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Everything posted by nikki1

  1. Thanks. I'm addicted to honey and I use it in my organic handcrafted body creams for my business that I get from a local beekeeper here. The honey on the store shelves is all imported from China and or India and is manufactured with corn syrup, molasses, lead, and other junk and is not real honey. Real honey must be purchased from a beekeeper to assure it's the real thing. This article is 2 years old Tainted Chinese Honey May Be On Store Shelves Soon
  2. I did read the article, but it doesn't say how long the bees were there. I assumed they were there for a long, long time and there was lots of honey
  3. I wonder what happened to all the honey the bees must have produced over the time they were in the house
  4. What an inspiring story. God certainly has his hand on her and even though raised in Islam, it goes without saying her Christian heart, qualities and character shine through. She is a true light in the dark world from which she came out of.
  5. Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. 2 Timothy 2:24-25 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, 25 in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Galatians 5: 22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. HuH? I don't get how the above scriptures apply to sevenseas comments? I see sevenseas comments as a reproof or rebuke as in Reprove not a scoffer, lest he hate you: rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. Proverbs 9:8 KJV
  6. Sen. Rand Paul Speaks About World Wide War On Christianity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QbgCVOER04
  7. I'm confused The FB link refers to 2 million bikers to DC, not veterans? And is dated 9-11-13 Did you click on the link? They are posting about it on their page. Yes I did click on the link... that's when I discovered the link header refers to the 2 million bikers to DC and is dated 9-11-13, Anyway, after scrolling down further, I found some comments about the vets... This is so cool... The truckers are still operating in and around DC too!
  8. i don't see where the constitution tells us what to teach in our schools. That would be left up to the people in each state. The treaty of Tripoli (not in the constitution) article eleven http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli#Article_11 Although the Constitution does not include the phrase "Separation of Church & State," neither does it say "Freedom of religion." However, the Constitution implies both in the 1st Amendment. As to our freedoms, the 1st Amendment provides exclusionary wording: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Thomas Jefferson made an interpretation of the 1st Amendment to his January 1st, 1802 letter to the Committee of the Danbury Baptist Association calling it a "wall of separation between church and State." Madison had also written that "Strongly guarded. . . is the separation between religion and government in the Constitution of the United States." There existed little controversy about this interpretation from our Founding Fathers. The "Treaty of Tripoli" was never ratified in a timely manner, making it is as good as no treaty at all. The truth about the Treaty of Tripoli
  9. The EBT System is now up and running again for anyone affected.
  10. I hardly think Jesus will have a tattoo on his thigh. This is in direct conflict and contradiction with Leviticus 19:28 "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead , nor print any marks upon you" KJV I did some research on this conflict and contradiction and I discovered that if the word "thigh" was originally written in Hebrew, which the OT was, it would have been ragel. It is also possible that this is a translation error, and the writers of Revelation 19:16 may have overlooked the small extension of the hebrew dalet (letter ), which would have made it a resh. If the word was dagel, it would have meant banner. Link
  11. I'm confused The FB link refers to 2 million bikers to DC, not veterans? And is dated 9-11-13
  12. The devil can only do to someone what that someone allows in the first place. Many people give all of the blame to the devil, when if fact they have a choice to not follow the devil's schemes (sin, rebellion against God's Word) when God has it all laid out in His Word. On another note, the devil can only do to us what God allows him to do. I think one has to be spiritually minded by reading God's Word daily so as not to fall short, and I believe one has to be committed to the message that gives strength, as the Gospel of Christ is the only true source of strength for us. The more time one spends with God, the more one's strength in him will grow, as with any true friend.
  13. BOSTON (CBS/AP) - People in Ohio, Michigan and 15 other states found themselves unable to use their food stamp debit-style cards on Saturday, after a routine test of backup systems by vendor Xerox Corp. resulted in a system failure. Shoppers left carts of groceries behind at a packed Market Basket grocery store in Biddeford, Maine, because they couldn’t get their benefits, said fellow shopper Barbara Colman, of Saco, Maine. The manager put up a sign saying the EBT system was not in use. Colman, who receives the benefits, called an 800 telephone line for the program and it said the EBT system was down due to maintenance, she said. Read More
  14. how about loosing our country to bankruptcy without people like him and better. that's what we would do. btw not everyone is out of work, and those that were sent home will get paid any way, just later. what are you all worked up about? The big deal is that we are not getting paid now. Perhaps you know grocery stores that will let you take their food and pay them later, but not a lot around here go for such things. then people have little things like rent and car payments and such. and how does pushing the can down the road for 6 weeks while keeping 800,000 people out of work help keep us from going bankrupt? Why are you complaining Come back when you have lost all of your freedoms with this administration's executive orders and corruption.
  15. By Billy Hallowell On Oct. 19, self-professed Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill is planning to make public some very flammable allegations. At a day-long symposium called "Covert Messiah" in London, England, he's set to unveil purported evidence that Roman aristocrats manufactured Jesus Christ - a claim that, if substantiated, would devalue the core of the Christian faith. The only problem? Most Biblical experts disagree with the scholar's pronouncements. A press release announcing the purported new evidence claims that Atwill has discovered "ancient confessions" that purportedly prove that Romans invented Jesus Christ in the first century. He has long argued that the faith system was used as a political tool to control the masses -- something he says is still going on today. Read more here
  16. In an exclusive interview, the Rev. Billy Graham tells Newsmax that President Obama's "hope and change" mantra is nothing more than a cliché and warns that the nation faces increasing threats to civil and religious liberties from its government. Graham, who is preparing for possibly his last crusade, this time via video, said America is drenched in a "sea of immorality" and suggested that the second coming of Christ is "near." One chapter in your book is titled "He Is Coming Back." Do you think the biblical requirements of the End Times have largely been fulfilled, and are we on the verge of an "Armageddon" event that may presage the return of Jesus? While we are told not to speculate about dates, God keeps His promises and this is why we can be sure that the return of Christ is near. Scripture tells us that there will be signs pointing toward the return of the Lord. I believe all of these signs are evident today. What a time to take the news of the day in one hand and the Bible in the other and watch the unfolding of the great drama of the ages come together. I would not want to live in any other time. The Bible speaks powerfully of trouble ahead with storm warnings that carry a booming jolt of truth. Regardless of what society says, we cannot go on much longer in the sea of immorality without judgment coming. We are at a crossroads, and there are profound moral issues at stake. It is time to return to biblical truth. The warning is clear; prepare to meet thy God—followed by the voice of the gentle Shepherd—the Lord Jesus—saying, 'Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest' (Matthew 11:28 NKJV). A new world is coming. It is time for the people of the world to turn to God. Read it all here
  17. nikki1

    Blood moon?

    There are some very significant facts concerning Blood Red Moons, the Lord's Feast Days, and their relation to prophetic events that have happened in and to Israel, such as: Three sets of blood-red moons that corresponded to significant events: The Spanish Inquisition final year 1492 when the Alhambra Decree ordered all remaining Jews who would not convert to Christianity to leave Spain, the 1948 War of Independence and the 1967 Six-Day War had back-to-back, blood-red moons occur on the first day of Passover and Sukkot the following two years or beginning the same year of the 1967 Six-Day War for two years. The Spanish Inquisition-1492 * Passover, April 2, 1493 * Sukkoth, Sept. 25, 1493 * Passover, March 22, 1494 * Sukkoth, Sept. 15, 1494 The War of Independence-1948 * Passover, April 13, 1949 * Sukkoth, Oct. 7, 1949 * Passover, April 2, 1950 * Sukkoth, Sept. 26, 1950 The Six Day War-1967 * First Day of Passover, April 24, 1967 * First Day of Sukkoth, Oct. 18, 1967 * First Day of Passover. April 13, 1968 * First Day of Sukkoth, Oct. 6, 1968 What will occur in the 2013-2015 time period? Seven back-to-back, blood-red moons have fallen on the first day of Passover and Sukkot, with the eighth time coming in 2014 and 2015 * First Day of Passover, April 15, 2014 * First Day of Sukkoth, Oct. 8, 2014 * First Day of Passover, April 4, 2015 * First Day of Sukkoth, Sept. 28, 2015 Read more from World Watch Daily-Bill Koenig Therefore, I think it would be prudent to take heed and continue to watch and occupy until Jesus comes for us which may be at a time during a Blood Red Moon /Lord's Feast Day season after the tribulation of those days Matthew 24:29, Joel 2:31
  18. UPDATE: Truckers Change Mind, Won't 'Arrest' Congressmen News coverage of a trucker protest seeking to clog the roads in and around Washington, D.C., this weekend prompted a schism between the ride's leaders. The ride's loosely organized leadership is now in agreement, however: truckers will not seek to "arrest" congressmen. Longtime Georgia trucker Earl Conlon was until Monday morning the coordinator of truckers traveling to D.C. on Oct. 11-13. He claims credit for calling the protest, a vision articulated in part by former country music singer Zeeda Andrews along with social media promotion. Conlon originally told U.S. News he would seek to arrest congressmen Friday for allegedly committing treason as other truckers circle the inner loop of the I-495 beltway "three lanes deep." Rather than seeking the arrest of lawmakers, Santilli told U.S. News in an email, "we are asking [congressmen] to voluntarily resign if they refuse to accept our peaceful demands to follow the U.S. Constitution and the law. If they refuse to follow the law, we the people will bring the free-market economy to a halt... If it results in a major traffic jam as we saw in Egypt – so be it." Read More
  19. I would have to agree! not making judgments for secular marriages is biblical, but if a "Christian pastor" who calls himself a brother in Christ performs a marriage ceremony for homosexuals, I think the elders of his church should have him removed, with a swift kick in the pants as he rolls down the steps. personally I think Joel was not called to be a pastor but rather he has the gift of encouragement (Romans 12:8) and simply took over the family business when his father passed away, his preaching is not that of a teacher or a pastor, he simply is an encourager and has the most watered down version of the gospel someone may be graced to hear. I have to say Joels definitely got the mercy part down, and the making no judgments........but as a pastor he is called to make judgments and that's where he is in lack According to this interview with Larry King, Osteen has never gone to seminary, but was ordained by the church that he inherited from his father. KING: Where were you ordained? OSTEEN: I was ordained from the church there, Lakewood, under my dad’s ministry. KING: So you didn’t go to seminary? OSTEEN: No, sir, I didn’t. KING: They can just make you a minister? OSTEEN: You can, you can. KING: That’s kind of an easy way in. Read more of the interview here I think Joel would be a great motivational speaker!
  20. What's stopping him from doing that now? Why does he need all the trucks? To answer your question, I haven't an idea. I never heard of this Conlon guy. But I am all for the truckers and what they are doing, whether they succeed or not. I hope they bring lots of camera with them because the Obama media will try paint a bad picture. I think the truckers, like the bikers before them, are part of a grassroots movement taking place in America openly displaying their disapproval against this corrupt congress, senate, and the one who sits in the WH when he is not out golfing. I do not believe that one's protest should be able to harm the livelihood of another citizen. . I believe we are at a point in time in this country that we can honestly say that there will be no more America for anyone to worry about having a job/livelihood if America's corrupt government continues in its lawlessness. Including the truckers.
  21. What's stopping him from doing that now? Why does he need all the trucks? To answer your question, I haven't an idea. I never heard of this Conlon guy. But I am all for the truckers and what they are doing, whether they succeed or not. I hope they bring lots of camera with them because the Obama media will try paint a bad picture. I think the truckers, like the bikers before them, are part of a grassroots movement taking place in America openly displaying their disapproval against this corrupt congress, senate, and the one who sits in the WH when he is not out golfing.
  22. Thank you for the FB Page. It looks like the truckers have a large following. As for Earl Conlon, I never heard of the guy.
  23. I think that is wonderful, conservative. It sounds as if the Lord is convicting her heart and I think the best thing to do now is to keep on praying for her and encouraging her, as you have done. I believe you have planted the seeds that will in time bear good fruit.
  24. I believe the Syrian crisis today is a part of what will happen to Damascus in the not to far off future. When Damascus ceases to become a city, then the prophecy will be fulfilled. We know from the Isaiah 17 Scripture that the destruction of Damascus will occur at or about the time of the Apocolypse at the end of the age when real trouble begins for Israel as Isaiah 17:4 tells us "And in that day" (which usually means at the time of the coming Apocolypse), that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean. We are just about there by the looks of things happening in Syria and the Middle East!
  25. I think the mainstream denominational churches are so seeker-friendly and concerned about keeping their 501c3 government tax sheltered status that they have lost touch with the core beliefs of biblical Christianity and the persecution attached to belonging to Jesus.
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