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Everything posted by TheoMike

  1. I don't follow your first statement. If somebody has more authority than I do, that somebody, male or female, is definitely above me at least in that circumstance. We may be of equal worth in terms of being part of the human race, but in that instance, if they have more authority than I, we are not equal.
  2. I have dual citizenship, Canadian/American. I know a lot of Canadians living and working down here legally, some have applied for and are in the tedious, expensive process obtaining a Green (Pink) Card. One thing I learned about Americans is that they are compassionate people, full of common sense. I don't think anybody at Worthy is against legal immigration, with caps of course. Not everybody who applies should be allowed to come into the country. This is commonly practiced all over the world by other countries. What galls American citizens, and landed immigrants like myself, are "open border" people who think anybody who wants to come to America should be able to, and the disregard for American laws by illegal aliens--I refuse to call them "immigrants," they are not "immigrants," they are illegal aliens in the country illegally. Thanks to decades of irresponsibility on the part of the Federal government, we have a situation where you have generations of illegal aliens living and working in America, many of whom have integrated into society, pay taxes, go to church, and so on. We need to uphold the law, yet exercise a measure of compassion at the same time. I am not arrogant enough to tell you how to do this, I for one am not an immigration expert like others here. Obviously this has nothing to do with the economy--we are at a full capacity of employment in America; anybody who wants a job can find one, even with all the illegal workers here. This has to do with the law and with the respect due American citizens. I really don't think people are racist when we oppose the illegal alien invasion, and I get a little peeved hearing that all the time. It is such a lame argument.
  3. I would say that feminism is definitely anti-Christ. But the repressing of women is just as anti-Christ. I think both exrockstar and my wife make great points. I think that in years past Christian men basically ran rough-shod over their wives, using Bible verses taken out of context to "be the king of their castle." I would say that in recent years, the exaggerated position of women has taken its toll on marriages. There is a Divine order to things, without regard to "curses" in Genesis. In Christ, the curses are negated. But we still have to live this life, in the flesh, and we have to respect the various gifts and talents each partner brings into a marriage while acknowledging this Divine order. As a general principle, it is clear the primary responsibility of the marriage in the spiritual realm falls on the husband's shoulders; he is to be "high priest" of his family. On the practical level, though, I am man enough to say I don't have a clue about certain things, like finances, for example. God has put me together with woman who manages finances like a pro. Why would I want to take charge of something she does so much better? On the other hand, there are some things (can't think of any off hand right now...) that I do better than Marnie, and so I have charge of those things. Somebody way back mentioned the word "partnership." At it's most basic level, a marriage is a partnership; it is a financial partnership, a business partnership, an emotional partnership, a sexual partnership and a spiritual partnership. Both partners have a responsibility to ensure the smooth operation of that partnership throughout the life of that partnership. A dysfunctional marriage (partnership) is when one partner abdicates their responsibility totally and sits back and allows the other partner to "run" things as they see fit. That's unfair and selfish.
  4. Yep. Trey is right on again. That's why your best friend must be your spouse, and your closest friends need to be the same sex as you are. This thing of wives having "best friends" of the opposite sex and vice versa is a problem waiting to happen. And a man who feels the need to be emotional with a woman other than his wife is a pathetic human being.
  5. Left lane drivers. Wal-Mart check outs....It doesn't matter how many they have, there's only 2 or 3 open. Same for Lowe's and Home Depot.
  6. Sadly very true. Instead of tending to believers like sheep, they are branded like cattle. (this is not in every place, but it is a true statment.) Yeah, and treated like cattle...herded here and there, told what to do and how to do it with no teaching. What do you get? Mindless automatons who think they are serving G-d but in reality merely going through the motions. Can I suggest we use "we" rather than "they"? You may. However, some of us, in our walks with the Lord, have been discipled and taught and are striving to live for Christ and carry our respective crosses daily. This does not mean that we are perfect, nor does it mean we "get it right 100% of time." I think, the fact is, all believers are not the same, as you indicated in your post. Marnie's point and ruck1b's point is that there are some believers who stuck on the very lowest rung of the ladder, so to speak, because they have not been discipled. Those are the ones referred to. That does not include me, or, I suspect, quite of few of us here at Worthy. This is not pride talking, but one grateful for God's grace and mercy and for the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
  7. It all comes down to money, and who can raise enough. I have always really liked Ron Paul; thought he made a lot of good common sense.
  8. I am curious as to how you live differently than the rest of us. And, personally, I find referring to those created in the form and likeness of almighty God as a "species" to be highly offensive. If we're not a species, then what are we? We were created after God's image; all other animals "after their own kind." It's a fine point, not linguistic but theological. To me, it merely lowers man to the level of the animals. The Bible says that God created everything according to its kind (Genesis 1), i.e., "like begets like". I see no theological problem in understand the human species (in a biological sense) as comprising one Genesis
  9. I am curious as to how you live differently than the rest of us. And, personally, I find referring to those created in the form and likeness of almighty God as a "species" to be highly offensive. If we're not a species, then what are we? We were created after God's image; all other animals "after their own kind." It's a fine point, not linguistic but theological. To me, it merely lowers man to the level of the animals.
  10. I am curious as to how you live differently than the rest of us. And, personally, I find referring to those created in the form and likeness of almighty God as a "species" to be highly offensive.
  11. With 300 million people...given all the stats....I would say America is more godly than most nations.
  12. You're not making fun of those who believe this could happen, are you? Or are you making fun of aliens? tsk tsk tsk.
  13. Chief, I have looked up adultery and in my bible dictionary it can also mean idolatry. So imo, and I may be wrong, but putting himself, or his computer games before his marriage idolatry/adultery? I also didn't mean to put it out that married believers had no idea what I was going through, sorry if it came across that way, its not what I meant. (Sometimes my fingers don't keep up with my brain ) TheoMike, we went to counseling, and after the first session he said I should go alone more first, becasue I have way more issues than he does. We even separated for a while, and I thought it might wake him up, but it did not. This has been going on for a couple years, I'm just tired of it. Thanks for your replies. Lyn, not sure what dictionary you are using, but in the NT, much of the teaching on "divorce" is taken from the Greek "pornea," from which we get our word "pornography." The only way to tell exactly what the English equivalent would be is from the context. Sometimes the word is "fornication," sometimes it can mean "sexual perversion." There are some 30 uses of the word in the NT. The NT teaching on divorce is not always a cut and dried as some teach, which is why good counseling from a wholly Biblical perspective, NOT a denominational perspective, is absolutely vital. May the Lord bless you, Lyn. It sounds like it's time for some sort of action to be taken; may the Lord give you wisdom to do the right thing, according to the Lord's perfect will.
  14. I made a general statement. Government should not be allowed to interfere in business. If you dont want to wear a bikini at work, dont work there. I dont think I would want to see you in one, to be honest. Gays and the rest of us...should be treated equally. Period. The problem is, as I stated before, being gay or transgendered has become almost a "disability" in some circles (college campuses, for example), and they are entitled to special privileges not afforded the rest of us. This I have trouble with, and is certainly unChristian.
  15. The problem is, heterosexuals generally dont flaunt their sexuality, homosexuals feel the need to inform everybody. I am in 100% agreement with you; what people do in their homes is NOBODY's business. However, as I said, it seems as the gay population feels a need to disclose it to everybody. Part of the reason, is of course a psychological one; their sexuality defines their personhood. Pathetic, really.
  16. Most of the sexual discrimination laws in America written in the past 20 years or so have come about as a result of the homosexual agenda.
  17. Lyn, you for sure are a prime candidate for good Christian counseling yourself, and maybe marriage counseling, assuming your husband would agree to co-operate. I don't know about Dr. Phil. Christians should deal with Christian counselors. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and think logically...the dream client, believe me! Don't get hung up on pastoral authority. You know your situation better than any pastor can. In all things Biblical and theological, by all means, defer to him. But in these matters, to be honest (full disclosure, I have been both a pastor and a therapist) pastors can do more harm than good. Seek out good, godly and professional counseling.
  18. It is a bad bill, but the reality is homosexuals, who sadly feel the need to define themselves by a perverse sexual practice, do get special treatment continually. Entire bills are written for them, laws get passed for them and the English language has changed to suit a small minority of deviant men and women. Talk about an upside down society. I quite imagine that those of you in your 20's and under were put off by my use of the word "deviant," because your worldview has been shaped by public school system with a definite pro-homosexual agenda. That's how far society has fallen. Anyway, a private business should be allowed to hire and fire as they please without having to answer to the government.
  19. or: John 15:13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. or: 1 John 3:16This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. I believe you are being unnecessarily picky; you are saying pretty much what LadyC is saying. Laying your life down for your friends as Jesus did suggests dying for the sake of the Gospel, NOT allowing yourself to be taken advantage of by a gang of thugs just being mean. Read the verses in context.
  20. "Brevity is the soul of wit." Of course, Paul was the KING of the run-on sentence, wasn't he? Some people type and type and type and just get going a mile a minute and can't stop. I know somebody like that. But for me, my fingers just get tired.
  21. TheoMike

    why me?

    I'm really tempted to say, "Get used to it!" But really, when you get a few more years behind you, you will realize that what people think of you does not impact you in any way. Be who you are, not who people want you to be. At your age, you should be loving life, laughing and having a ball.
  22. Sorry, you are dead wrong on this. On your last point, verse 39 taken in context has to do with following Christ, it has nothing to do with self defense or physical violence. And on your first point revenge has nothing to do with self defense. You don't need a Bible for that point, all you need is a dictionary. I appreciate your passion on this point, but your arguments don't hold up. I am basically a non violent person, and would never start a fight, and would always try to resolve things in a peaceful manner, but if I was attacked, or my wife or even if I saw a stranger being attacked physically, you bet I would I help any way I could. How could you not in good conscious? How could any human being stand back and watch another human being being beaten up?? That is inexcusable cowardice, in my opinion.
  23. You're making a joke, right? Any time any government controls anything, it's bad for business.
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