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Everything posted by Him_Crucified330

  1. Actually Islam is not the 'largest' belief system, if your talking in terms of population. 34% of the world is a Christian religion, 26% is Muslim, 16% Hindu, and so on. But your right, in that they are more spread out than Christianity by far.
  2. i love talking about this subject, its so interesting!
  3. what you have to know is that someone who isn't saved is a SLAVE to sin. They have no choice but to obey it ultimately because they do not have the saving power of Jesus Christ. Christians however absolutely do have the choice and the power not to obey our sinful nature, because we do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit (Romans 8). If you are trying to reach a gay person by telling them their gay ways are disgusting and wrong and sinful, their just going to walk away before you can finish your sentance. If we focus on showing them the love of Jesus, and showing them a different way to live, only then will they have the power and ability to throw away their sins. I dont believe patronizing gays will have any benefit. My Uncle is gay, so I have alot of experience in this area, as you can imagine...
  4. the difference is budda and muhammed didn't and coudln't die for the sins of all their people because of the incredible love they have for them. Not to mention they can't (or give their followers the power to) cast out demons, heal the sick, speak in new tongues, prophesy, etc....
  5. hey man, you are an inspiration to me, and probably every Christian. Being a spiritual warrior at 14? That is just awesome. When I was 14 God was just starting to let me see the spiritual realm and encounter angels and demons, so that I could gain wisdom. Now, at 18, I know exactly how to handle a demon when God lets me come across one, but I wish I would have had that boldness and faith when I was 14. But I would go so far as to say that no demon can lay a finger on us, period! It is never going to be God's will for us to be attacked by a demon. Of course he always allows a demon to confront us with an attack, because He knows the power of Jesus Christ inside of us, and a demon is no match (in fact they are stupid for even thinking they are! ) I just dont want you to think, if you are ever in a tough spiritual battle, that God is letting this demon have power over you, because that is just not His will. He has given you power over them
  6. wow, that is an interesting read...good research
  7. I'll tell you the truth, I've never had a nightmare since, except for the weeks/months following the deliverance when the demonic were still fighting for me. But since then - never again! HAH! That is so awesome
  8. your absolutely right you can! And because of the fact that Jesus has delivered you from the demonic has truley helped you to see how pathetically weak and powerless they are over you when you have Jesus. Praise the Lord. I can't imagine ever having a scary nightmare again after being delivered from a demon by Jesus Christ Himself!
  9. Don't worry, I'm not going to protest that argument on the streets of San Fransisco, I was only using it to make my point that the world only see's things from a logical standpoint like that ^^^ I have a gay uncle, and I work with 2 gay people so if anybody knows how to deal rightly with them I probaly do
  10. WOW LUKE! Thank you for sharing that amazing testimony! I can't even imagine what that must have been like! Although I know it obviously wasn't a good thing that you were once possessed, it's amazing how God turns something so bad into glory for Himself. That is just amazing and it speaks wonders about how powerful and mighty, but at the same time gentle and loving our God is. Thank you Ethster and Luke!
  11. I dont think we should be taken away by something that the Gov't wants to do like putting an information chip on everyone. Their not asking you to accept the devil's number on the chip, and their not saying you can't buy or sell without it. And there is no figure from east europe telling us to do so. It's just the govt's way of making people, criminals and common citizens, easier to track.
  12. I'm not sure how many users here have ever seen a demonic deliverance during a church service, or somewhere else, but I would love to know. I never knew the true power of God until i saw something i thought was so powerful and terrifying, be silenced and dumbfounded by the single name of Jesus. My dad is a Pastor, and back when our church was starting up we had many revival meetings during the week because we were in a very bad neighborhood and the power of the Lord in our services attracted many people. We would see people healed from everything you can think of, and many people were saved every night. But of course, wherever the Lord is working, the enemy will try to stop Him. We had many demon possesed people come in and try to disrupt the Holy Spirit in the middle of the services. I was about 8 I think, when one man stood up and started swearing and walking down the isle towards my dad. I was afraid he was going to hurt him! Three of our ushers rushed up to restrain the man but he threw them off without a problem (he was a small asian man, if i remember). I've never been so afraid in my life. But my dad pointed to him and said 'Be silent in the name of Jesus' and continued to speak in tongues. The man fell to the floor screaming and swearing. The men got on each arm and leg while my dad rebuked the spirit. I remember him saying 'Peter I know and Paul I know, but who are you?!' My dad responded something like 'I dont care if you dont know who I am because I dont come to you in my name, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you come out of this man!' Then the man threw up all over himself and the demon left him. I'll never forget the awesome power i saw displayed that night of the name of Jesus Christ! Satan has absolutely no power over us when we have Him inside of us. Does anyone else have a similar-type experience they could share about? I'd love to hear! ~Aaron
  13. Well you know what, I never thought about that before but that could be what it is half the time. I have had many prophetic words before for my friends and family, so I am quite sure that God has blessed me with that. But maybe your right, and it could be word of knowledge as well. Good thought!
  14. that is awesome man, you should thank God for giving you that gift. Those are not 'strange' experiences at all, because with God nothing is strange. I don't have the gift of discernment (so far as i know), but I do have a strong gift of prophecy (like my father). Ever since I was little God gave me signs of this gift, by telling me things that were going to happen to me before they happened. In PE in 6th grade, i had a strong urge to hold my shorts up, but I didn't know why, so I didn't. The next split second someone comes over and pants' me right down to the ankles! I was so emberassed, and I knew God tried to warn me. Then as I got older i could pick out entire sentances people were going to say well before they were even about to say them. They seemed 'wierd' to me, but I soon found out it was God's creative way of telling me he has placed a gift inside me that he intends to use. So please, look at your experiences this same way, because obviously God has great plans for you, so I encourage you to embrace your gift in Him!
  15. I'd have to agree with you Rhond Lou (welcome to the board). It's hard for christians to be poloticians because when people know your a christian (especially poloticians!) they look for any ounce of imperfection in your life they can use against you to disprove your 'God'. Thats why I pray for christian poloticians, (including our great president!) because they can have a great impact for Christ and they need His strength.
  16. I think that whatever happens in the end times, it will be completely different than what anyone has ever spectulated it would be like. Not only does 'no man know the day or the hour' but i think that no man even knows that it will be like. Half the things in revalation could be spiritual, half carnal, or wholly spiritual or wholly carnal. We dont know how it will be, so trusting in the Lord is our best bet, and listening to the Holy Spirit inside of us as the end of days draws nearer.
  17. Well i see your point about Jesus, but Hollywood really can't mention Him because he's a figure of such contraversy, that just at the mention of his name people get offended. "How dare they mention the Son of God who died for my sins that I might live again! That offends me greatly!" ...But thats the world we live in.
  18. Thanks Maniac, I appreciate all the input (and from everyone else). You are right in that it is also true that the only way to truly change someone is to show them the love of Jesus. My Uncle doesn't need another debate/argument on the biblical views and dangers of homosexuality. He needs to know that he is still loved dispite his sin, just as Christ loves us dispite our sin.
  19. I dont think he was defending ones' needs to have sex before marriage. He was simply saying that everyone has needs even before your married. The point is to obey The Lord and wait until your married so He can bless you. He never said he thinks sex is bad, he was saying that the church makes it seem like that because all you hear about it comes along with 'immorality'. But any of that could be easily misunderstood. I think that if we focused more (as a church body) on how wonderful sex is inside of marriage, and raised our kids up in that mindset, we would see much better results. Verses just always saying how horrible and terrible it is, cuz as we know that only makes kids more curious, and draws them towards it. I think we wouldn't have issues with women not wanting to fulfill their husband's needs, because they were raised by daddy telling them how horrible and nasty sex is. There obviously needs to be a balance of warning as well. But I just think that you dont tell your kids "Don't eat too many apples or you'll get sick and puke and ruin all kinds of stuff!" While that may be true, apples in moderation are very good for you, so wouldn't it make more sense to focus on that aspect of the apple?
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