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Everything posted by Gauntlet

  1. Sadly, having some kind of draconian anti-abortion laws in place would not stop women from having abortions. If no doctors agree to perform abortions, I fear how many women will desperately attempt to perform the abortions on themselves ... with wire coathangers and God knows what else? And how dangerous would that be? What a mess.
  2. If people are hell-bent on destroying each other, that is a very likely outcome. They've had plenty of chances for peace, both of them. Clearly, they are not interested in peace. Because of their religious beliefs, they'd much rather kill each other. Am I overly cynical about this? Maybe. I just don't see any happy ending here, and this conflict is older than I am. What about prophecy? Won't God deliver His Chosen People before it's too late? Again, I don't know. How will it end? I don't know. But it is not my problem. I've got bigger fish to fry.
  3. It's true! If government has direct access into the hearts & minds of its citizens, as you are implying here, why is the world such a sinful place? Why are so many crimes committed? The best govt. can do with laws is to crudely reign-in our actions.
  4. The only alternative to the two-state solution is ... total annihilation of all Palestians each by the other's hand as they depopulate the region with unending war. Realistically, that is what will happen if some kind of mutually-acceptable deal is not hammered out. The two sides are already more than willing to kill each other. I can think of nothing more agreeable or ecquitable for both sides than this. Neither side is really the innocent here, not after all fighting. I don't know which side was the original aggressor, Israel or Palestine, and I don't care. Everyone deserves to live. Everyone deserves a home. When you look at it without all the religious and cultural baggage, it's not confusing. When you look at it with all the religious and cultural baggage, the complexity is mind-boggling. Of course, there is no way to satisfy everyone here. What is most likely to happen is that one day, the entire region will be empty of people. The Palestians and the Jews will have killed each other down to the last child. What then?
  5. Why do I get the feeling that Obama puts out pro-abortion policies just to appease someone? Of course, with actually meeting with the man himself and discussing the issue with him, there's no way to know exactly what his feelings are on this issue.
  6. It's all about CONVENIENCE. If the unborn baby dies when it's convenient for the adults involved, it's not murder and can't even be intimated as such. So what are you gonna do? Can't legislate morality.
  7. Reducing the number of unintended pregnancies, and providing a safety net for women who would otherwise abort, is the ONLY way (realistically speaking) that we can reduce the number of abortions. Roe v Wade is NOT going to be overturned and we can't legislate morality. The only thing left to do is to try and stop these women from becoming pregnant in the first place or to support them in every way if they do and encourage adoption. It's not what I would prefer but it's way better than 1.5 million abortions a year. And that's just in the U.S. If a woman wants to get an abortion just to be a rotten person or to spite the father, there's nothing standing in her way. It doesn't matter if it's to be done for the right reasons or the wrong ones. But morality can't be legislated, so what do you do?
  8. Bart did the same thing on an episode of The Simpsons, except it was the statue of Jebediah Springfield he beheaded as the fulfillment of a dare. Eventualy, Bart's conscience got the better of him and he returned the statue's head. Maybe whoever beheaded poor old James Garfield will do likewise.
  9. Blien, I think your parents will be happy if not delighted to see you move out on your own. It's in the Bible. It's part of becoming a man (or a woman). I'm 30 and I've lived on my own for a few years now, financially independant of Mom & Dad as well.
  10. The same kind of person who buttons his shirt bottom-to-top instead of top-to-bottom. Seriously, where did you come across that little factoid? I was joking Of course.
  11. The same kind of person who buttons his shirt bottom-to-top instead of top-to-bottom. Seriously, where did you come across that little factoid?
  12. How are you able to access the Internet from the year 1880, where you must live? Ha Ha. I work for CERN...we have invented time travel...So, I'll usually jump back and forth in time with my morning coffee so that I can post with you fine folks. Actually, what I just typed is fiction...though I do have coffee in the morning, so, Part of it is true. Nice to see you just pulled a little piece of my quote without the entire piece to grasp the point I was trying to make...thanks for that, appreciate it. LOL. Guess I'm going to be amish now. Here's a question: If the secret of time-travel had been discovered by scientists and a "time machine" had alreday been built, would Christian groups oppose it as satanic?
  13. How are you able to access the Internet from the year 1880, where you must live?
  14. Dan Brown himself has made the claim in more then one interview that his books are based on fact. He said he would not have wasted time writing them if they were just fiction. Further more the "DaVinci Code" is outright blashphemy. It's hard to see how anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and loves God, could enjoy any form of entertainment that denies and blasphemes who he his. You can find Dan Brown's books in the FICTION section of your local bookstore.
  15. I was born and raised Catholic but just today I was baptized with water into --you guessed it-- a Baptist church. Some people place great importance on denomination and look down their noses at people who are of other denominations. I am not one of these people. Just as I don't particularly care which brand-name of shoe I'm wearing, I do not really care about denominations. If you are a Christian and have genuine belief in all the right things, that's all that matters. I view the competition between denominations like the competition between brand-name logos or fast-food franchises.
  16. I for one could do with less political debate on WB. There are other message boards that deal exclusively in the political arguments and agendas of the day. But on Worthy, it has a certain crassness to it. Too much worldly discussion is bad for any Christian website.
  17. Maybe it was the mere presence of Catholicism in this movie that offended you.
  18. What was so pretentious about the Catholicism in this movie?
  19. Sounds like a great movie! Someone will find fault with it, I guarantee. There's always something.
  20. Yes. The Truth is FARRRR more important than tickling one's ear with wonderful fantasies. Though I wouldn't be so blunt about it with a little girl, obviously. In whatever the context, the Truth is to be given with meekness, fear, and love. Oh, and in that situation, I'd only tell her if I were the parent. If I wasn't, I'd tell the parent. It'd be up to him/her to tell her. Remind me never to tickle your ear with wonderful fantasies.
  21. The little girl who says she saw Jesus after a car wreck ... are you gonna tell her she's wrong?
  22. I'm with you on this one, Charitow.
  23. That's my impression of Snideley Whiplash, the mustache-twirling villain.
  24. I have no idea how all this will play out. Impeachment? Civil war? Assassination? Insurrection Edit************
  25. So what is the worst-case scenario here? A second civil war?
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