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Everything posted by peaches

  1. whats ash wednesday? i dont know about u guys but i feel like Christ is coming VERY soon. not soon as in next couple of generations but sooner than that . . .i feel like this generation even. most of the signs are happening already esp here in canada. someone posted a thread about the bible being thought of as hate literature . ..i guess thats how the whole thing about us not being allowed to read the bible is gonna come (the more urgent it is for us to read scripture and keep it in our heads!) and there is this DEXIT thing . .i don't know if u guys have it but i think thats gonna lead to the chip in people hands and foreheads thus the mark of the beast. do u guys think that the movie is gonna accelerate things? i think its gonna play a huge part in making some stuff thats supposed to happen come true. the left over stuff.
  2. dang it . .. my computer never lets me view any images (has a red x and says user posted image) but yesterday it let me . . .now i can't get to see that picture anymore the galleries u guys posted are really awesome though
  3. i agree . . .the more prayer the better . . . i will add gary to my list . . .he is a cool guy dove . .. Let not ur heart be troubled . . .. Trust in the Lord . . . God will make a way were there seems to be no way . . . everything happens for good to those who love Him (nothing that ever happens to a Christian is a mistake . . its all part of God's plan . .trust Him!)
  4. i don't usually do this but as soon as i looked at that picture i said "WOW!!" out loud !!! i bet people in my house were staring at me. that is such an awesome picture man!!! its a little scary though.
  5. wow!!!! i never thought of the bible having come that far!!!!!!!!!!!! what DID happen in that time???
  6. * wonders what the boo boo is*
  7. peaches

    Hebrews 6

    there is a thread that just started about this in conntoversial issues . . u guys might wanna go there and add ur two cents worth
  8. i think i agree with u trav . . . compromise is what i see too. the mormonism thought kinda creeps me out. i hope its not that. but then again . . u never know . . . wolf in sheeps clothing right.
  9. i watch this show almost all the time and almost everytime i watch it, i wonder to myself if what these people are doing is right. of course they use a lot of things found in scripture and all but then there some stuff that aren't. especially the one i watched today . .they had beaurocracy(sp) and all. i mean . . . they had a "judge angel" and they had an angel of angels and all that. Monica had her "powers" taken from her maybe i shouldn't be asking this cos it might not even be a Christian-backround show but then it takes some material from scripture. my thoughts are a little scattered right now (as always ) so i will just let u guys tell me what u think about this show.
  10. behold . . . that question is something that does not need pondering anymore cos having all these translations has just ruined us already! little story . . . a couple of years ago my sister bought a bible and we were all so excited and all cos it was the first that she had bought since becoming serious about the Lord. i don't remember how exactly we found out how bogus the bible was but we ended up having to look in the very old and torn up very KJV that my granny had and we found that some scritures were completely different. they were not even close to being similar contextualy. i was freaked out cos at that time . .there was a new church that had just come out that was known by everyone to be satanic. she returned it the very next day (if i remember correctly). i hate the fact that there are fake "bibles" in seculation. as someone said . . . we don't just read the bible but we need to study it. laziness has destroyed us to the point that we lack so much knowledge on such genereal stuff and what is even more surprising is that the amount of knowledge about the word of God that one is supposed to have has an age tag on it! this makes no sense to me at all cos there are great men of GOd who started out when they were young. what i am trying to say is that it shouldn't be that the word is taught mildly to younger Christians that older christians. ooops . . . i am digressing.
  11. its very sad this music issue. and its even sadder cos most people depend on music to "worship" God. i was watching our Christian channel on friday night cos they have the only Christian video show for half an hour on Friday. as i was watching . . i was so saddened cos the songs seemed like they were made to appeal to both christians and the world and i guess they use the oldest excuse in the book which is they want to bring the secular ones to the Lord which is nonsense cos the way some of those videos were made did not suggest whatsoever that they were about God. instead . .they were doing the gothic thing and the whole darkness thing like evanescence. its really sad. i had to turn it off even though i liked some of the songs. they term them worship songs but it would be very surprising to even hear the mention of the name of Jesus in some of these songs. now that i dont listen to secular anymore . . its hard for me to tell the diff btwn the so called christian songs and the secular ones. sometimes i have to stop and check if i am not playing my brother's cd or something cos the similarity in language and everything is so astounding.
  12. thats an awesome testimony and at 14 i think it was a very brave thing to do to try and apologise. i know when i was 14 and i wasn't yet seeing God the way i do now . . .i would never have done so. i would have thought about it but i probably never would have gone to apologise. thumbsup for trying. one thing i wonder though . .how did ur dad pass . . .and i am sure u know that u don't have to answer to this if u don't want to . . it doesn't change how awesome ur testimony is. i am not sure when u got married but congrats anyways and i am sure u are both happy esp if God is in the midst of ur relatioship.
  13. i apologise cos i know this has nothing to do with anything but i have been wondering this for months now and i haven't had the chance to ask. why do u write His name like G-d. ?!?
  14. if i can add my two cents to this . . . Growing in Christ has proved to be everything i never thought it would be. challenging and yet exciting at the same time. i worked in a restaurant with a whole bunch of high-school kids who swear A LOT , unashamedly, and during that time (early this year) my relationship with Jesus wasn't at its best cos since i was around people who were extremly worldy i found myself gradually falling into their pit. i began swearing and all and i had stopped watching TV and listening to secular music but the pressure was just so much (it didnt feel like pressure but now i realise it was) that i went back again. i began not praying before bed and reading the bible at all. i could for days without even touching the word !! long story short . . . as someone said earlier . . God will never let what is His fall out of His hand. we might feel like its that way but Jesus said i will NEVER leave u nor forsake u. i have now started to watch what comes out of this mouth and sometimes when my mom yells at me i findmyself swearing in my head. i take that as a step forward cos its not verbal anymore and i am not hurting anyone in that way. and i thank God that it doesn't happen everytime i am stressed or whatever. now when i find myself really angry i just keep forcing myself to acknowledge that God is behind everything that happens in a believers life and this might very well be a test from Him. boy do i ramble . . . no but seriously this time . . long story really super-shortened . . . 1john 1 :9 IF we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness !! isn't that such and awesome truth GOd doesn't like it when the same mouth that talks of His goodness is the same one that professes disgusting things and i tell myself this almost everytime my head wants to say something nasty. i wish i could say it worked everytime but i know that my shortcomings will one day be a thing of the past. there . . done
  15. i don't think kelly comes here anymore i would like to know though . . . to those who say the trinity does not hold true . . .then what do u take of this scripture . . . john 10:30 . . I and the Father are one.
  16. dad ernie . . . what u said about being born again first to understand the bible is so true cos it just is no but seriously . . .my best friend and i were talking about understanding revelations and stuff and she mentioned to me something that made a lot of sense. one cannot expect one to reveal their secrets unless and until they are close enough relationship-wise to talk about such stuff.
  17. very interesting wordsower. very very interesting .
  18. thank you people but i had sorta forgotten i had posted this on here cos ...well...stuff that i will not get into. the reason i truly asked wasn't because i was in total ignorance of the meaning of salvation. the reason was because people tend to see something that is so important to agree on in so many different ways. its sad cos we should agree on something as important as this since we all read the same bible (at least, i hope so). many a times in chat . . . we have had discussions on once saved always saved and on sinning (perfection and stuff). it would seem to me that from what one person says , it made a lot of sense to me that a person who is saved cannot lose it cos it wasn't what he did that he attained it so how can he lose that same thing by works aswell. but . . .this is not about that . . .. this is about the true meaning of salvation. i guess what i should have asked is that what happens when a person is saved? how does this affect them and all. to my knowledge i would say when we are saved ...... our minds are completely renewed and we are BORN AGAIN. we are not the same people anymore and the way i see it u can't get born again and then decide that u don't wanna be the new creation anymore and change back. its like this . . . u were born a human and then later u decide that u don't like the human thing anymore cos there is a lot of troubles and trials and stuff like that and then u decide to become say a dog cos u reckon that someone else will take care of and do everything for u. this cannot be. u are born a human so u can't stop being a human cos of u failed in some way or whatever. if u go and change to being a dog it means u were always a dog but only thought u were human cos of whatever reason. so yea . . .i wanted to find our more on this and see what u guys think salvation does and what it truly means to be saved. it seems others think salvation is a process. i don't know . . . those that think this way proved their way of thinking in a very interesting way. thats why i wanted to see ur take on this.
  19. great testimony one question though , , , were did ur step dad get those stats from. i know our one day is a thousand for God but i don't know how literal that is.
  20. When the Lord calls you out of religion you have to learn to seek the real and living Christ of the Bible - for yourself. < < < thats a quote, the quote thingy here isn't working for me or maybe i am using it wrong. okay, back to the quote. this is the best favour u can ever do for urself. i can not stress how seriously important it is to " learn to seek the real and living Christ of the Bible - for yourself." this is from personal experience. this is hard sometimes for me cos i am always worried about pride and all. u know . .when God reveals something to me i feel so good about it. i worry that it might turn into something like pride or something . . . that God is actually teaching ME!. it happened once . . .i got caught up in one revelation God made to me that i stopped searching for other amazing and wonderful truths that awaited cos i was so caught up in my little moment of awe that God actually said something to me. back to the point. when u do research on ur own and u have God as ur teacher there are so many advantages to it 1 the info u are getting is more than 100% accurate 2 u can discern better cos u know what the bible says first hand without having to copy from someone else 3 when u are in a discussion u can say what u say with confidence cos u know the info is reliable and all. 4 its hard if not impossible to forget things that u are taught by The Man himself. this is not to say we don't need elders or teachers or whatnot. this is to say it is better to go seek help knowing at least something of what u ask than to go seek from mere humans with nothing. completely relying on their input. i mean they can tell u anything and u can so easily believe it. like the ridiculousness of God being whatever nonsense they said . . . pretty upsetting that they dare say that about God. do these people know who they are dealing with. i mean . . do they even comprehend what they are doing. shame . . .a complete and utter shame. another blanky . . . am i that old already !?!?!
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