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Non-Conformist Theology
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Everything posted by Whistleblower

  1. And The Gospel IS! We Pass Over, we Don't Die, Don't Believe that solicited Lie! The Annointed One Defeated Death.period My Bible taught me so : )
  2. "Strive to be a Firstfruit"
  3. Its an open invitation to ALL humans at this time, Because of the 40 spiritual blindness, 1948-88 Everyone goes to The Lords Day.period ( even Satan/ Death himself; though isolated) Those who have sincere hope/faith in Christ/Messiah, onto better things ( complete role reversal:) Those who dont, not so much so. However! at this time, there is the most incredible opportunity for EVERY human being to get back what is rightfully theirs anyways, at the Begining of The Lords Day; instead of at the End of it! And it is simply to Understand why Our Father Love is not here Defacto; And what HIS issue is thats real; Because He is The King of Everything that Isreal : ) And Most Importanly, once you do Understand; cleanse yourself in Christ/Messiah ( the sinners prayer) and let HIM Know personally that, Yes Father "i"understand Your situation : ( Praise be to Our Father Love in & through the knowledge of HIS Annointed One. The ✨ we can see ?
  4. Scripture is to be studied and understood.period Not just read and believed in some transliterated language; Especially English. It came in the language that the people knew, But still many chose not to believe. History of mankind = War.period. Every annointed one of Our Father Love's chosen vessels all have a great mistake/sin, except for The Annointed One of course. But these mistakes/ sins that hypocrital religeous people just love to point out and condem were made for OUR benifit; so that we can Learn what NOT to do. Begging for $$$ in Christ/Messiahs name and self glorification, self justification and egotistcal retardation from using the word "i" when sharing Truth/Fact tops the list. The only "i" that is in the Truth is; I AM the MoreNatural Spirit of Love that I AM; The creator of life & the source of love; The Father of The Eternal Covenant made in love in & through the families of Abraham, Isaac & Jachob/Isreal. The most powerful, positive, physical force & might in both the negative & our positive universe that are temporarly mixed together. Who Rules MoreNaturaliy in the Majesty of HIS Fairness/Righteousness; always has, still does, and Always Will Forever & Ever & Thats That. ( amen for the Greek speaking lol) ONE Son of Perdition; NOT a second; Thanks be to The Christ Messiah and His Day of Teaching & Reckoning in the Spirit. St.John CH 12 VS. 43-45 For they loved the praise of men "i", more than the praise of Almighty GOD. And Jesus Yelled at them and said; he that believeth on me, believeth NOT on me, but on him that sent me, and he that seeth me, seeth him. " Study to shew thyself approved" Christ Messiah hasn't been a Belief ( on the sincere side) since He Proved who He was in the flesh. Christ/ Messiah is Actual, Factual, Historical, Reality and He NEVER! sent beggars out in His name EVER! ( quite the contrary) Wake up & stop listening to humans ( trust No man) Save One of course. ?
  5. And the Good-News/Gospel IS! We Pass-Over, we don't die, Don't Believe that solicited Lie. The Christ/Messiah sacrificed His flesh body, to earn the privaledge of correcting the mistakes/sins of this temporal world, to make sure that there won't be a second son of Perdition. Otherwise, there would be as the multitude of the stars of heaven and of the sands of the sea going into that Lake of Fire; if it wasn't for The Christ/Messiah's Day of Teaching & Reckoning in the Spirit that comes Before The Great White Throne Judgement. FYI ; not only has that judgement already taken place; but the sentence has also already been handed down; Lucifer(bright morning star) sentenced to Death Row. For the charge of Pride. Only awaiting upon the execution of Perdition that will not take place, until Every child Understands this strange act, this very strange act; Thus the need for The Lords Day.
  6. No need to overcomplicate things : ) if one has hope/faith in Christ/Messiah and tried to be a decent person = " to be absent from the flesh, is to be present with The Lord" ( doesn't get better than that) Personally i already died once, and that was losing my faith/hope in Christ/Messiah after 40 years of faith. But in less than 12 hours; Began my Baptism of Fire/Truth : ) and now belief doesn't really cut it; My only hope/faith is; is that i get to be a Firstfruit : )
  7. Genisis is Our Father Love's Word Fully & Completely.period The rest of The Bible/Textbook is nothing more than the proof in the pudding. Revelations is exactly the same as Genisis, only Genisis is written litteraly and physically and Revelations is written spiritualy and metaphorically; very little litteral in it except for the purification of the earth and everything thats in it. BTW, the Bible is a Study, it starts at Genisis CH 1 Vs 1 for a reason : ) The first verse Moses had written ( as Aaron was the scribe) is; "In the beginning El'Ohim created time, space and mass" All one really needs is a KJV, a Strongs Concordence and follow the instructions from Almighty GOD, Study, Pray about what you cannot understand and Most importantly, share what HE teachs you as you learn it. Otherwise you might just as well wait for grade 2 ( The Lord's Day) and be taught with the rest of them. Our Father is ALWAYS Fair/Just ✨ If one has $$$ to spend, The Compaian Bible is best, because the transliterations are right there as you go : ) Rock On Holy Rollers lol
  8. It is ok to offend in this generation ? So long as it is with Our Father Love's Words of Fact/Truth about HIS Annointed one and not the solicited beliefs, theories, philosophies or so-called Science of mankind.( & Not those born B4 1948/ The Faithkeepers that brought that Textbook/ Bible to us; AT ALL COSTS.) Thank You's Faithkeepers, may we make you's proud defending That Faith that you's held us in awe with ? "But first, The Word must be Published in ALL Nations/ Gentiles" And those Words of Fact/ Truth about HIS Annointed One, were spoken to and recorded by Our Father Love's annointed ones ( Moses & The Prophets) set forth not only in Word, But also by Example, concerning The Living Word. DO NOT BE DECIEVED!!! We Pass Over, we don't die, Don't believe that solicited Lie. Have a great day/night in Church/Christ/ Messiah ALL. Have. Merry Christmas; the day the world recieved the greatest gift that mankind ever recieved; the Conception of A Saviour in a Mother's Womb . The ? we can see : )
  9. The number eight comes up as a Happy Face LOL Its Proverbs CH eight where Our Mother Wisdom speaks emphatically for Herself : )
  10. Salvation is for All but one and 3 unclean spirits like unto frogs.period The question is; Saved to what? To learn? or to help teach. Teach what? Why Our Father Love still isn't Home on The Lord's Day of Reckoning & Teaching in the spirit. It is HIS issue, and only HIS issue that matters, and its only ONE issue.period Have YOU? shed a sincere tear for HIS situation? or only endless human issues? Christ/Messiah judges the separation of grade 2 & grade 3 students for His day. At the End of that day comes the Great White Throne Judgement of Our Father Love ( Revelations CH 20 half way through verse 9, is where Father takes back The Reign. " I COULD NOT GIVE YOU BAD NEWS ON THIS SAD AND MOURNFUL DAY, BUT THE MOTHER(proverbs CH ?AND CHILD REUNION IS ONLY A MOMENT AWAY" Paul Simon
  11. Any other transliteration of the Bible besides the KJV is nothing more than compounded errors; though one may attain truth in others versions, its going to be harder and take longer.period Yes they may be easier to read & believe; But much harder to study & understand. And after all, it shows consideration for those who sacrificed their flesh bodies standing for what is right, at all costs;to bring this textbook/ Bible to the nations. Thank You's Faithkeepers ( those born before 1948) But this Generation? Dueteronomy CH 32, just for You's ?
  12. In the real Scriptures, the word used for disciple means Home Educated. That is how Joseph of Arimethia, the one who purchased Christ/Messiahs tomb and arranged for the placement of the body was able to claim himself to be a Disciple of Christ/Messiah; because Christ Messiah lived and worked for His Uncle for a number of years. Religeous debate on this small piece of information is whisked away by Decievers by calling it British Israelism LOL Believe whosoever ye will : ( And it has nothing to do with what Yashua/ Jesus said.period It has to do with what The Annointed One, Affirmed, Confirmed and Fufilled. Our Father Love's WILL. Spoken to and recorded by Our Fathers annointed ones ( Moses & The Prophets) about HIS Annointed One; The Living Testament of Our Fathers WILL. If it isn't Our Father said and The Annointed One Proved! Then its just toilet paper : )
  13. forgot; even the animals seem nicer than humans : )
  14. And the they would of course be Satan/Death and His fallen angels/messangers : ) Dont believe in The King of the Living? Go meet the king of Death in person Defacto. Why do you believe Our Father put us in these dirt filters/ flesh bodies? Satan and his 3 unclean spirits are incapable of even making something this sophisticated, even though its still and animal state of being. And Christ/Messiah is the only One that makes us any better than animals : ) Have a great day/night in Church/Christ/Messiah All ?
  15. The first Christmas that i spent without my children, (5 & 7) i had bought 2 Christmas cards with only the picture of a heavenly angel inside and lots of space to write. I had them a month ahead of time and had tried several times to write something, but nothing would come to mind, it was all just too sad what did. So on Christmas Eve is upon me and the cards and my mind were both blank lol Had been studying for about 3 1/2 years at this point; So frustrated as to what to write, i just looked up and asked, are You gonna help me with this? Then this poem without hesitation or thought just rolled off my pen and i can never forget it. An Angel is just a Messanger, To let the people Know That Mr Santa Claus really does control The North Pole Thats because He is there with Mrs Santa Claus and all their Superelves To make that pole straight Again, so that we can All be ourselves EVERTHING in the Universe normal once Again Mr & Mrs Santa Claus And EVERYBODY Friends. ______________ Thats Bible basics for children ? For adults, just change it to Mr Love and Mrs Wisdom ( Proverbs CH 8 ) Merry Christ to the Masses of People and Know the True meaning of it/// There is No such a thing as an accidental birth. Go forth and multiply and Never forget to Praise Our Father Love, The LANDLORD... Years later upon reflection when i had a thought of; i wonder why He gave me this poem? It was clearly impressed upon my mind at that moment; What did you expect me to tell you? a lie? LOL
  16. That is so true for religeous christians; But then there are the world wide scattered intermingled family of Isrealites that practise the Art of Christianity, and witness the work Finished. FREE Religon focuses on the Cross : ( Good News? NAY! All of the Apostles and an unknown multitude of citizens & soilders have also sacrificed their flesh bodies Willingly, standing for what is right, at all costs, Thanks be to Christ/Messiah. Christ Messiah speaking; " why shouldn't you sacrifice your flesh body? It is only your reasonable service after all" And thats NOT talking about suicide!!! Thats the cowards way ( if, IF one has hope or knowledge in Christ/Messiah) But of course its for standing for what is right/fair and protecting the innocent and the helpless. Preach NOT for $$$ & self glory that The Annointed One died. Teach ye rather for FREE, YAY! He has Risen : ) Good News : ) Praise be to Our Father Love in & through the name of His Annointed One.?
  17. I ask this because i am not formally educated beyond grade 8 and some people don't like my sentence structure : ) However; the former generations had an acronym fot the Bible that went like this; Basic Information Before Leaving Earth. Knowing that we were ALL one big happy family before this temporal flesh realm. "All souls BELONG to me, thus saith The LORD" And seeing how we treat each other in this time of endless new gifts( educations) it is rather obvious that we are not in one accord : ( " All gifts are distributed to whomsoever I see fit, to further My purpose" Not mankinds : ) Only in a title do christians even agree on, not even having His flesh name correct for when He was here in the flesh: ( But go to Mars np Through witnessing i have noticed that most christians don't even Know the charge that Lucifer has already been judged, convicted and sentenced to Perish ( not the same as dying) for. So in this generation of massive educations/gifts and toys : ) knowing that Nebuchadnezzar is our example of the wrong kind of king, ( Everything just fine with Our Father until; The Proclamation " i " ) that in this figtree/final generation, knowing that all things done to this point, is being built as a stage for This Generation. Is it not Now reality that our acronym for the textbook should be not only the former : ) but also for the current; Basic Information Before Learning Education. When sharing Truth/Fact, there is no word "i" in it; except of course for I AM the MoreNatural Spirit of Love that I AM. When sharing Truth/Fact, the word " i" = Self Justification/ Self Glorification & Egotistical Retardation or better Known as Nebuchadnezzar Syndrome. It is also the easiest and fastest way to spot an instead-of-christ which is what the word anti means in real Scriptures, not against as the English implies. DO NOT BE DECIEVED The Christ/Messiah rose from the Dead alright, for only One innocent ever descended; TO SAVE Them, the dead : ) The Annointed One NEVER DIED! He came to Defeat Death; and He Did! Believe it or Not : ) ?
  18. Not judging, just discerning, its the religious leaders that cause the confusion and they all should be getting Oscars for their performances : )
  19. Its not meant for all to understand; only the sincere : )
  20. I dont question anybodies salvation lol that religons job lol I know for a fact that Everyone born innocent of woman, even those that weren't and even Satan/Death himself are ALL going to The Lord's Day ( though Satan isolated) Because Our Father Love will not perform His strange act, His very strange act; until Every child Understands HIS Issue.period Not ours. Think your full of yourself : )
  21. Glad you got it lol; but i didn't get you : )
  22. Lot of assumptions there lol, Our Fathers words are on my mind 24/7/365. I have asked you a couple of questions too, and instead of answering them, you just hurl back that everthing said through me is a Lie lol As stated before; Christianity is an Art to be practised; Always be Fair, always SINCERELY Care ( Not the Pretentious care for $$$ lol) and always Share; the Government that is on The Annointed One's shoulders. And Christ/Messiah, The Living Word, that came to Affirm, Confirm & Fufill Our Fathers Words of Old about Him, The Annointed One; is Actual, Factual,Historical, Reality. (NEVER FOR $ALE) else your fake. "Visit the widows and the Fatherless " read and believe that literally too and one will be running around acting like a hero LOL Study and Know & understand; that that means; Visit the religious Jews and the religious Muslims, because they reject The Annointed One. ( the virgin bride to Christ/Messiah thing; thus the widows. And the religious christians are the Fatherless because though they certainly love Our Fathers Gift, Christ/Messiah, it is obvious that they know squit squat about what Our Father Love has to say about Christ/ Messiah; only the solicited beliefs of mankind. And after all that has been done & proved? : ( : ( : ( world indeed : ( PS. If it makes you feel good, ban me lol The world is the feild : )
  23. Here a textbook verse for ya; " and the Traditons of mankind make VOID, The Words of Get Over Death ALMIGHTY, Our Father Love." One Truth = how many Beliefs??? Mankinds religions/beliefs coming to an end soon, in a neighborhood right near You! Good- Luck Ya'll Sure wouldn't want to have to look the representative of Our Father Love in the eye and answer to Him; I witnessed that You died LOL talk about an oxy moron or hypocrite : (
  24. One issue that matters; Our Fathers; do you SHARE it?
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