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3 Main Themes I see in the Bible: Love - Image - Dominion

Vine Abider

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6 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

Wonderful themes. And the amazing revelation is that Christ, who is `the very highest in the universe,` (as you said) should make some of the human race, sons that He will have reign with Him in glory over all. (Rev. 3: 21)

@Marilyn C There is indeed the wonder of the transition from being 'dead in trespasses and sins' to being blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus' (Ephesians).........

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Yes, God gives us dominion over, but more important is having dominion within. To this we all are called "in one body" >

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)

But Adam and Eve fell, even though they had personally talked with the LORD, and had such perfect circumstances except for the serpent tempting them.

Only Jesus could be the first perfect One to walk on this earth. And only with Jesus in us in our character can we succeed in doing all things well.

So, critical and key to so much is character.


Edited by com7fy8
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And yes, how we are to have dominion has so much to do with being good example >

"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)

Our dominion needs to to come from how we care for one another as God's family, feeding good example to each other.

And worship the LORD. The focus needs to not be on controlling and changing this evil world, but focus on submitting to how God rules and changes us to be like Jesus so we have His character to discover all our Father desires to do with us.

"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

With submitting to God, we enjoy control in sharing with Him, "and you will find rest for your souls." (in Matthew 11:29)

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Dominion Theology.

One might also  take a look at a short summary at Got Questions on  Dominion Theology or Christian reconstructionism and theonomy. 


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1 hour ago, com7fy8 said:

And yes, how we are to have dominion has so much to do with being good example >

"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)

Our dominion needs to to come from how we care for one another as God's family, feeding good example to each other.

And worship the LORD. The focus needs to not be on controlling and changing this evil world, but focus on submitting to how God rules and changes us to be like Jesus so we have His character to discover all our Father desires to do with us.

"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

With submitting to God, we enjoy control in sharing with Him, "and you will find rest for your souls." (in Matthew 11:29)

I think dominion speaks mainly in the context of two kingdoms and that present struggle. The principalities operating in the earthly realm recognize the Life of Christ in us and that authority. It is actionable, when we are in His will at any given time…standing in the breach. Said another way, the enemy can do nothing that God does not allow. God is sovereign and always has been. We err when we imagine there is an actual struggle/fight/war between the Creator and the created. Those words that seem such are metaphorical. 
Our struggle for the most part, is over our minds….have the mind of Christ.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

(Romans 15:13 NAS95)

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3 hours ago, com7fy8 said:

Yes, God gives us dominion over, but more important is having dominion within. To this we all are called "in one body" >

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)

But Adam and Eve fell, even though they had personally talked with the LORD, and had such perfect circumstances except for the serpent tempting them.

Only Jesus could be the first perfect One to walk on this earth. And only with Jesus in us in our character can we succeed in doing all things well.

So, critical and key to so much is character.



1 hour ago, Alive said:

I think dominion speaks mainly in the context of two kingdoms and that present struggle. The principalities operating in the earthly realm recognize the Life of Christ in us and that authority. It is actionable, when we are in His will at any given time…standing in the breach. Said another way, the enemy can do nothing that God does not allow. God is sovereign and always has been. We err when we imagine there is an actual struggle/fight/war between the Creator and the created. Those words that seem such are metaphorical. 
Our struggle for the most part, is over our minds….have the mind of Christ.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

(Romans 15:13 NAS95)

Fully agree!  There are now two kingdoms, love & light vs destruction & darkness.  And it does begin with us, because this is what God intended for man - image and dominion. If we are internally aligned with the kingdom of darkness, then there is no dominion.  Christ in us is the victorious one, and apart from Him there is zero dominion or profit.

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2 hours ago, Neighbor said:

Dominion Theology.

One might also  take a look at a short summary at Got Questions on  Dominion Theology or Christian reconstructionism and theonomy. 


I had not heard of Dominion Theology, and after taking a look on Got Questions, it appears to be quite extreme and legalistic.  Certainly not what we're talking about here . . . do you see it differently?

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34 minutes ago, Neighbor said:

Dominion Theology.

One might also  take a look at a short summary at Got Questions on  Dominion Theology or Christian reconstructionism and theonomy. 


To give the reader a basic foundation of this matter, here is Wikipedia.

Dominion theology, also known as dominionism, is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation that is governed by Christians and based on their understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of acquiring governing authority are varied. For example, dominion theology can include theonomy but does not necessarily involve advocacy of adherence to the Mosaic Law as the basis of government. The label is primarily applied to groups of Christians in the United States.

Prominent adherents of those ideologies include Calvinist Christian reconstructionism, Charismatic and Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology, and the New Apostolic Reformation.[1][2] Most of the contemporary movements that are labeled dominion theology arose in the 1970s from religious movements asserting aspects of Christian nationalism. Roman Catholic integralism is also sometimes considered to fall under the dominionist umbrella, but the Catholic integralist movement is much older and theologically markedly different from Protestant dominionism since it is tied to the doctrine of the Catholic Church as being the only true church.

The Bible on the other hand acknowledges that the Kingdom is future. From Babel to Abraham the Nations ruled. Rule was local. That is, kings ruled cities. But Egypt changed that. A world power with political and religious structure ruled a vast area. From the time that Joshua crossed the Jordan till Nebuchadnezzar deported Judah, Nations still ruled their domain but Israel proved unbeatable. But with Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon, Israel's invincibility was over and a second "time of the Gentiles" began. To Daniel in Babylon are  the given two prophecies - one to the gentiles and written in Aramaic (Chapters 2- 7), and one to Israel (Chapters 8 - 12). In it God outlines the gentile dominion until, in one single event, God's people crush gentile rule and institute a Kingdom led and energized by God.

Dominion theology basically teaches that Christianity will grow and grow and take over the Nations with Christian Government.

The Bible teaches that Israel, at first chosen for the implementation of this Kingdom, rejected their King and the Kingdom. God then turns to the Nations and takes a New People out of then to rule. But Christianity will apostatize itself and that a Remnant, who remain true, will join Christ in a one-off battle which will destroy the military might of the Gentiles, and thereafter institute a Kingdom in which God's rules will abide

You will notice that Wikipedia singles out the Roman Church as having essentially different beliefs. The difference is that since Constantine, the Roman Empire changed its soldiers armor for priest's clothes and ruled from the pulpit and not the chariot. They are the fourth Empire - except in priest's clothes.

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19 minutes ago, AdHoc said:

To give the reader a basic foundation of this matter, here is Wikipedia.

Dominion theology, also known as dominionism, is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation that is governed by Christians and based on their understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of acquiring governing authority are varied. For example, dominion theology can include theonomy but does not necessarily involve advocacy of adherence to the Mosaic Law as the basis of government. The label is primarily applied to groups of Christians in the United States.

Prominent adherents of those ideologies include Calvinist Christian reconstructionism, Charismatic and Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology, and the New Apostolic Reformation.[1][2] Most of the contemporary movements that are labeled dominion theology arose in the 1970s from religious movements asserting aspects of Christian nationalism. Roman Catholic integralism is also sometimes considered to fall under the dominionist umbrella, but the Catholic integralist movement is much older and theologically markedly different from Protestant dominionism since it is tied to the doctrine of the Catholic Church as being the only true church.

The Bible on the other hand acknowledges that the Kingdom is future. From Babel to Abraham the Nations ruled. Rule was local. That is, kings ruled cities. But Egypt changed that. A world power with political and religious structure ruled a vast area. From the time that Joshua crossed the Jordan till Nebuchadnezzar deported Judah, Nations still ruled their domain but Israel proved unbeatable. But with Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon, Israel's invincibility was over and a second "time of the Gentiles" began. To Daniel in Babylon are  the given two prophecies - one to the gentiles and written in Aramaic (Chapters 2- 7), and one to Israel (Chapters 8 - 12). In it God outlines the gentile dominion until, in one single event, God's people crush gentile rule and institute a Kingdom led and energized by God.

Dominion theology basically teaches that Christianity will grow and grow and take over the Nations with Christian Government.

The Bible teaches that Israel, at first chosen for the implementation of this Kingdom, rejected their King and the Kingdom. God then turns to the Nations and takes a New People out of then to rule. But Christianity will apostatize itself and that a Remnant, who remain true, will join Christ in a one-off battle which will destroy the military might of the Gentiles, and thereafter institute a Kingdom in which God's rules will abide

You will notice that Wikipedia singles out the Roman Church as having essentially different beliefs. The difference is that since Constantine, the Roman Empire changed its soldiers armor for priest's clothes and ruled from the pulpit and not the chariot. They are the fourth Empire - except in priest's clothes.

YUP--I have seen this manifested in different ways over the years. Jesus made an interesting comment to Pilate, if memory serves. He said, my Kingdom is not of this world, if it were, my servants would fight....

This places the battle in a different realm and quite contrary to the battle cry of folks I once fellowshipped with; "Bring it on". The idea was that they were to bring on the Kingdom by taking dominion and living in such a way.

This notion has some appeal, but I found misguided.

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4 minutes ago, Alive said:

YUP--I have seen this manifested in different ways over the years. Jesus made an interesting comment to Pilate, if memory serves. He said, my Kingdom is not of this world, if it were, my servants would fight....

This places the battle in a different realm and quite contrary to the battle cry of folks I once fellowshipped with; "Bring it on". The idea was that they were to bring on the Kingdom by taking dominion and living in such a way.

This notion has some appeal, but I found misguided.

Correct. The key phrase is "this world". the word in Greek is "kosmos". The literal meaning of "kosmos" is "the adornment", or, "the orderly arrangement of things". That is, it could be used to describe the universe, or the earth, but it could equally mean the present political and religious system of things. the context was Pilate's authority to wield the sword of justice and retribution. The Bema of Pilate, his troops, his title and his authority over Israelites was the "arrangement of things". When God sets up His Kingdom after Christ comes, it will simplly be a regime of "HIS arrangement of things".

Our Lord Jesus will gain the Kingdoms of this world (Rev.11:15), but at His trial His time had not come yet. He was engaged in two-fold battle. 1. Against the principalities and powers of the air. That is why He cast out demons and not Caesar 2. When His Church have overcome this area of conflict, He will then name His army to battle "flesh and blood" (Rev.19).


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