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  2. Sorry you don't like apt descriptions or truth. Moving on...back on topic
  3. The calendar of events in prophesy. I already told you. At the end of the 1000 years that starts when Jesus returns to earth.
  4. Chapter and verse? For some people eager to swallow and spread the lies, no help was needed.
  5. We do not worship the Lord God of the Israelites and I wondering why you posted from Deuteronomy. We are in Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father and only in Jesus Christ name. As when Jesus said right after his resurrection. John 20:17 niv New International Version Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
  6. I never said that you claimed it was in scripture; however, you state that it "helps explain a concept presented in God Word." How so? "Metaphor" is merely a literary device. It is not a word that "helps explain" but only identifies a common method of communication. A metaphor is nothing other than a short form of allegory. "Allegory" IS in scripture. Please understand my use of the word "metaphor" to refer to the scriptural use of "allegory." How do the terms you referenced help me to understand "concepts" of scripture? I find those particular terms to confine scripture to a specific denominational perspective. Please help me to understand what concept each of those terms help me to understand 'specific scripture.' I will be completely open and honest in stating that I understand scripture as it is written more clearly than the use of these terms you have used. I am not being combative - I really just don't understand why theological terms assigned by theologians are used to describe what is openly written in scripture. I truly understand Scripture without these words. Those terms cloud the clear choice of words God has chosen to convey. To consider these terms, I must find how they relate to Scripture. Please offer scripture to each of these "concepts" so that I can communicate with you.
  7. If you're allowed a monkey I'm allowed a diorama. I'll have the monkey in it but no Lilith.
  8. It was some redneck humor thrown in. Around here, the running joke is when a guy wants to go and do something stupid without thinking, the guy turns to his buddy and says hold my beer, and then goes and does it. I was referring to the fact that in scripture Adam didn't even think about it he just took the fruit. So I was basically trying to use humor to drive home a point and apparently I didn't do as good of a job as I thought lol
  9. Today
  10. Rev mans comment above in reference to what @The Light said: "Love Perry Stone. However, he does not understand that the tribulation and the wrath of God are not the same time frame. He does not understand that the second coming occurs at the 6th seal, which is the coming of Jesus in Matthew 24." My comment to Rev Man: Keep looking bro..... one beach over is very crowded.
  11. PARASHAH: “Emor” (say/speak) LEVITICUS 21:1-24:23 In this parashah study, we see more details on the sanctity, Holiness, and comportment of priests. When we read in chapter 21, we read that YHVH is very particular and pays much attention to the physical. We might think that God only looks upon the heart, but thousands of years ago, physical appearance was important, some with any kind of imperfection; like a broken foot, blind in one eye, hunchback, dwarf…It doesn’t say that they could not serve in the Tabernacle or later on, the temple, but they couldn’t offer sacrifices. We must remember that the priest was a kind of mediator between the people and YHVH, Today, YESHUA the Messiah is our mediator, between us and the Father, and Yeshua was/IS without sin, perfect in all ways, both inside and outside. We may not know what he looked like physically, but we know he didn’t have any physical deformities, being God in the flesh. We read about the priest; “offering the food to Adonai” and many regulations about “food”. It is talking about the animal offerings that were offered on the altar, yet the Hebrew word for “food” in this case is “Lechem” (bread). The priest had to be in perfect physical condition because he represented a perfect G-d. To be any less than “perfect” would have probably been a distraction. Today, Adonai does not look at our physical bodily conditions, as many people are born with physical defects. Adonai looks at the heart and into our spirit. Before, the priests would offer up the “lechem” (food, bread) to Adonai, 2000 years ago, the “Bread of Life” was offered up for US! Today, the “bread” that we “offer to Adonai?” would be our service and spiritual gifts. We offer them up to HIM, through exercising the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit, by teaching others, preaching the Word, evangelizing, giving to others, etc…we are giving back “bread” to HaShem. He has given to us, and we give back to HIM through serving others and being faithful “priests” on earth. We can take note of Leviticus 22:31 and apply this to our lives as “Yeshua’s priests.” Therefore, you shall keep my commandments and perform them: I AM the LORD. You shall not profane my Holy Name, but I will be “Kadoshed” among “B’nei Yisrael” I AM Adonai who sanctified you.” Of course, we can not keep ALL of the commandments set down in ancient times, yet many still apply to today’s life. We should learn to put them into action, and teach others HIS Torah! In doing this, we ARE hallowing HIS Holy Name. We also see regulations on marriage, touching dead things, etc.…the priest was in a class of his own. The priest was “God’s man” his “representative” on earth, so, as the priests had a higher calling, their expectations were much higher than the regular “Joe Israelite” There is a repeated phrase: “You shall not profane my Holy Name, I am YHVH (Yod Hey Vav Hey) “When we act contrary to His commandments, and expectations as “b’nei Elohim” (children of God) we ARE profaning HIS Holy name, be it in words, or deeds. If God observed the Israelites through a looking glass, then the priests were observed by God through a microscope! If you get my drift! How are WE seen by our HOLY, SINLESS, GOD? Our standards are based on the Torah of Adonai. HIS standards should be OURS as well, yet we always come up lacking, because of our inborn sin nature. Thank Adonai for YESHUA, who bridged the gap caused by sin, to be our “high priest” before a Holy God, although our sin in dark and ugly, and we should see ourselves as such, because it is reality, through YESHUA, Our Heavenly Father sees us as “white as snow” or “white a wool” and now, under the new covenant, we are all “high priests” in his eyes, should not our expectations be as a “higher calling” just like the priests of old? We must also take into thought the phrase “Kiddush HaShem” which is “honoring/blessing/Holiness to the Name of Adonai” There are two Hebrew words that are almost the same; “Halel” and “Chilul” “Bless/praise” and “profane” in Hebrew, they are just three letters. The difference is the first letter; the “Hey” and the Chet” The difference between the two is just a line which is about one millimeter. What can we say? There is just a fine line between “blessing” the name of God, or “profaning” the name of God. We must be careful of our words, and deeds, least we “bless” with one breath, and then take another breath and “profane”. The idea of the “priests being holy, for I AM Holy” is there in this parashah. The difference in the words, “Kadosh” (Holy) and “Kadoshim” (holy ones) is that when YHVH talks about HIS Holiness, the word “Kadosh” has the “vav”, the letter “o” that letter symbolizes the “nail” whereas our “holiness” lacks the “vav” since we did NOT receive the “nails” only YESHUA did, who received them in our place! We can see a case of “profaning the Name of God” in Leviticus 24:11 when the son of a “mixed marriage” (An Israelite woman married to an Egyptian man) had a fight in the camp and cursed, or profaned, blasphemed the Name of Adonai. He was put to death by stoning. We see the name of the woman though, it was “Shelomith” daughter of “Dibri” The name “Shelomith” can be considered the feminine version of “Shalom’ (peace) and the name “Dibri” can be considered “My Word” from the word “Debar” Almost the same as “Dibrei” (words of) Together, “My words of Peace” yet just the opposite was seen, the son was fighting and profaned the Name of Adonai, so far away from “peace” Could the Egyptian father have had some negative influence on the son? Whenever there is a mixed marriage, a believer with an unbeliever, there is bound to be strife and lack of peace, since the couple are like “pulling against each other on a rope” and sooner or later, the rope is going to break. We are reminded of Job, when he was tested in his suffering, his wife told him; "Curse God and die!" What kind of wife would say such a thing to her husband? But Job responded wisely; "Are we to receive only good and nothing bad?" The Word says in all this, Job die not sin. He demonstrated "Kiddush HaShem" (Holiness to the NAME) He honored God and did not curse nor blaspheme. (Halel and not Chilul) Chap 23: “HaMoedim of YHVH” (The feasts of the LORD). Here the special days of worship and assembly are mentioned, the first being the “Sabbath Day” it is a “day of Rest” a time of worship and coming together to worship Adonai and learn from HIS Word through His teachers, pastors, rabbis, evangelists, etc. The Sabbath day was NEVER changed to Sunday. Not that it was bad to come together on Sundays, any day of the week is a good time to come together. It just became customary for the believers in the first century to come together on the “first day of the week” like it is mentioned in Acts, to fellowship and eat together, but the believers ALWAYS considered Saturday, the Sabbath, the special and the official appointed day for rest, worship, and Bible study. For me, the sabbath and Sunday are both special days to worship God and study his word with other believers. The Passover and days of unleavened bread, symbolize Messiah Yeshua in our lives as the “Lamb of God” who took away the sin of the world, and who is also, the “Bread of Life”, who was “roasted in the fires of judgment for our sins, whose blood was shed for our sins, once and forever. The “matzah” bread without leaven symbolizes Yeshua as the Bread of Life, without sin (leaven). And his blood is symbolized by the wine. The Feast of First Fruits and Shavuot; counting 50 days from the time of Passover, to celebrate the blessing of a good and fruitful harvest of grains, (wheat and barley, the main crops). On Shavuot or “Pentecost” two leavened loaves of bread were made, each weighed about 5 pounds, and were “waved” by the priest before the LORD in a special ceremony. These loaves symbolize the blessings of YHVH, they could also represent Israel and the Nations, “2” is the number of “unity” and “division” we are all “united” to YHVH by Messiah Yeshua and have been “divided” or “separated” from the lost world of sin, YET, we still have our sin nature, noted by the leaven in the loaves of bread. It was also on “Shavuot” that the Torah was given on Mt. Sinai The Feast of Trumpets, “Yom Teruah” symbolizes the start of the “days of Awe” when we reflect on our relationship with Adonai. How do we measure up to God’s standards? Lacking? Fall short? I would say YES. 10 days later, comes “Yom Kippur” the day of “covering” or “Atonement” which was when the high priest came into the Holy of Holies, once a year, to commune with Adonai. This day points to Calvary when Yeshua’s blood “atoned” for our sins, past, present, and future. It is a day of fasting, repentance, and soul searching. It is a day when we are accustomed to dress in white. Feast of Tabernacles, or “Sukkot” is a joyous festival, when the “harvest” is in, kind of like “Thanksgiving” in the US of A. The time when God came to earth in human form as Yeshua, born in Beit Lechem, being raised learning carpentry and Torah, a teacher of Torah, healer of diseases, a raiser of the dead, and a sacrifice for our sins. This festivity was for 7 days, “7” the perfect number, and a special “8th” day “Hoshanah Raba” when the customary reading of the Torah starts over again from Genesis. It also symbolizes when the Israelites lived in tents, “temporary dwellings” as our bodies are “temporary dwellings” for our souls and for the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Chapter 24: The Menorah, the lamps were lit from dusk to morning, and the menorah was made of gold, which symbolizes perfection. The flame/light symbolizes Yeshua who is the “Light of the World” and the “all-consuming fire” and also, all believers are the “lights of the world” reflecting the SON light! “Table of Shewbread” was in the Holy place across from the Menorah. It had 12 loaves of unleavened bread, representing the 12 tribes of Israel, again, Yeshua the “Bread of Life” Hey, maybe that was where the idea of the “bagel” came from, bread with a hole in middle, who knows! Maybe! This bread was for Aaron and his sons. We also read about "eye for an eye". Many believe that this verse teaches vengeance. "What you do to me I can do to you" mentality. Yet the Bible teaches "compensation and restitution" for damages received. If I were to break your hand or wrist, perhaps if we were wrestling, even in fun, I would be responsible for taking you to the doctor and getting your hand or wrist fixed. That is the meaning behind "Eye for Eye" and even "Hand for Hand" (I break your hand, I'll give you a "helping hand" to get yours fixed). Let's live our "holiness" to the best of our ability, trusting the Spirit of God. Our days are numbered and we know not the number. God can take us home anytime.
  12. PARASHAH: “Emor” (say.) LEVITICUS 21:1-24:23 In this parashah study, we see more details on the sanctity, Holiness, and comportment of priests. When we read in chapter 21, we read that YHVH is very particular and pays much attention to the physical. We might think that God only looks upon the heart, but thousands of years ago, physical appearance was important, some with any kind of imperfection; like a broken foot, blind in one eye, hunchback, dwarf…It doesn’t say that they could not serve in the Tabernacle or later on, the temple, but they couldn’t offer sacrifices. We must remember that the priest was a kind of mediator between the people and YHVH, Today, YESHUA the Messiah is our mediator, between us and the Father, and Yeshua was/IS without sin, perfect in all ways, both inside and outside. We may not know what he looked like physically, but we know he didn’t have any physical deformities, being God in the flesh. We read about the priest; “offering the food to Adonai” and many regulations about “food”. It is talking about the animal offerings that were offered on the altar, yet the Hebrew word for “food” in this case is “Lechem” (bread). The priest had to be in perfect physical condition because he represented a perfect G-d. To be any less than “perfect” would have probably been a distraction. Today, Adonai does not look at our physical bodily conditions, as many people are born with physical defects. Adonai looks at the heart and into our spirit. Before, the priests would offer up the “lechem” (food, bread) to Adonai, 2000 years ago, the “Bread of Life” was offered up for US! Today, the “bread” that we “offer to Adonai?” would be our service and spiritual gifts. We offer them up to HIM, through exercising the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit, by teaching others, preaching the Word, evangelizing, giving to others, etc…we are giving back “bread” to HaShem. He has given to us, and we give back to HIM through serving others and being faithful “priests” on earth. We can take note of Leviticus 22:31 and apply this to our lives as “Yeshua’s priests.” Therefore, you shall keep my commandments and perform them: I AM the LORD. You shall not profane my Holy Name, but I will be “Kadoshed” among “B’nei Yisrael” I AM Adonai who sanctified you.” Of course, we can not keep ALL of the commandments set down in ancient times, yet many still apply to today’s life. We should learn to put them into action, and teach others HIS Torah! In doing this, we ARE hallowing HIS Holy Name. We also see regulations on marriage, touching dead things, etc.…the priest was in a class of his own. The priest was “God’s man” his “representative” on earth, so, as the priests had a higher calling, their expectations were much higher than the regular “Joe Israelite” There is a repeated phrase: “You shall not profane my Holy Name, I am YHVH (Yod Hey Vav Hey) “When we act contrary to His commandments, and expectations as “b’nei Elohim” (children of God) we ARE profaning HIS Holy name, be it in words, or deeds. If God observed the Israelites through a looking glass, then the priests were observed by God through a microscope! If you get my drift! How are WE seen by our HOLY, SINLESS, GOD? Our standards are based on the Torah of Adonai. HIS standards should be OURS as well, yet we always come up lacking, because of our inborn sin nature. Thank Adonai for YESHUA, who bridged the gap caused by sin, to be our “high priest” before a Holy God, although our sin in dark and ugly, and we should see ourselves as such, because it is reality, through YESHUA, Our Heavenly Father sees us as “white as snow” or “white a wool” and now, under the new covenant, we are all “high priests” in his eyes, should not our expectations be as a “higher calling” just like the priests of old? We must also take into thought the phrase “Kiddush HaShem” which is “honoring/blessing/Holiness to the Name of Adonai” There are two Hebrew words that are almost the same; “Halel” and “Chilul” “Bless/praise” and “profane” in Hebrew, they are just three letters. The difference is the first letter; the “Hey” and the Chet” The difference between the two is just a line which is about one millimeter. What can we say? There is just a fine line between “blessing” the name of God, or “profaning” the name of God. We must be careful of our words, and deeds, least we “bless” with one breath, and then take another breath and “profane”. The idea of the “priests being holy, for I AM Holy” is there in this parashah. The difference in the words, “Kadosh” (Holy) and “Kadoshim” (holy ones) is that when YHVH talks about HIS Holiness, the word “Kadosh” has the “vav”, the letter “o” that letter symbolizes the “nail” whereas our “holiness” lacks the “vav” since we did NOT receive the “nails” only YESHUA did, who received them in our place! We can see a case of “profaning the Name of God” in Leviticus 24:11 when the son of a “mixed marriage” (An Israelite woman married to an Egyptian man) had a fight in the camp and cursed, or profaned, blasphemed the Name of Adonai. He was put to death by stoning. We see the name of the woman though, it was “Shelomith” daughter of “Dibri” The name “Shelomith” can be considered the feminine version of “Shalom’ (peace) and the name “Dibri” can be considered “My Word” from the word “Debar” Almost the same as “Dibrei” (words of) Together, “My words of Peace” yet just the opposite was seen, the son was fighting and profaned the Name of Adonai, so far away from “peace” Could the Egyptian father have had some negative influence on the son? Whenever there is a mixed marriage, a believer with an unbeliever, there is bound to be strife and lack of peace, since the couple are like “pulling against each other on a rope” and sooner or later, the rope is going to break. We are reminded of Job, when he was tested in his suffering, his wife told him; "Curse God and die!" What kind of wife would say such a thing to her husband? But Job responded wisely; "Are we to receive only good and nothing bad?" The Word says in all this, Job die not sin. He demonstrated "Kiddush HaShem" (Holiness to the NAME) He honored God and did not curse nor blaspheme. (Halel and not Chilul) Chap 23: “HaMoedim of YHVH” (The feasts of the LORD). Here the special days of worship and assembly are mentioned, the first being the “Sabbath Day” it is a “day of Rest” a time of worship and coming together to worship Adonai and learn from HIS Word through His teachers, pastors, rabbis, evangelists, etc. The Sabbath day was NEVER changed to Sunday. Not that it was bad to come together on Sundays, any day of the week is a good time to come together. It just became customary for the believers in the first century to come together on the “first day of the week” like it is mentioned in Acts, to fellowship and eat together, but the believers ALWAYS considered Saturday, the Sabbath, the special and the official appointed day for rest, worship, and Bible study. For me, the sabbath and Sunday are both special days to worship God and study his word with other believers. The Passover and days of unleavened bread, symbolize Messiah Yeshua in our lives as the “Lamb of God” who took away the sin of the world, and who is also, the “Bread of Life”, who was “roasted in the fires of judgment for our sins, whose blood was shed for our sins, once and forever. The “matzah” bread without leaven symbolizes Yeshua as the Bread of Life, without sin (leaven). And his blood is symbolized by the wine. The Feast of First Fruits and Shavuot; counting 50 days from the time of Passover, to celebrate the blessing of a good and fruitful harvest of grains, (wheat and barley, the main crops). On Shavuot or “Pentecost” two leavened loaves of bread were made, each weighed about 5 pounds, and were “waved” by the priest before the LORD in a special ceremony. These loaves symbolize the blessings of YHVH, they could also represent Israel and the Nations, “2” is the number of “unity” and “division” we are all “united” to YHVH by Messiah Yeshua and have been “divided” or “separated” from the lost world of sin, YET, we still have our sin nature, noted by the leaven in the loaves of bread. It was also on “Shavuot” that the Torah was given on Mt. Sinai The Feast of Trumpets, “Yom Teruah” symbolizes the start of the “days of Awe” when we reflect on our relationship with Adonai. How do we measure up to God’s standards? Lacking? Fall short? I would say YES. 10 days later, comes “Yom Kippur” the day of “covering” or “Atonement” which was when the high priest came into the Holy of Holies, once a year, to commune with Adonai. This day points to Calvary when Yeshua’s blood “atoned” for our sins, past, present, and future. It is a day of fasting, repentance, and soul searching. It is a day when we are accustomed to dress in white. Feast of Tabernacles, or “Sukkot” is a joyous festival, when the “harvest” is in, kind of like “Thanksgiving” in the US of A. The time when God came to earth in human form as Yeshua, born in Beit Lechem, being raised learning carpentry and Torah, a teacher of Torah, healer of diseases, a raiser of the dead, and a sacrifice for our sins. This festivity was for 7 days, “7” the perfect number, and a special “8th” day “Hoshanah Raba” when the customary reading of the Torah starts over again from Genesis. It also symbolizes when the Israelites lived in tents, “temporary dwellings” as our bodies are “temporary dwellings” for our souls and for the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Chapter 24: The Menorah, the lamps were lit from dusk to morning, and the menorah was made of gold, which symbolizes perfection. The flame/light symbolizes Yeshua who is the “Light of the World” and the “all-consuming fire” and also, all believers are the “lights of the world” reflecting the SON light! “Table of Shewbread” was in the Holy place across from the Menorah. It had 12 loaves of unleavened bread, representing the 12 tribes of Israel, again, Yeshua the “Bread of Life” Hey, maybe that was where the idea of the “bagel” came from, bread with a hole in middle, who knows! Maybe! This bread was for Aaron and his sons. We also read about "eye for an eye". Many believe that this verse teaches vengeance. "What you do to me I can do to you" mentality. Yet the Bible teaches "compensation and restitution" for damages received. If I were to break your hand or wrist, perhaps if we were wrestling, even in fun, I would be responsible for taking you to the doctor and getting your hand or wrist fixed. That is the meaning behind "Eye for Eye" and even "Hand for Hand" (I break your hand, I'll give you a "helping hand" to get yours fixed). Let's live our "holiness" to the best of our ability, trusting the Spirit of God. Our days are numbered and we know not the number. God can take us home anytime.
  13. What about the monkey you mentioned?
  14. Indeed, but I fail to see what a diorama has anything to do with the topic at hand here, as we're discussing whether Adam had more then one wife. According to scripture, the answer is a resounding no, the location of such and such a tree is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. If we're talking about Adam taking the fruit, there's two sides there-one that Adam was standing next to eve and saw it took place, the other that he was elsewhere in the garden. But again, it doesn't matter because Adam still took the fruit-without any trickery. The Bible says through one man sin entered the world (Romans 5:12) which leads to the responsibility actually being on Adam which definitely implies a conscious decision on his part, and since there's no mention of trickery on eves part and no mention of Adam being deceived, then the logical assumption is there wasn't any (why would they list the conversation between the serpent and eve and not even and Adam) So the logical conclusion is Adam took it willingly and knowingly, regardless of where he was in the garden at the time. So even there I fail to see what an diorama will explain, that scripture has not.
  15. OP question - The Father and the Son.....what are they doing? Wide field to address particularly... They are doing the same things in unique capacity. One, absolute Spirit, eternal and invisible, sovereign, and the other, as a perfect man having justified God in the spirit, is continuing to mediate for humanity for the fulfillment of the plan.
  16. I have no idea what you are trying to refute, or why. But Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday and forever. Since the beginning it has always been that the just shall by faith. Perhaps you could define what you think my "position" is.
  17. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News THE HAGUE/BUDAPEST (Worthy News) – Leaders of several countries have expressed “unease” and outrage over the International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor’s decision to seek the arrest of Israeli leaders and “Islamist terrorist organization” Hamas for atrocities. Austria’s chancellor Karl Nehammer said he “fully” respects ICC independence but signaled unease with Israel’s arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. “We fully respect the independence of the ICC. The fact, however, that the leader of the terrorist organization Hamas, whose declared goal is the extinction of the State of Israel, is being mentioned at the same time as the democratically elected representatives of that very State is incomprehensible,” he wrote on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter. Austria is a signatory of the Rome statute, which created the ICC. The prime minister of the neighboring Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, expressed outrage about the ICC’s move toward Israel. “The ICC Chief Prosecutor’s proposal to issue an arrest warrant for the representatives of a democratically elected government together with the leaders of an Islamist terrorist organization is appalling and completely unacceptable,” he stressed. “We must not forget that it was Hamas that attacked Israel in October and killed, injured, and kidnapped thousands of innocent people. It was this completely unprovoked terrorist attack that led to the current war in Gaza and the suffering of civilians in Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon,” Fiala added in a statement monitored by Worthy News. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak shared those concerns, saying through a spokesperson, “This action [by the ICC prosecutor] is not helpful in relation to reaching a pause in the fighting, getting hostages out or getting humanitarian aid in.” US CRITICISM In the United States, the prominent Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was among several legislators accusing ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan of “lying” to him about how it would handle its investigation into Israel’s leaders. “This outrageous decision is truly a slap in the face to the independent judiciary in Israel, which is renowned for their independence,” Graham wrote. “Most importantly, I want the world to know that I, along with my Republican and Democrat colleagues and members of the Administration, engaged the ICC on this issue weeks ago,” he added in a statement seen by Worthy News. “We were told there would be discussions with Israel before any actions were taken. We stressed that the principle of “complementarity” should be applied in this case. Complementarity requires the ICC to let the nation in question’s legal system move first before any action is taken by the Court.” He said Prosecutor Khan’s team was supposed to be in Israel Monday “to arrange a meeting for next week with the prosecutor’s office about the allegations. I was told by ICC staff that the investigation would likely take months and not weeks and that there would be meaningful consultation with the State of Israel.” [Yet] “Instead of the ICC following through with scheduled consultations with Israel, they announced the warrants. I feel that I was lied to and that my colleagues were lied to. Prosecutor Khan is drunk with self-importance and has done a lot of damage to the peace process and to the ability to find a way forward,” Graham said. “We must not forget as a nation the International Criminal Court threatened to bring action against American forces in Afghanistan – and we [the United States] are a non-member.” MORE REACTIONS Reed Brody, another war crimes prosecutor, seemed pleased that both Israel and Hamas face prosecution. “Many thought this request would never come. … Israeli leaders are finally facing a legal reckoning for their actions. Top Hamas officials likewise face justice for the cruel and inhuman taking of hostages and other crimes against humanity.” Critics questioned the speed with which Israel has been targeted, saying ICC warrants against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Omar al-Bashir of Sudan took much longer to prepare. Yet advocacy group Human Rights Watch claimed that “Victims of serious abuses in Israel and Palestine have faced a wall of impunity for decades.” It said that the “principled first step by the prosecutor opens the door to those responsible for the atrocities committed in recent months to answer for their actions at a fair trial. ICC member countries should stand ready to resolutely protect the ICC’s independence as hostile pressure is likely to increase while the ICC judges consider (prosecutor Karim) Khan’s request.” Khan said that besides Netanyahu and Gallant, he is also seeking arrest warrants for the leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, the head of its military wing, Mohammed al-Masri (better known as Mohammed Deif), and the head of its political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh. The charges he pursues against Netanyahu and Gallant relating to the war in Gaza include the use of “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare,” “intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime,” as well as “extermination as a crime against humanity,” and “murder” as a war crime. The proposed charges against the Hamas leadership focus on the October 7 attack on southern Israel, which triggered the current war. They include “extermination as a crime against humanity,” “taking hostages as a war crime,” “rape and other acts of sexual violence as crimes against humanity,” and “torture as a crime against humanity.” The Hamas-led health ministry claims more than 35,000 Palestinians have died since Israel launched its military operations, but it doesn’t differentiate between civilians and combatants. Israel’s prime minister said about 16,000 civilians and 14,000 Hamas fighters have been killed in Gaza, an overcrowded territory of more than 2.3 million people. The post Anger Over ICC Arrest Warrants Against Israeli Leaders appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  18. By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News BUDAPEST (Worthy News) – Hungary’s police said Monday they had detained the captain of a Swiss-based cruise ship who was allegedly involved in a collision with a small motor boat on the Danube River that killed two people and left five others missing. The accident late on Saturday came at a time of broader concerns about increased tourism shipping in the Danube River, Europe’s main waterway. The accident was reported Saturday night after a 35-year-old man was found with a bleeding head wound near a main road by the river near Verőce, 55 kilometers (34 miles) north of the capital Budapest, investigators said. The body of a man was reportedly recovered downstream south of Verőce while a woman’s body was discovered further downstream near a bridge on the northern outskirts of Budapest. Officials said that nearby police also recovered the damaged motorboat. Hungarian police said the cruise ship captain was a Czech national. They had interviewed and detained him on suspicion of multiple offenses, including “failing to stop and provide help after an accident.” DOZENS QUESTIONED “Based on the suspicion of police, the captain did not alert his crew after the accident, did not follow provisions of the rescue protocol, and took no action whatsoever to save the persons afflicted,” police said in published remarks. Police questioned 25 people as witnesses, including the cruise ship’s crew, tourists on board, and others, officials said. A search continued on Monday for the five missing people, all of whom were in the motor boat, including an 18-year-old woman and a 39-year-old man, according to authorities involved in the operation. On Sunday, reporters saw the cruise ship Heidelberg moored in the northern Danube river town of Komarom, upstream from the collision site, with significant scratches visible on the bow. A group of Chinese tourists disembarked on Sunday afternoon. One of them told media he had not been aware of any accident at the time and there were no injuries reported on board the cruise ship. BOATING DESTINATION The Danube at Verőce, where the accident happened, is roughly 460 meters (0.3 miles) wide and is in the center of the Danube Bend area, a popular recreational and boating destination. It is on a route often used by cruise vessels between Budapest and the Austrian capital, Vienna, some 230 kilometers (143 miles) away. The deadly accident comes five years after at least 27 people were killed in Budapest when a river cruise boat collided with a smaller tourist vessel, sinking it in seconds. The tourist boat Hableany, carrying 35 people who were mostly South Korean tourists, was overtaken from behind by the much larger cruise boat, Viking Sigyn, beneath Budapest’s Margit Bridge in May 2019. Nearby, a memorial was unveiled in honor of the victims of Hungary’s worst Danube River disaster since World War II. The post Hungary Detains Cruise Ship Captain Involved In Deadly Collision appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  19. by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent (Worthy News) – The United States and Saudi Arabia have been discussing a “semi-final” version of draft security agreements, which would include a two-state solution that resolves the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to the Times of Israel (TOI) reports. Like Israel, Saudi Arabia views Iran as an enemy: the Kingdom looks to the US to safeguard security in the Middle East, especially as the brutal Iranian regime advances its nuclear program. For its part, the US hopes to use the security deal to bring about the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. US President Joe Biden’s national security adviser met Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Sunday to discuss a wide-ranging security agreement between the countries, TOI reports. “The semi-final version of the draft strategic agreements between the kingdom and the United States of America, which are almost being finalized — and what is being worked on between the two sides in the Palestinian issue to find a credible path — were discussed,” a statement released after the meeting read. The deal under discussion includes “a two-state solution that meets the aspirations and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people” and “the situation in Gaza and the need to stop the war there and facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid,” the statement added. The post US and Saudi Arabia Discuss Security Deal Which Includes Two-State Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  20. By Bethany Blankley | The Center Square contributor (Worthy News) – Forty-five Republicans U.S. senators filed a Congressional Review Act resolution to block a Biden administration Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives rule from being enforced that would require anyone who sells firearms to register as federal firearm licensees. The administration argues the rule is implementing aspects of the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act spearheaded by U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, among others. For decades, federal law has distinguished between firearms dealers, who are required to have a federal license to sell firearms, and private individuals who are not required to have a license to purchase and sell firearms privately. Claiming the new law as the basis for the rule, the ATF measure would require thousands of law-abiding citizens to register as dealers to buy, sell or trade firearms with friends and neighbors. The Republican attorneys general argue the rule is unconstitutional and burdens citizens with unnecessary costs. In response to the rule, 26 states sued seeking a court to block it from going into effect. Texas and Kansas led two multi-state coalitions; Florida filed its own lawsuit, The Center Square reported. A judge just granted the Texas-Kansas led coalition a temporary restraining order against the administration, halting the rule from going into effect until June 2, to allow hearings to be held. In U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s 14-page ruling, he said, “The plaintiffs would suffer irreparable injury absent an injunction is hard to dispute. Plaintiff Texas faces the irreparable injury of revenue loss. Other Plaintiffs face both civil and criminal enforcement actions for engaging in conduct that the BSCA permits but the Final Rule impermissibly forbids.” He also said, “there is generally no public interest in the perpetuation of unlawful agency action” and the rule “is almost certainly violative of – at the least – the APA.” Cornyn, who was booed at a Republican Party of Texas convention after he pushed through the bill, is now saying he will fight “this lawless rule tooth and nail to ensure the God-given right to keep and bear arms is preserved and this flagrant distortion of congressional intent of our landmark mental health and school safety law is struck down.” Some Texas Republicans oppose Cornyn for any consideration as the next Senate majority leader, citing what they argue is his anti-Second Amendment stance, The Center Square reported. U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-NC, who did not join the CRA, but was a cosponsor of the bill being cited by the Biden administration to implement the rule, said it was “outrageous that the Biden Administration decided to take a good faith effort to curb the mental health crisis across our country and turn it into an unconstitutional attempt to restrict firearms from law-abiding American citizens. This overreach is exactly why Republicans don’t trust this Administration, and it will setback any attempt on future bipartisan legislation as long as President Biden is in office.” U.S. Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Georgia, who led the joint CRA resolution effort in the U.S. House, said, “The ATF’s ‘engaged in the business’ rule represents President Biden’s latest attempt to institute universal background checks, advance the Left’s radical gun control agenda, and infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. Private citizens simply shouldn’t be forced to jump through unelected, anti-gun bureaucrats’ unconstitutional hurdles to engage in lawful firearms transactions. I look forward to leading this critical CRA in the House, and I urge my colleagues in both chambers to support our measure to stop the Biden Administration’s tyranny in its tracks.” The CRA is a regulatory tool Congress can use to overturn certain federal agency actions made possible through a 1996 regulatory enforcement law. “If a CRA joint resolution of disapproval is approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, or if Congress successfully overrides a presidential veto, the rule at issue cannot go into effect or continue in effect,” Congressional Research Service explains. Last year, a bicameral group of Republicans demanded answers from Attorney General Merrick Garland and ATF Director Steven Dettelbach to explain why they were “applying a zero-tolerance policy to gun dealers.” Last year, U.S. Sen. John Kennedy, R-Louisiana, introduced a CRA resolution to prevent the ATF from enforcing an anti-Second Amendment pistol brace rule. In several legislative sessions, Kennedy introduced the Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act, which didn’t pass. An amendment including provisions of his bill passed last October and was included in a bill that passed in March of this year. It blocks the Department of Veterans Affairs from unilaterally stripping veterans of their Second Amendment rights. Reprinted with permission from The Center Square. The post 45 U.S. Senators Introduce Resolution to Block Biden Anti-Second Amendment Rule appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  21. By Casey Harper | The Center Square (Worthy News) – Lawmakers have threatened to revoke the appropriations for a federally-funded scholarship program that an audit found favors liberally leaning students over conservatives by a ratio of 10 to 1. The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation was established in the 1970s to award scholarships to students who “demonstrate outstanding potential for and who plan to pursue a career in public service.” An audit of those scholarships performed by the right-leaning American Enterprise Institute, though, reported strong liberal bias at the taxpayer-funded foundation. “While this role suggests these programs should include scholars who reflect a breadth of views, values, and interests, their participants instead display a stark ideological tilt,” AEI said in its report. The foundation does have members of both parties on its board, including U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, and U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kans. Notably, President Joe Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona also sits on the board. House Republican lawmakers on leadership on the relevant committees sent a letter to foundation Executive Secretary Terry Babcock-Lumish demanding answers. “Between 2021 and 2023, the Truman Foundation selected 182 Truman winners,” the letter said. “Yet, despite the Truman Foundation’s claims that it ‘supports scholars from a wide range of perspectives, interests, and geographic areas,’ just six recipients espoused interest in a cause traditionally considered conservative-leaning. “Not a single winner professed interest in causes such as protecting the rights of the unborn or defending the Second Amendment,” the letter continued. “By contrast, the Foundation selected at least 74 winners professing interest in a progressive cause.” The foundation awards about 60 scholarships every year. “As a publicly funded award charged with preparing the civic leaders of tomorrow, the Truman Scholarship should, at a bare minimum, be reflective of the country’s breadth of values, viewpoints, and interests,” the letter said. “The Truman Foundation requested approximately $3 million in appropriations for the upcoming fiscal year. However, if the Truman Scholarship functions as a career booster solely for students of a particular political persuasion, it should no longer be worthy of Congressional support, taxpayer funding, or its exalted public image.” Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development Chairman Burgess Owens, R-Utah., and Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Chairman Robert Aderholt, R-Ala., led the letter. The foundation did not respond to a request for comment in time for publication. The post Federal Scholarship Program Under Fire for Alleged Bas Against Conservatives appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  22. By Brett Rowland | The Center Square (Worthy News) – State prosecutors rested their case against former President Donald Trump on Monday, capping off four weeks of testimony from 20 witnesses. The first-ever trial of a former President was one step closer to a conclusion after prosecutors concluded their case Monday. Next up: Trump’s attorneys will get a chance to present their defense. The case centered around Trump’s alleged sexual encounter with an adult film actress in 2006 and a $130,000 payment to her in 2016 to keep her quiet ahead of the 2016 election. Trump has pleaded not guilty and denied the encounter happened. Prosecutors allege that Trump covered up the payment to Stormy Daniels and another hush money payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal ahead of the election and covered them up as legal payments. Trump, 77, is the first former U.S. president to be charged with a felony. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records related to money paid to Daniels and McDougal. Bragg has alleged Trump broke New York law when he falsified business records with the intent to commit or conceal another crime. Prosecutors allege Trump falsified internal records kept by his company, hiding the true nature of payments that involve Daniels ($130,000), McDougal ($150,000), and Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen ($420,000). Prosecutors allege the money was logged as legal expenses, not reimbursements. Both Cohen and Daniels testified during the trial. Daniels detailed the alleged 2006 sexual encounter and testified she “blacked out.” She also said Trump didn’t wear a condom. Defense attorneys asked for a mistrial after that testimony, which they argued was prejudicial. Judge Juan Merchan denied that motion and repeatedly fined Trump for his comments and social media activity outside of the courtroom. Merchan ordered Trump to pay a total of $10,000 for violations of the gag order. The gag order remains in place. Trump, the nation’s 45th president, is prohibited from making or directing others to make public statements about the jurors, witnesses, attorneys, court staff, district attorney staff and family members of staff. It is not clear if Trump plans to take the stand in his own defense. He previously said he would take the stand if necessary. Under New York state law, falsifying business records in the first degree is a Class E felony that carries a maximum sentence of four years in prison. In late March, Trump said that he wasn’t worried about a conviction when asked if he thought a conviction could hurt his chances of returning to the White House. “It could also make me more popular because the people know it’s a scam,” he said. “It’s a Biden trial, there is no trial, there’s a Biden trial.” Whatever happens during the trial, Trump will be protected by the U.S. Secret Service. Even if convicted and sentenced to jail, Trump could continue his campaign to retake the White House. “The Constitution does not bar felons from serving as President,” said Richard Hasen, professor of law and political science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Trump could not pardon himself from any state charges, Hasen said. The post Prosecutors Rest Their Case Against Trump in Hush Money Trial appeared first on Worthy Christian News. View the full article
  23. Like pretending the sky is a dome? Satan and his minions get lots of help from people who have no idea that they are serving His purposes.
  24. You are a professional You love to attack with colorful words like loserism. I'm sure you get alot satisfaction from it.
  25. What is the date on a calendar?
  26. Water and sand is foolishness here in a science discussion where all you have done is evaded. Rather than display sore loserism here and whining about nothing, get on topic. Articulate a position and support it.
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