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Everything posted by Redefine_Me

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching Joyce Meyer and TD Jakes. I am blessed every time I watch them. Although, I don't know if that really qualifies as TV evangelists. Really, it is showing tapes of their public evangelism, ya know. Just like Billy Graham. Ministering to thousands in an auditorium or whatever, and it is also taped and shown on TV. oooo - TD Jakes just moves my soul sometimes. But, again, I am already a Christian - and as somebody earlier pointed out, Christians watching and their experience is different from non-believers watching and whether they are saved from it.
  2. Thank you for sharing this & don't worry about not knowing much! Bless you
  3. This is a very interesting post for me. I find that God puts concepts in my head from all around me - just yesterday, I downloaded our praise choir's next set of songs, and the first line of the first one was: "We will give our selves no rest till your kingdom comes on Earth we've positioned watchmen on the walls" That line struck me as I listened to it the first time - "We've positioned watchmen on the walls" This thread brings it back to the front of my mind - so that must be where God is trying to put it, ya know? Anyone else ever have that happen?
  4. Revelation 1:14-18 Isn't He Wonderful! Isaiah 9:6 Isn't He! Fresno Joe - your posts are always a delight - a beautiful, spirit-filled experience to read - thank you When I imagine God, i just see light. Beautiful light. For me, it's all my human mind can comprehend.
  5. To answer the original poster's question - I worship the Lord every day. Saturday is my Sabbath. Yes, I was "raised" that way LOL. I praise God for the gift of my Sabbath rest. I attend church service on Sundays.
  6. My favorite bumper sticker: "Expect a Miracle Today" I absolutely believe that miracles happen in today's times. Miracles, signs, etc. For me, personally, what others might view as coincidence, I view as miracles. Being at one of my lowest points, crying in prayer in my backyard at night, looking up to the heavens at the exact moment to see two shooting stars (or meteors, etc.) shooting across the night sky over my head. God speaking to me and only me at the exact moment I needed him to remind me that when all else has taken from me, He is still with me. Simple example - yes. A miracle for me - yes. Praise God.
  7. Amen and bless you for posting this. I needed it today - this hour - this minute.
  8. Oakleaf. I'm praying for you! I know you don't need a lecture, but with all your other health issues - Is smoking really an option?
  9. I think what makes it delicate for us, as Christians, is that in the examples of serial killers, rapists, etc, society and society's morals also condemns these acts. For me, as a Christian in the workforce, it is a daily struggle to know where to draw the line. It takes constant prayer and communication with God for me to know how far to develop friendships with my co-workers who are gay. Are they nice, wonderful individuals - yes! And I really do like them and enjoy their company. If asked, I would (and have) told them my beliefs on God's direction about homosexuality. I do not believe that I would be glorifying God to not befriend and/or associate with a homosexual. Their faith? I don't want to presume, but I can say they are not church attenders, do not speak of the Lord or outwardly give off a Christian presence. However, I do know that if asked if they were Christians, they would say yes. However, I would also say the same of the majority of my co-workers.
  10. Great quotes all! My favorite quote (this week!) is from praise lyrics by Hillsong. You lift me above my fears and set my feet on solid ground..... I stand here before You in wide open wonder, amazed at the glory of You; the power of Heaven revealing Your purpose in me as I'm reaching for You..... Amen, Lord. That's all I can say even typing the lyrics. Amen and thank You.
  11. Just wanted to bring Leonard's point back to the top And, speaking as a life-long Seventh Day Adventist, the Sabbath is not our "main agenda" as an earlier poster indicated. Just the one we find ourselves defending most of the time. For me, praise God - He has grown me spiritually and grown my faith in him to the point that the Sabbath is a personal experience between the believer and Him. I attend formal church (well, not so formal - pretty contemporary LOL) on Sundays now. Between God and me - there will ALWAYS be a Sabbath rest. And I praise him for that gift.
  12. I just woke up to see this on the news. I'm praying now for all those effected. And a special prayer of blessing for all those who came to the aid of others as the bridge collapsed.
  13. Hello all. This is an interesting topic and as some others have said, it is hard for me to comment without knowing what your past issues have been and what area of service you are wanting to serve in. I'm speaking here as a person, and not on scriptural reference, per se, but for example, if a person had issues with pedophelia or child molestation, I would expect them not to serve in one of the children's ministries - and I would expect my pastor to feel the same. That's just an extreme example that enters my mind as I reflect on this. Please, I'm not saying at all that your situation is anything like that, it was just an extreme/clear example of why a person's service area might be limited. There are sooooo many areas of service in a church. If this church is truly where you feel the Lord is calling you to be, then perhaps you could talk to the pastor again and find an area you both mutually agree on and feel led to through prayer together. One thing, pastors are human too, and have responsibility to the entire congregation. So, perhaps if you served in another area for a time and could "prove" (I hate to use that word, but I can't think of another) your intent. Also, pray pray pray about it. Go back to your pastor and ask to pray together for the Lord's guidance in this. Just my 2 cents worth.
  14. I am on 2 scrapbooking message board/internet communities. Also, an online community for pug owners (the dog breed). they are well-moderated and clean sites. but there is no chat about Christianity unless it is very broad. Still, I couldn't imagine a day without going to them - especially the scrapbooking sites.
  15. .."lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil..." It takes my mind to one of my favorite scriptures (paraphrased badly) 1st Corinthians 10:13. There is no temptation taken to you, but such is common to man. But God is faithful, who will not suffer us to be tempted above that which we are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that we may be able to bear it. To me, God is right by our side as we are tempted by the world, by satan. And if we will let him, he will lead us away from the temptation and provide an escape.
  16. That's an interesting question and I think it is good to stretch our minds with "how" and "what if" questions. But at the end of the day, I have a fairly simple faith - that has gotten me through my own times of doubt. All scripture is given by God. Much I'm sure (like Revelation) came through divine dreams/visions given to the writers directly by the Holy Spirit/God. When I get to one of those "head-scratching" places for me - like how has God always been - how is there something with no beginning, etc., I just praise him and pray for the day when we are with Him and may be able to understand things more fully. my 2 cents worth, anyway
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