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Everything posted by NeedYouLord

  1. Dear Lord, Thank You for George!!! Happy Birthday so much...
  2. The video by: mgaudet111 In Awe of Our Everlasting Father, Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor, and Prince of Peace...You Are Awesome!!! Lord God All Mighty!!! Whew
  3. Shann...When it gets overwhelming for me, I take it one minute at a time...then it's not so hard...at least I try to remember to do that...I've lived in a relationship, before I asked God into my life, that was all about drinking and partying...He was very very verbally abusive...all I wanted to do was love him and tell him the truth (it's like I confessed my whole life to him which I found out in 20/20 hindsight wasn't such a smart thing to do-he wasn't a Christian at all period) he ended up using everything I had told him about my life against me, over and over again...Eventually God led me to AA...and I even told someone that I knew casually, about Al-Anon-she started going to meetings and she said it saved her life...eventually from AA, the seed was planted...and it is really where I started service...Didn't know why I was doing it-but I was picking people up to go to the meetings...I was fixing the coffee...I was setting up the meeting room... I found The One True God...only after I hit total bottom (I was 10 months dry) and there was no way but up...I've been to that place of utter hopelessness...and almost took my own life without God...He saved me that day-only after I cried out to Him for Help!!! He is Able!!! Only after being born again...was I changed by God...and it's His Word that renews our minds...There are 3 parts of us trying to line up with God!!! Our spirit, our mind and our body... I have found The Only Hope I Can Rely On and Trust In-Is In God!!! But it's so hard to see at first...this is a journey and we can't give up...ever!!! Not ever!!! We want to...there are times even now I go through great battles...and I've been at this a while now...the enemy is doing double time...my mind is doing double time too-if I don't keep it in check...but Who Is Greater? Greater is He Who Is IN ME...(IN ME!!!) Than he Who Is In The World...Getting my eyes on Jesus!!! Reading His Word That Tells me What Is In me!!! He saves my life over and over again!!! Glad you are here and there is HOPE!!!
  4. Hi Still... Goodness even your name reminds me of a verse...Be Still and Know That He Is God...It takes alot for us to even identify that we have a body, a mind and a spirit...I mean to be able to separate them-this is wonderful that you can do this-mainly because we will find that every single thing we do starts with a thought...and The Bible says that sometimes we have to capture those "thoughts" and we soon realizt that we do not have to "act" on them...again we are separating our 3 parts and seeing "The Truth"...O Lord, You are so good!!! By staying in His Word alot (and by doing whatever else The Lord leads us to do) we get to change those thoughts which is a wonderful thing... Yes...There is certainly a war going on: between flesh and spirit... I have found that when I draw near to God; He most certainly draws near to me...Every single time I have endeavored to do the right thing in His eyes; He is there and helps me (and supernaturally takes the wrong desire) See I understand having the unhealthy desire for someone...God puts all things in the right order and with healthy wonderful desires... I have over the years realized that He Is The One That Has Given me Life and The Very Breath I breathe...He Has To Be First Place In My Life...And When I Surrender and Desire Above All To Leave my Life of "the world" , "the flesh" and "the pride of life"...well there is a life that awaits that can't even be described...just say it resembles "Heaven on earth"...His Peace Passes All Understanding...His Love Is The Greatest That Mankind Will Ever Find...If I put God First-Seeking His Kingdom and His Righteousness...He will make sure good things come to me...That's my experience and I sure do Need and Love God...and you...and I'm praying...
  5. I agree that in Seeking God, Finding Our First Love...Everything else falls into place...But what if it takes a while? I grew up being the last one chosen for a team in school...Always the last one because I wasn't too coordinated...Still aren't too coordinated...Hahaha...Every single time I took off running in the yard-I spranged my ankle!!! Was very over-protected and sheltered and when I did get out I followed any old thing...Anybody ask me to do something-I would-because I wanted them to like me... Just now when I read Willamina's words...Wow...But God wants it to be a treasure hunt...how true!!! In more ways than one...in every aspect...That is the saying of my life: I just want to find a treasure!!! I'll get this great need that I need to go to a yard sale (will spend more in gas than I spend at the yard sale) just to spend a quarter (sometimes a dollar, Hahaha) so I can find a treasure...one that will help me in the kitchen or help somewhere in my families life or (maybe there is a person there...divinely there...and I need to say something to them-that the Lord will direct me to say...) Our God is Amazing like that...And I have this urgent expectation!!! I go on treasure hunts all the time in my Bible...Just waiting for that enlightenment on a particular scripture that wasn't there before...I come on here looking for treasure!!! Talking about "careers"...I made very good grades in school...honor roll and all that...and had big big dreams and aspirations...broken home...single mama when she wasn't married like the lady at the well...alot of times...but never ever thought we were poor...and according to some standards we were at times! But my mama never went on welfare...she worked 3 jobs sometimes and my grandmother lived with us alot of the time...anyway...on the other hand my daddy was a workaholic...and his wonderful advice to me...work hard...He forgot to tell me about The God Part!!! (He ran from God all his life) well I did work hard and still do when I need to...and I was going to be a bank president!!! Yes sirreeeee!!! And then I looked in the fridge one day and decided that I needed to go to work and help my mama pay the bills and buy some groceries and ended up learning how to party!!! 5 years after High School ended up working for an individual that worked for a large well known company always with the hopes that I would one day be promoted to a position with benefits etc. etc. and I stayed in that job for 14 years...made more money than my first husband made and bought him every tool he could have ever wanted...Helped pay for the house we lived in and it was paid totally off!!! and then the season ended!!! No more job...and one day I was shown exactly The Truth about my husband...and then no more husband!!! I have not made wise decisions always and still don't sometimes...But have always always felt that God has been with my life...waiting on me to straighten out...Hahaha... So much happened and has happened...there was an afternoon and evening that to this day I know God was The One That Orchastrated It...My life was coming to the end of my "career" *and the end of my husband* and I was sad...it was awful...always is when I'm hopeless...So all of a sudden it was like waves were washing over me and I was sitting on the back steps praying!!! Wave after wave!!! Showing me something...It was The Holy Spirit washing His Water...Rivers of Living Water!!! I'll believe that until the cows come home...because He took everything I'd ever learned in my whole life...Not just lately...but my whole life!!! and showed me that I could take what He had given me and do good with it!!! He took everything I had ever learned in my whole life and showed me just how to put it together...and how I could put it together for Him!!! I've heard sometimes that these visions take years...and it's just ok...no matter how long it takes if God is behind it; it will happen (If I don't leave my First Love and keep Seeking First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness...and it will be good!!! Not only good but real good!!! Also I've come to realize that most of the entreprenuers...Hahaha (probably mispelled) anyway that's what I want to be when I grow up...But most of the ones that I've heard their story...They don't worry about the money...They are going after what they have a passion about and then the money comes...I'm a big one for going after something...I'll sit until it's time and then I'm up, boy!!! Well when it's been years later...and all of a sudden-you know that you know-that there has been a reason for keeping all this particular stuff...and then hearing preaching at that particular time of how God takes the little bits and pieces not only of our lives and makes something beautiful but He can give whatever He wants to give into the hands of someone that has gotten their answer from Him of what to do with it!!! When it's God...at least to this person that hasn't had much of anything to rub together...When it's God...He takes NOTHING and turns it into SOMETHING for His Glory!!!!!!!!!!! If we ask Him...Whew...Oh dear and Oh my Is Our God Good!!! and there is not one bit of intellectual-ness about it all...Just pray and Seek God...and Depend on Him for Everything (and that's the key right now for me) I've given up my life to find it!!! God is just so opposite of the world we are born into...Goodness!!! I've not gone hungry not one day...I've not been homeless not one day...and that is a Miracle from God!!! Believe me... Much love to you In Him...Kathy
  6. Well I asked and immediately there it was...Thank You So Much, My Savior, Lord and King...for praying for me...My my...Israel is so on my mind today... Back to music: Isaiah 14:10-15 They all shall speak and say to you: 'Have you also become as weak as we? Have you become like us? Your pomp is brought down to Sheol. And the sound of your stringed instruments; The maggot is spread under you, and worms cover you.' How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the fartheset sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. Exalt my throne above the stars of God...aren't we the stars that Abraham saw?
  7. I've seen real darkness in people that listen to certain types of music...they are drawn to it...and then again I've seen such wonderfulness and have been there my own self... I should really write down every time The Lord leads me to scriptures in His Word...In the past, I have been led where it shows about lucifer and his music... Love you In Him, Kathy P.S. will ask The Lord to lead me back to them...and search some more...This is the second time...ok I'll try to find the scripture before I say anything...Love ya'll...
  8. I am continually praying for and can see The Love God has for Israel...I have for years seen the integrity, the leadership and the resolve in Benjamin Netanyahu...I pray for him and all of Israel...The Leaders of Every Country...That We All May Know You, God, and The Christ Whom You Have Sent...(John 17:3) In The Name of Jesus, I pray.
  9. Yoni...My heart is just so wonderful right now... Praying you will have the right words...Just get it out of the darkness into His Marvelous Light...Amazing what can happen...I know we like to bask in the wonderfulness of it all but then sometimes we just have to be urged to go forward...If we aren't moving forward we are backing up... I see it as how amazing our God works...We have to do this by faith-before He can get us into position to do the next thing He needs done...Wow...Did I say How Amazing God Is...Did I say How Much He Loves you? Whew...It's alot!!!
  10. Prayer is the ultimate and most personal intimate part with My God...and the only way to communicate with Him...I walk in a Continuous Prayer...I am in a continuous prayer...Truly believing it's an exchange of Love...It's Communication...Both Ways...My my...I just don't have the vocabulary in human words...Whew... I Need Him 24/7/365... and mixed with Pure Faith Believing He Is Who He Says He Is...Well that's just where miracles happen!!! And He Loves Us So Much That He Wants Us To Walk In Him...To Know Him...To Love Him...To Depend on Him...To Walk as He Walked... So many times, Our Jesus, went to the quiet place to be with His and Our Father...It is an amazing place...There is no pain...no sadness...in unity with Him...In His Presence...I want to never leave... Like Fez said...Heidi Baker..."Consumed by Love" is probably the best example to see what I'm saying...She is Praising, Praying and Singing In The Spirit Too...She walks mightily Healing The Sick...Taking care of orphans...and that's not all!!! God has used her so mightily!!! Just look at her relationship with Him...It's amazing... Love In Him, Kathy
  11. This should probably be under the "Doctrine" section...and if I get sidetracked please forgive me... Just keep in mind anything can be made into a circus... and without understanding and experiencing what God has for us...we just don't know...and most of the time we are afraid of what we don't know...so it makes sense to be led by God into what He wants for us...How many times have we prayed: God, which church do you want me to go to? And then wait for the answer until you know that you know...and granted not everyone will go to their pastor and say: Please lay hands on me I want The Baptism of The Holy Spirit...and so we miss out on the Gifts from God...I heard a wonderful definition the other day from a Renowned Prophet/Pastor of the Gifts of The Holy Spirit: They are Gifts Given to the Saints From God For The Needs of The World...Pretty Profound What God Wants To Give Us...(Maybe sidetracked but I have been praying where to put that...Hahaha... Aside from the Baptism of The Holy Spirit though...I've read great testimonies of people that have spent time in The Presence of God...Men and women of old...Generals In The Faith...I've heard testimonies and talked to people that have participated in "Revival"...I've been in church services where The Holy Spirit was present...He is real but He is not always invited...Even in my house, I have experienced The Presence of God...His Presence Can Be Felt At Times...I'll be praying and both my daughter and I will just begin to weep...She says it's God, Mama!!! He Changes People On The Inside In Their Hearts...Quite another mystery...He is a He...but yet can engulf an entire room...Can change a heart in a millisecond!!! He is what is keeping all the wild animals from coming out of the woods and killing and eating all of us...Gives Witness Only of Jesus...not of Himself... The Holy Spirit has been around longer than the 1950's; even before then, there were great Revivals...The Book of Acts 2:14 Peter talks about these are not drunk as you suppose...(but they sure did appear to be drunk-and we still do appear that way at times) Everyday my prayer is that I will Walk In The Spirit and not my flesh...It is a magnificient thing to have a reborn spirit...To be reconciled to God...to not desire the things of the flesh, the things of the world or have the pride of life. Kinda makes sense that being In The Spirit is a place of Peace...of Contentment...of casting all my care on Him...ummm...kinda like being drunk except not...amazing!!!! I also spent 10 long hard years drinking as much as I could (before I knew God)...being drunk alot...that sin was great for a season...but it led to death...in more ways than one... Being drunk In The Spirit is oh so much better... Love to you In Him, Kathy
  12. considering the passage says "test the spirits" its refering to more than one, we see from scripture that there are many spirits that are working inconjunction with God, not only are God's angels called ministering spirits, we see God has seven Spirits before his throne, they are also seen as different from the seven stars that are represented by the seven angels of the churches, we Know that God Himself is a Spirit, and that there is His Holy Spirit which seems to be different as the seven spirits stand before God's throne, Its not a plausible theory that the Holy Spirit stands before His own throne, since the Holy Spirit and God are one How do we test the spirits-whether they are of God?
  13. I really do get alot by reading different versions... In the Bible I use the most, (New King James Version) 1 Corinthians 14:32 references 1 John 4:1 1 Corinthians 14:32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. 1 John 4:1 Beloved do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Now reading in the New International Version-Quest Study Bible...1 Corinthians 14:32 reads this way: The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets. Remembering that we are talking about folks that walk in The Gifts of The Holy Spirit...
  14. I have just witnessed let's say a response that was filled with The Spirit of God...Whew...I love it when that happens...When a quote can just be partially requoted and taken so far out of context by others and then the response is LOVE...oh my...I Love That!!! There isn't much more that I can say except here again...I'm led to share...knowing only in part-that's why we need brothers and sisters that believe-because they know the other part, Hahaha!!! And that's the way it works for me...someone can say the same thing a dozen times and it will be the dozen and one time that clicks... So...this is a little of the understanding that I have come to through The Shed Blood of Jesus...by The Infilling of The Holy Spirit...By my making the decision that I knew nothing and needed help...not a biblical scholar by any means...Just want to Walk In Love...and be changed and loved and changed...going from faith to faith-glory to glory...Oh my... It's already been said that God is in "eternity" and we know that we are in the dimension of time...I heard a teaching on this one time and it just helped me beyond belief... When we are born we are without God...and in the world...Fulfilling the desires of the flesh and the world according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience. Eph 2 Believe me having had a child so late in life...I can see it...we have to come to believe What God Did For Us...but when we are "born again"-I truly believe that is when we are made aware of the predestined part...There have been times when The Words of The Bible Would Come Out of My Mouth and I Didn't Even Know Until Later That It Was In The Bible!!! I Have Had Experiences That I Didn't Know What Was Happening Until I Found It Later In The Bible...People Looked At me and Still Do Like I'm Crazy and I'm Just Experiencing What The Apostles Experienced...Anyway...Called So God Has A Plan...He Made That Plan Before The World Was...and He Made It Perfectly... So here we come along-(2000 years later) not knowing anything and we are in That Plan...But Not Yet-Some of us...Not Yet...But Maybe A Year From Now-some of us. Maybe 2 years from now...And so The Holy Spirit knocks on the door of your heart...Hello, I'm here to draw you to Your Creator (this is where the preaching comes in too-the anointed preaching)...No, not now God-I'm trying to get rich before I die (this person hasn't read The Bible yet or else they would know about that) 3 months later...things not going so good and now My God is Alcohol...or Drugs or another person...Worshipping Idols...how many times did I worship at the throne of this world (the toilet?) many many times!!! Should have been dead a million times over... When am I going to choose God? or am I ever? Am I going to lay aside what I think...my pride...my everything...because evenutally it will be everything because that prince of the power of the air will take everything!!! Comes to steal, kill and destroy...Will I die Without God-I Came Within a Millisecond of doing just that and have lived-to live and see what I would have missed...Oh my...The Greatest Love Known To Mankind...I Would Have Never Been Loved Like That!!! So here we are: 2 plans for our lives...one from God one from satan...Which one do we choose? Will we change our mind? Many of us don't think we can-we are afraid to-but my life came bitterly to a Crossroad-and I was forced to choose...Will we allow God to renew our minds and show us The Way, The Truth and The Life? I keep going back to: Somehow the predestined part only shows up when we choose God and Are Changed By His Spirit..."Born Again"...Because He Keeps Bringing up That Christ, Himself Gives Gifts...God can't use a vessel that hasn't been Washed In The Blood of The Lamb...that hasn't given up and died so that it can live...So many wonderful mysteries that have to be lived to be understood...Whew...God You Are So Good... Love to you In Him, Kathy
  15. My watching the news was a way to help me pray...Only within the last 3 weeks or so...I can't watch it now without weeping...and can't stop...I know we go through different phases led by the Holy Spirit...I am going through a profound time of weeping too... I saw some of it and got sick to my stomach...She is not cut out for that type of thing at all period...it's quite obvious... The show that Miley used to be on was (in my opinion) appropriate for my daughter to watch...and I let her watch it... It is sad when a parent has to say to their child, "Well Hanna Montana (she knows her real name is Miley Cyrus) is going down the wrong path now and you aren't allowed to watch her now at all!" I Pray For Her To Really Know The One True God and Jesus Christ Whom He Sent...To Know The Truth That Will Make Her Free...In The Name of Jesus...
  16. So beautiful-it's how I feel in my heart!!! Thank you for sharing this...Thank You Jesus For Our Brothers and Sisters!
  17. Jerry...I'm continuing to pray that understanding will come and you and your friend will be in God's Peace...I know different cultures are different and even the way we speak is not understood real well but Prayer, Love and God's Word Never Changes and Changes The World!!! Amen? I'll pray for you, your friend and your pastor...That We Will Walk On The Lit Path of God and Our Steps Will Be Ordered By The Lord...Let's Put All of Ourselves In God's Hands For He Cares For us...In The Name of Jesus' ...Love to you In Him, Kathy
  18. Yeah!!! Somebody fixed it!!! Hallalujah!!!
  19. Hi there...The video above isn't working...When I click on the the little arrow thingy the screen is black and that's all...
  20. Jerry...There are so many questions and I can just feel your hunger and thirst after righteousness...You will be filled...Lord-Thank You For Your Love and How Much You Love Jerry and His Friend...It is Your Love Lord That Brings Us Into All Truth...As We Seek You and Find You...In Prayer...In Your Word... I have just seen several responses coming through and haven't read them so if I repeated anybody...I just Love You That's All...Hahaha...What a number God can do on us!!! There are actually 2 parts in your question that I can see... If I could have bought my salvation I probably would have tried...but it can't be bought with money...Even God Healing Our Sicknesses and Diseases can't be bought with money outright...I know if we have the money we go to a doctor and hope that we can be healed...But what if we can't go to a doctor? From God Even Through A Pastor or Healer or Anybody-Money doesn't buy what we need...Some will try to convince us but it isn't so...The verse that comes to mind in this instance is in Acts 8:17-20 Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying, "Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit." But Peter said to him, "Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! Now...there is another part to this...God says in Malachi 3 That we rob Him (we rob God, Himself) when we don't give our tithes and offerings...and says, "And Try Me now in this...If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it... So the question is can we pay for our blessings? In my opinion, in a word, No...It is in our obedience in giving our tithe and offerings...(Keep in mind-I only know in part) Now I will say this: If we draw near to God; He draws near to us! And I have proven Him more than once on giving the tithes and offerings!!! His Word Is True... There is another verse that I have proven is true and have lived it: Matthew 6:18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. One more thing...The Lord will teach us how to handle money...He brought me through an outright teaching of no waste...another words...I had to learn to live on the income that was coming in...I didn't go hungry not one day even when there was no money in the bank...He brought me through teaching me how to live on a little bit...Our God Is Amazing!!! And I have literally walked through miracles of the money not adding up...but yet there was enough...Did I say, "Our God Is Amazing?" Seek Him With Everything and He Brings Us Through It...No Matter What It Is!!! Whew...O God...Thank You That You Love Us...That You Teach Us Oh So Wonderfully...Thank You That We Trust In You For You Are Worthy...Worthy To Be Praised!!! Praise Him All The Way Through It!!! My my... I have just been healed by The Power of God Through Prayer on this website!!! Our God Lives!!! and Loves!!! Am I to please God? or man? Talk about learning to Trust...I've been through some things that it looked impossible!!! But again God's Word I have lived and it looks to me like this verse applies to this situation: Luke 18:27 But He said, (Jesus talking) "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God... I believe His Word! Love to you In Him, Christ Our Lord...Kathy P.S. Now if this man walks in the Gifts of The Spirit...perhaps a "Word of Wisdom" etc. would be what is needed to help your friend...but in my humble opinion...These are Gifts Given Freely by God-and if The Gift is From God Should Be Freely Given...and shouldn't be charged for...
  21. I love looking at the "Rainbow" of us when I look at everybody that is logged on!!! It's so pretty and colorful-just like us! Hahaha
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