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By This Shall All Men Know That You Know Me, By the Love You Have One For Another


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13 hours ago, Alive said:

Let’s start with this then as my wife just got home, I need to give her my full attention.

Regarding what happens to born again believers in the Cross of CHrist.

Do you believe that we died and rose in new Life and this removed us from the old Adam and placed us into the New Adam—CHrist?

That God miraculously relocated us from the old into the New. I am purposely making this a rather narrow question.

This is a basic yes or no type of question. We died—were killed—and now have an entirely New Life.

Absolutely. But may I share a shadow type of this? When Israel finally crossed Jordan and entered the promised land, God told Joshua "I have given you the land. Every step you take will be yours."And Joshua says "Wow, great! Thanks, God!" Then the Lord says, "Now, go in and take the land, and oh, by the way, the land is filled with peoples with mighty walled cities and strong, very well equipped armies." LOL.

God has given us new natures. No doubt about it. Then He equips us with swords, shields and armor,  plants us on the high ground and tells us to fight our good fight of faith, to struggle to enter the rest, and to endure to the end. 

Do you see the parallel? What is God trying to get us to do? Grow in faith that He is not a man that He might lie! Fight our good fight of faith so that we become established in it, immoveable, unshakeable. 

Jericho was a mighty victory, solely by the obedience of faith (Romans 15). Next up? Little Ai. And because of sin in the camp, little Ai kicked their butts. Joshua wanted to quit. Fear overtook him. God would have none of it. "Get up off your face and stop believing you are incapable of doing as I asked. Believe again thst I have given you the land. Now, go in and fight believing it is true and it will be."

Look guys.  God provided us a mighty victory in our salvation. Our Jericho. We did NOTHING.  Now God tells us that He has given us a rest. This time, He tells us to fight for it. Utterly drive out the unbelief. And He adds that He is able to keep us from falling for He has provided shields of faith that will not allow satans arrows to get to us. 

 He assures us with a multitude of promises that our promise of a walk of victory is already a done deal. Now go fight. 

Yes, we are new creatures. But God does not want us camped two feet inside the land of promise(s) content to just possess it 'theoretically'. He tells us to stop bemoaning our weakness, and stop using our humanness as a reason why we  believe walking in the fullness of that new nature is impossible. Overcoming is the birthright of new creatures, and by gosh, our wonderful savior is going to see to it that we enjoy all the benefits of it, even if it kills us! LOL.

 We are asked to believe Him.... every word. All the stuff about sin not having dominion over us? Yup. All the stuff about us no longer being in the flesh and us owing it nothing?. Yup. And when we do,  when we step out as new creatures and exercise the faith we do have, glory to God, our faith grows bigger! More of the land is taken. More enemies driven out. More giants brought down to size.

In these last days, God is again awakening us to who we are as new creatures, and  what that actually means for us. He will no longer wink at our sins, nor  let us camp by Jordan,  as we argue vehemently that "the land is ours and we can't lose it because God told us He gave it to us! So there!!" LOL.  God is simply saying "Yes, the land IS yours, my child. Now show me you believe me and go kick butt , and it will be yours."

Soory for getting carried away, lol. A lot can be squeezed into answering a narrow question! So, in short, yes, I believe a Christian absolutely is a new creature. Aren't you glad you did not ask me a broad question? LOL 

Next question? ?

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5 minutes ago, Gideon said:


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1 hour ago, Blood Bought 1953 said:


I did a little study about “ The Armor  Of God”........did not see anything in that suit of armor that was analogous to “Repentance”......all the other important things seemed to be included in our “ armor.”  What do you Think is up with that? 



Repentance is not part of the armor. We  repent in order to  put the armor back on,  for if we have willfully sinned , our hearts will most assuredly condemn us (even if Christ does not) for God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. It is only when we repent and know we are forgiven and cleansed that we can again believe that the armor of  God will offer us total protection from the enemy. I hope that makes sense. 





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I want to make sure that no matter how far we drift from the OP, we come back to it. If love is  not the ultimate outcome of our walking in Him, and here Icam speaking specifically of  of older believers,  then Houston, we have a problem.

If the fruits of the Spirit are not evident to others around us in how we treat people, how we  conduct ourselves in our daily lives, we need to re-examine our foundation, for something is wrong and needs to be righted.  

We need to make sure we are not re-assuring ourselves strictly from the written word without the Spirit's witness, but let the Spirit of God search our hearts, our motives, the health of our faith walk , where our treasure is, and above all, whether love is coming out of us towards others, even our enemies. 

If not, it is not the time to dig in our heels and go on the attack as to any perceived threat, for love must be involved in fixing it. If not, it is simply cymbal clanging time. 

If we find ourselves in such a place,  it is time to let the God who loves us apply whatever  corrections He  deems needed to restore us so that we can actively walk in His love again. Why is this absolutely necessary?  Simply because until we ourselves are filled to overflowing, we cannot pour it out onto others. 



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25 minutes ago, Cornelius10 said:

No you do not make sense but you are trying.
Did the Symaratin Woman that KNEW Jesus wear Armor?


She KNEW who he was, and said even the Dogs eat from the scrapes of the Table.

The armor is issued to those who are children of God, washed in the blood and made new.  Jesus had not yet died. Now, if you ask me if I believe once she was saved whether or not she wore her armor, my answer would be a resounding yes. 

Is it just me or does it seem some sort of traps are being laid out for me to be ensnared. LOL. How nice it would be to see sincere questions over potential misunderstandings,  questions I would gladly try to answer, rather then the tactics being displayed simply trying to prove me wrong. Sigh. 



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1 hour ago, Gideon said:

Repentance is not part of the armor. We  repent in order to  put the armor back on,  for if we have willfully sinned , our hearts will most assuredly condemn us (even if Christ does not) for God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. It is only when we repent and know we are forgiven and cleansed that we can again believe that the armor of  God will offer us total protection from the enemy. I hope that makes sense. 






 It is only when we repent and know we are forgiven


I am convinced that Believers are forgiven , whether they Repent or not......If I commit a sin, say, cursing at somebody that cuts me off in traffic and then die of a heart attack before I repent , will the Grace  Of God cover that sin or am I damned forever ? This is not an attempt to trap you.....I just need to know if you are worth listening to or if you are an adherent to the False Gospel Of “ Lucky Repentance.”People have the right to  know , once and for all, what “  Camp” you belong to.......

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34 minutes ago, Cornelius10 said:

She Knew Him when she Saw and spoke to Him.

SHE KNEW HIM, While he was alive.
Frankly I get confused on this Hang up about the DEATH Of Jesus, It Was HIS LIFE that Changed The World.
HIS BIRTH and Teachings.

AD does not mean After Death It Means Year of the Lord.


Jesus “Life” Saved Nobody .He was sent to Earth to die.....that death was what changed the World.Had He not died , the World  would be lost in their sins with no hope of Salvation.His death enabled the Holy Spirit to come and to indwell Believers  and transform their lives into the image of Jesus , making this planet at least half-way bearable until the Day That Christ returns and makes things right......” Without the shedding Of Blood,  there is no remission of sin.......”

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2 hours ago, Cornelius10 said:

She Knew Him when she Saw and spoke to Him.

SHE KNEW HIM, While he was alive.
Frankly I get confused on this Hang up about the DEATH Of Jesus, It Was HIS LIFE that Changed The World.
HIS BIRTH and Teachings.

AD does not mean After Death It Means Year of the Lord.

Brother, I mean no disrespect, but you are totally missing the entire point of the gospel. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. Without His resurrection, there is no newness of life. The hang up about His death??   if He did not take our punishment, we arexstill in our sins and of all men most miserable. 


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2 hours ago, Blood Bought 1953 said:


 It is only when we repent and know we are forgiven


I am convinced that Believers are forgiven , whether they Repent or not......If I commit a sin, say, cursing at somebody that cuts me off in traffic and then die of a heart attack before I repent , will the Grace  Of God cover that sin or am I damned forever ? This is not an attempt to trap you.....I just need to know if you are worth listening to or if you are an adherent to the False Gospel Of “ Lucky Repentance.”People have the right to  know , once and for all, what “  Camp” you belong to.......

Brother, repentance is an attitude of a broken hungry heart. If we have come to hate our life, our old fallen nature, the one that enjoys dalliances with sin on occasion, that wants its own will on the throne of our hearts (except in emergencies of course)  and like Paul sees our very nature as the real enemy, not just the sins it seems to generate, we have the brokenness of heart that God desires. We ARE repentant.

What you are talking about is a moment in time. Did we repent before we died or will that sin send us to hell? Brother, that  is not the question needing to be asked at all.  

Rather it is this. 

 IF I am still living in Romans  7 as Paul once did, but do  not possess Paul's attitude towards his never ending sins and. self-love, and lack his longing to be freed from his cursed fallenness, what rhe heck am I thinking?  If my entire attitude towards sin is far, far from Paul's or God's , something is badly out of sorts, amen? 

God hates sin. We have God inside us. We are told to let this mind in us that also was in Christ. Christ died to accomplish two things. 

1) To free us from the penalty for our sins. We are told that if we confess our sins, He is faithful ans just to forgive us and to do the next part.....

2) ..... to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Not just positional cleansing. Real cleansing. Made free indeed. Delivered from the power of darkness. Victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil. 

We all love the first one, but how many long for the second? It cannot be a "Yeah, it would be nice but..." That eill not cut it. It must be a hunger burning within us that cannot be satisfied until God reaches down and does for us what He did for Paul.  DELIVER US FROM EVIL. 

Now, if you would be so kind  to tell me how one can see that accomplished without feeling remorse of we do sin,  a sin that Jesus paid for with His blood and tears.... but never mind, this question really has no answer and no defense.  Any attempt to justify it would reveal an unbroken heart, with no deep desire to walk as He walked, nor to BE light in an ever-darkening world. 

We are told that repentance  and brokenness are the two key elements that allows faith to work so that we might be saved and delivered. We are told that he that DOETH righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous.

Paul asks another question where no satisfactory answer can   be offered. 

How can we, who are dead to sin live any longer in it? 

What is the awakening of which I speak? Our consciences, hardened and seared by our continuing in sin, thinking grace has it all covered, are about to come face to face with the truth. If our heart at present has no desire to be freed from sin's grip, we will be awakened so that we can  'come to ourselves' as did the  prodigal son, and rethink our choice.  Far better to eat crow than  to come face to face with a God who saw those sins we do not even think we need to repent from put His only begotten son on the cross to suffer and die. 

Brokenness IS coming to God's church, and though it will be painful for some, if we will listen, God will turn our sorrow  into joy, our deadness into life. . Those who hunger WILL be filled, praise God, and a spirit of contentment with godliness  will replace our lukewarm contentment  with no desire for pure hearts.

 Guys, God knows we cannot overcome sin where we sit. Self cannot crucify self. But we can cry out in sorrow for it. Right now, most see it as an impossibility to overcome sin. But I promise each and every one of you, if you hunger and thirst for God AND His righteousness, you WILL be filled. God will open your eyes as to the HOW of holiness and make a way when there is no way. And praise God, the changes He will bring about in you will simply blow your minds.

However, with  rhis wonderful promise, there goes our a stern warning.  If we do not heed his voice and refuse to repent,  refuse to let God reign over us, refuse to resist rhe devil so rhst he will flee from us, our eyes and ears will be sealed so thst we cannot comprehend what God longs to do for us, and I  fear  we will find  our security is not nearly as bulletproof as we have been taught. 



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@Gideon Please--we can address your type later. It is a distraction, if I address that now.

I asked about the Cross and what happens there. Jesus said, "you must be born again". Paul later described for us how that happens. The Father put us into Christ by faith through Grace--so that when Christ died on the Cross, so did those He put into Christ. But Christ didn't stay dead--He rose from that grave and because we were 'in Him' we rose also in newness of Life and also ascended so that our life is hidden 'In Christ' with God. Paul further explained this by teaching us that the old Adam died and we were raised up as a member of the 'Second Adam'. Born again--born from above. So God relocated us from the First Adam 'into' the Second Adam and the Life that the Second Adam has is Eternal Life, Divine Life, Christ Life. He 'birthed us into His family. A New Creature. This is 'Salvation'. To have Christ Life. To have been removed from that which is judged as worthy of death (First Adam) (we died) and placed into the the New.

This is all very rational--as Jesus the Word, the Logos is the 'rational reason for all things. That is what Logos means. The Word.

Now you say that  such a one can lose that 'Christ Life'. How does that happen? Does some action or inaction kill him once again, kill the Christ Life, the New Creation and yank him out and place him back into the 'First Adam'. Then if that person were to 'believe again' to get back on the Cross where both Christ and that one dies all over again, taken out of the First Adam and then placed into the Second Adam-----AGAIN? And--------AGAIN?

Remember a born again saint has his life hidden with Christ in God. "I have been crucified with Christ...."

Within this reasoning is a very simple question and I know that you are smart enough to see it.

Please answer. Gideon--this is very important. It may be the most important question that you ever answer in your entire life.

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