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Gargamel Bojangles

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Everything posted by Gargamel Bojangles

  1. I never encourage mean or hateful words towards anyone who believes differently.. this is not Christ like
  2. i suppose we should ignore the person or respond with a kind word but i must admit that i am often guilty responding with anger
  3. a lot of people on my church like the Message and Amplified Bibles..i dont like them because they are essentially a mans commentary on the Bible
  4. no crazier than that Fuerstien dude going nuts over a Christmas cup
  5. The Hacker group Anonymous has been polishing Trumps personal information
  6. anti Semite Christians?? hmmm,,,i seem to recall a certain Jewish man named Jesus....
  7. i guess heresy would be false doctrine or any teaching that is against the word of God
  8. it signifies different empires Roman, Babylonian Persian,,ect
  9. Trump is a bully who encourages violence, disrespects women,is racist and has a wife who dresses like a prostitute. When your entire campaign is based on anger and hatred, how can you be surprised when your campaign rallies erupt into violence?
  10. There is more to this story. This bakery published these peoples personal info and address on facebook, resulting in their property being vandalized and numerous death threats
  11. Lucy was a fraud. It was actually an ape skeleton, aslo carbon dating has been debunked. How we explain cave drawings depicting humans and dinosaurs or the fact that archaeologists have dug up human and dinosaur footprints right next to each other?
  12. sadly, he will probably win,,,,remember America was foolish enough to elect obama twice. Obama He has the majority of america brainwashed with his islamic fear mongering and his anti immigration rhetoric. Peoople think his policies will improve our economy but it will actually cripple our economy
  13. Trump is like a child on a perpetual temper tantrum. His juvenile antics are fitting of president. plus the fact that his entire platform is based on propaganda
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