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Everything posted by Wingwalker

  1. Zol, what is it that you have in mind that a servant of Christ is supposed to do? Sometimes, it not always easy to do the right thing, but when you are doing it for Christ, ,or for one of members of the Body of Christ, you are reaching out, as Christ had reached out. Dont be afraid to let God use you for His will. There are many needs in the church and in your community to where you can help your brothers and sisters in Christ and also your neighbor, letting him see Christ in you.
  2. I understand we are to forgive those who have "offended" us as God forgives us our offenses. I also understand that we are to protect our children. Where is the balance? Or better yet, where is the line drawn between protecting our children and forgiving a sex offender? I was sexually abused by my step-father. After going through $65,000 in therapy, he now resides in a prison. And he was a youth leader in our church before he was arrested. I have forgiven him. I do not talk to him. I do not live in the same state as him. Nor will I live in the same state as him when he gets out. I had one child before he was arrested. Since forgiveness came a few years after the abuse stopped, I allowed him to watch my child. Had I known then, why he was no longer abusing me, he would have never been in the same county as my child. Forgiveness was an issue once again, and after there were many miles and a prison keeping us apart, forgiveness was possible. Or is it? Since I forgave him, do I have to let him be my next door neighbor and invite him over for dinner every Thursday night? My children will be grown and hopfully on their own when he is released from prison. I do not fear this man, nor do I hold any grievances for what he did to me, or my sister, or to my mother. But, being a Christian, am I supposed to welcome this man out of prison? Am I to bring him into my home and wash his feet? As this was asked of me by another sister in the church after we had a slight altercation and then had forgiven each other.
  3. umm.....moose have predators, the young ones are hunted by bears and wolves, beside cars and man. But moose actually hunt the cars and usually loose, but not always.
  4. it is seems that be blessing is completely depend on the faith not the hard working or clever
  5. Well Marnie, I read for fun at least three books a week, sometimes more. Then I have manuals at work, even though I have read them, I still have to go back and re read them. Now, my husband on the other hand, has at least three books going on at once. I dont know how he does it, let alone retain every word that he has read.
  6. Not at the present moment Buck.....there are still too many nightgowns to be a threat to extinction
  7. That is kind of tough. As many of those I have strong feelings for. As I hit the wrong button, my vote did not count. However, I believe that moral issues would be the top, because many issues fall under that. If everyone were to get their hearts right, their heads would follow. In that utopia, the needs of many other issues would not exist.
  8. I think the federal government should also allow each state to come up with its own regulations for the handling of illegal aliens. Plans that would meet and/or exceed federal standards. I understand the need for an individual and or family to flee his own country. This nation was built my immigrants. There are appropriate actions to complete before coming into this country legally, but it can be and must be done. As we have many immigrants here who have come into this country legally and are law abiding people. As far as illegal aliens, the ones who commit crimes in America against Americans, why do they get the same rights and protections that our own U.S. born criminals get? It is the responsibility of the federal government to protect America's borders, its the state governments to protect the borders of their own states, and the people need the right to protect themselves. Seeing how, time and time again, neither federal or state has the ablility to protect its legal citizens. Change indeed is needed! And its we, the people, who can make that change!
  9. Hey Marnie, just exactly in what way did this gown put you in fear for your life
  10. Umm Keilan, You just might want to follow up on trusted sites on your own to formulate your own opinions. Getting information from someone else could be misleading or biased. Getting second hand information can be less than accurate information.
  11. Wow there have been some interesting posts. I agree with some and disagree with others. But at least this has been a fairly safe thread except for ever who was in Waynes house Though i have always lived around guns and rifles, I cannot imagine not having them around. Guns are not evil, guns have not made me evil or a criminal. What ever happened to locking up criminals and letting the non criminals live in peace
  12. Afal, if you came to my house, you would be fully protected
  13. I own, use, and train others to use them safely.
  14. This is very sad. I will keep Carter and his parents in my prayers.
  15. I also agree with the other posters. You have a great head on your shoulders. I will also be praying for you.
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