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Everything posted by hazel

  1. Hi and welcome! Tell us a little about yourself!
  2. What a great idea for a thread, Calamity!! You're right, we all have to deal with situations like these, and it can be pretty tough stuff! I guess I'll just have to jump on the band wagon with everyone else, and say that I mostly just try to stay away from them. That keeps me from saying something "in the flesh" that I know I'll regret later, whether I'm right or wrong. But there are those times and people that it's impossible to stay away from all the time, how do some of you handle situations where you're "pinned against the wall"? Please answer without naming names.
  3. Thanks for your reply Dad Ernie! I always love reading your posts. Snow, I think it's safe to say that Dad Ernie's answered well. Much better than I could have myself!!
  4. I'm just now reqading this , Angels. Thank you for posting it. It is very touching.
  5. What a neat church, wordsower! I wish I could find one like that. I also wish I had more Jewish friends. You can learn SO much! BTW, my real first name is Hebrew too! Neat, huh?
  6. Hi Snow, When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we're looking to Him for an example of how to talk to these folks. The Bible teaches us to make Jesus our example, and although Elijah was very important in God's plan, he was not the Christ. Jesus spoke out against sin too, and very effectively. That's all I'm trying to say.
  7. Greeting, Snow! Consiter this: Matthew 17:11-12a & 13 He replied Elijah does come, and he is to restore all things;But I tell you that he has come already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased. Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of John the baptist. It's VETY VERY important that we KEEP OUR FOCUS ON JESUS. Watch instead for HIS coming!! God bless you, and I'm praying for you!!!
  8. THAT'S IT!!!! Where's the phone book? I'm lookin' for a Kosher market RIGHT NOW!!
  9. What say we get together and pray for homebild?
  10. I once heard a preacher on TV endorse breast implants, because "the people of God ought to look good". For that, and so many other countless reasons, my family and I decided to stop watching TV altogether.
  11. Hi All! I'm not trying to hi-jack your thread Yami, I just wanted to add a little side note in here. Nick's Girl , just for the record, there are alot of young people on here that just BLOW MY MIND with their knowledge of scripture, love for the Lord, maturity, and just plain class.(i.e. you,Yami,Blaze,C4C, Erica...etc,etc,etc) It's unfortunate that our youth feel stereotyped. That makes me sad.
  12. Once again I find myself thanking God for your words, Cats.You are blessing SO many people with the example of a Godly life in tragic circumstances. You are so precious! Psa91,well said.
  13. Neb, that's the Psalm I was thinking on EXACTLY!! Jenn, HOLD ON ! If you have to let everything else in your life go, HOLD ON TO JESUS!!!! It's OK to be discouraged, but NEVER let go of the Lord. He is your hope, and your salvation!!! I'm praying for you!
  14. I for one, saw the similarities between Arafat and the rodent... :x:
  15. Wow, I'm speechless.... Thanks for posting this, Yod.
  16. I hear ya , Suzanne! Yes, I've noticed in many situations every day that the lines are being drawn clearer, and clearer. It's time to choose sides. From the little things to the bigger ones. The Lord is calling us to be in the world, but not of it, to choose this day Who we will serve.I'm really feeling this in my life, and my family. I'll be praying God's best for you and your family. It's sometimes hard to make Godly decisions, but I know that your husband will be blessed for standing up for what's right! He's doing the right thing! PM me if I can pray about anything specific for you all.
  17. Halleluia! Praise God! Thank you, Lord for answering so many prayers.Big hug, cats.
  18. hazel


    Hi O O! I know just what you mean! I'd love to be able to follow every thread, and read every post as they come up, unfortunately, that would be very time consuming, so I have to pick and choose. I know I must miss alot, but that's just how it has to be. There are certain topics that I'm more interested in than others, so I usually start with those. If it's a thread that you've already started to read, just click the "go to first unread post" button, or the page # button to take you where you left off. This saves time. I'm not sure if you already knew this, but it's what I do, and it helps . God bless!
  19. I'm glad someone said it! I didn't have the guts!:x:
  20. Thanks for posting this, Mike. I'm encouraged to know that Godly discipline worked in your home growing up. It's hard for a parent to know exactly how to handle every situation, so I'm thankful that we have the Word of God to guide us. I'm glad that you and your siblings all know The Lord. God bless you!
  21. Although I must agree with Bro. Gary on the "little but", I found much of what you had to say very helpful, and true. I hope everyone reads what you had to say, and heeds your warnings. It's so easy to get off track without the help of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for posting this, Rick.
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