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How to combat Islam


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9 minutes ago, other one said:

From their point of view, Jesus is not God, so that would be the normal thing for them to think.....     when we deal with them, really the only thing it takes is to convince them who Jesus really is.   The trinity is very difficult to get people to understand.

which is why Islam is so dangerous.  They take the unfathomable, incomprehensible, and confusing mystery like the Trinity, and use it to successfully lead many astray and into mockery of Jesus Christ and Christianity, and are the fastest growing monotheistic religion on earth with extremely high birth rate, and have currently brought 1.4 billion people into their bondage and potentially eternal separation from God, and Institute of forms of government that keep entire nations and hundreds of millions of people in the dark to be brainwashed and never know the truth.

I know of no other institution or religion on earth that is such a blatant enemy of God and His people, and so successful at preventing the truth from reaching so many minds and hearts.

Edited by spiderman1917
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Actually, indifference is the enemy of Christianity. There is a tremendous amount of apathy in the US for example, over terrorism, and terrorists stemming from Islam. There is a saying ''For evil to triumph, all that is necessary is for good men to do nothing.'' - Edmund Burke 

Reminds me of that. 

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1 hour ago, spiderman1917 said:

which is why Islam is so dangerous.  They take the unfathomable, incomprehensible, and confusing mystery like the Trinity, and use it to successfully lead many astray and into mockery of Jesus Christ and Christianity, and are the fastest growing monotheistic religion on earth with extremely high birth rate, and have currently brought 1.4 billion people into their bondage and potentially eternal separation from God, and Institute of forms of government that keep entire nations and hundreds of millions of people in the dark to be brainwashed and never know the truth.

I know of no other institution or religion on earth that is such a blatant enemy of God and His people, and so successful at preventing the truth from reaching so many minds and hearts.

it's really not unfathomable if you understand what a Hebrew or Greek writer means by the word "god".     and I use small letters for there are no capitol leters in Hebrew and the entire Bible in Greek is written in capitol letters.....    so to a Hebrew it is always god and go a Greek it is GOD no matter if they are speaking of the Father, Jesus or Moloch, Bale or the almighty dollar....   or in Satan's case himself/yourself.  It's all the same. 

Once you get past that word, one can easily take up the trinity with no problem....   It's the "One God" thing that is the problem, but in reality our God is The Father, Jesus/Word, and Holy Spirit.    And the three are so intertwined that they work as a single unit, and we as humans would not have access to any of them without all three.

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Yes Deidre, there is a lot of apathy, but there is also a lot of brainwashing in America regarding Islam and many other things, & a lot of it is coming from the left wing, which claims to be for women's rights.

I have seen left-wing women who are likely feminists in debates against Republican men , defending why we shouldnt stop Muslims from becoming American politicians or president.

The right wingers were simply identifying the obvious, that Islam and Sharia law are extremely unconstitutional and anti democracy, and that Muslims glorify an Adolf Hitler type figure like Muhammad, whose entire lifestyle was anti democracy and anti American Dictatorship (against American law, Liberty, freedom, and women's rights), and like Isis in the amount of heads cut off, the amount of people he deprived of freedom and fee-speech, the amount of cities he looted and pillaged, Americans should be highly suspicious of these so-called "peaceful Muslims" who find such a man to be so praiseworthy.

Then left wingers like Obama declare to the whole world, "we shouldn't call them Islamic terrorists , because they hijacked a peaceful Religion."

Islam Robs more women of basic human rights and dignity, and destroys the lives of more women than all misogynistic forces and institutions on earth combined, and left wingers who claim to be for women's rights are defending this greatest enemy of women on our planet.  It is sickening :(

If those for women's rights were to unite globally against the greatest enemy of women, much could be done to abolish these brutally misogynistic laws and policies that dominate the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

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Perhaps this is a positive thing Islamic extremists do.

I spoke with a lecturer here from Nigeria, and he told me what certain places of Nigeria are like for a Christian to live , and he said those Christians are "more Catholics than the Pope."

What he meant was that they have no time for worldly things, liberal philosophies, politics, or anything that can water down their faith in placing all hope in God or lessen their fervor.

They live with the constant daily threats of dying by Boko harem or other Islamic extremists , so their faith is all they have, and their primary purpose and desire is to be prepared to meet their maker and live each day like it's their last.

Is that a good thing?  Once they are in Heaven they are glad they died a martyrs death for Christ.

The Lord said those who are persecuted because of him are blessed.

When you ask God for a blessing , he just might bless you with a persecutor, trials, and tribulations :P

Edited by spiderman1917
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On Thursday, March 03, 2016 at 4:57 PM, other one said:

i agree that in the end Jesus comes and defeats satan.....   however there is a time before that when the beast is given permission to make war with the saints and overcome them......   let us not forget this or when it happens some might loose hope and decide not to persevere to the end.

And they have conquered by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.  Rev.12:11

Life is worth the living, just because He lives--Gaithers.  And live is not worth living without Him.--me.  So I have made up my mind.  We must pray for the undecided and uncommitted.


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Great topic!

My solution:  Fear God Not Man

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.  When I learned to fear God I began to understand relationships. 

There is a way that seems right unto a man but therein is the way to death.  Some believe we should arm ourselves and fight tonthe death because Islamic idealism promotes the death of us and our loved ones.  But I don't believe that the war can be won this way.  

Because God is and nothing can harm us without his permission then we can win by following the instructions of Christ given on the mount.  We do not senselessly put ourselves in harms way and thus put God to the test but rather let our words and our lives bear witness of God in truth.  It worked for Noah.  Hebrews tells us that his obedience condemned the whole world.  

Jesus instructed us to pray for our enemies among many other things in the sermon on the mount.  He revealed how to have God destroy all of your enemies for you yet most of us do not believe him.  The more I have sought to obey his teachings the more I have watched those who have opposed me destroyed.  It actually saddens me.  

I do not want anyone destroyed.

I am exercising myself to learn how to increase my conversion rates with all of those who do not know God.  By focusing on the task at hand given by commandment of the Lord known as the Great Commission I am doing everything I need to do to destroy Islam.

If God gives them power over us then I have no further hope but trust rather that it is for his ultimate goal of subduing the creation as a whole and I shall enjoy life again in the resurrection. 

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On 3/4/2016 at 0:59 PM, gdemoss said:

Great topic!

My solution:  Fear God Not Man

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.  When I learned to fear God I began to understand relationships. 

There is a way that seems right unto a man but therein is the way to death.  Some believe we should arm ourselves and fight tonthe death because Islamic idealism promotes the death of us and our loved ones.  But I don't believe that the war can be won this way.  

Because God is and nothing can harm us without his permission then we can win by following the instructions of Christ given on the mount.  We do not senselessly put ourselves in harms way and thus put God to the test but rather let our words and our lives bear witness of God in truth.  It worked for Noah.  Hebrews tells us that his obedience condemned the whole world.  

Jesus instructed us to pray for our enemies among many other things in the sermon on the mount.  He revealed how to have God destroy all of your enemies for you yet most of us do not believe him.  The more I have sought to obey his teachings the more I have watched those who have opposed me destroyed.  It actually saddens me.  

I do not want anyone destroyed.

I am exercising myself to learn how to increase my conversion rates with all of those who do not know God.  By focusing on the task at hand given by commandment of the Lord known as the Great Commission I am doing everything I need to do to destroy Islam.

If God gives them power over us then I have no further hope but trust rather that it is for his ultimate goal of subduing the creation as a whole and I shall enjoy life again in the resurrection. 

Could you let me know how your enemies were destroyed?  I mean some of the examples.

I definitely have seen my enemies often Humbled through some misfortune , tribulation, or humiliation, and recently I found out one of my past enemies died, but I believe he is my friend now in Heaven.

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On 3/6/2016 at 6:27 PM, spiderman1917 said:

Could you let me know how your enemies were destroyed?  I mean some of the examples.

I definitely have seen my enemies often Humbled through some misfortune , tribulation, or humiliation, and recently I found out one of my past enemies died, but I believe he is my friend now in Heaven.

Our friends love us.  Our enemies hate us.  It speaks of preference as in one over another. 

We reap what we sew.

I began having doctrinal issues with a church i was a member of and went through a time of questioning.  The pastor took it upon himself to threaten to command the congregation to be against me if I attended again because I wouldn't accept his teachings without question. So I turned to a deacon for help asking why I wasn't being brought before 2 or 3 witnesses so that every word could be established.  And why was I receiving threatening letters of character assassination instead.  The man chose to deny my cry for help making himself my enemy.  I gave up defeated.  Within a short time I heard that he developed cancer and became disabled and was put on hospice.  

I believe that when he denied me he signed my death certificate and removed my hope of restoration to the church family that I was born into and in turn lost his own ability to be a part of.  Others may disagree and that is OK as I can always be wrong but I believe it.  God curses those who curse and blesses thise who bless me.

The same church played a major role in encouraging and aiding my wife in leaving me due to my doctrinal issues.  One of them even let her live in a home they owned free of charge so she could get away from me.  That man died a short time later.

My wife was unfaithful for a time and she began to bleed without stopping.  The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her and she continued to bleed for months on end.  Finally I said something to her that unknowingly pricked her conscience and two days later she confessed to her adultery.  The blood ceased from flowing shortly there after.  

Of course not every ailment can be directly traced to sin as the cause but that in no way negates the fact that sin causes some ailments and even death. 

There are more minor things but the question was about destruction of enemies by the hand if God.

Noah obeyed God and therefore condemned the world that was destroyed by a flood.  Live righteously and God will destroy every enemy of yours that does not repent.

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This Thread has been appropriately posted under "Spiritual Warfare",,,,,,,,,,,,,,I read in one of these replies "people or "groups of people",,,,,,we never war against flesh & blood,,,,the enemy is the same ole enemy in religious war,.hate groups,etc,,,etc,,,,,,


King James Bible
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.                                                      Ephesians 6:12

Same old tactics,same old delusion,same old lies,same old hatred for God & His people,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

We combat the enemy in the same way we do all the time,,,,,,,,,whether the enemy is influencing,oppressing or possessing islamists,cultists,relgious extremists or "Moe,Larry or Curly".....


The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people

                            Ephesians 6:10-18

And to God be the Glory!                                   With love-in Christ,Kwik

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