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demonic attack

Guest SpiritedPrem4

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You are starting down the right path. I've dealt with lots of people in the occult, and I can tell you that most of what you were practicing is not of ancient origen, but was invented in the 1950's! That doesn't mean it isn't evil, but the evil comes from the intent of the heart beforehand. Your 'blood covenant' with that former fellow is NOTHING! But your sexual relationship with him created the ties you now sense. Whenever you have sex with another, you leave, as it were, some of your 'spiritual stuff' with them. Paul says that even if you have sex with a harlot, you become 'one flesh.' This can leave us in a most pitiable condition, as you are finding out.

Lady Raven is correct that the crucifix is not a 'magic amulet.' It is only a symbol of faith in Christ. But I do not think symbols are unimportant. Afterall, the very words we use to communicate are only SYMBOLS. They are symbols for thoughts we wish to express. Therefore symbols can communicate quite strongly. Certainly the symbols of God, such as a cross, a crucifix, holy water, anointing oil, a Bible, a Prayer Book, DO communicate great fear to many demons, because they symbolize your FAITH in Christ Jesus. I would certainly NOT STOP USING THEM.

Lady Raven and others are also right that you need to cease the sin of fornication. That will be difficult, as you have grown accustomed to a sexual relationship. But you two ought to consider it a holy sacrifice to God. A sort of 'fasting' before Him as you get your lives sorted out.

Find a church! Let me know where you are at, and I probably can recommend a good church nearby.

Very much more to say, and spiritual direction to give. E-Mail me at leonardenniss@qwest.net.

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First and formost; you must repent and be saved.

You made soul ties to these men who are involved in the cult and the bible says that the two flesh become one. You have in a sense became one with these men=whether you believe in what they are doing. It won't matter what you decide to do on your own strength it will not help you. You must come to Christ. You must ask the Lord to break the soul ties that you have made to these men, you can not continue in relationship with any of them. You must renounce your involvement with the cultic practice, whether volentary or involentary. You must rid your house of any pagan, occultic thing, these are idols and God will not have you worship any other god before him. I've had to rid my home of things that didn't make me feel good about their presence. See these demonic groups also pray over items. I would consider getting rid of every gift this men gave you. The devil knows that you are close to coming to Christ and everything is intensifying for you. I wouldn't listen to any music that these men gave you either and would consider getting rid of those cds/tapes, etc of music. Have a major house cleaning. You must be told that the power of God is stronger than satan, those who are in the occult will tell you different. We have the right as Christians to take authority over the power of darkness. As a believer, you should be vocal in your home to tell whatever presence, that you have given your heart to Christ and they have no right to be in your home and you must demand in the Name of Jesus for them to leave. I talk to them like a dog that is following you down the sidewalk, you can say "now honey, you need to go home" it won't work, You say "Leave my house in the name of Jesus" and you must believe that you have this authority. When you submit to God, the Holy Spirit will guide you into the truth through His Word and you can read more about the authority of the believer.

When you have done all that you know to do, just Stand in Faith in Christ. Christian=Worship music is a powerful tool against the enemy. During times of warfare= I will have it playing around me and I will sing it to the Lord.

It is God who fights our battles, He is the one worthy of praise and worship.

You must submit yourself to God, resist the enemy and he will flee.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the Church he wants you to go to, and if you are unsure about the above=seek help from the clergy.

You can pm me if you would like.



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Sex outside of marriage is sin, sin of any type will still give entrance to the attack of satan. In submission to God, one must turn from all sin. True love can wait till marriage. And remember you shouldn't yoke yourself to an unbeliever. I wouldn't marry him unless I saw the fruit of the spirit manifesting in his life. Many people will be deceptive about a conversion so they can have the person who is a Christian. I would ask him to move out (if he lives with you) until God sets your life straight and you can get God's perspective on your life.

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First and formost; you must repent and be saved.

You made soul ties to these men who are involved in the cult and the bible says that the two flesh become one. You have in a sense became one with these men=whether you believe in what they are doing. It won't matter what you decide to do on your own strength it will not help you. You must come to Christ. You must ask the Lord to break the soul ties that you have made to these men, you can not continue in relationship with any of them. You must renounce your involvement with the cultic practice, whether volentary or involentary. You must rid your house of any pagan, occultic thing, these are idols and God will not have you worship any other god before him. I've had to rid my home of things that didn't make me feel good about their presence. See these demonic groups also pray over items. I would consider getting rid of every gift this men gave you. The devil knows that you are close to coming to Christ and everything is intensifying for you. I wouldn't listen to any music that these men gave you either and would consider getting rid of those cds/tapes, etc of music. Have a major house cleaning. You must be told that the power of God is stronger than satan, those who are in the occult will tell you different. We have the right as Christians to take authority over the power of darkness. As a believer, you should be vocal in your home to tell whatever presence, that you have given your heart to Christ and they have no right to be in your home and you must demand in the Name of Jesus for them to leave. I talk to them like a dog that is following you down the sidewalk, you can say "now honey, you need to go home" it won't work, You say "Leave my house in the name of Jesus" and you must believe that you have this authority. When you submit to God, the Holy Spirit will guide you into the truth through His Word and you can read more about the authority of the believer.

When you have done all that you know to do, just Stand in Faith in Christ. Christian=Worship music is a powerful tool against the enemy. During times of warfare= I will have it playing around me and I will sing it to the Lord.

It is God who fights our battles, He is the one worthy of praise and worship.

You must submit yourself to God, resist the enemy and he will flee.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to the Church he wants you to go to, and if you are unsure about the above=seek help from the clergy.

You can pm me if you would like.



Amen, sister! :thumbsup:

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Wow, this is really intense. Continue on wearing your crucifix to show the faith you have in Christ, i do agree with that. Since you are in a really deep battle with Satan's demons, i believe you should cast the demons out of your house yourself instead of waiting on a Pastor/Priest to show up. There may be times where you have no other choice but to cast the demons out of your house yourself. Demand that they leave your home, your house is a house of God, of Jesus Christ. Do all you can, pray to the Lord for forgiveness of being involved with withcraft and Satanic Rituals, pray, fast. Make sure the Lord hears your cries of help, the Merciful Saviour of ours will save you from the demons.

God bless and do not stop fighting.

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The Lord always hears us. :21:

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No one goes into a strong man's territory to sack the strong man without first binding him.

Here is the light of Christ: He was obedient to God through death that the power of God may raise Him unto the right hand of God. In being raised, He was given power over all: flesh, principalities, powers, angels, death, things in past, present and worlds to come ... that at His name EVERY knee MUST bow and EVERY tongue must confess that He is Lord.

By your own admission, you want to be set free - and deliverance is the will of God for you. Also, the righteousness of Christ in above coupled with all power given to Him sacks any unclean spirit and binds them until the Day of the Lord.

Even as you have willingly come forth for deliverance, so shall it be unto you by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and no other power, past, incantations, spirits must utter a word or lift a finger against you - as you have desired. In the name of Jesus Christ, such as troubles you go away.

May the Blood of Jesus Christ sprinkle over you that you are purged clean of sins and iniquities - both in your heart and flesh!

Grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ unto you and all who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

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I'm sorry SpiritedPrem4 that you got trapped in all those bad influences and didn't get to know the truth of Christ, about how all those magical practices are wrong....there is no such thing as magic, not any that a human can do. All power comes from God and is God's alone. And magic doesn't glorify Him either, of course. I think one of the attractions to the art that Satan's demons utilize is that it makes the user feel he or she has some kind of power or ability, but none of it, even the kind that claims to be white, is separate from the work of demons. It's they who perform the tasks set by people but they don't have to do it, they're stronger than you and only give you the illusion that you're working with real magic. It'll turn against you eventually. That's probably the part of it that Satanists don't talk about, of course.

Anyway, not meaning to stand on a soapbox, but in reading this the first thing that came to mind was repent. You really must confess to God all the wrongs you did against Him, in glorifying demons and other objects of power, as well as the blood covenant and perhaps even this relationship with your boyfriend. And then you must give it all up. It's kind of a difficult thing to do, at first, to admit that it was wrong but also to push it out of your heart so that you won't want to do those things again. It's probably a difficult thing to stay away from aspects of magic, and might be hard to stay away from it even after the attacks. But at least you and your boyfriend are taking an interest in Jesus Christ. Thing is, only real faith in Him will be able to make the demons go away. They will fight harder than ever to keep you from going to the other side, with lies and even scare tatics, which is what that night stuff is. But like has been said already, God's authority is absolute, they can't contest Him, unless of course you still do something for which they can claim legal right to harm you. I dont know much of anything about this subject so I should quit rambling. But the posts before this have seemed very spot on. I just hope you can find a good church near you which can get you into the Word and worship of God. :wub::cool:

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You have certainly been through a lot. We'll pray that the Lord will lead you about which church you should go to. What city are you in?

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Guest SpiritedPrem4

Hello everyone,

I have definetly been praying every chance i get and everytime i feel a negative presence, i have still been wearing my cross as i feel it gives me some kind of enlightment. I will have to go to church in the next few days or so, to anwser the previous question asked I live in Sydney Australia pretty far away from all you people on here. :noidea:

Thanks everyone for caring and guiding me down the right path i really apprieciate it dearly.

Last night the evils tried to get through to me again when i was sleeping knocking on everything in my room very loud bangs came from all around me and it woke me up a fair few times ut i was wearing my cross and i prayed everytime a attack happened i prayed and prayed and prayed and yes... eventually they gave up. I didnt let them win.

Thankyou all and ill make sure i keep posting.God bless....



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