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Everything posted by JoniSteele

  1. Blocks of Spam fried and served on potato chips...perfect game day canapes
  2. No...not the email kind...Im talking about that delectable meaty treat that now comes in a variety of flavors. Does anyone remember it from childhood? Does anyone cool with it now? What are some of your favorite recipes? I have fond memories of my Moms Spam Mac and cheese.
  3. Please choose one and comment on what you would pair them with. I choose onion rings with a chocolate shake and fried chicken.
  4. Cook the cut up bologna or hot dogs in butter first. Get a good brown color on them. Dump in your scrambled egg mixture and finish by cooking them the rest of the way together.
  5. Fried hot dogs cut up and cooked with scrambled eggs. Also, fried bologna and scrambled eggs. Oh dear! Lol!
  6. That's good for the married Christian. There are also the single ones to consider. Some of them will never marry.
  7. Thank you for an edifying and encouraging response. God bless you.
  8. God tells us to "be fruitful and multiply". What if you are a Christian who goes through life single and never has any kids or a barren Christian woman or a married couple who have not been able to conceive...What is it that you "multiply"?
  9. An Arnold Palmer is lemonade and iced tea...no alcohol
  10. Don't like tattoos or piercings.. Just my personal preference
  11. I have 2 atlases in my car. I also print out directions from Google maps...no GPS in the car
  12. Morningstar Farms veggie burger with lettuce, tomato, onion, Mayo and ketchup...no fries...wash it down with a homemade lemonade or Arnold Palmer
  13. Morningstar Farms also makes a veggie burger like the burger king veggie burger.
  14. I get pink sunsets and orange harvest moons...beautiful
  15. Don't wait until you are 44 to come to Jesus.
  16. I remember definite physical and emotional abuse from my Dad. He delighted in putting me down and humiliating me, especially in front of others. However,my heart breaks for Him because he died without knowing Jesus.
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