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Mars Hill
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Everything posted by Behold

  1. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, And Your glory above all the earth. Psalm 108:5
  2. Sure. Hebrews 10: 10,12. 10 "And by that will, we have been MADE HOLY = through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." 1. "HAVE BEEN MADE HOLY".... THRU = THE BODY OF JESUS". "And this is my Body that is given for you". 12 But when JESUS had offered FOR ALL TIME one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 2. HAD OFFERED = (((FOR ALL TIME))) A ONE....TIME......SACRIFICE ....FOR ...SINS..........HE SAT DOWN' Now, very important to notice....Its says that His body is THE Sacrifice for Sin....FOR ALL TIME. ONE TIME, FOR ALL TIME......= THE BLOOD ATONEMENT>. = THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. YOU do not work for or KEEP< a gift. A Gift is something freely GIVEN.....unearned, and unkept. The blood atonement, Salvation, Righteousness, are all a FREE GIFT.... A born again Christian is "bought with a price"... God has literally paid with His own blood, to own us. We are His. There is no leaving this. It is an eternal purchase, bought and paid for, by the blood of Jesus.
  3. Relationship, is created because God came to offer it. He does not offer it based on....>"behave like this, later, or you lose the relationship". You again are putting the person's behavior, in place of the Blood Atonement. This is Legalism.
  4. And what is your better option? Can you give us a Name?
  5. You teach that by the "work" of abiding, you keep yourself saved. Here is your math........Jesus's Blood + Abiding = Legalism I teach...."we abide because we are IN CHRIST".. We abide because we are a Son of God. We abide because Christ who saved us, keeps us saved. We abide because we are "bought with a Price", and have become the Eternal Property of God, paid for and kept by, the Blood of Jesus. You teach, that your salvation depends on YOU. I teach that God's Salvation is Kept by the same BLood that Caused it to exist.
  6. Believe it or not... - President Trump spoke about the link between faith in God and national greatness at the 66th annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. He also declared that the United States of America will be a great nation provided its citizens remain open to the grace of God. “As long as we can open our eyes to God’s grace and open our hearts to God’s love, then America will forever be the land of the free, the home of the brave, and a light to all nations,” said Trump. “When Americans are able to live by their convictions to speak openly of their faith and to teach their children what is right, our families thrive, our communities flourish, and our nation can achieve anything at all.” Trump also spoke on the religious heritage of the United States, pointing to the national motto “In God We Trust” on money and “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, adding that “throughout our history, we see the story of God’s providence.” “Our rights are not given to us by man, our rights come from our Creator. No matter what, no earthly force can take those rights away,” Trump said. Trump’s statements were part of the annual National Prayer Breakfast, a major DC-area event that features several members of Congress, world leaders, religious leaders and other honored guests.
  7. James said, ..."When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.""" There is also the fact of the Foreknowledge of God, and the reality that God sees your heart, which is all related to that verse. James would know that Jesus said.....>"According to your faith, be it done unto you"....... when he wrote that verse. Consider also that Paul once prayed 3x, for something that was not out of God's will, yet God's answer was...."continue to deal with it, because this allows more of me to work through you".
  8. You lead them to Christ then you immediately tell them that the ETERNAL salvation that Christ just died to give them, can be lost if they dont "abide in the vine", or if they become a "GENTILE Broken Branch".
  9. It makes you cry to see such suffering. I was watching a documentary on this very thing yesterday, before i read your Thread. Its just unbelievable the level of misery that some have to exist in in this world, often due to a corrupt Government. It just does not get much worse then the situation in many parts of India. Its just incredible suffering.
  10. Without meaning to sound condemning........ many places in the world......you find citizens of a country wondering what they are going to eat next. Maybe a Steak, maybe some Lobster, maybe a leg of Lamb or some Italian or Asian Cuisine. Why many others in many other countries are wondering if they will even eat today, or tomorrow. Just look at what Satan has down to this world. "Poverty is the destruction of the poor".
  11. """"Was it in the past when you repented at the Cross for salvation, or the future? """"" -------------- First..... thank you for noticing that i sometimes speak in Parables. Ok then......... You sin was in the past when you repented back towards the Cross as it reached towards you from 2000 yrs ago, as i explained to you. """""I understand that your theology is incorrect, """"" ------------- If my theology didn't seem incorrect to a person who is working to keep themselves saved, (You) then i would certainly not be teaching the truth......Thats true """""""When Paul spoke to the Galatians in chapter 5:1-6, he was speaking to those who accepted salvation through grace from Christ. He was warning them to "stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.". They were listening to Judzizers and started falling back into the bondage of the law. If they continued to do, Paul tells them "You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.""""""" --------------------- Paul said....."who has Bewitched you, that after starting in GRACE (The Spirit) you are now returned BACK again to the Flesh...= trying to stay saved NOT BY GRACE. So, the Bondage is to leave GRACE, and fall back "under the law".........as if you remember....>"Christ has redeemed us from the CURSE OF THE LAW". So, that is the "bondage", that Paul is telling them they have retuned to by "falling from GRACE".....Falling AWAY from Grace.....Leaving GRACE...... That is why, @OneLight that your verse says....... "you attempt to be justified by the law" = because you are now under bondage to the law, because you have FALLEN FROM GRACE.
  12. Let your goal be to lead 1 person to Christ, each yr, after you are saved. 1 per yr, (at least) .... realizing that you need to help them get grounded in GRACE so that they can teach it. And once they are there, you are done. See, when you get them grounded in God's grace, then noone can ruin them, and turn them, and then they end up a ruined Legalist who is out there preaching that you can lose your salvation, or that God chooses to burn some and chooses not to burn others. Also, do one good deed for someone, everyday of your life. Count all that up, and you've accomplished something good for God that you can be proud to show JESUS when you meet Him at the Judgement seat.
  13. Every sin you commit is INSTANTLY in the PAST. Do you not realize this? Everything you DO, is always INSTANTLY in the Past. And guess what is also in the Past, (with your sin that you just committed in the next 2 mins that is the next one that is instantly in the PAST.) = The Blood of Jesus. HOW ABOUT THAT. All sins are instantly in the Past..... @OneLight and that is why all your past sin, (all sin is in the Past) and all you sin altogether is always REDEEMED by the Cross that Redeems from 2000 yrs ago = INTO ETERNITY. So, all your sin go into your past and meet the Blood of Jesus that is Redemption into Eternity. Do you understand? And besides all that reality check.....Jesus has ALREADY BECOME all your Sin and died. This is why..when God saved you, He already (Foreknowledge of God) KNEW ALL ABOUT all your sins you would commit from that day forward....And He saved you anyway, because God has the Good Sense to Know that His Own BLOOD is well capable of redeeming all your sin and keeping you saved. Philippians 1:6
  14. Back in the day when people could really play........
  15. When you misuse a symbolic verse to try to impugn the Blood Atonement, by replacing the Cross with "abiding", which is a SELF EFFORT WORK, as the reason you remain "in Christ" or NOT, = you are teaching a Grace denying theology that actually insults the Holy Spirit of God. You should stop.
  16. Yes, Angels don't have wings, but i like this painting.
  17. M M's "Angel Station" is one of my fav albums. "I Robot"... Alan Parson's....This is the Guy who created the Pink Floyd Sound that we think regarding Albums like "Dark Side of the Moon" and "The Wall". His "I Robot" has that same PF sound.
  18. I like the later Manfred Mann stuff........his '76-'80, era. And i like "The Alan Parson's Project".
  19. Fav Hollie's song . = "The Air That I Breath." This group released a lot of Albums. I also like : Argent and Badfinger Badfinger was a Paul McCartney find that wrote some really good tunes, and Argent wrote "Hold Your Head Up"..
  20. The Media created the panic. Its what they do. They always look for a way to encourage a "crisis", and if they can get one up and running, they'll fan the flames till the next Blood Moon rises, if possible.
  21. John 2:15 "" Jesus made a whip from some ropes and chased them all out of the Temple. He drove out the sheep and cattle, scattered the money changers’ coins over the floor, and turned over their tables.""
  22. Perhaps just as John was a bit of a Muse for Paul.....so too was Linda found to be the same. He credits her for bringing him out of the dark days that took him for a spin after the Fab4 broke up. She taught him to understand that "Life is always ahead"..... get going.
  23. Ive never had a flu shot, but i would not tell anyone to not get one, if that is what they want to do.
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