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Miss Elly

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Everything posted by Miss Elly

  1. This is a lie straight from hell. I witnessed a miracle with my own eyes and it scared me. I saw it but could scarcely believe it. People live in a fallen world, they need miracles more than ever. I hope you don't ever need a miracle since you don't believe in them.
  2. The culture back then was for a woman to be silent just about anywhere there was a man around. It still is in many Arab / Muslim cultures. Of course it would have been a shame for a woman to speak out in church, or certainly to teach a man as they didn't know much of anything anyway. And if people insist on these scriptures being for today, then the women should always keep quiet when a man is present, and do not try to make themselves look attractive, but dress in drab long robes with no sex appeal at all. While I do believe that a man should be the head of the household, I believe the woman is just important to God as a man is. It's important for people to discern what the spirit of God is saying to the churches. Personally I have never wanted to be a man's doormat, like I have no sense or ideas of my own. That said, I do believe it is much more attractive for a woman to be sober and just and if she is married to accept the man as the leader of the home....if he is willing to be the spiritual leader that is. And a godly man should be just that.
  3. God didn't "make them", they were born from a mother and father. God is not unjust, it's people who choose to sin. Every one since Adam has made their choice for good or evil. God would like for all to repent and serve him and he made a way through Jesus Christ.
  4. Let's try this again, shall we. You're driving along and someone cuts you off, nearly causing an accident. IN a moment of passion, you say a few words and perhaps even use a hand gesture displaying your displeasure with the person. Once you calm down, you realize you were wrong. The person has no clue what you did, so you couldn't have offended THEM. Whom did you offend? God. So you're partly right, I agree. But not completely. I think you confess to the one you wronged. Then, there is always the possibility that: 1. That person is no longer living 2. That person hates you and won't listen 3. You may have moved out of the area and have no way to reach a person you may have sinned against What then? This is what I believe David was up against in his confession recorded in Psalm 51. Uriah the Hittite was dead. No telling what condition Bathsheba was in having lost their child... and with me the jury is still out on whether or not she egged David on (not excusing David of his sin rather including her as part of it bathing on a roof top... where did she think she was modern day Los Angeles?)... Check your history, the rooftops were used for bedrooms and many other things, including a bath it appears. This was part of their culture. No doubt she was not even nude, her maid was probably pouring water over her. David was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Why could he could have turned away his eyes????
  5. The office is president, not preacher! Separate the two. I'm looking for someone with conservative values like I have. If I need to hear a sermon, I'll go to my church.
  6. Exactly. In fact, if the argument that Jesus was sinless because Mary was sinless, then Mary had to have a sinless mother as well, meaning that her mother had to have a sinless mother going back in an endless succession of emaculate conceptions. The sin nature is passed through the father. Jesus had no earthly father, but was conceived by the Holy Spirit. That is what made Him sinless; He was/is fully God and fully man. Men and women both are sinners, born in a fallen world. Adam was sinner, just like Eve. I believe that Jesus neither had Mary's or Joseph's DNA, but HE WAS THE SECOND ADAM, meaning God allowed him to grow in his surrogate mother's womb, both God and the flesh. It is a mystery we will not fully understand until we see Jesus in heaven.
  7. You sound confused to me, sorry! Will pray for you.
  8. The Lord's prayer is a great way to pray. As you feel the presence of God from saying His Word, just thank him for loving you. Talk to him like a father, because He is your father. Let the spirit of God flow through you, then you will know how to pray as God wants you to pray. Before I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, it seemed to be so hard to pray. I would be through with my prayers shortly, but my friend would pray and worship the Lord for a long time. I didn't know what I was missing. But God showed me and helped me. He will help you too. God bless you.
  9. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh......... I feel sorry for all the nations of the world who come against Israel as Israel is the apple of God's eye. While not perfect, and they have never been, when they call upon the Lord God in in truth to save them, he will. That means on this earth also, against their enemies. These Arab nations (for the most part), do not just hate Israel, they despise the God they have always called upon since way back then in the old testatment. That is the true reason for their hatred and jealousy.
  10. I have turned on Joel Osteen's ministry many times and been uplifted when I was down. Yes, he does encourage people and that's a fact. I feel kindness and love radiating from him. Perhaps he is yet a baby christian and it makes him uncomfortable to get into deep discussions about personal salvation. All i know to do is to pray for the man. He needs to grow a spine and stand up for Jesus, no matter what, it seems he is so hesitant to do so on television, etc.
  11. Why are you quoting the bible if you are an atheist? There is within each person a soul, and that soul cannot imagine that it cannot exist anymore at all. Just because some do not believe, doesn't mean the bible is a lie. Some people believe a cow is their ancestor. I know God is real for I feel Him with me, he comforts me. I don't want to free of God, he is my best friend.
  12. What kind of church should be going to then? With cattle and horses? Confused here. The bible plainly says for christians to not forsake the assembling of themselves together. Not all churches have false doctrines. Anyone that believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins and have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior is saved.
  13. Because guys are visual creatures. All the more reason for women to not tempt men with their scanty clothing and swim suits..... They have a responsiblilty to themselves and the men who are so visual and weak as water to behave and dress modestly. When Adam and Eve were created, they were naked and not ashamed. When they sinned, God made them clothes of animal skins. People have regressed today to almost being naked!!!!! I have worked with people who don't wear clothes most of the time. They frequent the nudest colonies and from what they tell me, once a person is in that invironment for a time, nudity really doesn't affect them much..... your system just gets used to it and one doesn't really loose it. At least that's what they all tell me, and considering that people have to progress to less and less covering to keep the other sex interested, it might actually be true. My grandfather used to tell me that men used to get excited over seeing a womans ancles as much as a swimsuit of the 70's (that's when he was stil alive). People's imagination is usually much more alluring than reality anyway..... from my pespective anyway. Some people's consciences are seared as with a hot iron. Using that logic, people could get used to anything if they were around it enough......rape, murder, burning the jewish population in ovens, any kind of ungodly behavior. Also the Paul told Timothy in the New Testament to flee fornication. So if any man has a problem with lust, he should definitely flee as Joseph did. We are not animals, we all have a conscience, but like I said, some have seared theirs.
  14. Because guys are visual creatures. All the more reason for women to not tempt men with their scanty clothing and swim suits..... They have a responsiblilty to themselves and the men who are so visual and weak as water to behave and dress modestly. When Adam and Eve were created, they were naked and not ashamed. When they sinned, God made them clothes of animal skins. People have regressed today to almost being naked!!!!!
  15. satan wanted to destroy Job and God allowed it to test Job. No doubt the fiends of hell wanted permission to harden Pharoh's heart and God allowed it. God cannot sin.
  16. I rarely ever listen to secular music as it tends to remind me of when I was out in sin. If it does not glory Jesus, then Christians have no business listening to it. God saved me from that mess. My opinion here.
  17. Ozell, for all the time you have continously told everyone how much God hates sinners, you could have been praying for God to help you love them and lead them to him. Sorry, this all sounds quite unbalanced to me, too much emphasis on hatred and not enough on the love of God who is anxious to save sinners.
  18. Amen. God has everything under control. One day the heavens and earth will melt with a fervent heat as it says in Revelation. Whether it be the sun's flares or God's angry breath, I do not know. Let us all be ready and put on the armor of salvation and God will take care of us.
  19. Very interesting article. Was very glad to find their website and make it a favorite. Love all space / science websites.
  20. The heart of God is for repentance! He is going to judge the church first, we should all be in fear and trembling before Him. The bible says to kiss the son lest he be angry. We know God loves us, but he also loves righteousness. Why aren't people reading the Book of Revelation and getting their eyes opened. Remember how the disciples of Jesus slept in the garden before His arrest. You have a burden for the church, keep praying that God will have mercy.
  21. This is truly a heartbreaking situation. But you know, we are not better than Jesus, he suffered and so will we. Even Peter was crucified upside down because he didn't feel he was worthy to die like his master. Oh how I pray the spirit of God will comfort all who all concerned for this man and help this understand if God does notchoose to deliver him from a martyr's death. One thing is for sure...God's grace is sufficent. I pray for this pastor that he will feel the presence of Jesus so wonderfully, that nothing the devil throws at him will destroy his faith and peace. Certainly we pray for a miracle, but sometimes God allows things to happen we don't understand. What we need to do is ask God to comfort us during these times of doubt and uncertainity. God bless. It is not a sin to question God, only to blame God.
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