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Everything posted by CaptWalker

  1. I once saw a guy wearing a t-shirt saying something about Jesus and 29AD, assuming it was referring to the crucifixion date? But i really hope that is inaccurate since it would mean we would have to wait until 2029 for His return, 2000 years later, give or take.
  2. A whole LOT of interesting stuff and maybe worth studying up on, but don't think such things will convert an atheist, and most would probably just see such "events" as coincidences, misinterpretations or simply not care either way, just saying. But i do at least agree that 1948 was a MAJOR benchmark.
  3. Well I have always felt someone should pray however they feel led to at any time, and it's not written in stone how exactly we should do it or that God will not honor it if you don't acknowledge HIM every single time while you are praying in Jesus name. But i also haven't found anywhere in the New Testament where Paul or anyone else had ever insinuated in any way that the original Lord's prayer was no longer necessary. But on the other hand there is no where you will find Paul or anyone saying that we have to pray in a specific way all the time, or else God will not honor those prayers. Basically to me it all comes down to conscious, and if you can pray directly to Christ without even acknowledging the FATHER then more power to you, and if that is wrong then God Himself will convict you about that, period. Basically I lnow that the Father and/or Jesus simply wants you to PRAY more than anything else, which should obviously go without saying.
  4. Well like i pointed out before that i do honor the Lord's prayer and my own are to the FATHER in Jesus/Yeshua's name....but at the same time i have seen and still do many Christians praying to and acknowleding Jesus only and many are those of this charismatic prosperity gospel which of course has been ongoing for many years now, but these movements seemed to have slowly become intertwined for lack of a better term, and to the point where you can go on national TV and say a prayer directly to Jesus without even mentioning the Father, or at this point i can't even tell whether someone is praying or praising or where one ends and the other begins, or if that even matters anymore...? You just get all these people in one big "revival' type setting and then it's pretty much anything goes and no one seems to even be questioning anything at that point...but that's just the way it is and will only get even more extreme from this point on, mark my words. Bottom line is that the Trinity is ONE and you should not mention Christ without the Father, at least whenever praying.
  5. Well to be completely honest, i have never felt that close to the Father even though i still address Him by name(Yahoveh) when praying. But i also think many Christians can relate much more to Jesus than the Old Testament God of judgement. And i really hate to admit this but i had always thought God sent his Son to die for us because He was unwilling to do it himself, as blasphemous as that sounds. But even though they are ONE in the same they are still technically two separate entities or else Christ would never have been called His Son and neither would have called God his Father. I guess that really all goes without saying but it just seems like many Christians don't think about it that much because it is a subject that is hard to grasp, but to me the bottom line is that most people seem to be able to relate to and connect with Christ as Savior than with the Father as judge/juror/executioner, whether that is fair to say about Him or not i just feel that is the way many Christians do feel and always will, period.
  6. I was just wondering why it seems i have always heard so many Christians praying directly to Jesus or calling out His Name and saying how much they love him, when the Lord's Prayer says we should only pray to the FATHER. But according to Philippians 2:9-11 praying to Jesus would seem perfectly fine and even the same as praying to the Father? So is it possible that He was only speaking to the disciples at that moment, and then later after He was crucified all that changed? I personally do still honor what He said and pray directly to the Father in Jesus name, but was just wondering if anyone else has felt different about this??
  7. I think it basically all comes down to the fact that Conservative christians as a whole simply hate Liberalism so much that they are willing to overlook some of the personality and/or moral faults of one such as Trump. But i think they do throw that "Socialism" card around a bit too much, i mean even most Liberals still seem very proud of our country and heritage and are not in any way insinuating that we should become a Communist nation for the most part, and yes i realize there are some radicals out there who wouldnt have any problems with us turning that way even though they should realize that would never happen, i hope anyway? But Republicans probably hope they would try to do just so they could continue accusing them of attempting some major take over our nation, so they turn our schools back to common core(who cares anyway except soccer moms who have nothing better to do than worship there kids?) Either way we all pretty much knew this from the get go as far back as the Reagan years which was still at least as good a term in office than Trump's even though i know many would disagree. But i wouldn't ever see Reagan or any president actually offering pardons to any of those people storming the Capitol but rather just the opposite, offering PROSECUTIONS! I mean are you kidding me, actually forgiving criminal actions?
  8. Well i agree that "they" are all wrong for coming after him, but that doesn't suddenly make all he stands for and believes in all right. Just because someone is "persecuted" at any level in society doesn't mean how they are being treated isn't justfied. Using myself as an example, if i make one little mistake by breaking the law and violate my probation which i am currently on, they can revoke it and make me serve the rest of my time in jail. Do you think anyone is really going to feel sorry for me or remember to pray for me other than my immediate family? Maybe some will say it was uncalled for but many will simply say i shouldn't have screwed up and it's my fault for even being on probation, and they would be right in saying that. So am i supposed to feel sorry for some billionaire who may have gotten cheated out of an election, well cry me a river!? And is being investigated for documents he has no business having in the first place so wrong as if he doesn't have anything better to do than keep such things hidden...i mean wth is up anyway with that kind of clandestine activity??
  9. Was just wondering if anyone else was actually put off by the way he has lived during his time in office, and why instead so many Conservative christians seem to be so offended by how he is being treated now with the raiding of one of his million dollar estates/properties...i mean who really cares if some billionare is audited or even worse...like i am supposed to shed some tears over that...?!?!
  10. Yeah that is one thing i always forget about with the time zones and this is obviously pointing to a one time worldwide event. But as far as the "two" i believe it's referring to people either in a personal or working relationship, maybe even believers. But one of them has something the other doesn't that justifies them and allows them to be delivered at that time. But i will not get into my own opinions on the rapture since it is already discussed way too much and you are not going to change anyone's mind about it anyway, but only studying the scriptures for yourself can do that. And also an understanding of certain word meanings from the original manuscripts could change your whole viewpoint on some end time events, such as what you can learn from a Strong's concordance. I have been using Biblehub.com myself but there are other online resources as well.
  11. I always wondered why it said "two MEN in one bed", i mean what's up with that?? Was it just a bad translation? Either way i'm thinking it is basically saying there will be those believers and non-believers working and living together when this all suddenly happens. And i have heard at least one preacher/teacher saying how those "taken" are the ones who are deceived by anti-Christ, but that would make these verses an even worse translation. So what's up with these KJV translators anyway, and how come no one ever points this out?? Unless of course this is an accurate translation and we should take it literally as an actual rapture event...even though i still don't believe in a pre-trib rapture. I just don't like how these verses seem to be either dismissed or ignored by so many who simply can't explain what it really means, and i used to be one of them, but lately i have just been looking for a more accurate translation other than what the KJV is saying...unless of course that was what the orginal manuscripts literally meant, as in saying one person will suddenly be gone while the other is left?? But I just have to believe there is something more to this with the TWO people scenario, because it just doesn't make sense if a multitude of people are raptured at one time then not all of them would be with or near someone who is left behind, right?
  12. Well to me that doesn't sound much different than getting a loan for college tuition, and as long as you eventually pay it off then there are no problems. And if that is the case here then i may have to look into that, even though i'm thinking a $1,500 downpayment may be an issue?? Seriously though, that almost sounds like the advice some knowitall lawyer gave me not long ago, because he was pissed that i couldn't pay the retainer fee, basically telling me almost "anyone" else would be able to do that much and that no other lawyer would even give one minute of his time(i say "his" for a reason) and that was that. But either way, i am not sure of Trumps true "net worth" but am pretty certain that i would take it(whatever it may be?) in a heartbeat...but then i am not one to judge either, but just saying that if i did have that much $$$$$$ then i would at least put it to a much better purpose/charity than my own desires and/or lifestyle, that you would think i should be trying to keep hidden...??? Well apparently Trump supporters could care less as evidenced by the previous posts, so my own opinions are basically meaningless. But i have always never been able to get EZEKIAL-33:8-9 out of my head, and it has always kind of made me worried that i am not warning sinners(including Presidents) enough by simply overlooking certain things because everyone else is as well, saying that it's really all ok and no big deal...?
  13. Well actually living here is really not that bad at all, as long as you can simply ignore some of the very annoying soap-box type comments, but i guess in a free country everyone is entitled to there "opinions", including me. But to be honest sometimes all this rhetoric is so confusing that i can't really tell which side someone is on until they actually say it...?
  14. Well i have no problem with someone voting for the best candidate but the thing is once Trump really got rolling then you barely even heard Ted Cruz's name mentioned even by Christians. And i never actually saw the Evangelical voting percentages or if they are even accurate but i would bet a majority of them voted for Trump simply for his charisma alone and before he had even proved himself, or maybe they just thought Cruz couldn't win, or would have lost to Hillary? But personally i would feel almost obligated to vote for a professing believer, but that's just me.
  15. I am well familiar with how much he has done for the economy and how Putin was not going to even think about invading Ukraine knowing Trump would likely intervene in a much more serious way than anyone else like Biden would ever dream of doing. But WW3 wasn't meant to happen this soon anyway but Trump did a great job which i am not disputing, but am only wondering why he is so widely seen as one of the greatest presidents ever such as how author Jonathan Cahn has portrayed him to be? And maybe God WAS using him in the 4 years years he was in office, but i personally believe that is past and he will not be back, imo. And as far as his net worth goes, i really don't care just as i wouldn't about any other rich politicians, and whatever "they" are doing to bring him down i simply consider it one of the things that people with that much wealth have to put up with sometimes, especially if you are insisting on being one of the leaders of the free world rather than just go your own merry way and be happy being so rich and with a beautiful model wife...just saying.
  16. Actually i did just find one political section i probably should have posted in but you can't delete these posts and besides there were already a lot of replies in at least one Trump discussion, but either way i do welcome any comments to this, thanks.
  17. Well i couldn't find a "political" sub forum so am sorry if this was the wrong place to post it but my question was basically about why so many Conservative Christians have always loved Trump so much who may believe in God/Christ but doesn't really openly profess it or witness to others about his "faith", such as people like Ted Cruz and Mike Pence who both have gotten such a bad rap? I believe he may have once claimed to be a "non-denominational Christian" but he is not at all outspoken about it. Anyway was just curious why everyone is so enamored with him and if he did decide to run again i still would probably end up voting for another Republican candidate, but just my opinion. And also i know he has probably been misjudged and mistreated by some of the things that the Left has been doing but at the same time i just find it very hard to sympathize with a Billionare, but guess that's just me.
  18. Yeah it seemed like she started out as being very sweet and innocent, almost like a semi-Christian artist, but then started getting into the 80's scene and went totally into that, and her image and the way she presented herself on stage drastically changed. But from a secular viewpoint like you see so much of on Youtube most people seemed to even like her better after that and all the guys saying how they had a huge crush on her because we know of course that the non-Christian world in general is mostly ALWAYS focused on looks and sex appeal, even if they try to make it seem innocent.
  19. Was just wondering what others thought about him and his TV show? Personally i have nothing against him and respect what he is trying to do and all that he stands for...but have a few issues with some of the guests he has on and how they are always promoting their books/CD's, and also whenever the camera pans over the audience it always looks like they are over-reacting. Not sure what's up with that and almost seems like it's all scripted but who knows for sure unless you have actually been an audience member? Either way was just curious...
  20. Well i work as a hotel housekeeper and find good food left behind a lot, so i take it home and eat it...since it's better than throwing it away. Since you can't give that kind of stuff to food banks, but maybe i am just missing your point??
  21. I get the feeling that maybe the real question the OP was asking was more to do with WHY God chooses to not answer many of our prayers or so it seems? Even ones that are very innocent and sincere, such as delivering someone from a situation or place in life where they are suffering, and seem to be accomplishing nothing by being there. That's a tough one for sure...and i can't really say myself other than God is always on time, even if it seems too late in our timing. At least that's what i've always heard many preachers saying, and i personally never liked that excuse myself because it's almost like a copout because they couldnt come up with a better answer. Well neither can i so i can't criticize anyone for that or for whatever similar comments about this that anyone shares. And this also might sound like a bit of a copout, but when we do get to heaven then that's when ALL of these kinds of questions will be answered...it's just the fact that you may be hurting very badly right NOW! But unlike many of those who came before us, we do have many modern resources where we can even find almost instant help in some cases...as long as they are able, or even imterested in helping, and i have run into both situations with some Christian ministries/organizations. But there are still very many good ones out there.
  22. Not sure what's up with the discussion about populations but as far as the whole argument that once we reached over 7 billion for the world then the end would come...well according to Google we are already getting close to 8 billion...so much for that "theory"?
  23. God i hope you are right...as far as things getting much worse...?
  24. Getting too comfortable...definitely one that has always ended up catching me off guard from situations that arise in life, but sometimes you just have to live and learn i guess?
  25. Well i was under the "dominion" of my employer/supervisor until just recently(today) who always tried to make me feel so terrible and guilty each time i even tried to quit that useless part-time job...when in fact i am pretty sure after really getting to know her she was just projecting her animosity and bitterness towards God onto me as well, blaming God for taking her daughter, and me or any other male figure for any kind of attitude that that was against her own set of personal "beliefs", but strangely enough she seemed to have no issues with her husband threatening to "jack my jaw" or punch me in the face, for anyone who is not from Texas(or wherever the hell those kind of "roughnecks" live?) And maybe i did deserve a reprimand or just fire me, but to speak that way in a job setting...? Either way i know i am digressing from such a more serious matter as was expressed in the previous post. And i do feel like many Christians are in fact subserviant to our current world system without even being aware of it, or simply not caring, and will most likely end up worshipping the Anti-Christ and taking the mark of the Beast, while all along waiting for some mythical "rapture" event to take place, oblivious to what is really happening...not that i really care, since it is what it is and nothing i can do about it anyway...even when i have tried it has done no good and it seemed like even God was telling me not to even waste my time warning people...but Ezekial-33:6 has always been a verse i just cannot ignore, and THAT is the only thing i feel guilty about, and not in offending some thin-skinned bitter person over something so trivial as quiting a stupid job, period. Sorry but just felt like venting tonight...Godspeed to everyone worthy of it(2 John-1:10).
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