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Boomer generation is the lukewarm generation


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Some years ago, I wrote a dull primer on the secular history and progression related to a part of your OP topic. Few are interested or concerned about why and how we reached this greedy complex financial global banking system.

I call this generation “the NOW generation,” consumed with consumerism. People today want instant gratification, living beyond their financial means in deep debt and keeping up with the Joneses and their friends and peers.

Hindsight is 20/20. I took a hard secular and biblical observation of how we arrived at where we are today fiscally if anyone cares to read it below.  It all boils down to greed, control, power, the human heart, an aversion to labor, and, most importantly, rebellion against a righteous God.



A Brief Primer:

July 2010

Our predicament may have been delayed or avoided if Aaron Burr had dispatched Alexandar Hamilton several years before their dual. Hamilton was an ardent supporter of big banks and had President George Washington's ear.

Since the creation of man, gold, and silver have always been and will continue to be the only real money. Its rarity and labor in mining, refining, and smelting make it extremely valuable. Any other representation of gold and silver is pseudo currency. Money represents work and stored labor; money is a medium of exchange for goods and services. How did the world get to where we are today? More importantly, where are we heading, according to the Bible?

 Barter and the need for a medium of exchange and the division of labor and the creation of currency:

Miles down the road from me, Douglas has a surplus of beef, cows, and milk. In the other direction from me, several miles away, Larry and Geraldine have plenty of corn; they also operate a grist mill. I have an abundance of chicken, hens, and eggs.

One morning the "Queen of the Roost" wakes me up even before the rooster crow. She hungers for steak and eggs, cornbread, and milk for her breakfast. I hook the horses up to the wagon to the Douglas ranch to barter for beef and dairy, but how many chickens and eggs will it take to get what the Princess wants?

I then decide to go to Larry & Geraldine's grist mill first to get some ground-up corn while I ponder upon it, but I again get the same question: how many chickens and eggs do I need to trade for?

I changed my mind and decided to go to the Douglas Ranch first. I loaded up 100 chickens and 25 dozen eggs to see what I can barter for. Douglas, being a fair and honest man, says; that is too much for what I want. For just 50 chickens and ten dozen eggs, I can have one of his milk cows and a side of beef.

I load up the beef into the wagon along with the extra chickens and eggs and hook the cow to the wagon and start my three-hour trek home to make my Queen for a day happy. On my journey home, I can only think of how inconvenient and time-consuming all this was for some beef and milk. Now I must do the same thing for some corn flour after I unload at home; there has got to be a better way; that wasn't very efficient. I also think I need to borrow a couple of the Nanney's goats to mow my lawn to keep up with the Jones's. I wonder how many eggs I will need for that?

Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Work was never intended to be burdensome or miserable. Work was designed to be productive, a blessing, a joy, and give satisfaction until the fall of Adam & Eve, with God's curse of the land. Man can be inheritable lazy and will look for ways to make a living and profit from others' manual labor.

 The creation of money as a divisible medium of exchange for taxes, goods, and services:

Creating "money' solved the issue and made it efficient and convenient for the division of labor and stored wealth from work. But like all other inventions of man, it will be used and abused.

Proverbs 16:11  A just weight and balance are the LORD'S: all the weights of the bag are his work.

Man is lazy by nature; given the opportunity, he will do his best not to make a living by the sweat of his brow but make a living on the backs of those who work and are productive and invent ways and means to accomplish that. [ii]

From the beginning, gold and silver were money traded for taxes, goods, and services by weight. Eventually, the precious metals were hammered, stamped, denominated by size and weight, and legalized as legal tender. It was an efficient and convenient way and method of bartering and paying taxes. Initially, these precious metal coins did not have reeded edges. To finance the King's war, the King decided to 'shave' off bits of the edges of the precious metal coins. Thus, the coins grew smaller and of less value. Others noticed what the King was doing and got into action, thus further devaluing and shaving the coinage. The wise King said I'd show them who's boss and more innovative, I'll reduce the coin's silver content from 90% to 40% and keep the 50% for myself. That is called debasing the coinage/currency; others followed what the King did by counterfeiting the coinage.

Next, the King decided to do away with all precious metal in the coinage and create fiat money representing the real thing with no backing other than a promise to pay, an I.O.U. Sound familiar?

Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

The history of the world is replete with doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ A. Einstein

Globally, particularly the United States, for example, started with a just, fair, balanced, stable, and sustaining economic and trade system. That was until Congress delegated the Constitutional authority away granted only to them under the Constitution of the United States, Section 7. To a private banking institution run by greedy private and foreign bankers such as the Rothschilds titled; the United States Federal Reserve System. There is nothing federal about them, and they have no reserves; they are a conglomerate of privately owned banks. They dictate American economic policy and establish everything monetary instead of the negligent Congress, as our founding documents require.

At this point, I would like to inject we have only three legal and binding documents, the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights. As we see and hear today, our government masters are subverting the Constitution and the laws of the land. They openly claim our Constitution is outdated and inadequate in the modern times in which we live.

Since then, they have done away with the 'gold standard,' currency of silver and gold certificates backed by gold and silver. At one time, you could go to most banks and exchange that bill for the equivalent of gold or silver, but not anymore. Today, look at your dollar bill and read what it owes you. It owes you 'nothing' and is worth nothing but the good faith and 'credit' of the United States. Look at all the "Trillions" of good faith and credit debt we are in today. Fort Knox gold has not been seen nor audited in decades, even though powerful Congressmen have tried. Where is the gold?

In 1965 the United States stopped making 90% silver coinage for all legal tender, public and private, and went to a less expensive clad coinage, thus devaluing and debasing our coinage. In 1982 they debased the one-cent copper coin because it was more costly to produce than the value of the cent itself. The base metal used since 1982 is now zinc, which many call Zincons. At this writing, those pre-1982 copper cents are worth three cents, three times their face value in smelted copper. Naturally, Congress passed a law-making smelting and selling this coinage copper illegally.

Our entire national and global monetary system is now dependent on the good faith and credit of the United States of America. Soon the U.S. Dollar will not be the world's reserve currency, and buying oil with the U.S. Dollar will cease to be another form of payment. It will devastate the US. and contribute to our economic house of cards falling.

The banking system:

One day a striving entrepreneur named Joe Schmoe saw an opportunity to make a living off the sweat of other laborers' brows. He bought a colossal well-made, secure safe and said he would secure and protect the public's valuable gold and silver if they entrust it to him. By doing so, he would give them 1% yearly in interest.

Now Mr. Schmoe was no dummy and knew how to bilk his customers out of everything they had. He would loan twenty percent (fractional reserve) of his precious metal coinage money at a 5% annual interest rate, secured by something tangible, such as homes, property, horses, etc. Many started to fall into hard times, could not make loan payments on time, and defaulted. So, Mr. Greedy Joe Schmoe, by force of law, immediately took possession of their collateral. Mr. Schmoe was now the wealthiest citizen in town; now, he wanted to be the wealthiest citizen in the state.

Then another greedy thought occurred to him; I'll lend out 1,000 percent of what I have stored in the safe, backed by nothing, and make a massive profit in interest loans. I will call it fractional banking, and these debit loans will be counted as assets on my books. I will accomplish this all on paper, just paper entries, and become wealthy beyond imagination. More and more people fell into hard times, and Joe Schmoe and the bank collected more and more homes and property and resold them for even more significant profit margins. (The Great Depression).

One day there was a bank robbery, and all the town's money was stolen. The town found out about it, and there was a run on the bank to get their money out. There was nothing in the safe but hundreds of I.O.U.’S. The people lost all their hard-earned savings stored at the bank and were desperate. They ran the banker out of town, but of course, he was filthy rich and did not care; he moved on to another city where he wasn't known and started his scheme all over again. The town was financially destroyed, and there was no money to spend on food, employment, and commerce, so it became a ghost town.

So, what does all the preceding have to do with the Book of Revelation? There is nothing new under the sun; more and more people nationally and globally want to make a living off the backs of others, and it's called handouts, welfare, and socialism; and it's spreading like wildfire. Bankers, the elite, and globalists are as greedy as ever and want to control the world.

A government does not produce one barrel of oil or one wheat bushel; they derive wealth from taxing, borrowing, or printing it. In all cases, the individual citizen is legally liable for all debts, public and private. We now have a global government and banking institutions (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, W.E.F., etc.) ready for the New World Order. We were just one major crisis away from implementing this system and God's timing. [iii]

Edit March 2023: A digital currency and a cashless system are about to be implemented (the Great Reset, Agenda 2030).


Fractional Reserve Banking:

We are known to have what is called "a debt-based economy." Did you know money does grow on trees? Fractional reserve banking requires that a bank or lending institution have a certain percentage of deposits to back up loans. Over time, this percentage has dwindled lower and lower, and I believe it stands now at 7%.

That means 93% of the money you borrow from a bank does not exist, it is created out of thin air, and the deficits are recorded as assets on the books. That money representing stored labor never existed until you borrowed it into existence. Then they have the gall to charge you usury up to the legal limit of 25% of that money you borrowed that never existed.

That is how money enters the system and the debt-based economy operates. Spending and debt are our measurements of growth and success. When the news and government talk about economic growth or stagnation, they measure how much the government and public borrow and spend. If the public does not borrow and spend it, the government will. The more we borrow into indebtedness and spend, the better our prosperity and outlook. Such a system where savings and personal financial responsibility are discouraged, and commercialism and consumption are our survival.

A government reflects its people and represents them. Each American citizen is legally liable and bound for all public and private debt incurred by their government. To date, every U.S. citizen, every man, woman, and child in this country is indebted for well over $100,000 individually on what the government owes and has borrowed and printed [think inflation]. The more of something there is, the less valuable it becomes. With the existing responsibilities of entitlement programs, much less the proposed government programs of free healthcare, social security, college education, and socialist programs, giving billions to many nations to influence them, we are already doomed.

Ever notice when Congress legislates, or by President by Executive Order, that dramatically affects the well-being and lives of their constituents, they permanently exempt themselves from that law? The elite rulers do not want to be under the taxing statutes and programs they pass. There are many, but two major ones are Social Security and Obamacare. They are the only group who get raises unless they vote it down. Look at all the poor people who have become Congressmen and became multi-millionaires. How do you do that with public servant pay? Recently Bernie Sanders came to mind. 

This 'free bread and circuses' cannot last forever; there is a point and crisis where we pay the piper. China and other countries own many assets and businesses in the U.S., and our bonds and treasury notes can be called in at any time. We have borrowed hundreds of billions from foreign countries through bonds and securities to finance our lavish lifestyles. A time is coming when they will demand immediate payment. One economic event can cause our fragile house of cards to collapse. I believe this will happen soon, and there is a system in place to replace this one, and the system and person will be the New World Order, followed by the Antichrist.



Grossly paraphrased from: Constitutional Income: Do you have any. Phil Hart, 3rd Edition.

[ii] The LAW, Frederic Bastiat

[iii] The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin




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8 hours ago, AnOrangeCat said:

"I pretty strongly believe this too. A lot of our food is nutritionally subpar at best and slowly damaging us at worst. Diet isn't everything but it is a very important element for sure."

A week or two again Jerome Powell was testifying before congress and they gave him so low grade scolding, near the end basically accusing him of enabling some of the problems and exploitative practices in our banks. But they also really wanted to know how it was possible that in his past testimony he said things were under control and then two days later we had banks going under and everyone was blindsided by it. But despite the scolding and the calls for accountability it seems actual accountability isn't desired and things just go on.

Food is the problem! God has made an amazing spirit house. Just watch some videos on fasting, how your body switches fuel sources, homeostasis (maintains balance), need for stressors (starvation, physical activity, heat/cold). 

Would you believe me if I told you the Federal Reserve (400 PhD. ?) doesn't know what they are doing?  Watch a few episodes of eurodollar university and you'll be convinced because they use lagging data. It'll also piss you off about our neighbor's suffing because of their misjudgment. But the antichrist will need more money to amass power in this world. Father of Lies has to do it the worldly way because he's no God. Peace

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19 hours ago, Believer112 said:

Boomer generation is the lukewarm generation


Here's  my problem with your multiple posts showing your disdain for people my age.

It's the article here  - "the".  You said in your title that us boomers are "THE" lukewarm generation.  That's insulting and a lie.

Each generation has its good points and its bad points.  For every one of your slams against boomers, I could list 100 wonderful and Godly things people in  my generation have done for the cause of Christ and aid to humanity.  We aren't perfect ....... but ........


......we are NOT the the SOLE generation that is sending the world to hell in a handbasket.  And I can't figure out why you blame us all for the sins of the world?

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5 minutes ago, Dennis1209 said:

Some years ago, I wrote a dull primer on the secular history and progression related to a part of your OP topic. Few are interested or concerned about why and how we reached this greedy complex financial global banking system.

I call this generation “the NOW generation,” consumed with consumerism. People today want instant gratification, living beyond their financial means in deep debt and keeping up with the Joneses and their friends and peers.

Hindsight is 20/20. I took a hard secular and biblical observation of how we arrived at where we are today fiscally if anyone cares to read it below.  It all boils down to greed, control, power, the human heart, an aversion to labor, and, most importantly, rebellion against a righteous God.



A Brief Primer:

July 2010

Our predicament may have been delayed or avoided if Aaron Burr had dispatched Alexandar Hamilton several years before their dual. Hamilton was an ardent supporter of big banks and had President George Washington's ear.

Since the creation of man, gold, and silver have always been and will continue to be the only real money. Its rarity and labor in mining, refining, and smelting make it extremely valuable. Any other representation of gold and silver is pseudo currency. Money represents work and stored labor; money is a medium of exchange for goods and services. How did the world get to where we are today? More importantly, where are we heading, according to the Bible?

 Barter and the need for a medium of exchange and the division of labor and the creation of currency:

Miles down the road from me, Douglas has a surplus of beef, cows, and milk. In the other direction from me, several miles away, Larry and Geraldine have plenty of corn; they also operate a grist mill. I have an abundance of chicken, hens, and eggs.

One morning the "Queen of the Roost" wakes me up even before the rooster crow. She hungers for steak and eggs, cornbread, and milk for her breakfast. I hook the horses up to the wagon to the Douglas ranch to barter for beef and dairy, but how many chickens and eggs will it take to get what the Princess wants?

I then decide to go to Larry & Geraldine's grist mill first to get some ground-up corn while I ponder upon it, but I again get the same question: how many chickens and eggs do I need to trade for?

I changed my mind and decided to go to the Douglas Ranch first. I loaded up 100 chickens and 25 dozen eggs to see what I can barter for. Douglas, being a fair and honest man, says; that is too much for what I want. For just 50 chickens and ten dozen eggs, I can have one of his milk cows and a side of beef.

I load up the beef into the wagon along with the extra chickens and eggs and hook the cow to the wagon and start my three-hour trek home to make my Queen for a day happy. On my journey home, I can only think of how inconvenient and time-consuming all this was for some beef and milk. Now I must do the same thing for some corn flour after I unload at home; there has got to be a better way; that wasn't very efficient. I also think I need to borrow a couple of the Nanney's goats to mow my lawn to keep up with the Jones's. I wonder how many eggs I will need for that?

Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Work was never intended to be burdensome or miserable. Work was designed to be productive, a blessing, a joy, and give satisfaction until the fall of Adam & Eve, with God's curse of the land. Man can be inheritable lazy and will look for ways to make a living and profit from others' manual labor.

 The creation of money as a divisible medium of exchange for taxes, goods, and services:

Creating "money' solved the issue and made it efficient and convenient for the division of labor and stored wealth from work. But like all other inventions of man, it will be used and abused.

Proverbs 16:11  A just weight and balance are the LORD'S: all the weights of the bag are his work.

Man is lazy by nature; given the opportunity, he will do his best not to make a living by the sweat of his brow but make a living on the backs of those who work and are productive and invent ways and means to accomplish that. [ii]

From the beginning, gold and silver were money traded for taxes, goods, and services by weight. Eventually, the precious metals were hammered, stamped, denominated by size and weight, and legalized as legal tender. It was an efficient and convenient way and method of bartering and paying taxes. Initially, these precious metal coins did not have reeded edges. To finance the King's war, the King decided to 'shave' off bits of the edges of the precious metal coins. Thus, the coins grew smaller and of less value. Others noticed what the King was doing and got into action, thus further devaluing and shaving the coinage. The wise King said I'd show them who's boss and more innovative, I'll reduce the coin's silver content from 90% to 40% and keep the 50% for myself. That is called debasing the coinage/currency; others followed what the King did by counterfeiting the coinage.

Next, the King decided to do away with all precious metal in the coinage and create fiat money representing the real thing with no backing other than a promise to pay, an I.O.U. Sound familiar?

Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

The history of the world is replete with doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ A. Einstein

Globally, particularly the United States, for example, started with a just, fair, balanced, stable, and sustaining economic and trade system. That was until Congress delegated the Constitutional authority away granted only to them under the Constitution of the United States, Section 7. To a private banking institution run by greedy private and foreign bankers such as the Rothschilds titled; the United States Federal Reserve System. There is nothing federal about them, and they have no reserves; they are a conglomerate of privately owned banks. They dictate American economic policy and establish everything monetary instead of the negligent Congress, as our founding documents require.

At this point, I would like to inject we have only three legal and binding documents, the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights. As we see and hear today, our government masters are subverting the Constitution and the laws of the land. They openly claim our Constitution is outdated and inadequate in the modern times in which we live.

Since then, they have done away with the 'gold standard,' currency of silver and gold certificates backed by gold and silver. At one time, you could go to most banks and exchange that bill for the equivalent of gold or silver, but not anymore. Today, look at your dollar bill and read what it owes you. It owes you 'nothing' and is worth nothing but the good faith and 'credit' of the United States. Look at all the "Trillions" of good faith and credit debt we are in today. Fort Knox gold has not been seen nor audited in decades, even though powerful Congressmen have tried. Where is the gold?

In 1965 the United States stopped making 90% silver coinage for all legal tender, public and private, and went to a less expensive clad coinage, thus devaluing and debasing our coinage. In 1982 they debased the one-cent copper coin because it was more costly to produce than the value of the cent itself. The base metal used since 1982 is now zinc, which many call Zincons. At this writing, those pre-1982 copper cents are worth three cents, three times their face value in smelted copper. Naturally, Congress passed a law-making smelting and selling this coinage copper illegally.

Our entire national and global monetary system is now dependent on the good faith and credit of the United States of America. Soon the U.S. Dollar will not be the world's reserve currency, and buying oil with the U.S. Dollar will cease to be another form of payment. It will devastate the US. and contribute to our economic house of cards falling.

The banking system:

One day a striving entrepreneur named Joe Schmoe saw an opportunity to make a living off the sweat of other laborers' brows. He bought a colossal well-made, secure safe and said he would secure and protect the public's valuable gold and silver if they entrust it to him. By doing so, he would give them 1% yearly in interest.

Now Mr. Schmoe was no dummy and knew how to bilk his customers out of everything they had. He would loan twenty percent (fractional reserve) of his precious metal coinage money at a 5% annual interest rate, secured by something tangible, such as homes, property, horses, etc. Many started to fall into hard times, could not make loan payments on time, and defaulted. So, Mr. Greedy Joe Schmoe, by force of law, immediately took possession of their collateral. Mr. Schmoe was now the wealthiest citizen in town; now, he wanted to be the wealthiest citizen in the state.

Then another greedy thought occurred to him; I'll lend out 1,000 percent of what I have stored in the safe, backed by nothing, and make a massive profit in interest loans. I will call it fractional banking, and these debit loans will be counted as assets on my books. I will accomplish this all on paper, just paper entries, and become wealthy beyond imagination. More and more people fell into hard times, and Joe Schmoe and the bank collected more and more homes and property and resold them for even more significant profit margins. (The Great Depression).

One day there was a bank robbery, and all the town's money was stolen. The town found out about it, and there was a run on the bank to get their money out. There was nothing in the safe but hundreds of I.O.U.’S. The people lost all their hard-earned savings stored at the bank and were desperate. They ran the banker out of town, but of course, he was filthy rich and did not care; he moved on to another city where he wasn't known and started his scheme all over again. The town was financially destroyed, and there was no money to spend on food, employment, and commerce, so it became a ghost town.

So, what does all the preceding have to do with the Book of Revelation? There is nothing new under the sun; more and more people nationally and globally want to make a living off the backs of others, and it's called handouts, welfare, and socialism; and it's spreading like wildfire. Bankers, the elite, and globalists are as greedy as ever and want to control the world.

A government does not produce one barrel of oil or one wheat bushel; they derive wealth from taxing, borrowing, or printing it. In all cases, the individual citizen is legally liable for all debts, public and private. We now have a global government and banking institutions (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, W.E.F., etc.) ready for the New World Order. We were just one major crisis away from implementing this system and God's timing. [iii]

Edit March 2023: A digital currency and a cashless system are about to be implemented (the Great Reset, Agenda 2030).


Fractional Reserve Banking:

We are known to have what is called "a debt-based economy." Did you know money does grow on trees? Fractional reserve banking requires that a bank or lending institution have a certain percentage of deposits to back up loans. Over time, this percentage has dwindled lower and lower, and I believe it stands now at 7%.

That means 93% of the money you borrow from a bank does not exist, it is created out of thin air, and the deficits are recorded as assets on the books. That money representing stored labor never existed until you borrowed it into existence. Then they have the gall to charge you usury up to the legal limit of 25% of that money you borrowed that never existed.

That is how money enters the system and the debt-based economy operates. Spending and debt are our measurements of growth and success. When the news and government talk about economic growth or stagnation, they measure how much the government and public borrow and spend. If the public does not borrow and spend it, the government will. The more we borrow into indebtedness and spend, the better our prosperity and outlook. Such a system where savings and personal financial responsibility are discouraged, and commercialism and consumption are our survival.

A government reflects its people and represents them. Each American citizen is legally liable and bound for all public and private debt incurred by their government. To date, every U.S. citizen, every man, woman, and child in this country is indebted for well over $100,000 individually on what the government owes and has borrowed and printed [think inflation]. The more of something there is, the less valuable it becomes. With the existing responsibilities of entitlement programs, much less the proposed government programs of free healthcare, social security, college education, and socialist programs, giving billions to many nations to influence them, we are already doomed.

Ever notice when Congress legislates, or by President by Executive Order, that dramatically affects the well-being and lives of their constituents, they permanently exempt themselves from that law? The elite rulers do not want to be under the taxing statutes and programs they pass. There are many, but two major ones are Social Security and Obamacare. They are the only group who get raises unless they vote it down. Look at all the poor people who have become Congressmen and became multi-millionaires. How do you do that with public servant pay? Recently Bernie Sanders came to mind. 

This 'free bread and circuses' cannot last forever; there is a point and crisis where we pay the piper. China and other countries own many assets and businesses in the U.S., and our bonds and treasury notes can be called in at any time. We have borrowed hundreds of billions from foreign countries through bonds and securities to finance our lavish lifestyles. A time is coming when they will demand immediate payment. One economic event can cause our fragile house of cards to collapse. I believe this will happen soon, and there is a system in place to replace this one, and the system and person will be the New World Order, followed by the Antichrist.



Grossly paraphrased from: Constitutional Income: Do you have any. Phil Hart, 3rd Edition.

[ii] The LAW, Frederic Bastiat

[iii] The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin





I am ashamed of myself for being ignorant and not looking for the schemes of the devil. I kinda knew but after all I was a lukewarm Christan. Steal, Kill, and Destroy we were warned to identify satan, and yet satan currently is stealing finances or gifts for your kids, killing you through the foods you eat. I spiritualized satan and dropped the ball.

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13 minutes ago, Jayne said:

Here's  my problem with your multiple posts showing your disdain for people my age.

It's the article here  - "the".  You said in your title that us boomers are "THE" lukewarm generation.  That's insulting and a lie.

Each generation has its good points and its bad points.  For every one of your slams against boomers, I could list 100 wonderful and Godly things people in  my generation have done for the cause of Christ and aid to humanity.  We aren't perfect ....... but ........


......we are NOT the the SOLE generation that is sending the world to hell in a handbasket.  And I can't figure out why you blame us all for the sins of the world?

I'm sorry if you were offended but you can't deny the last 20 years. I will not put lipstick on a pig. An honest reflection on history will show you the truth. How did lies become normal? Peace

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26 minutes ago, Believer112 said:

Would you believe me if I told you the Federal Reserve (400 PhD. ?) doesn't know what they are doing?

That's typically how I feel about most of the people running things in the country these days.

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10 minutes ago, Believer112 said:

lipstick on a pig

@Believer112 This was the title or similar to a book by Torie Clarke, who served as an Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the US Department of Defense. It basically described what she thought of journalists, but also underlined the need to be nice to them publicly.....

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Inheritance? An inheritance  is a nice thing to receive. Doesn't much matter how it gets used it is still a nice thing to have received.

Regardless of any earthly source of gain, my own prefect provision comes from God alone. God's provision is always perfect for me. It may not be what I may have thought I needed or wanted, but as has been shown to me, in the light of the history of my own personal awareness, it has  always been perfect.


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1 minute ago, Neighbor said:

Inheritance? An inheritance  is a nice thing to receive. Does't much matter how it gets used it i sstill a nice thing to have received.

Regardless of any earthly source of gain, my own prefect provision comes from God alone. God's provision is always perfect for me. It may not be what I may have thought I needed or wanted, but shown me in the light of personal awareness it has  always been perfect.


Hebrews 1 is a great exposition of the theme of inheritance....

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8 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

The world is about amassing money and material goods, however God`s clock is fast approaching `D` day, or judgments. It is not because Christians have been lukewarm that the world has degenerated. God cursed the world after the fall and it is fast winding down. And the moral decay by the evil one who holds sway of the world system, is also fast coming to a head. 

God knows all this and is patient till He brings judgment.

Personally, the best you (& we) can do is help our family come to know the Lord. You or anyone are not going to fix what God cursed, and only He can make it new. 

@Marilyn C I like where Jude says about 'earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints'.

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