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Seals and their purpose


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27 minutes ago, Pudgenik said:

It is a statement like that, that makes me wonder if you realize how high the pedestal is that you are perched upon?

Facts are facts....

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17 minutes ago, Revelation Man said:

Facts are facts....

There were many people who agreed with Hitler. Did that mean he was right?

(I'm not inferring  you as Hitler, so don't go ape on me over that)

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59 minutes ago, Pudgenik said:

There were many people who agreed with Hitler. Did that mean he was right?

(I'm not inferring  you as Hitler, so don't go ape on me over that)

Facts have always been facts...........its irrelevant who was alive when. 

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8 hours ago, fixerupper said:

If that's the extent of it then I'm blown away Lamad.  Spiritual affluenza is the "holier than thou, I have the truth because I have the Spirit" syndrone.    

You don't know how to interpret the bible.  You just like to build your arrogant self up.  You are filled with bias, and don't have an open enough mind for God to bless your understanding. You accept the research of others because you have no clue what good hermeneutics is.

When someone really does know the truth, this is the typical response received from those who think they know, when in fact, they don't.

Look, I am only suggesting that you don't skip over Acts 1 & 2. God's plan is that all believers make a stop there. But that is between you and God. I am only reminding you that Acts 1 & 2 is where every new believer should go. Sadly entire denominations have chosen to skip over these chapters and the great gift promised there.

You only say I don't know how to interpret the bible because you disagree. As i said, you are not just disagreeing with me, you are disagreeing with the Holy Spirit here. But again, that is between you and God.

You are right, I guess I am filled with bias - but it is Holy Spirit bias against false doctrine. In fact, when I was a baby believer, God sent me to this verse as my calling:

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
It is really too bad you don't agree, for you end up wrong. 
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2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

Facts have always been facts...........its irrelevant who was alive when. 

That's what happens when you get up on that pedistal

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You only say I don't know how to interpret the bible because you disagree.

No Lamad.  I say you don't know how to interpret the bible because you don't have a method on how to do it other than a large dose of spiritual arrogance.   


As i said, you are not just disagreeing with me, you are disagreeing with the Holy Spirit here. But again, that is between you and God.

This is crazy.  You act like you ARE the holy spirit.  You claim equality with the holy spirit and are a fool.


You are right, I guess I am filled with bias - but it is Holy Spirit bias against false doctrine.

You don't know what false docrine is Lamad because you're right smack in the middle of it.  Now that it's clear you've been debunked on several occasions, you've resorted to the one bearing a "higher calling."  Now the conversation has shifted to, "you are correct because you are a the spirit filled believer, and if you disagree with me you disagree with the holy spirit."  

Get out of denial, open your mind and you'll see more truth, and get rid of that arrogant spiritual affluenza you suffer from.



In fact, when I was a baby believer, God sent me to this verse as my calling:

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.


When I was a baby believer, I got out of Pentecostalism.


It is really too bad you don't agree, for you end up wrong. 

If it wouldn't be for other people coming here Lamad, I wouldn't spend a nickle on you.

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23 hours ago, iamlamad said:

: -))  Nice try, but what it really  is - is UNDERSTANDING these scriptures.

Try camping out on 1 Thes. 4 & 5 for a few weeks. Read it over maybe a hundred times or so. Pray in the Spirit much. And wait for the Teacher.  Oh! You can't pray in the Spirit.  How then can you ever fulfill Jude verse 20 - Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16 or 1 Cor. 14:15?

That must be it.  I didn't go camping.  Camping does it all the time.

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You should go camping fixer

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16 hours ago, fixerupper said:

That must be it.  I didn't go camping.  Camping does it all the time.

"Camping out"  can have different meanings. In truth, when Martin Luther got his revelation about salvation by faith alone,  millions ended up "camped" on his revelation, not budging for anything. We still have "Luthern" churches today. Sadly, they were SO FIRMLY "camped" on Luther's revelation they missed the next revelations that came along from the Holy Spirit.

When John Calvin came along, people "camped" firmly on his teachings, and today we have some Baptists and reformed baptists,  Presbyterians, some reformed churches, the United church of Christ: all these have camped firmly on Calvin and have pretty much missed every move of the Holy Spirit since.

At the same time as Calvin, Jacobus Arminius came along and taught many; and then millions "camped out" on his teachings and today we have the Nazarines, the Wesleyans, The Methodists, the American Baptists, Pentecostals: most of these camped so firmly to Arminius doctrine they MISSED every move of the Spirit since then.

When one "camps out" on a scripture, they cannot seem to get away from it, and meditate on it day and night for days, or weeks, or even months. When someone does this, usually God brings revelation knowledge.

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16 hours ago, fixerupper said:

You only say I don't know how to interpret the bible because you disagree.

No Lamad.  I say you don't know how to interpret the bible because you don't have a method on how to do it other than a large dose of spiritual arrogance.   

Only your opinion, with no basis of fact. The Holy Spirit does not think this at all. Answer a question: did Paul have "spiritual arrogance?" I don't think so! He got revelation knowledge from heaven greater than any other New Testament writer, and in fact, he knew this.  He might have seemed arrogant to some of his listeners, but the truth was, HE KNEW what he was talking about: his doctrine came from heaven.

It seems you don't understand Jesus' words when He spoke to Peter. He was not going to build his church around Peter! No, He would build His church on revealed knowledge - knowledge revealed by the Holy Spirit.  Humans always drift off on doctrine, so God reveals truth to someone to steer the church back towards truth. No single denomination has all truth. Some  though, come closer that others.

16 hours ago, fixerupper said:

As i said, you are not just disagreeing with me, you are disagreeing with the Holy Spirit here. But again, that is between you and God.

This is crazy.  You act like you ARE the holy spirit.  You claim equality with the holy spirit and are a fool.

Did you not read? Where have you been in your Christian life?

1 Cor. 6:17  But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.
1 John 4:17  Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

These verses do not mean we BECOME God and  are all powerful and omnipresent, etc.  The truth is, God has made us as Joint heirs with Jesus Christ.  He has raised us up to sit WITH JESUS on the throne. Don't take my word for it: read!

By the way, it is very dangerous to call someone a fool. Remember the words of Jesus.

By the way again: Paul was SO SURE of His revealed knowledge of the gospel he taught, He had the nerve to say WE would be judged by HIS gospel!

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