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Everything posted by mlbrokish

  1. Hey! We had a milk truck driver named Gary at one time. But he wore flannel and suspenders and Redwing leather work boots. btw, we drink our own milk collected from the tank, Definitely NOT low-fat, but EXCELLENT to drink! (I can use it as a substitute for Half & Half when cooking)
  2. I just smile a bit at this because I know you are referencing the door-to-door milk deliveries, with glass bottles in the wire carrier... etc. but... being a dairy farmer... nowadays, the milkman is the milk truck (silver tank-type truck) driver. And, believe me, milk truck drivers are not necessarily guys that someone might consider a fantasy. Just saying...
  3. Welcome. Hope you answer a couple posts here, then you can start a discussion under one of the other topics in the Forum. I'd be interested in discussing further with you and others.
  4. I've heard the same about effects of GMO food. It does give me pause about the whole thing.
  5. Now, please list all of your personal information and credit card info, and mother's maiden name. Ha, Ha!
  6. No doubt that you were "voluntarily" given that duty when you were a teenager as there probably weren't others with more experience that wanted to do that job. We named our Angus steer we recently had butchered Burger Boy.
  7. I can DEFINITELY visualize what you are saying, as even some Holsteins that are used to human handling can be extremely uptight when washed down with water or just being groomed in any way. It's highly unlikely that steers would be any calmer. May be a fun show to watch, as you say, as long as the human doesn't get kicked or trampled down. there's been several that have been trucked out of here that my husband won't be near when they come to load her up. I still get choked up thinking of when my daughter's favorite show cow had to go and I heard her let out that hollow beller that was her distinct voice as the trailer pulled away. Also, my other daughter stopped eating beef the day that her first cow had to go to slaughter. We don't bug her about it, but we know why. Thanks... It's nice to talk cattle with others sometimes, especially when family farmers are dwindling these days.
  8. Being a dairy farmer, we become too attached to many of our cattle as they all seem to have their own "human-like" personalities. I understand what you are saying in describing sanitary practices of meat processing, so, for that I appreciate your post. We have the USDA inspect our dairy farm for sanitary equipment and such also. There are many, many guidelines and high standards to be qualified to sell milk that goes into cartons, or into making cheese and yogurt (as ours is used). It isn't too far of a stretch to believe that processing poultry would require the highest sanitary conditions possible. Thanks.
  9. I have never heard of chlorine being used, it may possibly be rumors that have been going around??? Here's a quote from the website, "Chickencheck.in" which explains procedures for processing chickens. "As an added measure to further reduce bacteria, water and an organic rinse may be applied to each bird. Any substance used for this purpose is closely regulated by both the USDA and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and has been approved for use in food production. Research has confirmed that the use of these rinses do not pose human health concerns; rather their use does improve the wholesomeness of finished products. Before this process, which includes chilling the birds to a lower temperature to keep fresh and clean, company quality assurance and food safety personnel inspect them once again for quality, food safety and wholesomeness. They follow strict regulatory and company standards for each bird entering the chilling process."
  10. I been around a lot of cows, and never seen one like that! lol. I don't think I could do vegan if I tried.
  11. @Abdicate - That's quite a list. Like a library in Heaven.
  12. I only mean totally different because sometimes sudden circumstances and opportunities show up when you aren't expecting. Just saying. It sounds like you have a good idea about your finances. That's saying alot when being a single mom can certainly be overwhelming, I'm sure.
  13. Have you prayed about your struggles and how you feel about the whole situation. Perhaps God's plans for you are totally different than you think? Trust in Him.
  14. I don't know if this will help or not, but I can relate to your situation, in a way. You can't tell by my profile picture, but I have to really try to physically look like I am smiling when I have my picture taken because my mouth is naturally in a down-turned position when relaxed. I feel like I am smiling, but the corners of my mouth aren't actually turned upwards, so the usual result is a straight-lipped look. My husband has brought this to my attention several times, in a nice way, when he thinks that I was in bad mood, when I actually thought I was smiling. When I realize it, I will generally try to correct the smile, if I can, but sometimes it's just easier to express how I feel with a light laugh or funny comment, so people know I am not in a bad mood. The other thing that happens to me is I get red-faced (flushed) easily when I'm nervous and talking to people I don't see that often, or to strangers. I can't do anything to change my skin from getting flushed and red, so I usually try to end the conversation quickly, so as not to attract attention to me. I have considered speaking with a doctor or speech therapist to help calm my nerves and relieve the nervousness that leads to my face getting red. Perhaps, it could help you. I don't know.
  15. I like this list more and more. Thanks.
  16. Thank you @Jostler. This is easier to reference when in one list. -- Michelle
  17. Thank you. I appreciate it.
  18. Forgive me for my ignorance, but I have only heard of the Book of Life during a sermon or two. I am intrigued to learn more about these other books. Aside from these other books being mentioned in the Bible, is/are there other references that explain these books more in detail?
  19. About a year ago, I heard a portion of an editorial message on the Christian radio station I was listening to. I don't remember the exact wording, but the main point of the message was: Why is it so easy (for non-believers) to use the Lord's name in vain, when other words that could express anger, hatred, disgust, etc. may be a better/tolerable choice? I have to admit, I used to say those disgraceful expressions, too, before I believed. I'm continually correcting my children and leading by example now, and my kids are slowly getting better with watching their respect to God.
  20. People, especially loved ones with whom we feel secure, can certainly "push buttons" to get a strong reaction. Being defensive is definitely human nature. I know I need to be more aware of being pushed to the limit, before I overreact.
  21. I agree that exercise is most helpful. I'm happy to read that you found ways to relieve the difficulties you were going through, and current pressures. With prayer & reading the Word, I am always reassured to know that God still loves me regardless of my poor behavior.
  22. I enjoy those things, too. I hadn't thought about pulling weeds as a stress reliever, but I now realize that you could be on to something.
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