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Everything posted by CaptWalker

  1. Well as far as begging goes, i personally relate much more to Luke-16:3. And as far as hitchhiking, i've actually gotten a ride before with a truckdriver even though he told me upfront that he was going against company policy by picking me up, so i don't expect to use that as a way to make it where i need to go. But where i'm at NOW is simply not working out, to put it very mildly, so i am open to any new suggestions!
  2. Well unfortunately you quoted me before i had a chance to edit,(ooops!) since i thought maybe the way i worded it might offend someone? Oh well, that's kind of how my luck's been going lately anyway, and yes i agree 110% on paying it off or at least to where it is much more manageable. But even after a few bad mistakes i made not long ago i just feel like God/Holy Spirit has been still expecting me to "act" on what i was supposed to do before those mistakes, and that's my problem as far as just how i go about it. I know that sounds unfair and doesn't seem to represent who God is and what He has already done as far as salvation through His only Son, but also I feel like HE expects us to take responsibility and sometimes that requires quite extreme measures on our part. But to me it just seems like having to pay for almost everything with a credit card is even illogical and unethical to non-believers, so maybe i've answered my own question? But does seem like God has worked in stranger ways before, or maybe i'm just letting some of these looney "faith preachers" to influence me a bit too much???
  3. Well I know this is probably not the norm as far as questions posed here, but lately have really been wondering about just how far you should go in following where you feel God is leading you. So i'll just get straight to it by asking would HE ever expect you to live almost entirely with your credit card or should you wait until you have the necessary funds to do what you feel called to? In other words, I am feeling "led" to relocate to another city across the country but barely have enough to even eat on, so my main expenses(lodging,gas,etc) would all be on credit. And I already owe almost $300 and am afraid if i don't make the minimum $25 payment that my card may start being declined? And i would have to secure some kind of job first just to have any hope of getting back to where i can sustain myself with a regular income. And even though i do have the faith to believe God will provide what i need for the most part, but at the same time He is not obliged to bail us out of certain situations that we get ourselves in without first seeking His counsel or the "OK" to go ahead with those plans. And i am very aware of what the Bible says about Usury, so no need to remind me unless you just feel led to quote some of those scriptures in order to maybe help someone else better understand God's views on this. And apparently there is actually such a thing as a dumb question, or at least an unnecessary one, but am hoping i would be given a pass on that HERE...?
  4. Yes i think we should take seriously anything in God's word, especially the "Days of Noah". Which basically is referring to that 1 year period when he was in the ark and also what i feel is the same amount of time we will be in the Great Tribulation, which will be shortened from 3 and 1/2 years, as Christ said it would be or else no one would be left or survive that time. But at the same time we should consider Ecclesiastes 1:11- "There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall their be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after." So of course we should pay attention to these things but at the same time realize that it is human nature to simply forget about such things that are already past, and some events in the past are meant to be forgotten, like the saying goes..."Let sleeping dogs lie". But this has nothing really at all to do with that quote by Einstein, and don't even know why we are bringing it up?? But it is a good principle to live by nonetheless even if what Einstein has ever said had nothing at all to do with anything in the Bible unless you are just reaching for something to try and justify some glorified agnostic.
  5. Well it's always a good feeling to make somebody laugh, and the way my luck has been going lately, it's just what i needed. And it's good to know that i am not the only one who doesn't take everything so seriously, and I would much rather people laugh at my misfortunes which is why i try my best to make that happen...and in this one case it finally did, at least for one person??
  6. Several years ago i used to write quite a bit on this site called Poetrypages.com which is still around by the way. But many of my own poems were probably not that good since i hardly ever got more than one response if any? But one was actually published in this annual poetry book which i can't recall the name of. The poem was called "Ye Old Dreams(King's Forest)", but don't really remember all of it now. Anyway i still think about those days sometimes and why i suddenly just lost that desire to write anymore? I think maybe my own problem was not taking God's word seriously enough and spending a bit too much time thinking about ideas for poems among other things. But certainly nothing wrong with it as long as you keep your priorities straight, and everything in moderation is one of the wisest words of advice i have ever gotten.
  7. ~"He has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and WOE. He has set me in places like the dead of long AGO. He has hedged me in so that I cannot get OUT; He has made my chain heavy. even when i cry and SHOUT, He shuts out my prayer." {Lamentations 3:5-8} Guess you can tell why i have those words in CAPS, and even though this is the New KJV, I just thought it was pretty cool how these words ryhme, whether it was done intentionally or just by accident? Even verse 12 does also but it was a bit too far down to continue. Another reason i chose this passage was simply because i have also sometimes felt like this before when it was like God chastising me for sin(s) i had committed, even though i no doubt deserved it. And this also sounds very similar to King David's experiences even though this was Jeremiah speaking here.
  8. Well i was originally trying to get some new insights on just what Einstein meant by this and what prompted him to say it, such as simply doing scientific experiments which always turned out the same or maybe it went deeper than that? But apparently only those who are very familiar with his life and who he was would be able to answer that? Other than that these "ramblings" are basically what you might call having nothing better to do...
  9. I agree that probably almost anything he has ever said was not based on any Biblical principles, except maybe just incidentally being a similar idea. And I wasn't insinuating that he was "infallible" in any way but only that he may have been viewed that way as far as many of his theories are concerned. And as far as the quote itself, I just had always assumed it was about doing any useless task over and over with the same result, like an "exercise in futility", which obviously doesn't mean you're insane for doing such things. But the problem is actually when you start to think those results may suddenly change at anytime. But isn't that like saying the opposite of "practice makes perfect", like someone who is a terrible free-throw shooter, and so keeps at it everyday to try and improve.(Well unless your Shaq?) But there are many NBA players who have become very good 3-point shooters just by constant practicing. But i think Einstein was referring to something else, but what that was i am still not sure?
  10. ~ "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." {Albert Einstein} So I was just wondering what anyone else thinks about this and is it something a true Christian should even give any credence to since Einstein was an avowed Agnostic, so then what makes his opinion so legitimate and infallible?? I guess i'm really asking this because i was just wondering what exactly he meant by it, and would it go so far as even to include someone who is commuting almost an hour everyday to a job they do not like and yet still expecting that they will eventually get used to it? Well i know what it means to me but am more curious as to how many others there are out there like myself...? And in case the title heading threw you off, i do often think of Shakespeare and Einstein as being very much alike since they were both very enlightened thinkers...even if not very spiritually minded.
  11. Yeah i can also see that now, but for whatever reason have never heard it taught this way? Almost seems like a lot of preachers will just try to overlook why the Master is like that and maybe even thinking well if that's how God is at times then so be it, we just have to accept it?? Well actually seems they are at least partly right if God does indeed become whatever we "judge" Him to be, and then treats us accordingly. But as far as convincing any unbelievers or Atheists that this parable is not an example of God's TRUE nature, well good luck with that! But i think they really prefer the O.T. God who ordered Israel to wipe out entire peoples, women and children. But as much as God had wished there were another way, it obviously had to be done that way, or else these people would have eventually attacked Israel and done the same thing to them. But why the women and children i have always asked?? All i can think of is those little innocent boys growing up to be haters of Israel and then one day eventually becoming a nation again and Israel's mortal enemy, which obviously they already have more than enough of TODAY! And they can't even defend themselves anymore in an all-out war such as the one in 1967 without being demanded to give back territory that they rightfully took over when those nations attacked them, not the other way around. But am starting to digress and get away from the subject so will leave it at that...
  12. Oh, so that's what 37 means? And all this time it kept reminding me of Cool Hand Luke's prison#, maybe you've heard that one before?? Either way i would agree that God can send a "messenger of Satan" to anyone He chooses, and Paul was just a major example in the Bible. And it is not always going to be something physical but i think the what it does to us mentally or emotionally is what will affect us the most. But the problem i think is actually recognizing whether it is an actual "thorn" from Satan through God or just something that has happened to you as a part of life?
  13. Well i'm sorry if i'm repeating what someone else has already said but didn't have time to read through all the comments... "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. Because they said, HE HATH AN UNCLEAN SPIRIT." {Mark-3:29-30} IDK, maybe i'm the exception, but to me anyway it seems pretty clear cut that the "blaspheming" was when the scribes and Pharisees basically accused Christ of casting out demons by the power of Satan, period. And unless you are doing the same thing now by ascribing miracles to someone having an unGodly/evil "power source" within, then i don't see how you could also be guilty of this?? But I do also believe the power of Satan is real and can be used by certain people to perform incredible acts, and even God Himself may help bring it to pass in allowing these so called "miracles" to occur, kind of like a precursor to 2ndThess-2:9-11.
  14. This question is taken from Luke-19 and Matthew-25, the parable of the pounds/talents. In both versions the "Master" is basically referred to in the same way by the lazy servant who did not gain anything from what he had been given because he hid it. He is called "hard" and "austere", but i am focusing more on the Luke version and the meaning of the word Austere which is translated as "harsh,rough,rigid". Now I know the "Master" in the story is at least a type of GOD, but my question of late is does that make him 100% in nature and character? Actually in every teaching i've ever heard on this the focus has always been on the lesson to be learned rather than if the Master and GOD are actually one in the same? But no where in the chapter does it indicate whether they are or not, but only that Christ taught it as if they both were. Even if there seems to be a contradiction between the Master simply dishing out retribution and punishment, whereas God is being fair and just even if the final judgement/sentence is exactly the same? Anyway i have just been a little bothered and confused by this lately and about the attitude God seems to have towards someone who may actually deserve to be chastised but at the same time may have just been too ignorant or overly cautious and afraid to take some action or make a big life decision for instance? But maybe someone else has another perspective on this and i do appreciate any feedback or input...
  15. Well if good works did validate ones' own personal views then i would say you might be 110% CORRECT...but thank GOD that is not true or else simple laymen like me may not ever be taken seriously! But really, i don't think most people here or anywhere are going to use that either for or against you...well it may in fact put many at ease who do hold to the same views as yourself, be that as it may? But as far as what that "ol preacher" said about the Bible being other peoples' mail...not sure exactly what he meant but it doesn't sound too flattering as far as it being the "inspired" Word of God?? I just never saw it as being the writers own "personal" interpretations all the way through, since they were even careful enough to use the italics for those words they were not sure about. And i was under the impression that the Holy Spirit was giving this inspiration all the way through, or you have to agree at least in the New Testament? But I guess if you want to call the greatest work ever written just someone's "mail" then to each his own i suppose...but that's just my own layman's opinion of course. But i was also curious just what the Preterist view was on the antichrist as far as whether he is still yet to arrive? And what exactly do they/you believe the "mark of the beast" will be...just still confused about how it all ties in and is supposed to end up making sense, which is why i stated in my first post that these are subjects i do not like to discuss since we basically just end up back where we started.
  16. Well Charles that's a whole lot more than i have done with my own life, sadly to say, and regardless of what your own personal views are i at least respect you for your service! Speaking of which, there is actually one TV peacher/teacher/pastor who was also a former MARINE in Korea, and i learned a whole lot of what i know now from listening to him. And you and some others here may also be familiar with him, but will not mention his name here. But personally i do still trust that the KJV is very accurate as far as simple words are concerned. But I use the Revised Standard Version which says basically the same thing. And I have also heard Young's translation in VERY good as well, but i was only wondering how he got "may not" from "SHALL not"?? But once again it's possible i may just be overlooking something, but either way we can still agree to disagree... But as far as the Tribulation already having begun, i believe that would be based on the 70 year generation from 1948...but there are also 40 and 120 year generations in the Bible. I think the 70 weeks of Daniel is used in more ways that it was ever meant to be...but i also believe the fist half of the Tribulation will not include any of God's judgements and the antichrist isn't revealed until the midpoint.
  17. And i was born 49 years ago(1970) so at least we have something in common! As far as Preterism goes, there are some subjects that i just don't bother discussing. But one thing i've always been confused about is when Jesus said "not one stone will be left upon another" referring to temple destruction in 70AD, but i've heard that many stones were still left standing...of course no one was there so how can you prove it one way or another?
  18. Well I can kind of see why Megan thinks Sept. 30th would be significant, since at least one Bible teacher I've heard believes that's really the true date of Christ's birth, and that Christmas was only the conception. Well actually he says the 29th, but I'm not going to be that nitpicky about it. Actually I would think the Fall Equinox on the 21st would make more sense? But either way, I have always wondered just what calendar we are on, especially since 1948 when Israel became a new nation? And if maybe God is actually going by the old 360 days, like the 1,260 days, which would actually mean we would have lost an entire year(give or take) by now, or gained one depending on how you look at it? But am only speculating and also don't forget about the 6-day war in June 1967, which was also a major benchmark of sorts that a lot of people tend to overlook.
  19. Well i didn't read your entire post since my ADD is kind of kicking in this morning but i am only assuming maybe this has something to do with the one year period that Noah was in the ark? Well either way i also feel the last 3 and 1/2 years will be shortened to about one years, and i also base that on the 5 months in Revelation 9. And that it's also possible the great WRATH may not start until those last 5 months, but not really positive on that yet? But do kind of buy into the 2026 theory, since Israel became a nation again in 1948, and 77 years later?? But if the last part has indeed been shortened to one year then wouldn't that put it around 2022-23, assuming the first 3 1/2 years has already begun in 2018??
  20. ~"And he said,For this reason I have told you the no one can come to me unless it is granted by the Father." "Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him" {John-6:65-66}
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