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    Jesus and the things He loves.

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  1. That’s true, and I love God’s response! He takes Job on a whirlwind ride and shows him secrets in his creation.
  2. I agree that God does not turnover His sovereignty to us, and for that reason, He may not answer our question. Still, I believe that Scripture is clear about showing us that we can always go to Him about anything. Indeed, He even places His Spirit within us. I do appreciate the thoughtfulness of your post.
  3. I know that Pfizer and Moderna have MRNA and what that means. I know that it doesn’t alter your DNA. I’ve also witnessed was COVID has done to people. It’s a terrible virus. Why did I respond to your post? I responded to yours and others because I became tired of remaining silent. I stopped saying anything after repeated attacks from those who disagreed with me. When did having an opinion become so offensive? Perhaps I know more than you realize. I’m not attacking you, and I’m not spreading propaganda. I’m saying things that are very rational.
  4. He said, "I will cause all My goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim the name Yahweh before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion" (Exod 33:19).
  5. It sounds like you have experienced lots of pain and may not have wished to have any more painful moments. God knows your heart, and if you go to Him He can help you answer any unanswered questions. No, I don't think you were wrong to leave.
  6. I think you have every right to refuse it. I realize that there are issues and that some have had reactions. Also, they are a certain percentage effective; thus, some still contract the virus. However, I would rather take the odds of a bad reaction vs the odds of what would happen if I contracted the virus. The virus has killed thousands. Would you have refused the polio vaccine? I love the Epoch Times by the way. Regarding whether I would take it not knowing what is in it--I know enough because I'm a nurse. I don't know enough to give you a true answer because I'm just not interested enough to spend the time researching and trying to examine every ingredient. I really do think the development of the vaccine was a good thing. I'm a little taken aback about the conspiracy theories, but I shouldn't be surprised. Things are happening to conservatives on a grand scale...much deception and targeted attacks, but I don't think the vaccine is dangerous.
  7. "The one who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him”(John 14:21). Why would you want to do something that Jesus may find offensive? When I first got saved in 1997, the first thing God removed from my life was cigarettes. Every time I picked one up I felt as if I was inhaling the devil. I know that I lose fellowship with God when I do things that displease Him. God is a person and reacts to us when we act in ways that either demonstrate we are trying to please Him or when we act in ways that show we are willing to do things that may displease Him. Is there anything more important than our relationship with God? It's hard to quit smoking, and it was hard for Jesus to go to the cross--He even prayed that the cup may pass away from Him. So, I think we should always rid our lives of anything that is displeasing to Him.
  8. I agree with you 100%. I believe that God is true and perfect 100% of the time. Thus, His moral absolutes are perfect. Of course there are times when we don't understand what the absolute is in a particular situation, but if we seek God, we will find truth. I think gray spirituality assumes that there are no absolutes, which is saying that God is not always perfect. Nothing can stand on any premise that removes any perfection from God.
  9. The greatest treasure I have ever encountered has been the friendship of Jesus.
  10. Same reason I would take any vaccine: shingles, flu-shot, mumps, diptheria, etc. When I was little, I struggled daily to breathe because I had such bad allergies. My parents found a wonderful allergist that gave me shots that contained the very thing I was allergic to; albeit, in small doses. The shots caused my body to become aclimated to the allergens. I just don't see a relationship between trying to get my body to develop antibodies against a virus and any religious significance. The early Christians were told to give a pinch of incense to Caesar or die. Well, if they tell me to say something else is Lord when they give me a vaccine--I would certainly reject it. There is much taking place in our culture that is a threat to Christianity. I fully believe that the Left is bent on conquering every single thing related to God. They want to suppress Christian thought. They use the government to spy on citizens, and they want to indoctrinate our children to believe things that are unbiblical. I reject all of it. But, I am not afraid of getting a vaccine.
  11. I have no idea--it was the Moderna vaccine. Thus far, I have not contracted COVID, and I 'm grateful. I do know what gave me peace about getting the vaccine--the Holy Spirit. His substance is 100% God <3.
  12. I'm a nurse, and I've received both shots. I will receive a third if necessary. A patient I cared for for five years died on Friday. I was able to help her through every other illness, but COVID ended her life.
  13. I grew up by the sea and can never leave it! Would you rather be able to see or hear?
  14. I'm not sure why either. There are regions in the world that are overcome by this virus. God gave us specifics about what we should eat--bats was not listed as food. When we don't listen to God, there are consequences. The last thing we need to do is ignore facts because Christians are meant to be light in the darkness. Instead, we should follow Franklin Graham of Samaritan's Purse. He just sent a medical team into Northern Italy where the hospitals are overwhelmed because there are not enough respirators--or even oxygen outlets. They do not have a bad hospital system--just too many patients for the number of needed beds. Goodness, we have situations like that in Florida every year--people waiting in the ER for beds. If people don't start to take this virus seriously, we'll have people in the hallways of OUR hospitals who cannot breathe. I really think Jesus would like Christians to be leaders in knowing the truth so that we can be the light.
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