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Muslim Child Gang Rapes

Guest shiloh357

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I just cleaned this thread. Please be respectful from here on out. Not doing so will result in being removed from it. This is includes accusations of dishonesty or hypocrisy, etc.

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Guest shiloh357
1 minute ago, Davida said:

The honor killings, acid attacks, rape, gang - rape,  forced marriages under islam, systematic oppression, discrimination and abuse of young girls,  women, oppression of individual rights & freedoms, violent , brainwashing , deadly enforcement by the oppressive totalitarian male dominated religious governance  under Sharia Law this is what Muslims need to be delivered from. 

Anni Cyrus, ex:muslim escaped from Iran now citizen of U.S. and speaker about life under Islam








A lot of people don't realize how all of this is part of Muslim culture.  In the thread on "Muslims raping Europe"  I posted another article from (of all places) the NY Slimes, about how US soldiers were told to ignore such things in Afghanistan.  It is part of their culture over there, so it is no wonder that they are living this out in the west and bringing that part of Muslim culture, which has been kept under wraps by our media and the international Left.   If more people knew about this there would be a lot  more resistance to bringing these Muslim "refugees" into the west.  There ought to be a ban on Muslim immigration into the west.  And it should have started immediately after 9/11.   America is better without Muslims and their rape culture.

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Guest shiloh357
54 minutes ago, Davida said:

It is a dangerous oppressive ideology for sure and it has trapped many. 

But no matter how bad it gets, we are supposed to believe that it isn't happening, that victims are really experiencing what they say they are experiencing.  We are told that EVERY single person that criticizes Islam is wrong, that nothing Islam is accused of is happening, and I really see an incredible pattern of denial and whitewashing and outright lies. 

In one article I posted, the victims are told that it is their own fault for leaving their homes and being out in the streets in evening hours.  That simply walking outside their house in their own country is giving Muslim rapists the opportunity to rape them.  They are told that they asked to be raped. https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/261380/cologne-mayor-victims-migrant-sex-assaults-you-robert-spencer

Jihad Watch posted this: Muslim Migrant:  "German Girls are Just There for Sex."  https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/01/muslim-migrant-german-girls-are-just-there-for-sex

Blaming the victim is pretty common in Islam.  It's what Israel faces all of the time.  It's very existence is considered an illegal occupation, a "disaster" and that alone justifies the Muslim war of attrition against Israel's very existence.  They try to blame Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) but Israel was subjected to three wars and 19 years of terrorism for simply existing, prior to one Jew living in the West Bank or Gaza.

Joan Petersen, in her book "From Time Immemorial" makes a point about that.   In fact, it is ironic, that she uses as an analogy for how Israel is blamed for the terrorism inflicted upon it, a scenario where a woman is raped out on a city street at night but is the one blamed for the crime instead of criminal.  Now we are seeing that exact scenario being played out, en masse, accross Europe.

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5 hours ago, Badjao33 said:

Rape in Muslim countries is lower than western countries. 

Indonesia has more Muslims than any other country in the world and has one of the lowest rape rates.

In 2015, rape rate in Indonesia was 0.7 cases per 100,000 population. In the ranking by rape rate including 68 countries, Indonesia has the 65th rank that is close to the positions of such countries as Mongolia and the Myanmar. Compared to Kenya which at the top of the ranking with rape rate of 1.9 cases per 100,000 population in 2015, Indonesia has 63.78 % percent lower rape rate.

In 2008, rape rate for Syrian Arab Republic was 0.8 cases per 100,000 population. Though Syrian Arab Republic rape rate fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 2004 - 2008 period ending at 0.8 cases per 100,000 population in 2008.

In 2014, rape rate for Iraq was 1.5 cases per 100,000 population. Rape rate of Iraq fell gradually from 1.7 cases per 100,000 population in 2008 to 1.5 cases per 100,000 population in 2014.

United States of America rape rate was at level of 38.6 cases per 100,000 population in 2015, up from 37 cases per 100,000 population previous year, this is a change of 4.33 %.

“Rape” means sexual intercourse without valid consent. (UN-CTS M3.4)


The rape rate in the US is 50 times higher than many predominantly Muslim countries. In the US it is estimated that 20% of women will be a victim of rape at some point in their lifetime. For comparison that percentage is 7% in Indonesia. Rape is not condoned in any mainstream religion that I am aware of. 

Rape is forbidden in Islam. The only ones who say otherwise are evil extremists and anti-Islamic propagandists and they justify their findings by deliberately twisting or taking text from the Qur'an and the hadiths out of context. Common sense should tell us that Rape is not condoned in Islam. If it were, why would more than 1.6 billion people follow it? Why would 100,000 people in the US alone be converting to it each year? Why would Islam be allowed to exist anywhere in the world if it was teaching people that committing the crime of rape was acceptable? If that were the case, Islam would be banned in many countries around the world. 



Rape, unfortunately, remains a common form of violence against women. In addition, the woman is often blamed for being the victim of rape. Islam views rape as a violent crime against the victim, against society, and against God. The perpetrator has committed a crime and hence is morally and legally responsible. The victim is an unwilling partner in the sex act and thus bears neither blame nor stigma. To either ostracize or condemn the victim because she was compelled to engage in sexual intercourse is against the laws of Islam as the victim was an unwilling, and therefore, a blameless participant.

Islam is a false religion that is leading hundreds of millions of our Muslim neighbors away from Christ. Listening to anti-Islamic propagandists and Islamic extremist and parroting their twisted views of the religion Muslims follow online and elsewhere isn't helping the spread of the gospel. It's building a wall of separation between the gospel and the lost instead. Muslims know what their religion teaches. They know that the terrorist and the anti-Islamic propagandists are perverting Islam in an attempt to create division in the world. When followers of Christ also pervert their religion, it damages our personal witness. If you want to know what Islam teaches about rape, go talk to some Muslims in your community and find out from them. While you are at it, you can talk to them about Jesus and the hope and the life He brought to the dying world.  


well if that comforts you, but it does not comfort those raped and gang raped by muslim men and the reality of what European countries now have to deal with

just the attitude of the Muslim culture reveals women to be less and easily attained or disposed of


believers are free and equal in Christ 

the Muslim 'religion', Islam, is actually a political ideology with global conquest as it imperative

convert or be beheaded.  yes.  who wouldn't want that choice?  


and as far as rape supposedly being lower in muslim countries, two things. 1. who says? women are afraid to admit to being raped for fear of being 'worthless' in a country that pretty much dismisses their worth anyway.  who wants a 'used virgin'?  and 2. muslim men let loose upon unsuspecting European women treat them like they treat their own women.  the difference is that outrage is growing as this is not the norm for European societies but sadly and perhaps very telling, is the equally shocking cover up officials have been doing so as not to alarm their populace and possibly North America that they have made a terrible mistake with their open borders policy

the regular Joe on the street has had enough now and backlash is occuring more and more

IMO, what we have been seeing is the muslim diaspora and an aide to their world conquest goals







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Guest shiloh357
2 hours ago, Sevenseas said:

and as far as rape supposedly being lower in muslim countries, two things. 1. who says? women are afraid to admit to being raped for fear of being 'worthless' in a country that pretty much dismisses their worth anyway.  who wants a 'used virgin'?  and 2. muslim men let loose upon unsuspecting European women treat them like they treat their own women.  the difference is that outrage is growing as this is not the norm for European societies but sadly and perhaps very telling, is the equally shocking cover up officials have been doing so as not to alarm their populace and possibly North America that they have made a terrible mistake with their open borders policy 

Yes, it is kind of like back when people were saying that we had few unwed teenage mothers in the US, but it was because abortions were higher.

And you are right. Not all of the rapes get reported, particularly when, as in Islam, a woman who is raped dishonors her family and liable to be the victim of an honor killing.   I can imagine a lot of scenarios where such things would not be reported and thus bringing down the numbers.   Women are like chattel in Islam.

Not only that, but is actually "rape" in Muslim countries?  It's like pedophilia is repackaged and justified as "child marriages" in Muslim countries.  It's not a "sin" if you call it something else... <_<

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3 hours ago, Badjao33 said:

Nobody has ever said that these atrocities are not happening, it's just that they don't represent the majority. If you add up every immigrant that committed a sexual assault in Europe in the past year how many would it be in total? A few hundred? A few thousand? 

Now how many immigrants are there in total? Germany has about 1.5 million. If you went through and read every report about a rape or sexual assault committed by an immigrant in the past year in Germany, how many do you think there would be? The number would probably be under 1,000, but let's go with 10,000 just to be overly generous. If there were 10,000 sexual assaults by immigrants in Germany over the past year, that would mean that 99.994% of immigrants didn't sexually assault anyone. So how can someone honestly claim that Islam has a rape culture if the percentage of those commuting rapes coming from Muslim majority countries is far less than 1%? 

A lot of people use the New Year's event to show that immigrants are a problem, but this doesn't prove anything one way or the other. I lived in Germany from 1985 to 88 while in the military and even back then sexual assaults at festivals and celebrations were a problem. Here are a few articles that show that sexual assaults at the Oktoberfest were all to common long before immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa became an issue. 

You suggest that all Muslims are alike, but to claim that all Muslims live and act in the same exact way is as absurd as claiming that all Baptists are fundamentalist. There are Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Churches in America that allow the same things that many accuse Islam of doing. There is abuse of children, pre-arraigned marriages, child marriages, rape of spouses, women are not allowed to speak in the church, not even an "Amen", and they preach that homosexuals can't be saved and should be put to death. Women are oppressed in many IFB families. Now I don't know how many of these churches exist in the US, or what the total membership is, but it's a significant number. But just like those IFB churches don't represent the Baptist Church, immigrants committing rape and those committing acts of terrorism don't represent Muslims. 

I know you don’t like what I and some others say have to say on this subject since you hold to a more absolutist view on a number of things, but it's unfair to say that Islam teaches this or that when 99.99% or more Muslims in the world are not participating in those activities. It's just not a fair way to judge. 


instead of looking at a 2003 ocktoberfest, let's look at recent events

following from an article in MaCleans magazine (Cdn publication)  Jan 2016

as I said earlier, people are now reacting to a culture that has never allowed for women to be treated as anything more than less than men...way less


Police are now investigating over 500 criminal complaints from that night in Cologne. The majority of those arrested so far are indeed asylum seekers. Other German cities reported similar attacks. Across Europe, more stories emerged. In Sweden, for example, police have been accused of covering up a series of mass sexual assaults committed by gangs of Afghans who groped and molested girls as young as 11 or 12 at a popular music festival.

The Cologne attacks immediately shifted the refugee debate in Germany. Previous supporters of an open border policy began to argue that too many had now arrived, more than one million in the last year. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has pushed the hardest among European leaders to accept more asylum seekers, quickly found herself in a precarious position. Demands for her resignation increased as public opinion began to turn. And not just in Germany. Across Europe and North America, from the racist right to the feminist left, people are pointing to Cologne and claiming it’s simply too dangerous to accept more asylum seekers from countries like Syria.

This is the part of the column where you would normally expect me to argue the odds of being raped by a refugee are somewhat lower than being attacked by rabbits, where I might make some reference to instinctive bias, and then suggest everyone should just calm down.

But they’re right. When refugees arrive in Western countries, they bring with them violent and sexist cultural attitudes that contributed in part to the mess they fled. Consider a global survey by the Pew Research Center; when asked if women should have equal rights, only 45 per cent of Egyptian men agreed, compared to 97 per cent of Germans. Similarly, not a single Arab or North African nation makes it into the top 100 counties ranked in the most recent World Economic Forum’s gender-gap report. Those medieval attitudes translate into barbaric actions. Due to reporting variances, tracking sexual assault statistics between countries is extremely difficult, but a large comparative database created by the WomanStats Project ranks Muslim countries among the world’s most dangerous places for women. If you’re surprised that some refugee groups in Europe commit crimes at a higher rate than the general population, you’re either not paying attention or you are lying to yourself.

read the entire article here


this from someone who did not think these problems existed


I think it really is a problem of culture.  which goes right back to the culture of muslim countries where a woman is just not worth as much as men and inserting men into a culture where women are not thought of that way in general, is bound to cause problems such as the op of this thread suggests, as well as other posters

statistics can be slanted by the questions asked

it's not American or Canadian citizens going to muslim countries and raping their women ... en masse or regularly

sure there are exceptions, but exceptions are just that.  meaning different from how things usually are perceived 

stating everyone is doing 'it' does not equal North Americans arriving en masse and creating 'cities within cities' wherein even police hesitate to go

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That still sounds like Muslim apologetics, and I'm not drinkin' that flavor Cool Aid.

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Guest shiloh357
15 minutes ago, walla299 said:

That still sounds like Muslim apologetics, and I'm not drinkin' that flavor Cool Aid.

Same here.  Not drinking that stuff at all.

It's always the same old sad response of "non-Muslims do it, so you can't criticize Muslims for it."  Completely misses the point.  Child rape is not part of American culture, but it is part of Islamic culture.

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1 hour ago, Badjao33 said:

I mentioned that attack in my post. The point was to show that anytime you mix alcohol and large crowds of young people, your going to have sexual assaults take place. The Oktoberfest was just one example. 

No, they call it sex tourism instead and go to countries in southeast Asia and rape children and exploit young women living in poverty.


well I supplied details and the analysis of the individual who wrote an article for a well respected magazine and they changed their mind about their stance on the 'harmless' muslim men and said that anyone ignoring what is really going on has their head in the sand

you do no justice to the actual events or continuing outrage but deflect with nonsense about comparing a crisis caused by muslim migrants to sex tourism which has been around for hundreds of years...do some research...and try to give the impression that muslims are no worse than anyone else

in that effort, you once again negate the factual accounts of muslims creating a colony of rape culture within European cities and the apparent lack of desire to respect the host country that has allowed them in

perhaps you do not understand the actual conversation?

thousands upon thousands  of North American men are not flocking to Asian countries to partake in sex tourism nor are they migrating to other countries and committing atrocities on the populace

you do not have any comparison that is equivocal as much as you would like to think so


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18 minutes ago, Badjao33 said:

My point is how can you righteously point your finger at Muslims and ignore the fact that these crimes are an epidemic among ourselves?  Can you give a reason why it is OK to judge others in such a way? 

There are sex offenders in every culture in this fallen world, so stop making excuses. Our point is assault on European women didn't start until after the Muslim migrants arrived and brought their culture with them. A culture which does not mix with that of the host country, and a culture where a female camel has more rights than a human female. History shows the same behavior, and that's not made up fear mongering. Excuses and deflection of blame don't work in this case.

I may as well add this: There is no separation of mosque and state in Islam. I've seen that first hand in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Islam has one goal and that's to rule. Period. Based on our constitution Islam is a treasonous government system wrapped in a religion. It has no place in the US or the Western world.

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