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Everything posted by grahampaul

  1. He sure does speak us in many ways.
  2. i never knew that.thats a strong statement,please show me where i can find this written..
  3. ah,now i see my mistake. when i said where is this consciense written about i ment any scripture into it coming into being at the fall.because i tend to believe adam had a clear .conscience before and it becoming defilled then. as to the leaf thing i dont see anything in scripture saying God did this. of there dress, God made them a tunic of skin.thats all there is to know. bless
  4. where is this conscience written about. we realy shouldnt add things you kn0w. and then God made them a tunic of skin,no mention of slaying or sacrifice then. bless
  5. true,i see no mention of the word trinity in scripture.hence i do not call myself a trinitarian.i do however see the doctrine taught very clearly and do agree.well almost,i think..?
  6. along the lines of...."i would rather see a serman than hear one anyday"
  7. a set of scripture retemery cards may help.small enough to fit in a wallet/purse and handy to read .
  8. was it available to write it back then ?
  9. oops, i think i made a mistake.my last post was directed at you. thank you for your posts.
  10. thank you for our posts, i found it refreshing to get a clear oversite. bless.
  11. sure.bit like slinging a slab of steak at a man that needs a glass of milk,he needs reasurance that God loves him no mater the situation,
  12. as a belever your going to heaven and all hell cant stop you.now deal with the situation.give it to God who knows what can happen in time.do you wanna be married,tis only paper.how is your heart with God,as in you an him.
  13. No matter who to,just speak the Word in love. Gods word never returns void,
  14. quite frankly,yes, the dead in Christ (saints) sleep,they cannot hear or see you that includes mary. we are asked by God to make all our requests and petitions to Him.
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