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Beware of the Catholic Church!


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54 minutes ago, Blood Bought 1953 said:


Catholics and non-Catholics who are depending on their works to save them will never have any rest or assurance in their salvation —- and they shouldn’t .They are lost.Paul clearly warned that “ adding to his Gospel” would make you “ accursed”.


It is by Grace We are Saved (Acts 15:11, Ephensians 2:8-9) through faith (Phillipians 3:9) in Jesus Christ and His propitiate death on cross (John 7:40, John 3:16, 1 Peter 3:18, 2 Peter 2:22) that make us justified, Saved, and Holy: 

because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved..” (Romans 10:9-10). 

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14 hours ago, rrobs said:

I can't imagine how an institution with such a tarnished history, past and present, manages to stay relevant. Kevin Spacey apparently forced himself sexually upon a few innocent victims. For that he was blackballed and his life utterly ruined. I was involved in a ministry whose leader was caught having sexual relations with a few women. It spelled the end of that otherwise very godly ministry. Now I don't condone what Kevin or my old minister did, but why do they get so castigated while the RC, who've committed far more egregious sins, goes on filling her coffers more and more each Sunday morning? And I'm not even speaking to the butchering of the scriptures they've caused in the church. That is the worse thing they've done and the news is silent in that regard.

I think one thing to keep in mind is it is not any individual Catholic who is at fault. It is rather an institutional problem. The people only know what they've been taught. Even the priest are only speaking the things they learned in seminary. They need to hear the truth of God's word if anything is to change. Speak the word in love.

That's a very good observation.......why indeed?  I would guess because the RCC has friends in high places.

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2 hours ago, Fidei Defensor said:

That’s interesting. Elitism I have encountered once, but generally there is a strong guilt complex with Catholics; in fact research and my own findings have found a connection between RCC ritual and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). If not guilt complex, RCs  have moral compartmentalizations as in I can sin all I want and just do penance later (Romans 6:1-14 confronts this), this is often seen in case of Mafia and is called cognitive dissonance. 

My intent is no disrespect to Catholics, these happen to be three sides: elitism, guilt, and dissonance. I have met Catholics who are of the Charisma stream and abandon teachings of Mariology, and I have seen Reformed Catholics who abandon the Papacy.  

Are you aware of the mexican drug cartels and their relationship with the church? Its worth looking in to. The churches take their money, knowing its source and the blood behind it. The drug cartel members think nothing of commiting their crimes and then having the church cleanse it. They also have narco saints they are trying to convince the church to sanction. Jesus malverde and la muerta are the two best known narco saints. 

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14 hours ago, Fidei Defensor said:

I would encourage the purge of destructive heresies, “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” (2 Peter 2:1) and false gospels, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel [a]contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be [b]accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel [c]contrary to what you received, he is to be [d]accursed!” (Galatians 1:8-9, cross ref 2 Corinthians 1:2-15), and false Christ, “For there will be false Christs and false prophets who will do signs and wonders to decisive the elect if possible.” (Matthew 24:24). 

So yes, I would teach against evil belief systems. But it must come under the love of God (1 John 4:8, John 3:16). 

How about love for Christian souls that are being preyed upon, deceived and taken captive and led to perdition?  Have we any love for those?  The point is that the Catholic church is actively campaigning and seeking to devour and take captive more souls in these days from among our ranks, and believers need to be aware and awake to the subtle wiles of the enemy and the perilous times we are in now, spiritually speaking.  This thread is about an urgent warning, and so that is the appropriate tone of voice to use.  Out of love for souls that Jesus suffered and died for.  And anyone who doesn't want to gather with Him should at least stop scattering and undermining.  If anyone wants to start a thread about how to evangelize Catholics, then by all means they should feel free to do so, and I'm someone who would be happy to see it.  But THIS thread is an urgent warning for those who are already born again believers.

I have no love whatsoever for a putrid evil engine of hell that deceptively masquerades as Christianity and leads many, many souls to perish.  She has been lying relatively dormant for a long time, but is becoming active and predatory again.  Should we have love for that or rather hate it and do our best to obey the Lord and expose it for what it is?

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15 hours ago, Gary Lee said:

Amen, rrobs. Sorta double standard. If someone could compile a brief history documentary with all the proven atrocities the RCC has committed over the centuries, you would wonder, how they are even allowed to exist as an organization, even though it is the most wealthy  entity in the world. Power. Worldly - spiritually. And the flock is in the dark.

Spiritual blindness, a spirit of stupor......as if people are unable to respond because they are captives, so they just ignore it.  And so many politicians and lawmakers are Catholics and cover up for their own and do nothing about it.  It's only by the express will of God that these recent exposures of debauchery are coming to light in these days....He is trying to expose the RCC for what it is.....and it is for those who have eyes to see, as always.

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13 hours ago, Fidei Defensor said:

Sadly, Protestant Churches arnt exempt. Many leaders of mega churches and Protestant Churches are stepping down for sexual misconduct and etc. The infection is not isolated to the RCC, it has spread into the Reformed and Evangelical sectors, Into Boy Scots, Into Hollywood, Into coaches of sports and beyond. This is not an RCC problem, it is pandemic that is spreading the globe; even sects of Hindus, Mexkcans, and Muslims are known to do this deplorable behavior to their children. 

This is a sin problem that is stretching like Aids across the globe and if we do not pray and correct/address it in our churches it will grow and we will return to the time of the Emperors of Rome and Herod Antipas whose depravity has no bounds. 

Oh Lord Jesus, come quickly! (Revelation 22:20). 

The reason it's happening is because we are in the falling away......the protestant churches are more and more resembling the Mother church and filling up with her worldliness and plagues.  All the more need to shout out an urgent warning to BEWARE....and COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE.  Out of love.

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10 hours ago, Fidei Defensor said:

And we wonder why Catholics don’t stay on Worthy long.. ?

They could have come around to the Reform, and even embraced Sola Scriptura, but you call people The Harlot and Babelyon long enough and well they don’t stick around. ☠️

No-one is calling "people" the Harlot and Babylon.  It's the RCC organization and belief system that is being looked at.  And we need to realize that it's probably a good thing if most Catholics don't feel comfortable here...and I'll try to explain why.  This is a Christian forum, and as such we discuss everything that is in the word of God, unapologetically, without hiding anything under a bushel or avoiding uncomfortable subjects.  In this way the forum is being salt and light, and we find that atheists, Buddhists, Satan worshipers and others aren't comfortable here either.  And that's as it should be.....if the whole world and every evil spirit felt comfortable here then they would all flood in and it would mean the salt and light of the word of God is not being held up at it should.  The only ones who would hang around are a few from any group who are sincerely seeking the truth, and praise the Lord for that.  If our gospel is such that we believe everyone should be comfortable with it, then perhaps its time to examine ourselves and make sure we haven't tainted and compromised it with a humanistic mindset.

There are a number of Catholics who also believe the RCC church is Mystery Babylon and that the last Pope will be the Antichrist.  I can only assume they remain Catholics because they are still captive to a lot of her dogmas and confused about what their course of action should be, in spite of having that understanding.  God's word instructs to come out of her....so that they will not partake of her sins and receive of her judgments.

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6 hours ago, Heleadethme said:

No-one is calling "people" the Harlot and Babylon.  It's the RCC organization and belief system that is being looked at.  And we need to realize that it's probably a good thing if most Catholics don't feel comfortable here...and I'll try to explain why.  This is a Christian forum, and as such we discuss everything that is in the word of God, unapologetically, without hiding anything under a bushel or avoiding uncomfortable subjects.  In this way the forum is being salt and light, and we find that atheists, Buddhists, Satan worshipers and others aren't comfortable here either.  And that's as it should be.....if the whole world and every evil spirit felt comfortable here then they would all flood in and it would mean the salt and light of the word of God is not being held up at it should.  The only ones who would hang around are a few from any group who are sincerely seeking the truth, and praise the Lord for that.  If our gospel is such that we believe everyone should be comfortable with it, then perhaps its time to examine ourselves and make sure we haven't tainted and compromised it with a humanistic mindset.

There are a number of Catholics who also believe the RCC church is Mystery Babylon and that the last Pope will be the Antichrist.  I can only assume they remain Catholics because they are still captive to a lot of her dogmas and confused about what their course of action should be, in spite of having that understanding.  God's word instructs to come out of her....so that they will not partake of her sins and receive of her judgments.

That or the RCs who see Babelyon in their church believe they can purify their church like The Puritans tries to in England. We Protestants are like Pilgrims who left the persecution and intolerance, those RCs who remain probably believe as Luther did in his latter years that he should have reformed from within the Church of Rome, John Weasley felt the same way about the Anglican Church. However, I disagree that a slow reform works; it was necessary there be divisions, “for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized.” (1 Corinthians 11:9). Still I think we could take a loving approach to our Catholic neighbors, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” (Ephensians 4:15). 

Edited by Fidei Defensor
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7 hours ago, Heleadethme said:

The reason it's happening is because we are in the falling away......the protestant churches are more and more resembling the Mother church and filling up with her worldliness and plagues.  All the more need to shout out an urgent warning to BEWARE....and COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE.  Out of love.

How are the Boy Scots and other depraved incidents outside the Church part of Babelyon? The Roman Catholic Church is not the source of this deplorable behavior, the sinful appetites of people are. This isn’t isolated to churches, it is in Hollywood, Boy Scots, work places, and in cultures that srnt Christian. 

It is convient to make a scapegoat out of one institution or people. When the problem is global and across Secular and Ecclesiastical lines. 

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18 hours ago, Riccardo said:

And all the world wondered after the beast. To my knowledge, I don't know a reformer who didn't pinpoint the papacy as the beast, the great harlet of Revelation. 

So many of the protestants are coming back supporting the Papacy. A wile back the Lutheran church came out & said it was all a big mistake, I'm sure Luther wouldn't agree, they are not the only frontline denomination to cuddle up the the papacy. If anyone gets a chance to read the Jesuit creed it'll blow your mind.

All the world wondered after the beast ,   whose deadly WOUND was healed .       You all want to hear something .    I dare anyone to look  up

what the POPE has said , what Kenneth Copeland has said .     THEY call this unity ,   HEALING THE WOUND .    I KID YOU ALL NOT .    LOOK IT UP .

LETS heal the WOUND .    rather odd eh.   

Edited by frienduff thaylorde
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