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If you would rather call me Sir than Richard that is fine; however I would prefer Richard - but please not 'Sir Richard' as I have no earthly title or rank! (In England calling someone in that manner normally means they hold a title or have been knighted by the Queen - neither applies to me.)

I was just teasing you, Richard. I hope my attempt at humor was not offensive.

At the moment you have critiqued Stephen Sizer's theological position and attacked his actions; whilst it is clear that you differ from his views you have yet to provide the Biblical rational for your stance.

The entire Bible provides the biblical rationale and it was never in question to the characters of scripture that a Kingdom is promised to Israel through the Davidic Covenant (see Acts 1:6 or a couple dozen places previous to that).

If you care to go point by point on Sizers "biblical" rationale, I'll be happy to show why it's not biblical at all.

I am aware of the political dimensions especially with regard to the US approach towards Israel. Generally the British government sides with the US on international matters but not always (I am not entirely sure of our current stance). Of course the US approach may be the correct approach - but theology should start by trying to understand the Bible and in as far as possible not allowing our interpretation to be influenced by our own culture.

OK, here you are referring to a political situation that, frankly, I don't think the scriptures support either.

I'm not very happy with the way the State Department has treated Israel since the days of Jimmy Carter. America has brought many curses upon itself by cursing Israel, especially in the last 2 decades.

But my position on the political situation has less to do with scripture than it does with simple facts on the ground. We are negotiating in favor of known liars and murderers against friends/allies of the only free & democratic nation in the middle east. Where is the logic in that?

But if we, as a nation, choose to make that political decision, we are cursing Israel and in doing so, the scriptures are clear that we curse ourselves in the process.

As for Mr Sizer having his photograph taken with various influential figures in the Middle East (famous or infamous) - I would point out that lots of people have had their photograph taken with Yasser Arafat including the prime ministers of Israel and US president (Bill Clinton).

And you will find that Zionists (and other decent people) don't support anyone who smiles in a photo with Arafat or the devil.

I believe it is a serious mistake for a christian to trust in politics whether it's you, me, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, or Stephen Sizer.

I can understand why a politician would want to appear before a religious crowd but I don't understand why a Christian minister would want to court a political audience.

From my understanding you argue strongly that the Anglican church should remove Mr Sizer and this is therefore not only a criticism of Mr Sizer but of Anglicanism.

Their silence on this matter is tacit approval.

The Body is commanded to address it's own.

I still feel that is a much bigger issue than relating to the Anglican church as it is a position held by many Christians of different denominations including within the US.

And I don't disagree with that statement but since when has the truth been a popularity contest? Those churches are the same denominations ordaining homosexuals, losing membership, and going apostate.

Sizer is leading many of them down the path of cursing Israel right into hell. Just one more reason why he should be opposed by the Body in England.


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