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  1. Over 1200 Israelis have died as a result of the Hamas attack on Oct 7. I condemn it on the strongest grounds. But as a result of this action over 32,000 Palestinians have died. And predictions are that widespread starvation and death is inevitable for many Palestinians.
  2. Because it is in everyone best interests that we cast off superstition, unfounded tales and challenge barbaric practices as acceptable. What if you died, did discover there was an afterlife, but denied heaven because God had decided that the bible and religion was a test for the gullible, who are not worthy of Heaven?
  3. Consistency from external observations. For example, the spectrogram from a star a billion light years away displays the very same and rational signs as our Sun. All evidence, whether fossils or oil or spectrograms have firmly convinced the scientific community that the law of physics are universal everywhere and have been the same since the rapid expansion of the universe.
  4. I have a friend who lives on a farm with a crappy well. They have not been able to get more than 3 gallons per hour. That suffices for daily needs, but in peak times the well runs dry and one must wait 90 minutes before the well replenishes.
  5. Luke 23:34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. It is not complicated. Just follow in the teachings and example set by Jesus.
  6. If I introduce doubt, you blame me? In my opinion the truth should never fear hard examination, because in the end it will prevail. And once the truth has been verified it shall be an even stronger center for faith. I shall ask my question now. Why do you fear skepticism?
  7. An influencer is someone in your niche or industry with sway over your target audience. That is the definition of "influencer".
  8. Good point, my bad. I am aware that both dates (birth and death) are celebrated but both of them are basically unknown and the church has pasted those events on dates that are convenient.
  9. Yes, God gave us abilities. What we do with them is what matters. One can use their strength for bad things, or to defend their family. One can use their genitals to rape or father a family. No. Use the Bible to dispute the Bible? I have seen pages of biblical quote-offs in here, each party posting passages from the Bible, with zero intellectual exchange of opinions. Unlike you and many, I do not take the Bible as 100% literally true. I consider it a nice book with wonderful inspirational messages.
  10. Climatologist predicted many decades ago that global warming would trigger extreme swings in the weather.
  11. Since God gave us the ability to be skeptical, it would be a sin not to exercise this ability. Applying skepticism leads us to the truth. And is it reasonable to infer that untruths are the work of Satan? I do suggest you research the First Council of Nicaea, a documented event that was the first amalgamation of various sects into one coherent religion, Christianity? For example, they decided on the day to celebrate Easter. Therefore one must infer that no one had hard evidence on the day of Jesus's birth. Think about that.
  12. And how do they do this> What devices do they use in such an endeavor? Please describe the machinery, in detail. If you are unable, then you have invented a fantasy world that is not supported by evidence.
  13. If you accept the proposition that there are aliens you accept the modern scientific view of the universe, that is is huge and has billions of planets and stars. But the moment you begin to delve into the details, that vast distances are involved. The nearest star is 4.246 light years away. If we sent a radio message, it would take over 4 years before aliens on Proxima Centauri get the message and if they respond, another 4.246 years before the message gets to us. Remember when I said the universe is huge? If you could travel at the speed of light and began at one end of the Milky Way, it would take you over 100,000 years to travel to tho other side. And our Milky way is not special, and it is just one of over a hundred billion galaxies, each with over a hundred billion stars. Yes, that is a lot, but the distances are vast. Why would any alien race want to go to the effort of visiting earth? They obviously have superior technology and that removes one reason for them to visit earth. Or is a second possibility that the US military and security services wanted a very remote air base to test experimental aircraft but keeping the public from knowing what they are up to? So they foster the "alien" stories as a cover for what's really going on, that such exotic and top secret aircraft as the U-2, F-117, or SR-71 flew from there under top secret security and if someone saw something weird or fast in the sky, the first thing people think about is aliens rather than "what a weird aircraft, what is it?"
  14. It is not fancy, Jesus preached that we should love all. Follow the messages from Jesus.
  15. Have we forgotten that Jesus was an influencer? There is nothing wrong with someone speaking their mind, and those words impacting others. Just about every public person you like is an influencer. Not all influencers are bad people.
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