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Everything posted by Tinky

  1. Date setting in any form in regard to the End Times gives me the heebie-jeebies.
  2. Praying for you! And I agree with other one - your boyfriend is a weight pulling you down. How he can even show his face around you, knowing how hard you work while he is contributing nothing, amazes me. I would only recommend this as a last resort, but you can file for bankruptcy and either get your debts down to a manageable level or erased. Have you spoken to your Pastor? Usually there are funds available to help out parishioners in need.
  3. It actually means the Temple directly before it, or the glory of the two before it combined. There will certainly be a third Temple. There has to be a Temple for the Antichrist to defile as predicted in Daniel 11:31, Matthew 24:15-16, and 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
  4. Mahmoud Abbas, the so-called "moderate" President of the Palestinian Authority, said on Saturday that his people will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Full Story: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/11/30/Palestinian-President-Will-Never-Acknowledge-Israel-As-Jewish-State-But-Recognizes-57-Islamic-States
  5. Exactly.... Pastors are God's mouthpieces and their job is not to look like rock stars. They are there to preach the Word of God. A preacher can preach, in an expository manner, verse-by-verse through the Bible for ten years and still not have covered the entire Bible. There is more than enough material in the Bible itself without having to invent silly schemes. Too many churches are built on entertainment. There are too many who want to be the sexy, good-looking church. To many pastors who want to be super stars when God is only looking for simple servants. Numbers don't mean anything, ultimately. The question for pastors is not how big and flashy your church. The question is, "how many disciples for Jesus has your church made?" Pastor's have sacrificed doctrinal purity for numbers and popularity. The Gospel isn't getting preached in many churches and God will write "ichabod" over their doors. Bingo!
  6. Look at it from this perspective: Jesus would have even forgiven Judas if he had asked.
  7. Well, the rest of the world seems intent on turning Jerusalem into an international city - it's just a matter of time before they try to do that with the whole country.
  8. Oh, yes. It hurts while it is happening, especially if they are blaspheming God's name, but afterwards, you feel such a blessing for enduring it. Always pray for them. You may be the only person in their lives who does. And treat them kindly - you were an unbeliever once too.
  9. It's getting harder to find a church that simply preaches the Word of God. Too many put too much emphasis on entertaining the congregation with gimmicks. And I have a real problem with Pastors who try and dress "hip" and laid back. Wear a suit for goodness sake.
  10. And now they'll switch back to man-caused global cooling!
  11. Sensitivity training = Believe the way we tell you to, or else!
  12. Then I guess that "everlasting" covenant that God made with them isn't worth the (biblical) paper it's written on.
  13. I totally know where your coming from, i listened to multiple sermons from John Macarthur, i bought his study reference bible, and also attended one of his associated churches down here in florida. Rather than ephasizing that its the Spirit that will correct, Lordship salvation focuses on your own merit. Its the grace of God that teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts yes, but the way Macarthur teaches it is too much on the side of the strength of ones flesh. Exactly! I became so weary "trying" that I began to question my own salvation - often. I have a personality that causes me, when influenced by something, to dive right into the deep end. Intellectual laziness, I suppose.
  14. One of the reasons this topic is important to me, is for quite awhile, I was greatly influenced by the teachings of John MacArthur and his Calvinistic leanings. I was devastated by every slip up - plagued by a secret guilt I felt ashamed to share. I think most of the problem was my lack of belief that God could still love me as much as before a fall.
  15. But what of the danger of self righteousness?
  16. I'm interested in what others believe actual repentance entails. Do you think it is simply a "changing of one's mind" or must one "forsake their sins" in the manner of "Lordship salvation"? Thanks in advance!
  17. She may open to dating you, but sooner or later she's going to think you're not interested in her "that way" and may conclude you just want to be friends. So don't wait too long or you may lose her to someone else. I think a nice first date would be simply going out for coffee, or maybe a comedy club.
  18. Eternity in heaven or hell is where every single person that has ever lived, or ever shall live, will be. This life is too short to give it much concern. Our lives and message should be concentrated on the eternal call to salvation through Christ, and the consequences of rejecting Him.
  19. Like Shiloh said, that is not macro-evolution (an entirely new species). Look up the experiments with fruit flies and radiation for a real eye-opener. Even with mutations (all of which were harmful) no new genetic information was added to DNA. With those experiments, it's always a loss of information that is observed.
  20. God commands us to worship. Left alone, human beings would have no desire to worship God, because the Bible says (without God drawing people to Himself) none would seek after Him. John 6:44 Romans 3:11
  21. New genetic information has never been added to any existing species. It's never been demonstrated or proven in any way. It simply does not happen. The only evolution that is occurring is micro-evolution (changes within a species). Macro-evolution (an entirely new species evolving from another) has never been demonstrated, nor proven.
  22. Until the evolutionary atheists can prove matter and energy were self created, and demonstrate in a lab life emerging from dead matter (as opposed to simply theorizing it happened and claiming that as "proof") and prove that "nature" created genetic information, and adds new information to produce new species, the evolutionary story remains a fable.
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