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    Reading, writing, movies and games.

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  1. That's an excellent point you have made.
  2. I hope your break is relaxing KPaulG; I too have had a long break but I have returned.
  3. From nuclear power to nuclear warheads; nuclear power troubles me.
  4. Please refer to the following link; I have searched the Internet quickly and this is what I found. http://www.gotquestions.org/Spirit-walk.html Please note, the information contained within the link is not my own work; please check copyright clauses before reproducing.
  5. Hello Jrc, I hope you are enjoying your time here and have found the members to be friendly and helpful. I think I understand the basis of your question, and thus I am going to take a politicians approach and ask another question in lieu of the answer. What is it exactly that you seek? The reason I ask this question is very simple; God answers questions proposed to Him - remember God may not answer instantly...this is a great misconception; God answers when He feels the time is right. I will offer you a little advice too; over-analyzing situations can do more harm than good. When one over-analyses, one tends to overlook the true meaning of a situation and manipulates it to suit one's reasoning - I know this because I too am guilty of such. As hard as it may appear, keep an open mind and allow God to take the wheel and guide you in the right direction. Although this may not have answered your question, I hope you have found the information somewhat helpful and intriguing.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/777_(number) Refer to the Wikipedia link above; there is a section regarding religion. Remember, it is Wikipedia so the content may not be entirely accurate, however it might help you in regard to your question.
  7. I don't recall having knowledge of '777', however I will do a little research on it.
  8. What an amazing post; the content is great and relevant.
  9. I can talk to people, however at times I run out of subjects which leaves an awkward silence. I have very old fashioned values and do not partake in the activities that persons of my age group do, this make me seem very unsociable. It's great that it is getting better; I'm pleased for you and I hope it gets even better in the future.
  10. Option B: Copy and Paste to Word with quote brackets... I often copy and paste the full post into a Word document and then add the separating quote functions. This not only helps me organize my posts but also allows me use spellcheck. To separate the post enclose each section with Very thorough! There should be no misunderstanding after this.
  11. I confess that I am a major coffee drinker; I drink a very large amount of coffee daily. I certainly ought to give it up and drink tea, however as people have said before, it is an addiction.
  12. Thank you Fez; although I do not think I will post videos, I will be sure to post them in the 'videos' area should I have any desire to share one.
  13. I too have also found daily reading of the Bible a chore, however it should not be; after all it is the word of God. Because I find the Bible a chore, I also use Biblical apps to stimulate my interest; these apps have the Bible as a primary feature, however there is something rather fulfilling by using these apps which I find difficult to describe. The best thing to do is to find the path that suits you and go from there.
  14. Hello there; I am certain God will forgive you. It doesn't matter to God what you may have done as long as you repent. The truly great thing about God is...he forgives then forgets...great yes? These types of relationships are indeed more common than you think, unfortunately, some people see relationships as something moreover love, however I digress. Stay strong and keep praying; God has a plan for your life; let Him take the wheel and drive you to a much more comfortable place.
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