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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. What I wouldn’t give to go on a Zola tour........thinking about starting a “ go fund me “ thingy.....lol why aren’t you on the show ? Camera shy? Lol
  2. I always wanted to ask you if you had met Zola or Jeffrey.......I absolutely loved Zola and learned so much from him......I love Jeff too, and always like it when he is on the program— you know you are going to learn something.....his latest series on the Garden of Eden was fascinating.......Tell Jeff, if you see him, that he has at least one big fan in Southern Ohio!
  3. You guys would have really enjoyed a series that just ended on the Zola Levitt program.......Jeff Seif was teaching “ Return To Eden” where he makes the case that the Garden Of Eden was located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.Some Jews believe that is where God formed the universe.Fascinating series.You can order the series at the Zola website.
  4. Rom 10:13....... “ Anybody that asks to be saved WILL be saved” Notice it does not say “..... will be put on probation “
  5. Nevertheless, like I said before, Paul was a great Apostle to the Gentiles, but not to the Jews. Jesus Christ only ministered to His fellow Jews. The Apostles were all Jewish Christians. Paul submitted to the authority of the Apostles of Christ. ....... I am am not so sure about submitting to the authority of the apostles of Christ. He said words to the effect that the “ pillars of the church” were nothing to him .He withstood Peter to his face .Doesnt sound like submission to me. Paul gave Not one second to the Judaizers thAt threatened to derail Christianity with their determination to change it to a mere off- shoot of Judaism.Seems to me, if anybody did any submitting it was those that disagreed with Paul, who later extended the right hand if fellowship.Later, it was Peter that admitted that Paul’s teachings were Scriptual, even though some of his teachings were “ hard to understand” Paul was going to stick to the Gospel given to him “ not by man” no matter if it cost him his life—— which in the end it did.I don’t see where he submitted to anyone....except Christ.
  6. Every single Word in the Bible is God-Breathed.Every Book is valuable for “ doctrine, reproof,for instruction in righteousness” I believe the Epistyles of Paul are the best to go to for our Doctrine in this Age of Grace.Not too long ago I saw a list of teachings that were exclusive to Paul—- of course I can’t find it when I need it.There May be some errors here, so forgive me, but you will get the gist.Paul was the only one who wrote about the Rapture. Only he mentioned the Church Age.Only he mentioned the Body of Christ. He taught justification by faith alone.The Gospel Of Grace he preached was given to him personally by Christ Himself and it is the lone Gospel that we will be judged by.He was the only one who taught about church discipline and on the proper relationship between husband and wife.He taught that we are no longer under any tithing laws.Paul was nothing but a wicked , sinful , proud Pharisee saved only by the Grace of God, yet God let him be the “ official” messenger to the Gentiles. After His Ascension, Jesus used Paul as both a mouthpiece and secretary.He teaches more than Peter, James and John combined.Of course, the teachings of Jesus in His Earthly Ministry always come in first, but Paul has a case to be a distant but very strong second.Jesus DID it ALL.......Paul did a good job of explaining its meaning.
  7. The commandment for all people in this “ Age of Grace” is the order to believe Paul’s Gospel thAt was given to Him by Jesus...... Commandment keeping for Salvation never existed in the OT and it sure doesn’t apply to those of us saved by Grace plus nothing.Commandments were given to show we can’t keep them—- they merely point the way for us to see that we need a Savior. Paul said in Galations that all the laws are summed up by this—- love your neighbor as yourself.Another commandment Nobody obeys.We need Grace, and TONs of it.
  8. Saying to “ follow me as I follow Chris” is a HUMONGOUS order. I don’t believe Paul would have the nerve or the stupidity to make such a demand unless Jesus told him to say it.If this were merely his opinion, I think something of such magnitude would be stated with that caveat.If Paul ever contradicted Jesus—- I can’t remember seeing it.I don’t think it is possible
  9. Paul said we are to follow him (Paul) as he follows Christ....Jesus told him to tell us that
  10. They do not know the Bible.They have probably never read it and are susceptible to bad teaching.Ask those who make such bold statements for their chapter and verse —— I got mine—-1cor14:28 “ if there is no interpreter, he should remain silent in the church.....” I’d love to have a penny for every time THAT order was violated. The claim that one must have this gift to be born again, etc , is utter hogwash.....completely unbiblical...
  11. When you get finished documenting my sins, please remember to do the same thing with them that God does —— put them on the Cross.
  12. ?.?..?.......am I missing something? Why would I want to change my Bibically correct answer?
  13. If Samson committed suicide,God apparently did not hold it against him......The Book Of Hebrews exalts him as “ Hero of Faith”. ( along with a few other scoundrels)
  14. Here is something to consider. If it is just about free will, and the devil created iniquity out of thin air, meaning so could any Christian after getting to heaven. That means a million years from now, a Christian can rebel and get kicked out of heaven.  Talk about no security!  Two things cause us to sin........our natural sin nature and temptations courtesy of Satan.... neither of these forces will exist in Heaven.....” When Christ appears, we shall BE LIKE HIM”....... “ Clothed in His Righteousness”......We will finally be in our “ Glorified” state.......those that are glorified are not sinners....God will finish the good work He started in us at Salvation......that “ good” work will not be a sinful work...
  15. Years ago , I listened to Oliver Greene on his radio program address these matters, and it stuck with me. He maintained that God has a Grand Plan for His universe and this plan has a negative side .He USES Satan to fulfill the negative part of His Plan.It helped me in my understanding of some of these issues being raised .There will come a time when all of our questions will be answered .In the meantime,I’m going to give God the benefit of every doubt and it will become evident that He knew EXACTLY what He was doing and everything He did was for a good that was beyond our present understanding.
  16. “ I will be like the Most High”, Is what Satan desired in his heart.Satan was gifted with beauty, intelligence and power above all the other angels.He was the head of God’s Heavenly choir.He wanted more.He wanted to be God and wanted it so badly ,he convinced a third of Heaven to join him in a rebellion against the Almighty.The outcome for Satan was not good.All of Heaven witnessed this failed rebellion and they are aware of what happened to Satan and his fallen recruits—- they are in unbreakabablechains in darkness awaiting their final judgement.....a judgement that Believers will be part of.I would suppose any of the 2/3 of the angels that stuck with God are free to rebel any time they want—— having seen what happened to Satan the first go- around, there is probably not a big desire to try it again.I would think the same would be true of Believers theoretically.But those with the same mind frame as Satan won’t be there anyway.
  17. Gays need to stop finding ways to rationalize and excuse their behavior to make it acceptable to the world.In spite of the great inroads they have made in convincing the Bible- ignorant, they are not fooling those who know the Bible and they sure ain’t changing God’s mind.Go declares it sin,and as we all know, He goes farther to say that it is an “ abomination”.So what is the cure? Is it any different for them than it is for an agnostic ,drunken, skirt - chaser ( not me, of course!)How about the rest of you sinners out there?Personally, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and showed me that I was a horrible , hopeless sinner that needed a Saviour.All of my rationalizations and excuses vanished.I was laid bare.God showed me the horror of my lost condition.I was driven to the same conclusion as the Publican who was left with only this....”God have mercy on me, a sinner”. After that , once I had turned to God , things just kinda fell in place .Gays need to stop rationalizing their sinful ways and pray that God will give them a new heart.A contrite heart that is ready to receive the Gospel with its Power to save.Straights and gays.
  18. All we can do is plant the seed of the Gospel.......If there is no response, do like the early disciples did and “ shake the dust from your feet” As Jesus said, we are not to “ cast pearls before swine”
  19. 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. To those that endeavor to “ rightly divide the Word of God” and “ prove themselves to be good students of the Word” it is wise to remember two rules of thumb to refute Legalists who point to verses like this to “prove” that on can lose his Salvation.The verses they use are either not addressing The Body of Christ or they are taken out of context .These verses are being spoken to Believers. The peope Paul is talking about are not Believers. Notice he says “THoSE” that do such things.He is talking about an entirely different group of people—-people who have not put their faith in Christ alone to save them.As we should all know by now, Jesus has promised to not deny ANYBODY who comes to Him in Repentance towards God and faith in himself. Furthermore,the very next chapter discusses the way we are to treat fellow Believers that have been overtaken in sin.They are habitual sinners, caught up in the very sins that Paul just discussed.He makes no mention of their losing their Salvation. They are merely to be gently restored with kindness and compassion by the ones that that discovered their short- fallings. Especially seeing as to how the person doing the restoring may well be the one who is guilty the next time. Wise students should take the trouble to see WHO is being talked about and the CONTEXT of the verse.That keeps us from taking one verse and using it to form a doctrine that violates hundreds of clear verses that can not be debated by those with serious minds.
  20. We all have the potential to be the best or the worst.......” There, but for the Grace of God, Go I”
  21. Yes, Christians are saved solely by faith in Jesus Christ and not by the good works of the Law, ....... but once saved, please notice the “ yes.....but” The eternal refrain of the Legalists/ Judaizer......there are a few variations, but it’s basically “Why Yes! Of course Jesus saves! B U T........( insert your pet work here) It’s like Dr.Phil says, you make a statement and then add “ but” to say what you REALLY mean.Here is what I truly mean—— ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED.......no “ buts” attached.
  22. The Book Of James states that the demons believe in ONE god.......not” believe in god”...... big difference . In an age where some cultures had established thousands of gods.......those James was addressing those who though they were hot stuff because they were monotheistic. James was kinda saying” nice work, guys .....you have done well—— but no cigar.”
  23. Barney, where ever he dwells today ,will be happy to know that his last name was spelled correctly .He was quite prickly about that......lol
  24. God wants trust.Had God created robots without the freedom to choose right from wrong, trust would have been impossible.God had to grant freedom. He valued this freedom so much that He was willing to risk sin- knowing full well that HE would have to be the one to pay the price for that sin.He did not have to.He did however. It was done to restore the broken relationship with the creation He so loved .We are to love Him because “ He loved us first”.It gives God pleasure to give US pleasure—— He does have something very big planned for us, His children.Paul saw what was awaiting us.....he did not have the words to describe it.Hope to see you there!
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