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Will Israel Pass Into History?


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Quote: from Faye on 10:36 pm on April 5, 2002

Isn't President Bush a Christian? Could God be helping Israel through him? Wouldn't the president vanish at the rapture? What would happen to Israel's help then?

I don't see why America has to help Israel.

Why is it folks don't think God can do the job much better?

I don't see the Bible saying America helps Israel, so that notion is simply an America centritst belief that people are going to have to discard because it is not in the Bible.

I just wrote a post on my forum as to how it is very possible for either this President or the next one to be the Antichrist.

Christians are making the same mistake God punished Israel severely for. Doubting God.

Israel is God's nation and God, not the USA will protect her.

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John S, I totally agree with you that God is in control and that is why I say the Church has no business insisting the US protect Israel. That is God's job and folks ought to have enough faith that He can do that job very well.

The current crises though is offering a bit of clarity on some things. On my forum I posted the following concerning the Antichrist:


I have been fighting the temptation to post this for some time now, but let's face it, there really is no avoiding it.

America is the only superpower on the planet.

America is the only power involved in the idiotic peace process.

Now, let's say an American President (the current one or the next one) is the Antichrist.

Whoohoo! This actually makes a lot of sense.

Who can make war against him?

Who can oppose him?

Who can stand against him?

Yea, sure I know about the 10-nation Confederacy.

The Antichrist takes that over.

World War III is still required because there has to be a strong desire for peace, there has to be an Israeli desire for Temple worship.

Joe Lieberman (Democrat and Jew) has stated that he would run if Alsnore chose not to.

At any rate, I am warming up to this very real possibility.

If the rapture takes place after WWIII then the US military will already have accomplished most of what needs to be done. That means even after the rapture our military will still be formidable and highly capable.

This scenario allows for an earlier rapture because all that is required is the AC to make the peace treaty and a nice little war that we are staring right in the face of right now.

Whoohoo! The possibilities of an American President being the Antichrist then boggle the mind because a lot of things would speed up mightely and would explain a lot of problems like having the power to move on Israel, move against Russia and so on.

So, the way I see it:


The destruction of the EU which hates us and we hate as well.

Israel discovers the Ark of the covenant and the ashes of a red heifer.

President so and so makes a seven year peace treaty with Israel and the remaining Arabs.

The rapture takes place.

Once Damascus goes up in radioactive ashes it will probably be no more than a matter of weeks for the rapture.

Great Britain can break away from the EU and still remain our ally.

For me that explains most prophetic problems and also eliminates Europe as the leader. I don't like them anyways, so if we whack their butts and then take over 3 nations, who's to care?

The Dome of the Rock could be blown flat in the coming war and that removes that problem and in the process of clearing the Moslem junk off the mountain, Israel finds the Ark and a baggie marked "Ashes of Red Heifer".

I think that about covers it.

I don't think I have squashed or stepped on any Scriptures, I have not changed any references to an eagle or any of that boneheaded stuff.

All I really did is compress the time required and then look around to see how it would be accomplished.


I believe that neatly answers your question as to America's part in the end times. If an American President is the AC then you don't have to worry about what the US will do.

We will first quarantee Israel's safety for 7 years.

At this point the rapture accurrs and what the US does next is no longer important to the Church because we will be in heaven with Jesus.

Just today I heard this scheme of America imposing a peace and guaranteeing Israel's safety come from one of the members of the Senate foreign relations committee.

Clear words.

So, World War III must surely come and come fairly soon, and during or right after that war everything should become crystal clear for the Church because it's all outlined in Isaiah 17 and Palm 83.

Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved!

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Just curious...why are you n/a?


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Nope, nope, nope.

Look John, you have to stay with the Bible and you have to make sure of what time-frame you are in or referencing to. Hosea makes it crystal clear that Israel today is fallen, is in rebellion, and is divorced from Jehovah. It is crystal clear.

Romans chapter 11 tells us the same thing. The Jews for the most part are not saved. They are born in rebellion, live in rebellion, die and go to ####.

That is an irrefutable fact.

If the holocaust is an example of being the apple of God's eye then please spare me the pleasure. Israel fell when they rejected Christ Jesus and will not be restored until He returns.

In the mean time:

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people." 2 Cor 6:14-16

is in effect, is in the bible, is a fact and is not to be ignored. Jews die and go to ####, Christians die and go to heaven. Is that not clear?

Now, yes there are Messianic Jews and they are fine, on-fire-for-Jesus Christians, but they are a teeny-tiny minority that is actually hated by the unbelieving Jews.

Zola Levit is one of my favorite televangelists because he does not resort to hype and sticks to the bible, but he will also verify what I wrote here.

I stick with the Bible.

Now, don't get me wrong. This is not a license to become anti-Semitic or more properly, anti-Jewish. It simply means the Jew must be witnessed to but also the Moslems and the rest of the unbelievers. The Church has no business taking sides in the conflict, but should witness to both.

On a worldly note, I support Israel because I don't much care for the ragheads, but I am not doing that to please God, but simply because they are our allies and we might need them in the coming war.

America will not be punished if we don't support Israel, nor will we fall all of a sudden from our lofty place. We are free to support or reject them, but I suspect that even the most dense Washington politico is starting to catch on to the fact that we don't have any Moslem allies.

Almost forgot this.

When you pray for the peace of Jerusalem, you are actually praying for the return of Christ Jesus because only He can bring the true and lasting peace.

Indeed, the Church should pray for the peace of Jerusalem daily.

(Edited by Joe Grossinger at 8:24 pm on April 15, 2002)

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When you pray for the peace of Jerusalem, you are actually praying for the return of Christ Jesus because only He can bring the true and lasting peace.

Indeed, the Church should pray for the peace of Jerusalem daily.

Absolutely right! On the same line of reasoning, aren't you also praying for the fullness of the gentiles to come in? Aren't you praying for the blindness to be lifted from Israel so that they might be saved? Life from the dead! The dry bones live! The Jews, by far, have suffered more than any other people.

"Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, That her warfare is ended, That her iniquity is pardoned; For she has received from the Lord's hand Double for all her sins." Isaiah 40:2

Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. Romans 10:1

Perhaps this is a predestination debate. You say they are not saved so we should not be associated with them. I say they will be saved, we have God's word on it.

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I agree with all points.

Actually, you can just cut to the chase and state that when you pray for the peace of Jerusalm you are praying for the restoration of all things.

As you can see, I insist on remaining on a Christian level, according to the Bible. That is why I denounce the "America will burn if we don't support Israel" posts.

They are heretical because they teach works, they are out and out stupid because they teach that God fearing Christians will be punished for what Colin Powell does, they deny the power of the Lord because these people think only the US can defend Israel, when in fact God has done a very fine job for thousands of years wihout us. Thank you.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it say in the end times that ALL nations will turn against Israel? And wouldn't even the good old US turn against her if Israel fired nukes at Damascus?

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You are wrong and you are right.

Check this out:



your timing that is way off.

The entire world will turn against Israel at Armageddon, during the very last 3 or 4 days of the Tribulation.

Before that there never is a united world, which makes all the stuff you read about that today pretty much trash.

There are no 200 million Chinamen who will invade Israel, there is no NWO, there will not be a united planet until Jesus comes.

All you have to do is read the 7 seals, bowls and trumpets to realize that. The battle of Gog and Magog also makes it very clear there will not be a one-world government.

All the "God will punish . . ." is nonsense.

All of that smiting is reserved for the Tribulation when we the Church will be gone.

Now, your comment about Israel nuking Damascus is interesting because that of course is in Isaiah 17.

I believe that war is pre-Trib and is the trigger to World War III, which will then see the establishment of the 10-nation revived Rome, the falling away of NATO, UN and EU.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest EPHRIAM777

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it say in the end times that ALL nations will turn against Israel? And wouldn't even the good old US turn against her if Israel fired nukes at Damascus?

Eph writes...


Unless the USA Britian..Canada..Austraila...is loaded up with the decendants OF Israel/Jacob..!

I do see a bunch of nations on this planet turning on us (( the USA ect ect ))..and on the state of Israel..!

HMM...just like scripture says they would...!

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