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Everything posted by missmuffet

  1. I am sorry it was so long I did not read the whole thing. Coffee is horrible for anxiety. It also causes heart arrythmias and causes problems with the stomach because it has so much acid. Many gastroentrologists(stomach doctors) will tell a patient "NO COFFEE!". Alcohol is horrible for the body. Researchers are now saying it is worse can nicotine for your health. It is one of the leading causes for cancer. I am glad you stopped smoking but you switched one drug for another. Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol are all drugs and addicting.
  2. So you never drink a cup of coffee or have an occasional alcohol drink?
  3. No speaking in tongues is not a salvation issue. Living for Jesus, not speaking in tongues, provides evidence of salvation.
  4. God hasn't moved. If anyone has moved it is you. God is still there waiting to hear from you.
  5. Everything comes from the heart. You can sometimes tell where a person's heart is by what they have on their tree. God loves green trees. He created them. Just like God knows everyone's heart who is on this earth and they will be judged according to what is in their heart.
  6. Jesus now knows when He will return. He now has a glorified body and is fully God unlike when He was on this earth.
  7. We do everything to glorify God. If a Christmas tree reminds us of His birth then that is ok.
  8. It is not secular or pagan. A Christian can have a tree if they don't bow down and worship it.
  9. Back in those days I was going through the motions but I had not totally given God my heart. I wanted to control my own life. There is the issue of your child going to school and telling all the kids "HEY!! guess what? There is no Santa". Then you have all the parents angry. But if a person is a genuine Christian they really don't care what other people think. But your kids will need to be aware that there may be problems if the other kids find out.
  10. We always had a Christmas tree when the kids were little. And we decorated the outside of the house and the inside. We had candles in the windows. The kids had stockings hanging on the fireplace. My ex husband had a competition going on with the guy next door of who could put up the best lights I would always spell their or there in the wrong context. I have finally learned.
  11. I don't really care. My view of Santa is that it is worldly.
  12. I did not grow up in a Christian family. Of course I believed in Santa and was not told otherwise. It is when I became a born again Christian that all my views on many things changed.
  13. I think Christian's parents should be honest with their children. You could tell them that children who have parents who do not believe on Jesus Christ believe in Santa instead.
  14. I only think about the glorious hope of going to heaven and being with Jesus for an eternity.
  15. Those who are true born again believers in Christ are God's children. Those who are unbelievers are God's creation.
  16. God spoke in dreams in the OT of the Bible. I am not saying that it is impossible for Him to do it now. But a person needs guidelines on what to know would be the truth.
  17. I think it was John. The disciple that Jesus loved and trusted.
  18. I don't take dreams seriously. They are just our mind that is still working as we sleep. A dream will agree with what God has already revealed in His Word. It has to be in agreement with Scripture.
  19. As a born again Christian we are adopted into God's family. We receive the promise of our inheritance by hearing the word of truth and believing in Christ. Ephesians 1:11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,
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