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Everything posted by Proof

  1. Thank you all for your support! These are all very encouraging words. I have complete faith God will lead me through this. God Bless you all! Proof
  2. I am usually a very private person. I will only show those around me so much of who I am, what makes me, me. I don't like burdening others with my problems. I take them to Christ and pretty much leave it at that. I have a very successful career, a good home, and a great bunch of kids. For those who know, I am recently divorced. It has been about 6 months now and I am starting to feel the emptiness of not having a partner. It's true, any void should be filled with Christ and that should be enough. I have been riding on that for some time now but its starting to not be enough. I miss being able to spend evenings with someone, tell about my day, and a warm embrace. But, I have this fear. I don't want to be hurt again. I have recently found that I am not brave enough to approach a woman in an attempt to get to know her. Every opportunity I have had I have intentionally turned away from. When I don't have my kids, I spend my evenings alone, watching movies or going for a drive. And when I pick my kids up from their mothers I get to watch her and the man she left me for being affectionate and acting like all is well. I honestly feel she does this stuff in front of me just to get a jab in. Not cool. In a recent meditation with God He told me to be patient and keep my eyes on the Kingdom. I am doing this but the loneliness is getting a bit unbearable. I have so many walls up right now that I fear it will become self destructive. I would love to meet someone at some point, to have the nerve to even ask someone for that matter. In a recent conversation with someone they asked me what opportunities I had. Well, unless I run into them at the store there are no other chances. I wouldn't date someone at work because if it didn't work we still have to work with each other and that would get awkward. There are only 2 other people my age at my church and they are friends I grew up with and the female of the two is married to the other one. HAHA! I don't like the idea of meeting someone on line as that is not tangible enough for me and if they don't live close, whats the point? I wont take a gamble like that. Being a fraud investigator I am overly cautious about people on-line anyways. I know, if I am meant to find someone again, that Christ will reveal them to me. But what if I miss it (her)? Plus, I cant imagine that a divorced father of 4 is something that anyone else is really looking to get involved in. I guess I am more or less venting and I don't expect anyone to have any answers for me. I just needed to tell someone, I guess. So there it is! Thanks for listening. God Bless, Proof
  3. I had my oldest daughter when I was 22. She was not planned. (she is 10 now) Even at 22 I was not ready. I felt I wasn't ready to be a father. Soon, my second daughter arrived. By then, I thought I had the father thing down. I now have 4 kids. And the mother of my children and I are now divorced. Not a day goes by that I don't sit and think and wonder if I'm being the best father I could be. I don't feel this is a bad as it causes me to always search to be a better father to my kids. I think of it now as continuous improvement. This isn't a bad thing, at all. Keep doing your best. As the father of 3 little girls, (I had a boy in there, hence the 4) I will always feel that no man will ever measure up to my expectations of what I feel my daughters deserve. But I know in my heart that I am just being picky because I love my little girls and some day, if I have raised them right, they will find a good man and I will approve of him. If your parents and her parents are being overbearing and overly critical it is because you two are so young. They know what it takes to be a parent and they just want you to be prepared. So far, it sounds like you are doing everything you can. You are working to provide for your family. Keep your eyes on Christ. You cant lose with Him in your corner. Even when earthly fathers don't approve, your heavenly father will. He loves you unconditionally and all you have to do is follow His will. He will carry you through these hard times. Stay strong in the Lord. You are both very young. You have a lot of life ahead of you and still a lot of changes to come. But keep your heart focused. Don't lose faith. Don't lose each other. I pray for you. God Bless, Proof
  4. So, you have an evil presence in your home. What is it? A ghost? An evil spirit? A fallen angel? Just what are these presences inhabiting buildings, homes, and other things?.......... And what about the alleged "Kind Spirits"? What are they? Is any of it real? Discuss!
  5. ShilloAnn, My suggestion would be to ask him to come church with you and see how he accepts that. Its a start anyways.
  6. Why did your mother not suggest medical attention first?
  7. A severance is what a company gives you when they are "eliminating" your position. It includes pay for however may weeks, based on a formula, usually in accordance with your tenure with the company. Sometimes it also allows money to pay for health coverage for a couple of months as well. In a way, it like paying you to leave the company. Not all companies do it though.. Some just boot you out the door.
  8. Relax..... I work for a major cooperation. (In the HR world). I can promise this decision was made months ago. It takes months to put together that many separation packages. This is just the cost of doing business. When decisions like this are made, traditionally they look at how long it will take them to recover the severance packages they are going to pay out. It is typically 5 years or they wont do it. I'm sure wal-mart understands the impact to the community and the employees but, it does not outweigh the impact to the company if the those site were to remain open. 6 months is most likely the amount of time needed to recover/ save the money they need. It also gives them the chance to see if they need to open the store back up or if neighboring stores can support them. Companies world wide are doing this right now.. its nothing new.... For all those flipping out over conspiracy.... you can sleep tonight. Think back a few years ago.... walmart was slapping up stores left and right.... Sometimes, under the wrong leadership that can be bad for any company. They simply did not get the return on the investment they were projecting... The market as a whole didnt go as projected... Everyone always assumes lay-offs are done out of spite or greed when in fact the are traditionally done to ensure the companies survival... Its business folks.... Chill.... Proof
  9. I recently we through this. (this last weekend) I first had to make sure I wasn't letting my feelings rule me. Then I did a lot of praying and took a mental vacation. In a couple of days I was back in the saddle. He is a faithful God. He'll bring ya back around.
  10. I can completely relate. My ex wife believed in God but didnt follow Him. Towards the end of our marraige, my faith grew stronger and she drifted further. Its a really long story but the short of it, I prayed and prayed and prayed and in the end, I was to seperate from her. We were terribly unevenly yoked. And now, Christ has done so much more in my life and I am the closest to Him I have ever been. Tanusha put it very well. "If there isn't any way, then the best is to breakup than be consumed by fire. At the end, if both of you are meant for each other, it will take place." God Bless, Proof
  11. Without going back and reading the whole thread.... What would cause someone to thing that "Christ" is Jesus's last name? I saw retro's post and had to chuckle at the thought. And yes, like Retro said, "Yeshua" is His given name. By the time we keep translating the Bible further down the road, I'm sure we will eventually call Him something like "Steve" because we have to keep dumbing down the word to help people understand. I have issue with the NLT and the Amplified Bibles. I was raised on the NIV though I am perfectly capable of understanding the KJV. Proof,
  12. Here in Kansas you have to have a state issued ID in order to vote. But, as far as being required to vote, Belgium is the same way. You are required by law to vote. You can in trouble if you don't vote. That being said, they also have a very wealthy government, and a very well maintained country. Most of the people from there that I have talked to would rather live there instead of here.
  13. Well we can sit here and assume what actually happened but we don't know any of the circumstances behind it. Interesting how we are so prepared to hang this person when the only information we have is the media has put out there. There was one comment on here that said simply "Disgusting". Why? I am pretty sure she more than likely didn't say "Hey Class, Look at this!!!" That's just a comment from the peanut gallery. As messenger for Christ, it's not our job to run out there and start hanging people or condemning them for mistakes. (if that is what it was, because one again, We Don't Know) How many comments on here show the love of Christ? All too often we get the holier than thou thing going and THAT is disgusting. Everyone just chill out and wait to see what, if any, facts are released then feel free to voice your opinion. But also remembering, it is just that, your opinion. Yes, the world is corrupt with Sex and Violence. I wont refute that. Society is plagued by it. And yes, she may have fallen in to the ways of the world. But rather than set out to destroy her for it, should not the Christian community reach out to people who are corrupted by it and extend the hand of Christ. John 8:7 "When they kept on questioning Him, He straightened up and said "Let any one of you who is without sin, cast the first stone at her" Proof
  14. I intend to ask my pastor on Sunday if there is an affiliation with our church or not..... It kind of rides on his answer. Judas, I am surprised to hear a Lutheran pastor tried that... They are so conservative. At least when I was Lutheran, they were. I remember we were afraid of the pastor. If you got in trouble during Wednesday night classes you had to go to his office like the principal.... He was not a nice man...
  15. Lets see, For King and Country have some good praise songs. Newsboys, Peter Furler (post newsboys) Casting Crowns, MercyMe. Tobymac...... And depending on your taste.... yes, Skillet! Proof
  16. Ricky, Why are they about to be "former"? Just curious because I'm about to have a former congregation myself..
  17. No way!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! She's a lunatic!! Okay, so I just watched the video for "rooftops". There are some songs that when I listen to them I truly get the warm fuzzies and feel inspired. But that one, I don't know, the feeling I got was a little off. I didn't like it. Shilo, is there anywhere I can read her account of having had coffee with God
  18. Katrina, I can mildly speak to this. When I gave my life to Christ, I essentially knew that in order for me to hear the Holy Spirit I needed to do away with a lot of distractions. We are products of our environments. Our surroundings and influence are everything. I too had pretty much given up secular TV and radio for that matter. If anyone has never seen how this works, spend a day listening to Christian music then, listen to some secular music. An example I would use is, listen to like For King and County. Awesome band, great music. Now, switch to like Slipknot or Rob Zombie.... You feelings and attitude immediately begin to change. (from worship to anger, generally) This was a battle I had fought with my ex. She didn't listen to Christian music. And when we were in the car we would fight over the radio. (for me it was the influence the music had on my kids) Now, that being said, some are stronger than others that they can listen to pretty much anything and it doesn't effect them. I just prefer on way or the other. To this day I still don't listen to any newer secular music. I still listen to some of the "Classics" but nothing new. (there is no real talent out there in that world anyways, Its all auto-tuned and is more about making money than acceptable music) God Bless, Proof
  19. I agree with Shilo, I had mentioned the other day that these "concert" atmospheres create a false euphoric feeling. You shouldn't need a bunch of loud music and shiny lights to worship and feel the Holy Spirit. Go to any concert and you usually leave feeling awesome about it. But rarely does that carry over into the next day. And to the comment about the claims made by members of Jesus Culture, if anyone believes their claims about their relationship with God, (personal and audible) then they are just as lost as the ones making the claims. Wide is the gate, my friends, wide is the gate...... Proof
  20. Well, seeing how I am Presbyterian, and don't agree with that, I now have further reason to stop going to church. Brilliant! Well, wide is the gate......... Sheesh.... I give up. Denoms....... Yeah, I'm done. Proof
  21. If we weren't worried about our fate... we wouldn't obey rules because we wouldn't fear any consequences.
  22. We always say, "Don't like the weather, just wait a second, it will change"
  23. Its all in the New Covenant. Love thy neighbor. We are to be examples of Christ on Earth. So we are supposed to show love, mercy, and compassion. We are to show this to everyone, including our enemies. Its the whole, hate the sin, love the sinner.
  24. I wasn't meant to bend that way any ways. So I don't even try If I take time to meditate, its time that I spend with God, in prayer. Far more relaxing for me.
  25. I recently had this same debate with someone on another forum. And I have seen similar responses on this board. Some people do look at other versions with a bias for the version they were raised on or the version their church uses. I see this in KJV only followers. However, I try to look at the era the version was written for and what terminology was used and the vocabulary that was used. I picked a verse and posted it from the KJV, NIV, and the CEV. They all of course read different but if you consider what the words mean at the time there were written, they all meant the same thing.
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