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Everything posted by JacquelineDeane55

  1. I used to live in Washington State. My family and I left because we are republicans, and it is mostly democrat and my mom said she couldn't stand to live there anymore. She claims that some people discriminated against her religion (which is actually illegal) while she was there and that she could not be "in such a hostile environment towards Christianity anymore." Now we live in Tennessee among our own kind. We're not called the Bible belt for nothing.
  2. So I have finally found someone who is my type who I like A LOT, but I am afraid of asking them out on a date. I just think they are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and everything I ever wanted, but I am afraid to tell them how I feel about them because they might reject me. That is what happened with the last guy I asked out, he broke my sensitive heart really badly and it took an entire year to heal. I have never dated anyone before, or have ever been kissed by anyone and also, I am still a virgin. So what should I do? Ask them out anyway?
  3. Like, you have problems with anything and you need advice? I will try to help you the best I can.
  4. I believe 100% that demons (or familiar spirits) are inside of my body and I can hear them talking to me, and it is a very frightening experience, I have heard that the catholic church can perform exorcists on people who are possessed by demons (As I am 100% sure that I am), I do believe I will be in need of one. How much do they charge for their services? ( I deleted your address for your safety,It's never good to give out personal information online, (Angels4u)
  5. Ok I see. At first I thought that is what that meant, but now I know for sure, that righteousness is what God says is right, not what anyone else says is right. Thank you for that definition. I will try to remember it.
  6. I am wondering what that word actually means, righteousness could have a broad definition.
  7. Is this thread meant to encourage each other? Then please be encouraged as god leads and guides you.
  8. Hi there, so you are saying you believe animals will be in Heaven? My family and I never believed in this, we always thought that animals have their own life here on earth and then that is it for them. However, we always believed that mankind has his own soul, therefore granting him an afterlife. But if this is biblically sound I don't know.
  9. What are your personal beliefs? I have believed in GOD, Jesus, the bible, heaven, hell, etc. I have also believed in the gospel and have tried to get right with GOD. Is that what you guys have done?
  10. Ah, so we are talking about the royal family and the tabloids the media makes? I have actually read some of those magazines that are at the newsstand before, but perhaps they are all junk as you guys say they are. Actually, no one in my family reads them anymore. The media, they like the sensational and it makes them lie a lot. So you should not trust every publication they make, some of it could be lies.
  11. Do you need me to say a prayer for you? It sounds like you have fallen on hard times.
  12. Oh, we are talking about this now? My father does believe that Israel coming back in the 1940s was indeed GOD's will to restore the nation, fulfilling prophecy.
  13. RGR, you are so funny. You are just now of driving age? Please, everyone knows that when people turn 16 they begin to learn to drive. My driving instructor was a crude man and my mom did not like him. I knew how to drive once. Its been such along time though so I don't remember how to anymore...
  14. RGR, you are so funny. You are just now of driving age? Please, everyone knows that when people turn 16 they begin to learn to drive. My driving instructor was a crude man and my mom did not like him. I knew how to drive once. Its been such along time though so I don't remember how to anymore...
  15. You know, it is OK not to know what GOD wants for your life. I myself am 32 years old, and I thought I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, but now I am not so sure. Maybe I will pray again and ask GOD about it. But you are not the first person who has ever felt like we did not know what to do with their lives. I feel that way as well. When I was young, I knew exactly what I wanted and I always went for it, but now I am not so sure who I am anymore or what GOD wants for me...
  16. So what this thread is about is forgiveness. I see. It is actually easier to forgive than you might think. I myself hold no grudges against people. As for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Yes, I was alive to see that. I woke up one morning, when I was a child, and turned the TV on and watched in disbelief as the two planes hit those two towers. Many people lost their lives that day, it is proof that the devil is still strong and active and he wants to hurt us...but causing pain and destruction and wanting to hurt others is evil...its all the Devil can do...but we have a GOD who is bigger than HE is in every way.
  17. I like what a previous poster said, what BeauJangles said. I see he gives very good advice, probably more so than I could ever.
  18. I see that your folks know what real love is, my parents sometimes kiss in front of me (And I don't think its gross), so they do know what real love is, but for some reason I cannot feel emotions, but I wish that I could, you know? Then I would understand what true love is.
  19. You are asking me why I believe in Christ Jesus? I actually do not know why I do. One morning I just woke up and started to believe in him, and then the satanic forces came to me and they tried to stop me... You know, faith is nice. I have the ability to believe and I do believe in GOD, Jesus, the afterlife, etc. But my faith happened suddenly out of the blue one day. I really cannot explain it, but once I had it then supernatural experiences began happening to me, more than I can explain on here.
  20. Well, I actually lost my driver's license years ago because when they found out I had autism they took it away from me. I would drive myself if I could but I forgot everything I learned at Big John's Driving School, so if I ever learn how to drive again I would go places on my own.
  21. Years ago on another christian forum I would sometimes help people with advice and some of their problems, if you guys need any of those to be done, well then, I will try my best to help you out.
  22. 1Co 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. How do you interpret this verse? I have always believed it meant that humans have a natural body and a soul dwelling inside of us. The first man is our natural bodies, and our second man is when we become souls when we die.
  23. I know that the scripture is of no private interpretation, but my father and mother have always interpreted this verse to mean that women cannot be pastors like men can. My mom has been at fault of judging women pastors because she thinks they are sinning.
  24. Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. This verse in a nutshell, basically. That no works of righteousness can get us to Heaven, its only saving faith that does it. Because not one of us is good enough. We are all filthy sinners. As the Bible says. But repentance helps too when we show GOD we are truly sorry for our past sins and mistakes. Please forgive the way this post looks. It won't let me edit it for some strange reason...
  25. I have been a baptist my whole life, but GOD recently came to me and he told me my parents were hateful bigots and that I needed to convert to Catholicism, although I don't know how to go about doing this...I have never stepped foot in the Catholic church. Can somebody help me with this? How do I convert to Catholicism?
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