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Everything posted by Slug1

  1. Yes, I always have a second mag on my "civvy" belt while I'm out and about. On a range, I have a double mag holder on my range belt.
  2. Have you tried installing a slide/rack assist to any of your Glocks?
  3. I carry a 43x on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I am in a state that is anti-gun and due to state law, I cannot carry more than 10 in the mag. So, while I'd love to branch out to higher capacity pistols, this 43x is my go to.
  4. As has been mentioned, no one world government, no one leader of that one world government, no religious leader teaching the one world leader is God (with supernatural sign/wonders to emphasize teaching), no treaty with Israel (world peace), no rebuilt temple, the one world government leader has not broke that treaty by desecrating the temple and declaring himself "God", the MoB follows that breaking of the treaty/desecration/proclamation of godhood. So, a shot is not the MoB.
  5. Could the Lord be prompting you to intercede for mankind who is sinful, plead that mankind turn to Jesus for redemption? Asking because it's looking more and more like end times is poised to begin.
  6. I would like to point out that in your previous post, you stated that if God hadn't called out, then there would have been no fear. Your words were: However, as you agree, they "heard" God before He called out to them. Their "fear" was due to knowing God was in the garden, they "acknowledged" Him and this was the reason for their fear. The fear, before He called out, led them to "hide" themselves before He called out.
  7. Which happened first? They heard God, or He called out?
  8. Hooah, and due to "grace" sought after him and still allowed Adam to face Him, after the fall.
  9. Amen! When I was hiding my personal sexual immorality many years ago, I did experience what I refer to as my "Nathan" moment. God had sent a prophet and this prophet spoke to me and called out the sin (plus alot more) and this broke me to the point of true repentance. I was hearing the Holy Spirit's conviction, KNEW I was sinning against God but I didn't heed the conviction. God knew what I needed to experience/hear.
  10. Hooah, good. I now need to understand why you raised the issue of condemnation of homosexuality as distinct from other sin? Meaning, most sins are IDed by name (distinctly), at times in the Scriptures and in others, such sin is not IDed by name (not distinct), but instead is generalized. My reference in raising OT and NT references is for the point of understanding examples of "named" sins. That when in the NT, when sin is generalized such as by the use of "sexual immorality," we can find detailed examples elsewhere in the Scriptures. Makes what case? I understand that no matter WHAT sin a person has done, or is doing, Grace allows such a person bound by such sin to be able to turn away from the sin (any sin) and repent in their turning toward Christ in belief. He will forgive them and if He was physically face to face with them, after redeeming them, He'd say... sin no more.
  11. Shall I, or can I conclude from your response that sexual relations between two women or two men, is not sexual immorality?
  12. Will lift you in prayer this day. Such testimony puts perspective to what Jesus says: Matthew 10:34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
  13. Hooah! I'm still trying to figure out how this thread spun into basically a "we aren't under the Law" anymore when sin is IDed throughout the Scriptures and the power it has and the death it has, is the same for both OT and NT times
  14. Hmmm, you say I am speaking two different words and speaking two different languages. Shall I or can I conclude from your post, that sexual relation between two women or two men, is not sexual immorality?
  15. If I may, when the OT spells out sexually related specific sins, and in the NT, there is a term - sexual immorality... what is sexual immorality? All brethren that I know, will search both the OT and the NT for an answer. The OP's post is actually specific to what is an example of sexual immorality. So yeah, we're in the New Covenant but when we want some detailed clarity of what we're taught by Scripture from the NT, we are allowed to find detail "anywhere" in the Word of God. Such sin was an abomination as detailed in the OT, to say these exact same sins that are examples of sexual immorality are not an abomination today... is to disregard details provided throughout Scripture.
  16. For me, the #1 way that any theological discussion/debate does not become a bashing, is when all who are involved, focus on the theologies. However, once the focus turns to or even leans toward the "person" with a theology, then the bashing usually has begun. Such a focus (on/at the person), can even devolve to character attacks to outright attempts at character assassination.
  17. Well, I posted today in another thread no problem. Will this post... :-) Edit: Hooah, so far so good!
  18. You state that you agree with your pastor that gambling is demonic. Admission of this and also, the admission that you gambled can be discerned as you succumbed to temptation and thus, you sinned. If the Holy Spirit is convicting you of this as a sin... how is "He" guiding you? Is use of the money to payoff debt another temptation preventing you from hearing the Holy Spirit's guidance?
  19. I found this today. From page one: IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. XAVIER BECERRA, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, et al., Defendants. ________________________________________ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. 2:21-cv-00702-CLM *********************************************** PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Then on page 41: Case 2:21-cv-00702-CLM Document 15 Filed 07/19/21 Page 41 of 67 D. Whistleblower Testimony: 45,000 Deaths Caused by the Vaccines Plaintiffs’ expert Jane Doe45 is a computer programmer with subject matter expertise in the healthcare data analytics field, and access to Medicare and Medicaid data maintained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (see Declaration of Jane Doe at Exhibit D). Over the last 20 years, she has developed over 100 distinct healthcare fraud detection algorithms for use in the public and private sectors. In her expert opinion, VAERS under-reports deaths caused by the Vaccines by a conservative factor of at least 5. As of July 9, 2021, VAERS reported 9,048 deaths associated with the Vaccines. Jane Doe queried data from CMS medical claims, and has determined that the number of deaths occurring with 3 days of injection with the Vaccines exceeds those reported by VAERS by a factor of at least 5, indicating that the true number of deaths caused by the Vaccines is at least 45,000. She notes that in the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine campaign (in which 25% of the U.S. population at that time, 55 million Americans, were vaccinated), the Swine Flu vaccine was deemed dangerous and unsafe, and removed from the market, even though the vaccine resulted in only 53 deaths....>snip< Here is the link which is a PDF of the form: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrEeSW_cfdgnGoAbwcnnIlQ;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZANDMjAxNF8xBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1626858047/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fradiopatriot.files.wordpress.com%2f2021%2f07%2fcdc-45000-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-law-suit.pdf/RK=2/RS=8sUAOqx7zE47qKhr0PnYJjTPpv8- or: https://renz-law.com/45k-whistleblower-suit
  20. I have to stick to dumbed down for this reason, first I will say I totally understand about a debased mind. However, when a child enters "school" and they are not taught about the Constitution (as it is), or they are taught a twisted version/interpretation by those who "are" debased, they are dumbed down. A debased mind is more on the topic of spiritual matters and sure, influences the whole topic of this "can of worms." Fruit of a debased mind is all about "self" (humanism) and when both Scripture and/or a countries foundational rights do not suit the self, those with debased minds will do all they can to thwart the truth of either to satisfy their flesh. Then use "their" version of either scripture or rights, to perpetrate their evil desires and THEN actually enforce such evil upon others/the country. Those who hold to what is scriptural/right will be persecuted and hated. "Evil is good, good is evil" is effectual in such greater ways today and right now, doesn't look like there will be any reversal of this. Until the day of Jesus' return and set foot upon the earth and He kills all those with a debased mind.
  21. Right now Americans are "dumbed" down about their rights given to them under the Constitution. When a true effort is made against the Constitution for it's removal, then we know a "defined" traitorous tyrannical government is in place. The problem, not only are so many dumbed down but also brainwashed/indoctrinated into thinking that any effort to STOP such effort by a traitorous/tyrannical government is... treason against the government. People need to open their eyes.
  22. If the evidence reveals an effort to undermine the Constitution, those who perpetrated the treason will be dealt with by the Military. This includes the person sitting in the "office" of the Presidency (and Vice Presidency), if that person was not legally elected by "We the People." The Military will then have a new election, most likely paper only, observed by the Military and the only people allowed to vote, are (living) verified Americans that have registered to vote. I believe that once the office of the Presidency is vacated under this manner, the Military has 120 days to conduct the elections and inaugurate the person that "We the People" elected.
  23. Once th Once the evidence is compiled, it will be presented to America. If the Constitution is not upheld, pretty sure the Military will step in and enforce the Constitution. It is a travesty that American's don't understand the "real" Constitution which is the foundation of the "real" America.
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