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Trusting Jesus

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Everything posted by Trusting Jesus

  1. I have snow in Missouri, too. Not a foot and a half, but just enough to make things slippery Make snowmen....go sledding....have a snowball fight! Have fun and stay warm. <>< ><> Nathele
  2. We have the movie and I can honestly say that it makes my blood boil! I knew a lot about how the lies are perpetuated before I saw the movie, but it opened my eyes to so much more, and confirmed much of what I already knew. Ben Stein did a wonderful job and he presents the truth in a straight forward way. <>< ><> Nathele
  3. Well here's the thing. he seems like he's trying his best to respect me, I mean he makes sure I'm with him or someone else is when he's around her. But what I don't get is if it is just lust, why all the nervousness when he sees her? Why does he care about her affairs or when something goes wrong with her? (more than when her siblings or parents have problems) Why does he still care about when she's choosing to move out of her parents house? it's these little things that get me bugging. I imagine that a guy who lusts, would only care about getting something, but it seems like more though they have never dated... I guess i'm just gonna keep praying about this as much as I can. It is good that he isn't alone with this girl. How does the girl feel about him and act around him. Is your fiance a Christian? You desire to get back into fellowship with Christ. You need to get back to church and your fiance needs to go too. The Bible tells us what the relationship between a husband and wife needs to be like. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife [see] that she respects her husband. Ephesians 5:33 The friendship that your fiance has with this girl could be just that - friendship. But it bothers you and it could drive a wedge between you. I really encourage you - both of you - to find a Christ centered/Bible believing church. You desire to get back into fellowship with Christ and your daughter needs to be raised to know Christ and to live her life according to God's word. You need to lead her by example. If you and your fiance attend church together and make friends withing the fellowship, the problem with the young girl may go away. <>< ><> Nathele
  4. BrightSunset has made quite a few posts and each one reveals a bit more about her situation. After reading through all of them it seems that God is dealing with her and calling to her. She is feeling the pull of the Holy Spirit and is trying to respond. <>< ><> Nathele
  5. Your boyfriend should respect your feelings about this girl. You have a lot of doubts about their feelings toward each other, and you are either insecure because of your mother's way of life, or your fiance is not respecting you. If you have doubts about your fiance's feelings for this girl you need to settle them now. It will not get better after marriage. If you have doubts, settle them now. Don't be afraid of losing him. If you marry this man and there is cause for doubt now, marriage will not change him, you, or the situation. If he is interested in the other girl and doesn't respect you enough now to put a stop to it, then what will happen 5 years from now when there is another girl he is interested in? Don't think that he will change. There is a big difference in the love between a man and woman as husband and wife, and the love of a friend for another friend. The love between a husband and wife involves much more that lust. There is mutual respect, committment, and much more. The brotherly love between friends is a caring friendship, but it doesn't get between a husband and wife. <>< ><> Nathele
  6. It sounds as if he may be being convicted! He may not really know what he means, but it could be that your love for God is touching something inside of him that is drawing him to Christ. But instead of thinking "I like what she has and I want it too" it may be coming out as resentment. Keep praying about this and seeking God's guidance. Pray, pray, pray for your husband and one day he, too, may love Christ like you do. <>< ><> Nathele
  7. You haven't felt close to Jesus because you are moving away from Him. He loves you and I think that the Holy Spirit is calling to you. Tell me, how did you come to know Jesus? You seem to have a love for Him and can feel Him tugging on your heart. Read the Gospel of John. There is a lot of love in that Gospel and it is a good place to start. <>< ><> Nathele Heavenly Father, Please help this beautiful child of Yours to get back into fellowship with You. Let her feel Your love and open her eyes to Your guidance. In Christ's name I pray Amen
  8. You might consider doing the "Love Dare". Have you seen the movie "Fireproof"? I know of some couples whose marriage have been saved and both husband and wife became committed to Christ through it. <>< ><> Nathele
  9. I wonder if you need to step aside and work on your walk with God. Sometimes that happens. I'm not sure what your part of the ministry is, but a woman should not be placed beside a man. Your venom towards JamieLea sounds as if she may have hit a sore spot. You have admitted that you have feelings for this man. Whether he returns those feelings or not your first role as a married woman is to be submissive to your husband. That means if anything threatens the marriage, you need to get away from it. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22 Get your mind off of this other man, get yourself right with God, and submit to your husband. <>< ><> Nathele
  10. I have the Left Behind Trilogy and I like it. I do think, things will be more chaotic when the Rapture happens, but I thought it was good (I haven't read the books). I had Jesus of Nazareth. My problem with movies about Jesus or events in the Bible is that there is "artistic license" taken and I do not like anything added or taken away from God's word. The Left Behind series is about a major coming event, but that is very different than taking Jesus and adding things to what he thought, said, and did which isn't specifically put in the Bible. I just don't like my Lord being interpreted by Hollywood. <>< ><> Nathele
  11. There are many instances in Scripture where God gave dreams. In Genesis we read about Joseph having prophetic dreams and then we later read where he interpreted Pharaoh
  12. Good question. I'm not in the dating world (very happily married) but when I look back on my mistakes before marriage I can think of how I should have gone about things differently....and how God's mercy and love used my sin to His glory. I was raised as a Christian and I don't remember a time when Christ wasn't real to me. I knew that a Christian should not marry a nonbeliever, but by the time I was in my 30's and wanted to be married I began making stupid mistakes. I wanted a man who was a Christian, loved me, was strong, gentle and caring. I settled for a man who loved me. He was a drinker with a bad temper. He loved me and cared about people who were important to me. He loved his children. Well, our marriage was OK, but a few years after we were married he quit drinking. He just quit. No fanfare, no bolt out of the blue, he just quit. A couple of years later he met Jesus. From that point on he grew into the man I had always wanted to marry. Our good marriage turned into a fantastic marriage. He is now the spiritual leader of our home and Christ is his head. Over the past couple of months when I was unable to care for myself, he was right there loving me as Christ loves His church - sacrifically. Look for a God-fearing man who puts Christ first. <>< ><> Nathele
  13. Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. Available Commentaries for And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word. The earth mourneth [and] fadeth away, the world languisheth [and] fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left. Isaiah 24:1-6 I don't know if this has anything to do with your dream, but it is a place in Isaiah that talks prophetically about the tribulation. I used the King James translations and other translations say "distorted" instead of "upside down", but either way it means things are all messed up. It's an interesting dream you had! <>< ><> Nathele
  14. There is no other way to eternal life than through Jesus the Christ. Muslims haven't found the right path. Hindus haven't found the right path. Budhists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, athiests, agnostics, yes even Jews haven't found the right path. Even in our Christian churches there is a sad trend to preach a false Gospel where "all roads lead to heaven". It is only our faith in Christ that leads to salvation. He is the strait and narrow path....and of the millions of people in the world, on a few will find Him. <>< ><> Nathele
  15. I don't really know how to advise you except for you to pray. If God told you to break up with your Christian boyfriend then He must have another plan for you. I don't believe that marrying a Hindu is in His plan for your life, but God sees the bigger picture and knows all things. Trust Him. I have heard missionaries to India speak and if I understand them correctly your life could be in danger if your parents find out you are Christian. Is that right? You need guidance from someone who understands your culture and is a Christian. Do you have someone there you can talk to? How did you come to Christ? Is there a Christian pastor near you whom you can talk to? You are still friends with the young man who was once your boyfriend...does he know of a pastor who can help you? I will pray. <>< ><> Nathele Heavenly Father, Please guide this girl who loves You. Lead her in Your paths and protect her. In Christ's name I pray Amen
  16. Well, here's the advice I would give my own daughter. Live your life. Don't get hung up on a guy you have met once and don't know. If he is in God's plan for you then you will meet again, but don't put your life on hold just because you think that this guy might be someone you might be interested in. I don't know how Facebook works, but try to get to know him there. Although I think email/texting/internet sites are a very poor way to have relationships, it may be a way to learn a bit more about him. Just don't miss out on life because you are chasing a "what if". <>< ><> Nathele
  17. Righteousness is only through Jesus Christ. All sin is abomination to God and we all sin. But when we accept Him as our saviour then there needs to be changes in our thoughts, words, actions, lifestyles. We will never be perfect, but we need to conform ourselves to Christ. Fremontdenver, have you accepted Christ as your saviour? If so, then you need to turn away from sin. You say you are living a sinful life. Well, we all sin, but we all need to turn away from sin. You may be finding momentary pleasure in whatever sins you are indulging in, but you need to turn away from them and get into a right relationship with Christ. <>< ><> Nathele
  18. It's always easy to think that death happens to other people who we don't know. When it hits close to home it is shocking, but remember that it is all part of living in this fallen world. It is hard to know what to say to someone who is grieving and often times just a hug helps. The lady who has a husband with alzheimers may need someone to run an errand now an then or just send a card encouraging her. When a loved one dies those left begin to question where they will spend eternity. If your friends are Christians encourage them with Scripture. If they aren't, introduce them to Jesus./ You will find that the older you get the closer death will come to you...grandparents, aunts, even parents. Prepare yourself with a strong foundation built on Christ. Death will hurt, but there is comfort in knowing a loved one is with Christ. <>< ><> Nathele
  19. That is a very odd response from a JW. Maybe there is hope for her! I sure hope so. There was another thread about JW's not too long ago....I can't remember who started it or what the title was, but it also had some links to other sites. You might check into it. <>< ><> Nathele
  20. It seems to be one of those "little" things to appease secular/atheiest and even Jewish thoughts. To me it is a "big" thing and, not being very politically correct, I am going to write AD every time I write a date. Just my own little protest <>< ><> Nathele
  21. Check this website http://www.4witness.org. I think you are doing a good thing by witnessing to them. They are lost and truly need salvation. <>< ><> Nathele
  22. If after 6 years you still think she has a cute snore, you've got it made! I think that your children are blessed - they have parents who love each other. Happy anniversary. <>< ><> Nathele
  23. I like E-sword but you might want to look at http://www.blueletterbible is very good - has many commentaries (audio and text), study tools, concordance, etc. <>< ><> Nathele
  24. Thank you for that! How true that is. <>< ><> Nathele
  25. Welcome to Worthy, lostman. It sounds to me as if the Holy Spirit is stirring in your soul and you are being convicted of your sin. That's a good thing. If you weren't saved your sins wouldn't bother you. But the Holy Spirit is calling to you. Every Christian struggles with various sins, and the thing to do is to repent, pray for God's help in overcoming this sin and His forgiveness, and choose not to participate in the sin. Repent means to turn away. So turn away from the sin and turn to God. Ask Him to forgive you and to give you strength to resist the sin. Then choose to do something else instead of that sin. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:7-8 If you were truly saved when you were 8 you are still saved today. But you need to get into fellowship with Christ. By that I mean study your Bible, pray, sing His praises. Be sure that the church you attend is Christ centered and that the Bible is the authority. Make friends with other Christians and challenge each other to stay in fellowship with Christ. Also, come to Worthy often. There are so many who will help you. <>< ><> Nathele
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