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Everything posted by Wingwalker

  1. Hey wing, we have earthquakes all the time, and we dont feel them unless they are 5.0 or more.
  2. We got bit by bed bugs during our trip to Europe. Thankfully it was at the end. When we got home, all clothing went into the wash,(even the clothes that got washed while away) and all non clothing was wiped down, Garments that had to be dry cleaned were sealed in plastic bags and taken to the dry cleaners. Suitcases were steamed cleaned, shoes were steam cleaned, and my own bed was steamed cleaned everyday for weeks after we came home. Never had a bite since.
  3. My daughter takes them and stashes them in her room. When she has a bunch, she cuts them into strips, and crochtes them into sturdier plastic bags that we use for shopping, swimming, and anything else you might need a bag for.
  4. I have lived in Alaska for a few years, and so I will clear up some misconceptions that I have heard: We do not have 12 months of winter, its 6 months, and we do have summer, two weeks in July, the temps have reached triple digits above zero We do not have complete darkness in the winter, but close, we get 4 hours of daylight in the winter, and Barrow, AK gets 4 months of total darkness. We do not live in igloos, we live in houses, apartments, cabins, and tents Not all indigenous people are Eskimos. Alaska is larger than Texas.
  5. We had prayer in class every day in kindergarten but never a school wide prayer. Every graduating class had prayer before the start of the ceremonies. We said the pledge of allegiance with "under God" (and btw, the public schools in this town still do every morning). Gideon Bibles are still available from school and some jobs allow them to be distributed on site. When I was in school, Christmas was more or less Christ centered, with Nativity scenes posted on bulletin boards, Christmas trees decorated in common areas in schools usually by the offices or lunch room. However, Christmas is gone, and now its Happy Holidays, in order to not exclude others' holiday practices. No trees nor nativity scenes. Only holiday music that does not refer to religious matter.
  6. Nebula, I had an opportunity to ask a man who attended a church where no instruments are used. If he were to answer your questions, they would be no, he cannot play in church, nor teach a new song in church. But what he does outside of church is fine, as long as he is not teaching words to songs to members of the congregation outside of church. They use only their hymnals, the hymns are the same as they were 50 years ago or older, only the pages and binding are new. No instruments are used since a thorough study of the NT scriptures doesn't reveal God directing the new church to use instruments, (nor does it tell the Jewish converts to stop using instruments). This would mean no new songs would be taught in the church as well. Writing music, playing music is fine as long as its not in the church, or used in worship where others are around. Just so you know, I do not attend this same fellowship as this man, as I attend a fellowship that has musical instruments, and a few song writers that teach new songs, and where you are encouraged to use your gifts (whatever gift you have) as God leads you to do.
  7. Which edition (printing) of the King James Bible is the "correct" or "uncorrupted" version?
  8. Only if you're paranoid and ignorant of how the law works and of how many good people would resist. Gimme a break. I thought the links were interesting, no need to be rude. I was thinking you cant be serious. Then I lost it when i read about Fairbanks Alaska, and 2 million people. . Someone needs a reality check!
  9. So they make them for dogs too??? You mean....its not for dogs?
  10. This too is what I was taught.
  11. I looked at the site. This sounds like a church that I would run from, not to. And from what you have already posted, you might find peace in finding another Church.
  12. Just say no. If this is stressing you out, put your foot down and say no. Be glad that you did, enjoy your family and give thanks to God for your family and time with your family. Because I think you would probably feel more guilty about missing your grandmother than missing a retreat that you are not interested in attending. There is no shame in saying "NO" and you do not owe anyone an explanation why.
  13. I am with glory2000 on this one. We all have priorities and for each and everyone of us, they are different. Also timing is different for everyone too. For a church to expect everyone to go, it is being very unrealistic. I would love to go on retreats, but my work schedule doesnt support it. I have weekend off when everyone wants to be with their own family and I work when there is a retreat. Sometimes I think its planned that way. And many of these retreats are not planned far enough out so that I can request time off for one. I respect you for your decision, and I am disappointed that the church you attend is not.
  14. I did one time. It is the last time I will ever help him out. He was a manipulator and user. My sister also had one. When he got out, she ran away with him. She was only 15 or 16 at the time. I guess my recomendation would be to have a pen pal the same gender as you are. But I would go through the chaplain or prision ministry first.
  15. The statement is being used sarcasticly. They realize the KJV was not around at that time, that is the point. What so many people either fail to recognize, or choose to forget is that the KJV is a translation and one that is no better or worse than most others. It is not perfect, it is not inspired, it is not the only "allowable" bible. It's an argument that is human-based, carries no weight, and continues to cause division and animosity whenever and wherever it is argued so single-mindedly. The enemy loves it when we argue about stuff like this. Thank you for sharing my exact intent. Since the 1611 KJV was translated from copies of copies of copies of manuscripts, btw, these were hand written manuscripts where quite easily, over the years, a spelling error could have and did occur. If the KJV is the only "true" translation, why is there no fuss over the millions of Bibles being printed in China. I really doubt that the are KJV. I do believe they are printed in Mandarin. I dont believe that the KJV or any other Bible is literally word for word translation. We would not understand it if it were. Just try to take a statement from another language and do a word for word translation in to english. The issue that the translators had was to get the most appropriate idea or meaning across without loosing its effectivenss or intent. What is amazing, is that translators were able to go back to copies of copies of copies 300 years after 1611 and still get the same gospel from the manuscripts. It still says "God so love the world, that He sent His only Son, to save the world" but perhaps not using those exact words, the meaning is still there. There have been misprints and omissions in the Bibles down through the years. More I think because of humon error not human intent. We are blessed to have concordances and commentaries available to us to help us to understand the the life and times of the people and politics of each book in the Bible. I use several different translations when I study the Bible. I find that I get more out of what I am studying. As far as picking a translation, I would recomend choosing a translation that you can read and understand.
  16. *wonders how the spanish translation of the KJV is viewed? Of course we all know that St Paul used the KJV. If it was good enough for him, its good enough for me.
  17. David is pretty right on on this situation. As you are the sponsors, you lay down the boundaries and stick with them. If the inmate gets grouchy over changes, he can just as easily stay in prison on the weekend. This individual is serving time and be grateful for any time away he is allowed during his sentence. May God bless you for your generosity of sponsoring this prisoner.
  18. I could not have said it any better
  19. I am proud to say that my husband opens the doors for me!
  20. I used soap and water when my husband "made popcorn" in the microwave! It got the smell out, but i had to use a magic eraser to get the butter stains out
  21. I heard it that Giuliani did step down and is now backing McCain. Seeing how my vote doesnt count, according to the democrats, I am really praying that they dont win.......
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