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oldzimm last won the day on August 21 2013

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About oldzimm

  • Birthday 07/08/1955

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    Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Interests
    God, Family, hunting, fishing, camping and just enjoying each breath God is giving me.
    As you can see I love being in the outdoors, being with nature.

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  1. DID you see black gloves? All this hogwash is because the Republican elite (such as Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell) is setting up Donald Trump to look like a racist, they know and we the people know he is not. Basically Paul and Mitch are calling half the Republican party racist. But to show Trumps love for the KKK or lack there of is this.
  2. Vendtre you asked and it is given. http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/desperate-hoax-kkk-trump-supporters-were-black/
  3. If a person never hit a wall, he or she must give themselves some time because they haven't lived long enough yet. On another note there is this old saying "God will only allow us burdens (walls) that we can handle", well that saying isn't really altogether true. Sometime for stubborn people (like me) God will allow us more than we can handle so that we will fall on our knees, acknowledge God, admit we are mere humans that can't face our burden alone and ask God for help. I guess we can call it breaking us down so we can be built back up the way God intended us to be.
  4. Happy New Years C_Beth and to all my brothers an Sisters at Worthy.
  5. I had my stress test yesterday, I remembered what the doctor told me during the last appointment of either having more stents put in or a by-pass operation, depending on the out come of the stress test. I remembered seeing the Nov. x-rays of my heart, and a vein that looked like a dried up fish worm on the road. Just a few minutes ago I got a call from the doctors office, I was told my heart looked good and I wouldn't need anymore appointments. I was stunned, I wasn't expecting any good news like that, with tears in my eyes I went down on my knees and said "God you are an awesome God, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Amen". There is nothing like the power of prayer and I want to thank everyone who prayed for me.
  6. Not really sure but I think it might be physical.
  7. I can't rewrite the Bible, I'm not qualified. (but then who is)
  8. I recently said in a post that I had two stents put in my heart the day before Thanksgiving, well I'm not out of the woods yet. I had a followup doctors appointment this pass week and she told me I still have a blockage of 90% and I need two more stents or bypass surgery. I'm scheduled for a stress test on December 30th and after that test we will decide. I put my hope, faith and trust in God's hands, I also put my trust in this doctor and what she says I will do. I'm now traveling where I have never gone before (possible bypass) and it scares the heck out of me, any prayers are deeply appreciated.
  9. True reloading takes a great deal of caution, when I reload for a new round I try my best to start the load process 10% below the maximum load called for in the manuals and I only change one component at a time. Keep an eye on the empty shell cases, they will show you when there is excessive pressure.
  10. I would be concern of a law that says I couldn't use reloaded ammunition, it sounds like government control of ammo. under the disguise of safety. The government can control the amount of factory ammunition being sold just by buying it, but they have no idea how much reloaded ammunition is out there and how much of the components used for reloading are out there. I buy powder, primers, bullets and brass when ever I get a chance and stock up. (keep it dry) Besides the holster on my belt I carry a two mag. holder on my belt. Now I know that is a total of thirty rounds, probably twenty rounds more then I should really need to get out of a hairy situation. I don't always carry three mags, when at work I also carry a Leatherman utility knife, not to be over burden with all these holders on my belt I replace one of the mags with the Leatherman. If you want to carry an extra mag, a Leatherman knife case makes for a nice mag holder for your belt and you don't need to buy a leatherman to get one, you can buy them separate. The holster I use for my Smith & Wesson has an extra mag holder built right in it. The key to carrying an extra mag(s) is to keep them in the same place on you all the time and to have the front of the mag where it will be touching your index finger as you pull it out of the holder. Reason for having the front of your mag at the index finger is less fumbling in a tight situation should you need to reload. Your shooting hand drops your empty mag and your hand with the mag facing the index finger is naturally already facing the right direction to go into the gun.
  11. I agree with Patriot, save those that choose to be saved and for the ones that wish to do us harm don't waste lard on them. All we have to do is let the jihadist know there are women pulling the trigger on them and that will take at least half the fight out of them.
  12. I have a .357 Ruger I had since 1976, nice gun, good shooter but too big for conceal carry. I also have a 9mm Smith & Wesson, nice gun, shoots good but also too big for conceal carry pending on the cloths I'm wearing. For my 24/7 conceal carry I use a cheap (less then $300.00) Kel-Tec P-11, 9mm with three 10 round mags. and shoots great, only had it jam once because of cheap ammo. Now I buy top quality ammo. or reload my own, for what factory ammo cost it is better for me to buy 9mm rounds then to take the time to reload it, but it is nice to be able to reload if I need to. I can see in the future (God willing) that I might buy a 40 cal. semi-auto. I don't have any modern tactical weapons but I do own a WWII original M1 Carbine and it is a sweet shooter, with open sights hitting a softball at 100 yards is no problem. The M1 Carbine will shoot any brand of ammo the same, even the reloads I load for it. I bought the Carbine off my son's Father-in-Law for $500.00. I did some research on the Carbine and by the proof markings I could see it actually was used during WWII. We were at the range one day and I asked My son's Father-in-Law if he wanted to shoot a couple rounds out of the Carbine, he shot a mag. out of it and wanted to buy it back. (LOL aaaaa NO)
  13. The key word in shiloh's post is "neutralize", that doesn't necessarily mean to kill the perpetrator. To neutralize a perpetrator means to render him/her to the point where they are no longer a threat to anyone. I pray that none of us ever find ourselves in a situation where we have to defend ourselves or anyone, yet if you do find yourself as such please don't think you will only shoot them in the leg/arm to neutralize them. To shoot to wound will only decrease your odds of hitting your target because your adrenaline will be pumping like crazy and a steady aim is next to impossible. If you feel endangered shoot for center mast, if the perpetrator lives or dies is God's call.
  14. Thank you everybody for praying for me, I know praying to God is the best from communication to him and individually we should pray daily. It is also uplifting to have friends pray for you when the road is rough, and even when the road is smooth.
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