MorningGlory

  1. Ask her out for coffee or brunch after church. I assume she goes to your church?
  2. That is so awesome! We are living in God's fantastic universe and are able now to see just a tiny bit of it.
  3. You just post the same stuff over and over again. I call that a lack of material fallacy. Or demanding people answer your numbered questions over and over again. Unreasonable expectations fallacy.
  4. I'm going to second the advice Willa gave you, Johny. One step at a time; you need to walk before you run.
  5. God cannot sin therefore He cannot lie. If assurances were given you, and they turned out to be worthless, they came from something other than the Lord. You need to pray about this and realize that not everything we hear, or see, is of God. He is faithful always.
  6. Yes, John Hagee is a false teacher. I don't know where he got his doctrine from but it's toxic.
  7. Yes, Friend, I know what you say is true. The wolves in sheep's clothing are here and on pretty much every Christian site. But I was talking about the admitted seekers and unbelievers that post on Worthy. They can learn here. There's no way to keep the fake Christians out really. But they are very obvious and anyone with just normal discernment knows who they are. One bright spot...it appears we have lost one recently; I think they gave up. You be blessed as well.
  8. I have never read this before, Sojourner, but it makes absolute sense. Anyone who could believe the sun was that small and that close is simply not playing with a full deck. Touting 'science' 24/7 without actually knowing what that means is baffling.
  9. Taking photos of something that far away is challenging without NASA's equipment but it can be done. Just Google it. There's a super blue moon coming up and I'd LOVE to photograph that.
  10. What's really mind numbing is the fact that you claim to have two degrees which means you attended a college of some sort. And you still don't believe in the way the universe was designed and operates? Seriously?
  11. How many more times are you going to post this cut and pasted stuff from another website? You didn't write any of that so how do you know it's fact?
  12. It's a phrase used to deflect from the reality of our spherical Earth and vast universe.
  13. It is a series of photographs that are merged by the software to form a better image. You are seriously living in an alternate universe if you don't believe ANYTHING that contradicts your flat earth theory, Enoch. I prefer to live in the real one.
  14. Not only that, Steve. There would be no way for seekers or nonbelievers to ask questions or express themselves. I think the way George keeps nonbelievers in certain forums is a good idea though.
  15. I'm going to agree with Neighbor's advice to you, Wayne. You should contact the local police. If it is demonic in nature, praying about it will help. If it's a human bent on evil, you might save someone's life. I have seen things that I know were demonic myself so praying about it is absolutely your first step. I pray the blood of Jesus over you and your family right now.
  16. This subject has been discussed by many here over the years. IMO, we are not bound by the old dietary laws followed by the Jews. The Bible tells us what is okay for us to eat. From compellingtruth.org: Christians get their guidance from the New Testament, which highlights which Jewish ceremonial laws we are to keep. The first clue comes in Acts 10:9-16. Peter went to a rooftop to pray and became hungry. He fell into a trance. The sky opened, and a sheet, filled with all kinds of animals, was lowered in front of him. A voice said, "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." But Peter, thinking it was a test, protested, "By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean." This happened three times. The vision was two-sided. In the literal sense, Peter was released from the Jewish dietary law. Christ-followers did not have to keep Jewish ceremonial law because Jesus fulfilled it. In the metaphorical sense, it was one more lesson on how Jesus was for everyone, and the Jewish Christians needed to witness to the Gentiles, as well. So it is that Christians are not bound by the dietary restrictions in Leviticus 11.
  17. Yes. Did you read the article? Photographs are enhanced to bring extremely distant objects into focus. Much like we all crop and enhance digital photos we take. My SIL has explained the process to me and how the software takes multiple photos and brings them together to for m an image we can comprehend. Simple.
  18. True. But God told us that He created everything...that will not change as He is the same now as He was at Creation and as He will be throughout eternity. It's only the details of His creation becoming apparent that surprise us.
  19. You must have missed it..it's actually a photo but the article calls it a portrait. I believe I have it in the right forum. Here it is ...
  20. This is just another of God's wonders. I wonder if He is reminding us that He is in control? I hope everyone gets to see this because we probably won't get another chance in our lifetimes. https://nypost.com/2018/01/04/super-blue-blood-moon-eclipse-coming-for-the-first-time-in-150-years/
  21. I agree that the bizarre and downright unscriptural posts have increased since probably last spring. But the way to counter them is not to go all N. Korea on people but rather to counter them. When did a closed society ever work? When did a closed mind ever learn anything? Even if we are just learning that another POV is totally whacked, it's still learning and can serve to strengthen our faith. Discussion only works when there are various viewpoints and not just a big group all agreeing on everything.
  22. This is one of the first photos of Earth and the moon from over 3 million miles away taken as the Osiris-Rex spacecraft moves away from us. Another glimpse into God's fantastic universe. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/portrait-earth-moon-3-million-173000016.html
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