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  1. Like many things in christianity it is a fine balance. While yes there is turning the other cheek God did not intend for us to be doormats either. For the most part he does not want us to remain in dngerous situations.
  2. There is a law that says If you want something done give it to someone who is busy. In other words a busy person is not likely to say no. I am grateful that at a young age even when I was not married I learnt the value of saying no. I learnt it through my work where I always did the extra shift or double shift if asked. In the end with the extra tax payed and the tiredness from the amount of work it just wasn't worth it. So when a minister asked if I would coordinate a role at one of the services I gave my automatic response of I will think about it and give you an answer next week. So there is no pressure in the situation to give an instant answer if whenever your asked to take on a ongoing role. Being comfortable saying no is something many people struggle with and not something that can really be taught.
  3. I have some relatives who are always crying poor. I know there is no money problem. With some what it really is is that they want a certain lifestyle and they struggle with what they have because of the lifestyle they choose to live. They like things such as going to the theatre (season tickets) and opera as well as memberships to art museums. Another relative wanted to be able to say she had a house designed by an architect. So she wasted money on paying an architect and then didn't have enough money to do all the landscaping she wanted. If she hadn't wasted money on an architect she would have had money to do that and paid off the loan before finishing work. I find most I know who are struggling don't tend to say much about it. I like the idea of talking to your husband and saying she has been mentioning money problems to several family and you are concerned about her welfare but didn't feel comfortable bringing it up with her. Hopefully your husband will then work out a way to deal with the situation or discuss it with others in the family. Sadly there is no easy way to deal with it.
  4. Generally dentists will advise against it because it can result in problems especially if one does not clean very well but having the tooth removed is far cheaper. The expensive part of root canals is generally the crown that is required to protect the tooth after root canal.
  5. I think your missing the point. In context of the conversation the claim that Santa = Satan is what is being addressed. So Lady Kay is correct. That he bears no resemblance these days because of the commercialism makes no difference to anything Of course we can say it is about getting candy for the kids. If it is about dressing up as demonic figures then you better explain people who dress up as say wierd al. Or perhaps people who dress up as a princess. Sounds real demonic!
  6. If you are not twisting anything then provide your evidence. It is a simple request and should be easy if you are right. Fact is you have no evidence at all that santa was made from the word satan. Therefore you are twisting and clutching at straws to make it look evil when it isn't. What I am amazed at is that when you ask someone to provide support for a baseless accusation they get all upset. You made the claim so you should support the claim with fact. It is like a lot of the arguments used by KJV only websites as to why other translations are wrong and evil. They are desperate accusations which with virtually no scrutiny at all can be seen to be false claims and misleading. Think about the word "set". Seems simple enough but it has more definitions in english than any other word. It has 464 definitions! A little three letter word. Yet you claim because letters are in a different order it is some hidden meaning. You still haven't addressed several parts of my response to this but instead just repeat the claim as if that will magically make it correct.
  7. If you have to play around with letters to get certain words then you are pushing to make your point. it was just something to share, I am not pushing any thing, and I don't have to make a point at all, but it does spell what it is . does anyone know where santa came from, ? Or who brought this name in, to take the place of Jesus? I would like to know ? and how it all started? No santa spells santa not satan. Santa is not universal in other countries they have different names. Sure if you could provide credible evidence that is how it came about that would be different. Since you have acknowledged that you do not know then it is dishonest to calim it has any significance. Your attempts to link christmas trees to that verse in the bible is stretching scripture. Using that method I could argue all trees are evil and that we should chop them down. So no more fruit trees etc. I don't care for christmas trees but I am not going to twist scripture to make it say something it doesn't simply because I don't like something.
  8. If you have to play around with letters to get certain words then you are pushing to make your point.
  9. My church had a day for kids in the church to play games and get lollies. We have now opened that up to the community which means that a parent or guardian must be there to supervise them unlike when it was just a church only event. Of course I think it is better to have it open to the community even if it is a bit more inconvenient.
  10. so you claim to know the bible very well and then can't even think of one example of a wealthy woman from the NT despite the fact I haven't been on for around a week? Doesn't sound like good knowledge to me. Lydia a dealer in purple (cloth is added by some translations) I already explained what a false teacher is and isn't. You just didn't bother reading. With the parable you still don't get it. Jesus just used things from the day that people would understand such as a person hiring workers to illustrate a truth about the kingdom of God. As I said it is indicated by reading in context. Jesus is not making any comment on what is or isn't allowed in society.
  11. and now we see the familiar tactic of you just endlessly repeating previous posts instead of answering. For a start you called Esther a false teacher yet have not provided any such evidence. Esther is just a person on a forum giving their view. I never once mentioned the Proverbs 31 woman. Since you claimed to be such an expert on the bible and having read it thoroughly and claiming to therefore know what it says I figured you would know that. Guess you don't know your bible as well as you think. Like I said before just reading it does not mean you understand. I was thinking about examples from the NT. Certainly not a woman sitting at home making a few blankets in her spare time. What a joke using that parable as evidence that equal pay is unbiblical. That completely misses the point as to what a parable is about. The parable is talking about the kingdom of heaven and is teaching that it does not matter when one person gets saved they still get to heaven. It doesn't matter if earlier in life or on their deathbed. It never was intended to apply to anything else. Verse 1 makes that very clear. I am sorry that you have suffered as a result of a government policy. That however does not mean it is wrong to do something about it. Just that the approach taken was not the best approach. I've suffered from being a christian. Does that make being a christian wrong? Of course not. likewise that does not make government legislated equal pay automatically wrong. In the example I gave you responded with having worked for low wages. However that did not address the question I asked.
  12. Butero for one you have not provided evidence that you have followed biblical guidelines in calling Esther a false teacher. Yes you provided scripture but you have not provided evidence that your interpretation is correct. Rather you assume you are correct and everyone else is wrong. This has been mentioned. You also did not answer how the bible could describe a woman as a successful business woman and Godly if as you say according to the bible they should stay at home. I am sure you are happy for govt not to be involved in having a say in what people get paid. I'm sure you have been treated well. I wonder how different it would be if you had actually been you. If you had received say $5 an hour while someone else doing identical work was getting $20. This is the kind of interfering they do. If we could trust companies to do the right thing there would be no need for govt to get involved. That is exactly why they are involved. Perhaps study history and see what happens when we let companies make the rules. We can see how companies break the rules these days. But yeah I'm sure your right that companies are totally trustworthy!
  13. It is obvious that you did. That is exactly what was happening. It then changed. Why? Because women got organised and started campaigning for laws to be enforced. You said it was a bad thing. Therefore you support the way things were before that changed. That means you support women getting beaten senseless by their partners. So no you didn't actually say that is what you support but it is the actions that your words support. So how does a woman become a successful business woman such as the examples we see in the bible of women who are described as Godly if they are to stay at home? Once again you do not read properly before responding. I never said anyone was having sex 24 hours a day. I simply said by your description of what the verse means that must be the case. You have also completely ignored a point I made. You decided not to address it at all. I am not surprised but still not used to it. Your example would only work if you ignore context of the passage. You are taking one verse and reading it all by itself which is not how the bible is meant to be read. Yet you always declare that your interpretation of the bible is correct and I have never once seen you allow for the possibility you may be wrong. What you described above re the sabbath is not allowing the possibility that you are wrong. It is just that you have not decided. When allowing for being wrong it is on something you have decided upon and allowing the possibility that you decided incorrectly. This is contradictory. You say there is good but then you say nothing good has come from it. If there is good then that is good. It isn't a scale system where you weigh the good against the bad. What is wrong with citing historical facts when what they are talking about is historical fact? What is your unhealthy obsession with soap box? You can answer questions here without a problem. When you consistently don't respond to various points made in posts then why would it be any different in the soap box. In every thread I have participated in that you have been in and disagreed with someone you resort to name calling. Can you provide evidence that you have followed biblical guidelines by calling Esther a false teacher. For a start just because someone says something that is incorrect does not make them a false teacher.
  14. I do believe there are new testament pastors who have the call of God on their lives who are like young Timothy in whom Paul trained and taught him how to be a pastor and those instruction are in God's word today to guide the pastor in his work for God. The problem is the office of pastor has been changed into something it was never intended to be and those in error are more than those that are righteous following the instructions in the bible to make full proof of their ministry. I believe in the gifts and callings of God that he gave to the new testament church found in Ephesians 4 for the edifying of the body and that their are righteous pastors out there still today who follow the word but they are few in number. This really isn't an issue in my opinion. Essentially it is just a title. All of what is described in the bible as the role of a pastor is done in most churches. It may not be the pastor who does it but it is still done. If it wasn't being done then that would be a concern. Personally I find the the fault really is with people in congregations as they have for the most part wanted to leave everything up to the pastor.
  15. I use firefox as well. Will experiment with suggestions. Thanks
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