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Significant Dates: 2 The Global Government.

Marilyn C

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The world calls the Super Powers `the Big 4,` & the `Quartet of Power.` One of these is the UN which is actually controlled by the other three. Now the other three Super Powers that we recognize in the world today each have a recognizable accepted emblem which I will include alongside them. Together they are forming a Global Government.
This has great Biblical significance, I believe.


Pre- 1900`s The British Empire (Lion) & America (Eagle) which came from that power. These, although separate continue to work together & are seen as one Power Bloc. The British Empire eventually became the Commonwealth of Nations.

Post 1914 – 17 W.W.1 The Soviet Union (Bear) which eventually became Russia & the Commonwealth of Independent States. They hold the same philosophy & military ambitions as they did in the Communist Bloc.

Post 1939 – 45 W.W.2 The European Common Market (Leopard) which eventually developed into the European Union with its own currency & central Government.

1975/6 The G7 was formed. Comprises mainly of Britain, (Lion) USA, (Eagle) & EU, (Leopard) then Russia (Bear) was included in 1998 & suspended in 2014. These are the leading industrialized countries of the world & come together in yearly summits. (Political gathering)

2007/8 The G 20 Major Economies was formed in response to the Global Financial Crisis. This group brings together the world`s major players, Politically & Economically.
And the controlling powers are 1. UK & USA (Lion & Eagle) 2. EU. (Leopard) 3. Russia. (Bear) The core of the G 20 is the G 7.

These powers have sought to build a Global Architecture for a Global Government. They are empowering their institutions (IMF, World Bank, FSB etc) & it is just a matter of time for their philosophy, policies, rules & regulations to bring all other institutions under their authority.


2015 ->

- Continuation of UK (Lion) & USA (Eagle) as the mouthpiece, voice of the Global Government.

- Rise of EU (Leopard) with its `common market policy` to effect & become stronger throughout the world. Many countries (USA included) are forging close treaties with the EU. This economic `body` will cause prices to escalate till inflation is so bad that a day`s pay doesn`t even cover costs.

- And Russia (Bear) we know it`s `feet,` are preparing for war, with the greatest military rearmament for many years. The events in the Ukraine, is just the `Bear` flexing it`s muscles.


The person in the street would recognize those power blocs, Super Powers & their emblems yet many Christians are still looking for `historical powers to emerge.` To me God`s word is very clear, & contemporary history reveals that this Global Government which God declared, is now forming.


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Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks. Jeremiah 16:16

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The person in the street would recognize those power blocs, Super Powers & their emblems yet many Christians are still looking for `historical powers to emerge.` To me God`s word is very clear, & contemporary history reveals that this Global Government which God declared, is now forming.


I disagree completely. I believe prophecy is centred around the Middle East, and I believe the symbols of the lion/leopard/bear/beast are already mentioned and defined in Daniel 7.


Daniel 7 completes these 4 historical Middle Eastern empires with the "little horn: and the "beast" and the second coming and the 3.5 year persecution of the saints. So there is an end-times context in Daniel 7 that easily fits in with Rev 13 and Rev 17.  

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It's an interesting correlation.

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Hi Argosy,


Thank you for your view. However how does any of that fit in with what is happening now. For too long those studying eschatology have focussed on the 70th week of Daniel, thinking that God is silent about now. Also do you realise that the 4 beasts in Daniel - `....shall arise...` (Dan. 7: 17) & Daniel was already well into the Babylonian Empire. `Shall,...` is future from Daniel. Then we see that the 4th beast treads down the others. Thus they are contemporaneous together & at the end time also, as the last one is  controlling the others & they all get dealt with by Christ at His coming. (Dan.7: 23  &  27)


I will also add that I agree with you concerning prophecies around the Middle East. You will notice that each of these Super Powers all have had a connection to Israel & the other Middle eastern countries. Thus what you say is correct & still applies to these great power blocs.



Edited by Marilyn C
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Hi Joe,


Thank you for the encouragement.



And Last Daze,


Glad you are thinking about it.



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I know I run the risk of sounding like a broken record but recognizing the role that fallen angels play in the establishment of certain kingdoms is an important concept for understanding some aspects of end times prophecy.


According to Daniel 10 we know that there are certain fallen angels in charge of overseeing a kingdom's rise to power, i.e. prince of Persia, prince of Greece, and by extension, Babylon and Rome.  These kingdoms would succeed as long as their "prince" was there causing them to exercise dominion.  At some point, the "prince" would be taken from a position of influence (and probably cast into the abyss) but the natural kingdom would continue for a while.  I think that's what's meant by:


As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but an extension of life was granted to them for an appointed period of time.  Daniel 7:12


The beast with seven heads and ten horns in Rev 13 and 17 is who I consider to be the prince of Rome.  We know that at the time Revelation was written that this fallen angel was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss per Rev 17:8 i.e. he was (in a position of influence), and is not (because he's in the abyss).   I see this as the common denominator between the legs of iron and the feet of iron and clay being the fourth kingdom of the great statue, the same fallen angel oversees them both.


What I find interesting is the description of this beast in Rev 13.  He now has seven heads.  Where did they come from?  They weren't there in Daniel 7.  My guess is that they came from Satan and reflect the fact that Satan gave this beast his power, throne, and great authority.  Also notice the other characteristics of this beast, like a leopard, feet like a bear, and mouth like a lion.  These are the characteristics of the first three beasts in Daniel 7.  My guess is that this symbolism suggests that the beast also has the power of the princes of Babylon, Persia, and Greece, who I consider to be the first three beasts in Daniel 7.


I know that's a lot of background info but its necessary in order to understand the possibility that I've been considering which is...what if the governments that you've identified as corresponding to certain beasts are being influenced by the princes of Babylon, Persia, and Greece (the first three beasts in Daniel 7) under the oversight of the prince of Rome?  That's the correlation that I find intriguing.  Still pondering.


By the way...if you don't know what a broken record sounds like, ask your parents...or your grandparents.

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The world calls the Super Powers `the Big 4,` & the `Quartet of Power.` One of these is the UN which is actually controlled by the other three. Now the other three Super Powers that we recognize in the world today each have a recognizable accepted emblem which I will include alongside them. Together they are forming a Global Government.

This has great Biblical significance, I believe.


Pre- 1900`s The British Empire (Lion) & America (Eagle) which came from that power. These, although separate continue to work together & are seen as one Power Bloc. The British Empire eventually became the Commonwealth of Nations.

Post 1914 – 17 W.W.1 The Soviet Union (Bear) which eventually became Russia & the Commonwealth of Independent States. They hold the same philosophy & military ambitions as they did in the Communist Bloc.

Post 1939 – 45 W.W.2 The European Common Market (Leopard) which eventually developed into the European Union with its own currency & central Government.

1975/6 The G7 was formed. Comprises mainly of Britain, (Lion) USA, (Eagle) & EU, (Leopard) then Russia (Bear) was included in 1998 & suspended in 2014. These are the leading industrialized countries of the world & come together in yearly summits. (Political gathering)

2007/8 The G 20 Major Economies was formed in response to the Global Financial Crisis. This group brings together the world`s major players, Politically & Economically.

And the controlling powers are 1. UK & USA (Lion & Eagle) 2. EU. (Leopard) 3. Russia. (Bear) The core of the G 20 is the G 7.

These powers have sought to build a Global Architecture for a Global Government. They are empowering their institutions (IMF, World Bank, FSB etc) & it is just a matter of time for their philosophy, policies, rules & regulations to bring all other institutions under their authority.


2015 ->

- Continuation of UK (Lion) & USA (Eagle) as the mouthpiece, voice of the Global Government.

- Rise of EU (Leopard) with its `common market policy` to effect & become stronger throughout the world. Many countries (USA included) are forging close treaties with the EU. This economic `body` will cause prices to escalate till inflation is so bad that a day`s pay doesn`t even cover costs.

- And Russia (Bear) we know it`s `feet,` are preparing for war, with the greatest military rearmament for many years. The events in the Ukraine, is just the `Bear` flexing it`s muscles.


The person in the street would recognize those power blocs, Super Powers & their emblems yet many Christians are still looking for `historical powers to emerge.` To me God`s word is very clear, & contemporary history reveals that this Global Government which God declared, is now forming.






This entire ensemble is baseless and contrived; As Evidenced By:


1st off, there's not 8 Final Kingdoms, there's: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome (Iron Legs)-------Rome II (Iron Mixed with clay), then Christ's Kingdom.


So you're gonna have to tear Daniel Chapter 2 out of Scripture....for your thesis to hold any water whatsoever.



Daniel Chapter 2 and Chapter 7 are speaking to the same genre from 2 Different Perspectives (Visions): Daniel Chapter 2---- Nebuchadnezzar Statue, Daniel Chapter 7---- Daniel's Vision.


Moreover.... from the visions of Chapter 7 of the Exceedingly Dreadful Beast's 10 Horns (SEE 10 Toes from Daniel Chapter 2) and who's teeth are of IRON (SEE: Daniel Chapter 2----ROME),....what's the next Kingdom? ....


(Daniel 7:27) "And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him."


compared to...


(Daniel 2:44) "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever."


Eerily similar wouldn't you say?




The 4th Beast and the 4th Kingdom....


(Daniel 7:7) "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns."


"Iron" teeth = Rome

"brake in pieces"=  Rome ....

Ten Horns = Ten Toes


(Daniel 2:40-41) "And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.  {41} And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay."


SEE the connection??


And why would Scripture/Daniel say it was Dreadful and Terrible, Devoured, and Diverse from the "others".


Well whenever the Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks defeated a people/Empire they attempted to assimilate the natives into their respective cultures. The Romans had a somewhat Different Policy....they EXECUTED THEM!! -----Dreadful and Terrible/Devoured/Stamped the Residue.




More from Chapter 7:


1. Winged Lion = Babylon


This was taken from Babylon and is displayed @ the Louvre in Paris  (What's This?)....





2.  The Bear


(Daniel 7:5) "And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh."


To raise up on ONE SIDE doesn't it have to have @ least 2 sides??  Medo-Persia!  What side raised up....Persia.


"Three ribs in the mouth of it between the Teeth"---- This is what it Devoured or Conquered.  Who did the Persians Conquer....Babylonians, Lydia, and Egyptians.


3. Leopard with Four Wings.


A Leopard conquers with Cunning and Stealth...add 4 Wings you get Speed.  Alexander The Great Conquered by Cunning, Stealth, and Great Speed!  He conquered the known world by the age of 30.  Greece


4.  Dreadful Beast


(Daniel 7:7) "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns."


Iron teeth = Rome


"break in pieces:...the same as Daniel 2:40-41 (SEE above)


Ten Horns = Ten Toes


SEE also....Dreadful and Terrible, Devoured, and Diverse from the "others".  


This is a Slam Dunk..... ROME.




We're waiting on the last kingdom (The Ten Horns----Iron Teeth/Ten Toes-----Iron mixed with clay)  This the Revived Roman Empire with the Antichrist leading them....  He's an Assyrian.  Which most Interestingly.....


ROME was never defeated, it Broke in Pieces  :brightidea:    The Western Leg dissolved around 400AD but it's sister the Eastern Leg (The Byzantine) lasted for another 1000 Years.  Guess what land area it also covered....Assyria.



Rome is again confirmed here...


(Daniel 9:26-27) "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.


{27} And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."


In Verse 26 it's talking about the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD...who destroyed it: Titus Vespasian leading the 5th, 10th, 12th and 15th Roman Legions.  <----The People of the Prince.


Look @ Verse 27 "And he"!!  Who's "he"? .... The Antecedent from Verse 26: The Prince a ("Type") from Verse 26.  "he" is the antichrist. Who's the Prince's/ac's People..... THE ROMANS.  He/they're coming again.

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Hi Last Daze,


Ha, ha. I do know what a broken record is. I used to buy 45`s & LP`s years ago. Now that should show my age. Glad you think I sound younger. I agree with you regarding fallen angels influencing kingdoms. However the success of these Kingdoms is determined by God.


`God has numbered your kingdom & put an end to it.` (Dan. 5: 26)


Regarding the `beast,` of the final gentile Government, I believe that it is controlled & possessed by Satan. The 7 heads/kings are leaders who rule one at a time - 5 have gone, one is & one to come.


Good to hear your thinking in relationship to the contemporary powers we actually see today. In Daniel 7 we read -


`...behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the Great Sea.` (Dan. 7: 2)


The Hebrew word `ruwach,` is spirit, wind. In Zechariah 6 we read of these four spirits -


`These are the four spirits of heaven, going forth after standing before the Lord of all the earth.` (Zech. 6: 5)


Satan has influence over powers but it is the Lord who brings them to judgment. And this is what is happening here are these angels are sent forth to bring the predominant powers to judgment -  `chariots` `appease God`s wrath.` 


Glad you are still pondering. Marilyn.

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Hi Enoch2021,


Now, my dear friend you cannot have `slam dunked` me until I see the Roman legions on the horizon!!!!!!


You do not understand how I see Dan. 2. I do not see 8 kingdoms, you are confused with what I mean. Dan. 2 as we know shows 5 world rulers, 4 have come & gone, dealt with by God, & there is one final Gentile World Ruler to come.


Dan.7 to me are four super powers that arise & the last treads down the others controlling them & becoming the final world ruler. Thus the `divided kingdom` `10 toes,` & the `terrifying beast,` `10 horns` are the same. I think we agree with that.


I believe the 4 super powers that arise are -


1.  Contemporary - `they shall arise.` Daniel was already well into the Babylonian rulership. (Dan. 7: 17)

2.  Each Powerful - description of animals.

3.  All at the same time - contemporaneous. Each of these great powers come up one at a time but are trampled by the last one. (Dan. 7: 7 & 12)


The Revived Roman Empire is all history, Enoch.....We`re still waiting. last count the EU had 27 countries. You can talk history all you like & show pretty pictures but it is NEVER going to match up with contemporary happenings. I hope you don`t hold your breath for these Romans!!!!!



I think we are the only gladiators on the scene at the moment. :swordfightsmiles: Marilyn.

Edited by Marilyn C
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