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Witnessing to Mormons


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How do you witness to a Mormon?

How can I explain the trinity?

I said that it is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All the same ONE God, but existing in three persons.

How am I supposed to explain it further then that?

How can I convince a Mormon that they do not in fact worship the same God?

Jesus was not a polygamist, he did not come from some distant galaxy, and he most certainly was not the brother of the devil.

I feel like I really blew a good witnessing encounter. I explained the Gospel as best I could, put emphasis on the need for repentence, and to trust Jesus. I dont think he understood, or just plain didn't believe me.

I could really use some advice here.

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There is a website out there that has excellent help. They also print a book for all of $5 that is one of the most helpful books Ive seen. It shows you what their scripture says, what the bible says, and what their religion teaches them. Great for showing contradictions etc. And it will show you how to witness the Trinity to them, and how to witness that their god isnt the same.



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Hi Rig...you've already got some great advice.

Trying to present the doctrine of the Trinity is hard enough for one Christian to another, let alone to someone wrapped up in cultic doctrines...it is best to keep things simple, and allow the Holy Ghost to work on one thing at a time....the most important being 'who is Jesus?'...this is pivotal, and central to all discussions/witnessing to those wrapped up in cults....and every question leads back to 'who is Jesus?'

For my own personal armoury, edification and continued revelation, whenever I have confronted another human being trapped in spiritual deception, I have found it so beneficial to immerse myself in Isaiah chapters 40 to 50, and the book of Revelation, because in them you will see the nature and character of G-d, and the relationship between the Father and the Son...this in turn will feed your spirit, inspire you and instruct you in reaching out to Mormons and others.

If you love them and care for them you will hang in there, and pray for them, and believe G-d to minister Jesus to them.

You will need discernment to know when there is an openess, and when there is not, so that you do not waste time/effort/prayers with those completely closed to the gospel. In my experience with the cults G-d will make it obvious to you if you ask Him...who has a heart with fertile soil for His word, and who does not.

One other word of advice regarding cults...sometimes you will come up against a spirit of deception and confusion that will attack you...nothing to worry about, but just be aware of it...especially if you begin to get down-hearted, depressed or confused yourself...just don't give a devil any foothold, and be full of the Holy Ghost.

May G-d bless your efforts and direct you in your endeavours to see the lost saved. In Messiah. Botz

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The Bible is the best tool, they do not use it..... it is believed that Christ did not fulfill what was set out to be fulfilled and that their founder had to come and do the rest.

they are a doomsdayist people, and also a work related salvation type..... they also believe that salvation can come after death should a persons loved ones spend enough time in prayer and other things and can pray them in.....

they use the book of mormon as their primary teaching tool, and alot have not even read the Bible, so for that they will not even have a clue what the up coming prophecies include, much less the actual plan of salvation.

you best ammo is just staying ground in the Word of God, and when one comes upon you with an issue, study up on it in the Word of God.

the same goes with the J. W., they use the Bible just enough to pick a single verse and make an entire doctrine out of it, and then twist what the real meaning is.

don't argue, for when you argue, then words do not come out in the right order, satan loves that kind of stuff, and when words do not come out in the right order, a person can get frustrated and even say the wrong thing (anger coming out) and really blow the entire session.... like going to court for a traffic ticket, do not loose your cool.....AT ALL.... even if you have to stop, count to 100 breathing deep the entire time..... a friend of mine went to court for "rolling a stop sign" he claims he did not, said he did come to a complete stop, but when he got to court ( a thing of principle, not a money thing ... false arrest, having had issues with this police officer prior) he tryed to explain his side of it standing in as his own attorney, not thinking he would have to worry about needing one of his own, and the attorney that was speaking for the officer, asked him specific questions and would not let him give the complete answers and even twisted what he was trying to say and its meaning.... my friend got flustered and ended up saying something that was so twisted out of context, the case was tossed out and he paid the fine and court cost and being he lost, paid the legal for the officer.......

the lds kids dont come by us very much anymore, I do not use their book against them, nor do I use anything against them, I speak from the Word of God, and the True Plan of Salvation that Christ Cruicified, and Risen from the dead. that Christ IS the Son of God.

one way to look at Trinity is to look at a person.......

one person, three names...... a man

first is a son to his mother and father

second (like me) is a husband to my wife

third (again like me) is a father to my sons

my name is not husband, my name is not son, my name is not father, my name is Michael.....

Christ is God, incarnate into a human body, so that He might know exactly what we go through, so that He could say.....YES, I TRUELY UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR LIFE.......

otherwise, it would be much like me saying I understand your troubles when you loose your job, car, house and family when you get laid off and everything else falls apart because of the innitial problem, when I have never been with out a job, have several houses, and never been married and have several cars..... how could I really understand.......i could not.

Trinity is a very hard thing to explain in full, God is the Heavenly Father, Christ is the Earthly Son, the Holy Spirit is the one that becomes one with us (The Holy Spirit and our spirit unite, almost as in marriage)

some things have to be taken in faith, until the Lord gives a person an understanding of it.

Rufus and Botz both spoke a very important issue in their post........ speak to them in love..... do not try to speak against them, you do not need to know what the book of mormon says, cause you have the Word of God, and that is what a person really needs to put in their mind and heart and soul...... if you go and read the book of mormon you may get the information of it and the Word of God mixed up, and that can be used by the enemy to get you to questioning what the Bible says and what the book of mormon says....

while I was in the Navy, during Desert Storm, running the communications for the theatre, I would see things come across that was "for official use only", "confidential", "secret",and "top secret" and stuff with other ratings attached to it. I had to read the material on the message traffic to ensue the completeness of the messages (and reading several documents an hour, some 20 plus pages long, ensuring completeness and (every word) some in the matter of only a minutes time) I would have this information in my mind.... when I heard a radio broadcast, or saw a TV broadcast, that information, also was in my mine..... now, when a friend, or some one else asked what I thought about it, I would have to decline any answer, for I would not be able to keep the information separated, it was so cluttered in my mind, what I read that was classified and what I read that was open to the public was all mixed together. so I had to remain silent about it, even now, I can not tell a person much about Desert Storm, and I was there.....

that is why I will not read the book of mormon, nor the J.W. books, I do not need to try a keep that information separated, so I do not mix them to begin with. if I read only the Bible, and study only the Bible, (and trusted Bible commentaries) when some thing is said that does not line up with the Bible, I have red flags popping up warning me this is not right.....

when a preacher that is speaking and there is something that does not sound right, I use the Bible to verify it, and I verify it, i do not just take mans word for it........LET EVERY MAN BE A LIAR, and GODS WORD BE TRUTH......

be careful.....

love ya all


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My husband and I attended a Baptist church where one of the members (who helped run the church) had basic Mormon beliefs. My husband and I studied a lot about the Mormons and tried to help this man learn the truth. In studying to learn what the Mormon church teaches I read the Doctrite of Covenants, The Journal of Discourses, and A Pearl of Great Price. This is where the Mormons get thier teachings. The Book of Mormon is an odd book, but doesn't contain the church's doctrine. Well, eventually we left that church and found another one. But here is a website I used to study:


We also purchased a couple of excellent videos that are excellent. The website is:

http://www.lhvm.org. The DVD's we bought were "The Bible vs the Book of Mormon" and "DNA vs the Book of Mormon". There are other videos on this sight which are very good, too. You do not have to purchase the videos -- they are on the website to watch for free. The church that did these videos is located in Utah and the videos are done with much love and care.

When my husband and I were trying to help this man we attended church with, we decided that we needed to really understand what they believe in order to have answers to the false doctrines. We studied the Mormon beliefs, but we studied our Bible. It was a good challenge to us and in our studies we learned so much and grew in our faith.

<>< ><>


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How do you witness to a Mormon?

I feel like I really blew a good witnessing encounter. I explained the Gospel as best I could, put emphasis on the need for repentence, and to trust Jesus. I dont think he understood, or just plain didn't believe me.

You didn't blow a good witnessing encounter. He really didn't understand and plain did not believe you. It's as if they are in a fog or a stupor looking past you with the fake facade they all smile behind. I really believe they are taught that "certain" look :noidea:

Be aware that witnessing to Mormons is a long-term proposition and the very first thing that you must communicate is that you love them as people in spite of your differences.

You better commit to settling in if you are trying to reach LDS with the "true" gospel - especially if they were raised in it.

You can't imagine what it's like living out here in the heart of Mormon land in Salt Lake City. The reason I moved out here was because most of my family became Mormon and moved out here leaving me back on the east coast. I pray that others will stay faithful to the Lord and the ONLY gospel so that you won't have to go through what I have.

Although I've returned to the Lord a little over 2 years ago, I backslid a long time ago. My family was hungry for fellowship and missed the Christian "norm" that they knew. One day, one of my daughters asked if it would be okay to attend her high school friend's church. I was actually pleased to think how one of my kids would be involved in something spiritual. How little did I know what kind of "spiritual." Next thing I know, the girl's mother started coming over and spending a lot of time with my wife. Then the wife started bringing her husband along. They really pushed the idea of family... nothing wrong with that. We started doing things together, that is, until I find out the other couple were Mormons! RED ALERT... RED ALERT! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!! Even backslidden... I knew something wasn't right about what they believed. I then discovered that the Mormon "MISERY's" (actually they're called missionaries) were coming over to my house after I left for work on the nightshift. They were giving some 6 discourses (I still don't know what they are) to my wife and older daughters. I went through the roof. Being backslidden, it was very easy for me to let them know what I thought of their pack of lies. You should've seen the expression when I told them how I thought their beloved prophet Joseph Smith was burning in 9000 degrees fahrenheit and would scream for them "DO NOT COME THIS WAY... I WAS WRONG!" Needless to say, the Mormons only came around while I was away from the house. If I was there, I'd throw them out. Eventually, I quit being so militant and angry because I could see that everyone thought I was simply a demon fighting against THEIR so-called truth!

My oldest daughter ended up falling for one of the missionaries. My wife got chewed out one day by one of the sisters for calling the young missionaries by their name - can you believe it? She was admonished to refer to them as ELDERS even though they were only in their young twenties! One day, in their so-called "ward" (another name for what we would call church) my daughter was seen helping this missionary kid put his coat on. One of the ladies complained to the bishop how she didn't think that was right. Next thing we all know, the missionary was moved, immediately, to another state. He finished his 2 year mission and returned to Salt Lake City in Utah. My daughter packed up her car and headed out, on her own, to follow after him. I warned her about the possibility he may have nothing to do with her. She didn't care - she would take that chance. It ended up that his family, who was prominent in the Mormon church, told their son that they would disown him if he got involved with a GENTILE! So... he dumped her. They didn't care that my daughter became baptized in their church. They knew that she came from a recently converted family (excluding me of course) and that simply wasn't good enough for them. They felt their son would've been tainted, cursed, etc. if he was to take up with her. My daughter was devastated but she stayed out here in Salt Lake City anyway. She ended up meeting an Air Force Guard member who eventually became a pilot. You guessed right - ANOTHER Mormon! They ended up getting married in the Salt Lake City temple. Before their wedding, my wife flew out to be here for the event. I wouldn't come because I found out I wouldn't be permitted into the temple to see the ceremony. I am a GENTILE! My wife called me back east a few days before the wedding crying like crazy telling me that she wasn't going to be able to get in either. Understand, she was now a practicing Mormon but she couldn't get her TEMPLE RECOMMEND CARD so she could enter the temple for the marriage ceremony! The reason she was denied a recommend card was because she truthfully answered the bishop's FIRST question about whether or not she had been faithfully tithing! She told him she had up to the point of getting together the needed funds for the trip out to SLC. She didn't pay any tithe to the church for, I believe, it was one week or so. He didn't even go into the conversation any further and denied her a "Templeland Ticket!" I guess I should've been more understanding and gracious but I reminded her of how I used to warn her to not follow such a pack of lies and cult. Somehow, she ended up being able to go in for my daughter's wedding after all.

I can't believe how my wife returned back east from the wedding, packed up all her belongings and told me she's taking the kids and moving to Utah and I was welcome to come if I wanted to! I stayed put. I didn't want anything to do with Utah or the Mormons! Being a registered nurse, she had no second thoughts about finding a new job. I believe the Mormons helped her get established out here when considering she was hired in only a couple of days upon her arrival. She also told me how all the Mormons from the local WARD came out and helped her move in. She always told me how wonderful the Mormon church is because there is so much community involvement. Easy to understand why -I'd say there are probably upwards of 80% Mormon families in my neighborhood with a church building on every block! I think my daughter has finally forgiven me for not flying out to be at her wedding but it took quite awhile. I didn't go because I was only allowed to attend the reception being that I was UNCLEAN! I stayed back east for 3 years before I ended up joining my family eventually out here in SLC. In that time, my wife, my three daughters and one of my sons were involved in the LDS cult in some capacity or another.

The Mormons must've been gearing up for my arrival. When I got out here, I was in shock to see all the LDS sayings my wife had hung on the walls of the house along with pictures of the SLC temple and that same generic picture of Jesus that every Mormon out here seems to have hanging in their house! To me, arriving to our brand new home, in a very nice development, with the snow-capped Rocky Mountains in the background, was an exciting event - at first. That feeling all changed as soon as the culture out here slammed me with the Mormon reality check! Everywhere you look and everything you see is MORMON! Everyone and his brother was constantly coming over to the house to welcome me to the neighborhood and invite me to their WARD (whatever that word means... maybe a prison ward?) events. I asked my wife about why I was always seeing what looked like white t-shirts and white boxer shorts showing at times under peoples' clothing. She said that was undergarments that the majority of Mormons wear! In fact, my wife told me she was now wearing them. I really thought she had lost her mind. I remember how my wife was nervous about showing other Mormon visitors the coffee pot, or any caffinated drinks for that matter, when they came over. I couldn't believe their teachings - it's NUTS! My wife thought she was helping me to see the way taking me down to the LDS temple in SLC (of course I could only look at it from outside) and the LDS history building to see the death masks of Joseph Smith and, if I remember correctly, Brigham Young but she actually caused me to move farther away from her beliefs than she hoped. I remember being blown away to see the house of Brigham Young and all the momuments, or grave markings of his some, I think it was 26 wives. I may be incorrect on that one! I watched their promotional movie of how the church came into being and read all sorts of displays, literature, etc. trying to not hurt my wife's feelings. She was so happy to be together again and was convinced we could be one spiritually. Boy was she in for a rude awakening!

I decided to become more user friendlier with the LDS folk who would come over all the time. I had to. My wife owns the house. Who was I to tell her who could or could not come over. Many times, I would get in my car and leave because I couldn't stand the things the church members were talking about as far as their doctrines and beliefs were concerned. Boy... in order to convert you, they really pour on the syrup-smothered external facade as if they truly attempt to ACT like they love you but after they see they're getting nowhere with you, that's when the shunning starts. I've heard other non-Mormons complain about how their kids are not allowed to play with the Mormon kids because the Mormon parents think their children will be too influenced by the Gentile way.

At the pleadings of my family, I finally gave in and went to one of thier WARD services. What strange looks I got because, although I was dressed nicely, I didn't have my suit and tie on or at least a shirt and tie! The neighborhood looks like the movie "Pleasantville" around here on Sunday mornings as Mormons from all over the neighborhood poor out and walk to church. Of course, I'm the only one who stands out in color as I walk around outside and they gaze at me wondering why I'm not dressed up and following them. I saw strange expressions on peoples' faces when I asked why it was I never hear Mormons talk about being "born again." Also, I asked why I never saw any representation of the cross anywhere. They have these tall pointed steeples on their buildings but you'll won't find a cross anywhere. I only went to thier service the one time but I did agree to start reading the book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price and even their Ensign magazine published by the LDS! I was being accused of being too narrow-minded and small in my staunch stance against their teachings. The more I studied, the LESS I wanted to have anything to do with them!

I have found that the hardest case victims of this lie are those who have been born and raised all their life in this mess! I guess they believe my main problem is that before reading any of their material, I had already absorbed too much of the ONLY bible. The LDS believe the word of God as we know it can only be trusted so far because they believe the true gospel was manipulated by man down through the centruries. They definitely tout the book of Mormon as the only truth out there. I quit being so hostile against the Mormons as time went by. I felt that I could NEVER convince them or my family with my words and opinions. I get more of a reaction from them that seems effective at cracking their defenses by constantly giving them the WORD. They don't know how to handle the scriptures that conflict with their beliefs. It really seems to confuse them. I knew I was going to need a true miracle to see my wife and kids come out of this madness. I guess you can say it was a cop-out to simply give all of this to God. Looking back, I guess it was. I gave up... I had no idea of how to fix this. Little by little, as time went on, one by one, my family started waking up and leaving the Mormon church.

It started with my oldest daughter. She would come over to the house and seem very depressed. I would probe trying to find out what's going on. Although she touted the LDS as being a way to her truest happiness, things weren't working out. In tears, she would tell me how her husband, the patriarch, was extemely demanding and controlling. She told me how she felt pressured in various "service functions" she was expected and required to perform in the local body. Utah ranks way up there, if not on top, on the list of the country's most depressed state! I hear it from other Mormons how the church is too "service" or "works" driven. She eventually couldn't take it anymore. She left him and the church. They got a divorce. I know how God feels about divorce but I'm not going to kid him or you... I was happy to hear she got away from him and their so-called church!

My second oldest daughter just seemed to drift away from her involvement with the LDS teachings and no longer has anything to do with them. She's firm in her resolve to have nothing to do with them - especially after what's happened lately. She started seeing and dating a nice young man who returned from serving in Iraq recently. My daughter is 27 years old. I don't meddle in her affairs whatsoever but I couldn't help probing a little when I heard of the events that took place with the young man and his family. It turns out, the young man she's seeing was raised all of his life in the Mormon church and he was living with his parents after returning from Iraq until he could get on his feet. My luck... another Mormon in the family! It turns out though, he recently told his parents that he wanted nothing to do with the Mormon church and teachings anymore. He told his parents that he never believed in what they taught and that, when they thought he was walking off to the local WARD, in his little nice suit and tie, he was actually ducking out and playing hooky anywhere he could hide then return home when he knew the service was over. His parents, according to him, became quite vehement in their reaction to the news. His mother blamed it on his meeting my daughter (the GENTILE) calling her a WHORE - to her face. They threw him out of the house and told him he was doomed to destruction with all the other GENTILES for leaving the only, what they call, TRUE church! It's amazing how all this has worked out. The young man and my daughter are now attending a local Assembly of God church. The young man said that his religious upbringing at least caused a deep seated conviction in his heart to live for and seek God but he didn't believe Mormonism was the truth! I had been praying that my daughter would eventually meet a nice Christian man who would treat her right. Have my daughter and her boyfriend given their heart to the Lord? I don't know but I do remember them telling my wife how they prayed with the pastor after the first service they attended. I don't want to meddle too much in their business but, all I know is, they're at the church every time the doors are open and they are definitely NOT attending any Mormon church anymore.

One of my sons, who won't have anything to do with the LDS, ended up marrying a lovely young lady. It turns out, as I found out after the marriage, she was raised... you guessed it... a Mormon. I never knew this until I made a negative comment about the Mormon church around her one day. My son asked me to be careful as to what I say because she, thank God, USED to be a Mormon but also had renounced her parents beliefs and teachings. My son said that she still respected the teachings enough that she may be offended by my careless remarks. I agreed to watch what I say. It's very uncomfortable, to say the least, when I have to be around her Mormon parents for any family functions. Her father is some high-ranking bishop within the local church. I can only imagine what he thinks of me - a GENTILE and how unfortunate for them that their daughter married a GENTILE!

My wife just simply quit attending and fellowshipping with any LDS anymore. Now she won't have anything to do with their church and has commented how she could not believe she was so deceived.

My first recommendation to you is to research their doctinal teachings ONLY enough to see how they conflict with the word of God we believe to be the ONLY truth. For example, LDS believe that to obtain the highest level of glory one HAS TO be married! That conflicts with where I read Paul taught that he wished all men could be as he was - UNMARRIED! He emphasized the importance of uninterupted devotion to God was the most important way to live out our lives although marriage certainly is not a sin. You should see the looks I get when I remind them of how Jesus answered the hypocrites, who didn't even believe in the resurrection of the dead, confronted him with the situation of all the brothers who married the same woman, in succession after each one's death, asking him who she would be married to in the resurrection, seeing that she had all those husbands. Of course, Christ answered how they were in error not knowing the scriptures that in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are as the angels! Of course, the lie that Satan and Jesus were brothers! What about the lie that God was once a man and he is now in his glorified state of being much like the Mormons believe they can attain to! I ask them why do they waste their time and resources baptizing for the dead when I remind them of Jesus telling the parable of the rich man and the poor man both dying and how Jesus starts by saying the rich man dies... AND IN HELL (they also believe in universal salvation - all men will be saved)... and I also remind them of the verse where it is said that is appointed unto man to die ONCE and after this the JUDGEMENT! The Mormons seem dumbfounded when given scripture after scripture that conflicts with what they've been taught. They just keep giving me that stupid smile whenever I've made the mistake of debating with them but God's word seems to have a much more powerful effect on them. Of course they always come back how they don't rely so much on the bible because it can only be trusted so far!

I've recommended many websites to them such as Utah Lighthouse Ministry where they can read the testimonies of other former high-ranking LDS practioners have come to the saving knowledge of the truth of the real GOSPEL. These are people who spent years in the Mormon church but became truly born again and now have ministries attempting to lead other misguided souls to the truth and out of the Mormon deception. I always get the response that they know the websites and books teaching against the Mormon way are out there. They give me the impression that they've been warned against reading these things and that they would end up being apostate if they did.

I believe the ONLY thing you can do for Mormons is to CONSTANTLY give them God's word ONLY and then pray he will do the rest. When I gave up haggling with my family... I really did give up... mostly in frustration... then they came out. I do believe I relied on God to change their way of thinking but can't truly recall what I felt or if I ever did sincerely pray for them. I just knew my way wasn't working... his did!

So sorry for the normal long-winded stories or testimonies I give in order to reply to some peoples' questions but I believe if I beat you up with the details you can see how you definitely don't want to go the way I did. Stay faithful to the Lord with your families! When I left God, I left the door wide open for Satan to come in and deceive. Thank God... HE SHUT THE DOOR :th_praying:

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How do you witness to a Mormon?

How can I explain the trinity?

I said that it is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All the same ONE God, but existing in three persons.

How am I supposed to explain it further then that?

How can I convince a Mormon that they do not in fact worship the same God?

Jesus was not a polygamist, he did not come from some distant galaxy, and he most certainly was not the brother of the devil.

I feel like I really blew a good witnessing encounter. I explained the Gospel as best I could, put emphasis on the need for repentence, and to trust Jesus. I dont think he understood, or just plain didn't believe me.

I could really use some advice here.

You need to know what Mormans believe before you can effectivelly minister to them. They believe in repentance and they believe in many of the same things we do. But they also believe that they can dig up people out the grave and baptize them. They also believe in another testament and they have never read our bible which is why they don't seem to understand because they think that their bible is the word of God.

You need to learn about them. When you are talking to Mormans you need to remember that their ultimate goal is to convert you to Mormanism. It is best to go one on one with them because if there is more then one you will do nothing except maybe plant a seed or two and then it will be up to God to finish the work.

I started to read the book of Morman once but when I got to a part that says that satan can shape shift (which deny) I put the book done.

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understanding that the true word never comes back void ,,, im sure you said somthing that stuck... i got mormon family members ,,,im a non denom with a heavy baptist back ground as for the the devil being jesus's brother ,,, i came back with the devil was never phisicaly born (my spelling lol) like jesus was... yes jesus is alpha and omega but unlike satan jesus was phisicaly born from a woman with no sin nature,,, god being his father,,, where as satan was and is as angels ,,, a very powerfull angel but an angel none the less ,,, and god said in the bible that jesus was his only begotten son ,,, so if satan was his brother this would make god a liar for saying that jesus was his only son and we know that god isnt a liar

i can only explain the trinity how i understand it ,,, im sure im making a mess of this but here goes

in a family the man (me in this case) is the high authority (no im not god im using this as an example)(a phisical example of a spiritual reality) my son is an uneducated version of me ,,, equal to me but not as knowlageable ,,, working to know every thing i know to one day have his own family ,,, so i teach my son everything i know like how to rebuild a 350 chevy eng. ok??? and one day im not home and some guy comes up and ask's my son can his dad(me) rebuild a eng. for him,,, my son calls me on the cell and tells me this and i say yeah take the job ,,, and then i tell my son to start the rebuild EXACTALY AS I HAVE SHOWN HIM and my boy who is a good son does this EXACTALY AS I TAUGHT HIM ,,, i in my mind knowing what he is doing because my son KNOWS NO OTHER WAY BUT MINE,,, and on occasion he calls me on the cell phone telling where he is exactaly on the rebuild ,,, and i say thats my boy you are doing good

then i ask you who really rebuilt this eng.??? me or my son ,,, me thru my son ,,, or my son thru me,,, or both of us thru each other,,, and if my son does as i say on this rebuild without a mistake does this make him my equal as a mech. on this eng.,,, yet when you have my son working on your car im there in spirit but not phisicaly and when you ask my son how he got so good at this he says MY DAD TAUGHT ME EVERYTHING I KNOW and GAVE ME THIS SHOP,,,

then i relate this to god,,, jesus knew no other way but gods way ,,, jesus did exactaly what god does (his perfect will) and when asked by ppl jesus said give all the glory to my father ,,, and god gave jesus everthing in the end including victory over satan because jesus did gods perfect will

I HOPE I DIDNT MESS THAT UP TO MUCH ,,, but thats how i explain it to myself ,,, my dad being a mech and a machinist... his spirit of mechanics still being in me

doesnt it say in the bible that jesus is coming back for his bride??? the church right??? and if jesus had wife's on earth why arent they mentioned by name like all the other wife's of the prophets ,,,like moses,,, joseph,,, ect... i tell my mormon relations thats its an attempt to bring god to our level ,,, as if jesus couldnt just make stones into ppl like god,,, them being the same and all ,,, we are the off spring of one couple adam was not a poligimist ,,, cane started all that ,,, and the mark of cane was only on cane ,,, and even if it wasnt the mark didnt make it pass the flood of noahs time (so there goes the theory that dark skin is the mark) another mormon tale ,,, i hope i didnt mess you or any body up typing this its how it was explained to me and makes perfect sense to my mind (lol) love in christ arrow from god

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The Bible is the best tool, they do not use it..... it is believed that Christ did not fulfill what was set out to be fulfilled and that their founder had to come and do the rest.

they are a doomsdayist people, and also a work related salvation type..... they also believe that salvation can come after death should a persons loved ones spend enough time in prayer and other things and can pray them in.....

they use the book of mormon as their primary teaching tool, and alot have not even read the Bible, so for that they will not even have a clue what the up coming prophecies include, much less the actual plan of salvation.

you best ammo is just staying ground in the Word of God, and when one comes upon you with an issue, study up on it in the Word of God.

the same goes with the J. W., they use the Bible just enough to pick a single verse and make an entire doctrine out of it, and then twist what the real meaning is.

don't argue, for when you argue, then words do not come out in the right order, satan loves that kind of stuff, and when words do not come out in the right order, a person can get frustrated and even say the wrong thing (anger coming out) and really blow the entire session.... like going to court for a traffic ticket, do not loose your cool.....AT ALL.... even if you have to stop, count to 100 breathing deep the entire time..... a friend of mine went to court for "rolling a stop sign" he claims he did not, said he did come to a complete stop, but when he got to court ( a thing of principle, not a money thing ... false arrest, having had issues with this police officer prior) he tryed to explain his side of it standing in as his own attorney, not thinking he would have to worry about needing one of his own, and the attorney that was speaking for the officer, asked him specific questions and would not let him give the complete answers and even twisted what he was trying to say and its meaning.... my friend got flustered and ended up saying something that was so twisted out of context, the case was tossed out and he paid the fine and court cost and being he lost, paid the legal for the officer.......

the lds kids dont come by us very much anymore, I do not use their book against them, nor do I use anything against them, I speak from the Word of God, and the True Plan of Salvation that Christ Cruicified, and Risen from the dead. that Christ IS the Son of God.

one way to look at Trinity is to look at a person.......

one person, three names...... a man

first is a son to his mother and father

second (like me) is a husband to my wife

third (again like me) is a father to my sons

my name is not husband, my name is not son, my name is not father, my name is Michael.....

Christ is God, incarnate into a human body, so that He might know exactly what we go through, so that He could say.....YES, I TRUELY UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR LIFE.......

otherwise, it would be much like me saying I understand your troubles when you loose your job, car, house and family when you get laid off and everything else falls apart because of the innitial problem, when I have never been with out a job, have several houses, and never been married and have several cars..... how could I really understand.......i could not.

Trinity is a very hard thing to explain in full, God is the Heavenly Father, Christ is the Earthly Son, the Holy Spirit is the one that becomes one with us (The Holy Spirit and our spirit unite, almost as in marriage)

some things have to be taken in faith, until the Lord gives a person an understanding of it.

Rufus and Botz both spoke a very important issue in their post........ speak to them in love..... do not try to speak against them, you do not need to know what the book of mormon says, cause you have the Word of God, and that is what a person really needs to put in their mind and heart and soul...... if you go and read the book of mormon you may get the information of it and the Word of God mixed up, and that can be used by the enemy to get you to questioning what the Bible says and what the book of mormon says....

while I was in the Navy, during Desert Storm, running the communications for the theatre, I would see things come across that was "for official use only", "confidential", "secret",and "top secret" and stuff with other ratings attached to it. I had to read the material on the message traffic to ensue the completeness of the messages (and reading several documents an hour, some 20 plus pages long, ensuring completeness and (every word) some in the matter of only a minutes time) I would have this information in my mind.... when I heard a radio broadcast, or saw a TV broadcast, that information, also was in my mine..... now, when a friend, or some one else asked what I thought about it, I would have to decline any answer, for I would not be able to keep the information separated, it was so cluttered in my mind, what I read that was classified and what I read that was open to the public was all mixed together. so I had to remain silent about it, even now, I can not tell a person much about Desert Storm, and I was there.....

that is why I will not read the book of mormon, nor the J.W. books, I do not need to try a keep that information separated, so I do not mix them to begin with. if I read only the Bible, and study only the Bible, (and trusted Bible commentaries) when some thing is said that does not line up with the Bible, I have red flags popping up warning me this is not right.....

when a preacher that is speaking and there is something that does not sound right, I use the Bible to verify it, and I verify it, i do not just take mans word for it........LET EVERY MAN BE A LIAR, and GODS WORD BE TRUTH......

be careful.....

love ya all


Rufus and Botz are both correct, and I only present the Gospel to someone in love. I think my problem is this, as you have mentioned. I think I blew this witnessing encounter simply for this reason. I got to a point where I just couldn't think of anything else to say, and we began to argue. I should not have, and in the end he just left. I feel like I took the gift of the Gospel, and ruined it for him.

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All this advice has been great. I think first before I try to learn more about the Mormon beliefs, I will become more proficient with the Bible. The more I know of the truth, the easier it is to spot a lie.

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