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What should I do if my love for Jesus ended?


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Guest BacKaran

I didnt see the tiny the print but please go talk talk talk to someone.

Write down your prayer requests and date them. I also have a greatful jar where I wrote in thanks and praise for the little things..  ie found money in an old pocket that helped to pay a bill... 


Please read about Jobs life. After all was said and done, job s question to God was never answered but he was blessed more than before he got sick.

Prayers are never wasted even tho I may not see Gods work done in my life, I trust He is faithful.


Please talk to any of us here, we are her to help and guide you..


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18 hours ago, BacKaran said:

I didnt see the tiny the print but please go talk talk talk to someone.

Write down your prayer requests and date them. I also have a greatful jar where I wrote in thanks and praise for the little things..  ie found money in an old pocket that helped to pay a bill... 


Please read about Jobs life. After all was said and done, job s question to God was never answered but he was blessed more than before he got sick.

Prayers are never wasted even tho I may not see Gods work done in my life, I trust He is faithful.


Please talk to any of us here, we are her to help and guide you..


A grateful jar what a perfect idea.... And then to take it out on New Years to be reminded how much we have to thank God for.  It makes me tear up.

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Guest BacKaran

Thanks rusty,

I pull it out on new year's eve to thank God for everything in my life and the little and big things He's done and is doing.

It was a fun idea for the little ones to do, then they can aall share and put them in the fire or bonfire.

.???????? Supposed to be fire and flames....

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As someone who has suffered Clinical chronic depression and "major depressive episodes", the majority of the posts in this thread are breaking my heart.


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Just want to say, your post is very valid and it takes a person who is in deep spiritual pain to write this.  In effect, you are reaching out for some answer or help.  In reading your post, one can see how the enemy wants you back in his world and wants your soul back in his domain.  But you must see through all his lies and see all the good things and the promises of God that is in his word.  Though you may not be seeing the breakthroughs in your life journey, i would encourage you to stand on the side of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.   The battles are real in the spiritual realm and you have to put on the full armor of God Ephesians 6, and press on.   Don't let the enemy steal your inheritance, which is eternal life with the king of kings and Lord of Lords.   Think about it, what are you going back to. The world do not have much to offer, but delusions.    Pull up on your bootstraps and determine to stand in the lords army.    Get out the bible and read through the psalms. 

Also want to assure you, that you are not alone with your life journey experiences and many are going through similar things and if they share you could see some shocking things that would make your look trivial.  So press on and seek after the truth.  

Proverbs 23:23King James Version (KJV)

23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

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3 hours ago, LPTSTR said:

there is no point in praying....y the way, it it true that those who commit suicide will go to hell or can this sin also be forgiven as any other sin?


Because  He First Loved Us

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 (New International Version)

I Call Out His Name

But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.' Acts 2:21 (New Living Translation)

And Rejoice

As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. Psalms 42:1 (English Standard Version)



Be Blessed Beloved Of The KING

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them. Numbers 6:24-27 (King James Bible)

Love, Your Brother Joe


Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. Psalms 119:160 (King James Bible)

The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.

Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.

It is the traveler’s map, the pilgrim’s staff, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword and the Christian’s charter. Here too, Heaven is opened and the gates of Hell disclosed.

Christ is its grand subject, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully.  It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure.

It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, rewards the greatest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents.

From The Inside Of My Gideon New Testament

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2 hours ago, LPTSTR said:


What should I do if my love for Jesus cooled down already months ago 2 or 3 weeks ago it ended completely and I have no intention to repent of it? I dont feel any calling from got (to repent or to turn to Him), I have prayed, but nothing. When I sin I dont feel guilt. I have no motivation to go back to God. Sometimes I wish He would be part of my life but then He doesnt answer me. I have experienced so many disappointments that I am not capable of expecting anything good out of Him or prayer answers even if I sometimes want to hope well of Him. I asked 2 people to pray for me with short time interval. They did it fervently. They prayed that God would reveal Him and His love for me and blah blah blah, but after that I was as cold as before. When I go to small group or youth night I get bored because I feel that I have to waste my time on listening lies. Because I have been Christian for years now and I know that God's love and care and prayer answers are only nice theory in Bible but I have never experienced or felt that in any way. I have had one sided love with Jesus - I have loved Him all these years with out getting any love back in return, and that has now ended. What should I do now? Btw there is no point in praying for me because I can tell it from years of experience that God doe not answer these. I have wasted my time and you would waste yours also.By the way, it it true that those who commit suicide will go to hell or can this sin also be forgiven as any other sin?

I do know this feeling. 

Failed hope, the endless gray, desert sands, parched, dark, isolated, dry, barren, lost. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?.... How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?  How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?  Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death....



It hurts.

I wish I had answers. I've never really figured out the answers for myself. I only know that I was taken to the place where I had to make a choice - do I hold on to God, or do I walk away from Him. But where would I go? I pressed on, even though dragging my feet with my head hanging low and thoughts locked in despair. Even though I got passed that, I never felt like I fully recovered.

But I've learned that I had been suffering chronic depression for...forever. It's hard to feel anything good when the hormones that make you feel happy just aren't there.

I may not have the ability to lift you up, but what I can do is (virtually) sit and cry with you.


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4 hours ago, LPTSTR said:

When I sin I dont feel guilt. 

2Ch_7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

hello,sounds like a Spirit Battle maybe...The World is fuller of sin then i have ever seen it right now.it can be easy to fall away if you dont Keep your Faith in order...i would say repent...if you have to repent 20 times in one day then i would say do it...but try and read the word when you get time to build your Faith and get more understanding.me myself have had trouble having a relationship with God when i had lots of unrepented sin on me.Get back on track i think you most certinly can...and message me anytime i  will be glad to try and help...take care GB

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Maybe you never did totally give your heart to God in the first place.

What should I do if that is the case?


What kind of things are you praying to God? What kind of an answer did you expect? It does not sound like you are very sincere in your walk with God.

There are many different things over the years, not got answered.


What I do know is that the Word of God is 100% true - His word does not change, and we have to take Him at His word. For me, the "right" people had to cross my path - God used these people, who I had never met, to reach me and turn me around.

I dont see it that way. None of the promises in the Bible have fulfilled in my life.



What is your personal testimony LPTSTR?  was it a humbling moment of truly acknowledging yourself as a sinner, having a repentant attitude and giving your life to the Lord?

Nope, just got interest in spiritual world and from there I got to God, and then even acknowledged that I am sinner and asked for forgivenes and accepted Chist.


God does answer our prayers

I have not had any prayer answers sofar.

Also for being sincere, what if I am not capable of being enough sincere for Him?


How did you show love for God?

Went to church, read the Bib,e prayed for myself and others, donated my money to church, donated my time to church... did that for years.


He demonstrated His love for you in that while you were yet a dirty rotten sinner, Christ died for you!

But that I have to believe because you and other christians and bible say so. I dont have any experience that confirms it. My experience rather shows the opposite. No prayer answrs, no experiences with Him, no spiritual gifts ever received. Nothing. All I have is that theory in bible that does not have other support than other chistians who say that it is true.

@ayin jade
God would care anyways + u would have less people to argue with.


I would just go before God and totally give myself over to Him.

Sounds like valid idea if God cared enough of me to listen to me and loved me. But how could I find motivation now that I dont even have hope for that to happen? I mean would these words/prayers still have chance to work if dont even hope to get these answered but do these anyway to just see if anything happens but with out actually feeling that I should do that?


8 hours ago, BacKaran said:

Write down your prayer requests and date them

I dont believe in things like answered prayers anymore. They dont exist for me. If you get your prayers answered maybe you are just better christian. Maybe he just loves you more. Maybe I am just not enough good. Doesn't matter what te exact reason is, the fact is that I don't get and I wont get my prayers answered, and talking to someone would only waste their time and my time.

8 hours ago, Davida said:

The Heavenly Father GOD of the Lord Jesus Christ wants a relationship with you. Don't let the devil try to make you think otherwise.

But if that is true then why is my life as it is? Is God not powerful to answer prayers despite of devil? And if devil has so much power that he can block all good things that come from God completely then it looks like God is not able to overpower devil and then maybe it's more effective to worship the lord Lucifer instead?

8 hours ago, Davida said:

and tell Him you are willing to believe

What should I do if I am willing to believe in a sense that I wish God were real in my life, but I just dont have strength to believe anymore. I mean it's kinda like someone who got cheated too many times and then he would have difficulties with trusting other people. I have similar case with God. I am not capable to trust him anymore.

8 hours ago, Davida said:

Suicide is self murder and it is a sin. After we are dead it is too late to be forgiven

But what if I ask for forgiveness in advance? Would that work? Just asking it out of curiosity. Right now I wouldnt commit suicide, because before I do I want to make sure that I am no longer saved during the time I do that. I have thought about it and then reached to conclusion that what if God takes it as a stupid thing done in desparate situation and for give me that? Then I might have to spend my eternyty with Him (God) which is not my interest right now. However I have to admit that I have already prayed God to send angel of death to my life or to take my self away from here many times. And as it have not been answered either I have tried to invite/summon death and hades by telling them that wait them.


Our walk is by faith according to His Word.

But what if there is no God at all and this verse is just added to keep people from leaving so that church would generate more money and more people?

5 hours ago, warrior12 said:

i would encourage you to stand on the side of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

That woud be good suggestion if God's love and care for me were real. Then I would definitly do that. But how can I trust someone who has never answered me? I also have not heard his voice audibly or see him with my eyes or seen him in dreams or seen any supernatural spiritual gifts with my own eye? How can I trust Him if he is just a theory in bible? How guarantee I have that this trust does not put me to shame? Right now I have not dared to share that I believe to my family or my friends in these years and now I am happay that I havent because otherwise I would have to explain them why I believe in God whom I have not experienced. And if then it would turn out that God either dont exist or exists but has no feelings for me then I would be in shame that I have followed for years someone who doesnt want to have anything to do with me.


You have to put on the full armor of God Ephesians 6

I have put this on like millions of times wen I still believed that there are such things as prayer answers, but here is where I am now. Doesnt sound like too powerful equipment.



Don't let the enemy steal your inheritance, which is eternal life with the king of kings and Lord of Lords.

Well, they cant seal something that I willingly give to them. I was so disappointed that about month ago I renounced Jesus. Then I thought that I would like to see if I have better luck with demonic realm but thought I cant invite them while I still have Holy Spirit in me so I cast Him out also. This night my dorm mate had one night stand so I thought it would be fun to scare them with demonic hauntings and tried to open a portal to hell to their room and invited in zozo and hades and told tem to cause hauntings but nothing happened. But not gonna give up yet because I didnt perform any real ritual anyway, just did that in my mind and by whispering words so it would be too soon to give up on that already. I accidentally even cut my finger with paper some time ago, seeing it as opportunity (altough came by accident) and tried to squeeze some dros of blood out of it to officially invite Lucifer to my life but blood didnt want to come out.




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Read it (Bible) to be wise, believe it to be safe.

But how can I find strength and trust to believe? I had trust in Him but it did not justify itself.


4 hours ago, shanee said:

i would say repent

Would it work if I don't really care but just admit what I have done and say I am sorry? If it wouldn't then what would be the point?



me myself have had trouble having a relationship with God when i had lots of unrepented sin on me.

That advise might even have chance to work but right now I am not willing to repent my sens because I have no guarantee that it would change anything.

Btw I forgot to mention that sometimes I also say out loud "Hail Satan!" when I am alone and that makes me happy and sometimes fills with energy...

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